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National Capital Region

Division of City Schools

Caloocan City

4th Quarter

Student’s Name: Subject: SCIENCE 7

Year and Section: Teacher’s Name:

Quarter: 4th Module Title:

Date: Score:

For Week 3, the students should do the following:

Module Title: Atmospheric Interactions
Content Standard: The different phenomena that occur in the atmosphere
Account for the MODULE BOOK
occurrence of Pre Test page 1-2 Answer this.
land and sea Discussion page 2-3, 5 Study and Understand
breezes, Activity Activity 1 page 3 Answer this.
monsoons, and Activity 2 page 4
intertropical Activity 3 page 5
Check your page 6 Answer this.
convergence zone
Post Test page 6 Answer this.
Reflection Page 7 Answer this.
Module 3- SDO Caloocan
No. of pages : 7

OBJECTIVES: After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. describe the different layers of the Earth’s atmosphere;
2. relate temperature and altitude in each layer of the atmosphere;
3. explain what happens to the air in the surroundings as warm air rises; and
4. discuss how energy from the Sun interacts with the layers of the atmosphere.

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Use a separate sheet
for your answers.
1. What is the correct order of the layers of Earth’s atmosphere from bottom to top?
A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere

2. What layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs?

A. Exosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Troposphere
_____________3. What instrument is used to measure air pressure?
A. Barometer
B. Radiosonde
C. Seismograph
D. Thermometer
_____________4. Which is not a function of the atmosphere?
1 A. Produces ground – level ozone
B. Supplies most of the oxygen needed by living things
C. Shields the planet from radiation and falling meteors
D. Makes the planet’s surface temperature stable and prevents extreme

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter

_____________5. What do greenhouse gases do in our atmosphere?

A. They make the Earth cooler.
B. They keep all the air within the Earth.
C. They block harmful radiation from reaching the Earth.
D. They let sunlight pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that
the sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere.

The great mass of air that envelops Earth’s surface and is held in place by the planet’s
gravitational force is called the atmosphere. This part of Earth is composed of a different mixture of
gases: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, 0.038% carbon dioxide, and other trace amounts of inert
gases. Our atmosphere has been responsible for the development and protection of life on our planet.
However, most scientist agree that the composition of the atmosphere is gradually changing because of
human activities, and these changes might eventually lead to other changes in Earth.

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter

ACTIVITY 1- Layers of the Atmosphere

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter
ACTIVITY 2- Heat me Up!
Directions: Refer to the graph showing “Average Temperature Profile of the Earth’s Atmosphere” in figure 3
and complete the table.

ACTIVITY 3- Solar Energy in the Atmosphere


SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter
Directions: Complete the diagram by describing the pictures. Choose from the terms in the world pool


 The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of five different layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere and exosphere.
 The atmosphere also keeps heat from leaving Earth’s surface at night, distributes heat and water over
Earth, acts as medium of transport and transmission, and serves as medium for exchange of
gases. It also transmits sound waves and makes various weather phenomena possible.
 The atmosphere is composed of different mixtures of gases, water vapor, dust, and other minute solid
particles that are essential in the formation of clouds.
 The exchange of heat energy between the Sun, Earth, and space establishes the balance of energy,
such that the solar radiation that comes from the Sun is also sent back to the atmosphere from


DIRECTIONS: Match the items in column A with those in Column B

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter

1. exosphere a. layer where jets fly

2. ionosphere b. reflects radio waves
3. ozone layer c. lowest layer in the atmosphere
4. stratosphere d. higher layer in the atmosphere

5. Troposphere e. prevents ultraviolet rays from reaching the


Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Use a separate sheet for
your answers.

1.What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?

A. Carbon Dioxide C. Nitrogen
B. Methane D. Oxygen

2.Which layer of the atmosphere has the lowest temperature?

A. Exosphere C. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere D. Troposphere

3.Which layer of the atmosphere weather occur?

A. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere
B. Thermosphere D. Troposphere

4. What happens to solar energy if only 50% penetrates the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. The energy is lost in space
B. It will be reflected to the moon
C. It loses energy due to the sun’s gravity
D. It will be absorbed or reflected by the atmosphere

5. Why is it essential to maintain the ozone layer in the atmosphere?

A. It prevents heat loss from Earth
B. It mixes the gases in the atmosphere
C. It reflects Sun’s ray back to the atmosphere
D. It absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation that enters the atmosphere.

6Performance Task 3:

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter

Since Global warming is the increase of average temperatures on Earth (about 1°C), caused by massive
industrial activity since the 19th century. 1°C does not seem like a large increase, but it actually represents a big
disruption in global atmospheric and oceanic cycles, and causes a significant sea-level rise.

Based from the picture above, write an essay about ways to prevent the above situations to happen on
our planet Earth to a void Global Warming.

Student’s Name: Subject: SCIENCE 7

Year and Section: Teacher’s Name:

Quarter: 4th Module Title:

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter
Date: Score:

For Week 4, the students should do the following:

Module Title: Wind Traveller
Content Standard: The relationship of the seasons and the position of the Sun in the sky
Using models, relate: MODULE BOOK
1.the tilt of the Earth to the length of daytime Pre Test page 1-2 Answer this.
2.the length of daytime to the amount of Discussion page 2-4, 7-8 Study and Understand
energy received Activity Activity 1 page Answer this.
3.the position of the Earth in its orbit to the 5
height of the Sun in the sky Activity 2 page
4. the height of the Sun in the sky to the 6
amount of energy received Activity 3 page
5. the latitude of an area to the amount of 7
energy the area receives Check your Page 8-9 Answer this.
tilt of the Earth and the seasons Understanding
Post Test page 9 Answer this.
Reflection Page 10 Answer this.
Module 4- SDO Caloocan
No. of pages : 10

OBJECTIVES: After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Describe the effect of the difference in temperature and pressure on the movement of air.
2. Infer the occurrence of weather systems experienced in the country as a result of the Philippines '
location (through illustration, etc.).
3. Describe the effects of certain weather systems such as the ITCZ to monsoon winds in the
Philippines. (through globe).

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Use a separate sheet
for your answers.

1. What type of breeze is formed when air moves from the land to the sea?
a. Sea breeze c. sea-land breeze
b. Land breeze d. none of the above

2. Cold air is dense and tends to sink. The place where cold air sinks is a high
– pressure area. What do you call the place where warm air rises?
a. LPA- Low pressure area c. Either LPA or HPA
b. HPA- High-pressure area d. None of the above

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Northeast Monsoon and
1 Southwest monsoon?
a. Northeast monsoon and Southwest monsoon are the two types of monsoon.
b. Northeast monsoon passes over the Pacific Ocean while Southeast monsoon passes
over the the Indian Ocean before it arrives in the country.
c. Northeast monsoon experiences from July to September while Southwest monsoon is
from December to February.
d. Northeast monsoon is a “cold dry air” while Southwest monsoon is “hot and humid

4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a tropical climate?

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter
a. cold air c. high humidity
b. high temperature d. abundant rainfall

5. Which of the following statements best describes the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)?
a. ITCZ is the place where winds in the tropics meet or converge.
b. ITCZ is the air from east of the prime meridian and air from the south.
c. ITCZ is the area where the southeast monsoon and northwest monsoon
trade winds converge.
d. ITCZ is the air from the east of the prime meridian and air from the west

During day time, both land and sea are heated by the sun. But the land heats up faster than
the sea. The air above land becomes warm and rises. Rising air helps form clouds, then cooler air
sinks which spreads along the surface. The air moves from high pressure to low pressure and
creates wind. The moving of air or wind from the sea to the land is called sea breeze.

During nighttime, the land and sea both cool down but the land cools down faster than the
sea. The air above the sea will then be warmer than the air above land. The air above the sea will
rise, and air over land will move toward the place where warm air is rising. Rising air helps form
clouds, then cooler air sinks. Air moves from high to low pressure and created wind. The moving
air or wind from land to the sea is called a land breeze.

Monsoons are commonly mistaken for rains. But monsoons are winds. Like sea and land
breeze, warm air rises, and the surrounding air move in toward the place where warm air
is rising. Sea and land breezes alternate on a day-night cycle, and locally along with
coastal areas while the monsoons occur from season to season and affect a much wider
area, including large bodies of water and land.
Air pressure is the weight of the air above a certain place. In places where warm air is rising,
the air pressure is low (where the air is light and less dense) In contrast, a high-pressure
area is a place where cool air is sinking.
There are two types of monsoons. From October to March, is a cool and dry Northeast
monsoon (Amihan) with cirrus clouds, light rains, and cold weather because it comes
from cold areas such as Siberia and Mongolia, in the Asian continent.Thatmeans the low-
pressure area is now moving to south.From July to September, the Southwest monsoon
(Habagat) and which is characterized by hot and humid weather frequently with cumulus
clouds and heavy rainfall. That means the low-pressure area is no longer in the south, this
time it is located in the north. Both Northeast monsoon (Amihan) and Southwest
monsoon (Habagat) bring rain to the Philippines. This is because the wind passes over

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter
bodies of water, which supply a lot of moisture. The Northeast passes over the Pacific
Ocean. Southwest passes over the Indian Ocean and South China Sea (West Philippine
Sea) before it arrives in our country.

There are different air pressures in different countries, at different times, throughout the year. Air temperature also
varies based on geographical location. The more direct the sun’s rays are, the warmer it gets. Because of varying pressure
and temperature, air moves around the world from high pressure areas to low pressure areas. As it circulates, it causes
atmospheric conditions in different regions of the world. One of which is the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). As
the term suggests, this event happens among the tropical regions (intertropical) and it is caused by converging winds from
two opposing directions (convergence).
The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is a region characterized by belt of clouds encircling the Earth near the
equator (as shown in Figure 4). Why are clouds densely formed near the Earth’s equator?

3 learned before that the temperature near the equator is warmer compared to regions of higher altitude as sun’s rays
directly hit areas near the equator on noontime as seen in Figure 5. As air becomes warmer, it rises causing low pressure.
The surrounding air moves in as a result.

As the surrounding cooler air from north and south areas moves near the equator, they meet and converge. The result of
which is the ITCZ. Meanwhile, the rising warm air humidifies as it collects moisture. As it rises, it cools and expands,

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter
thereby formation of clouds along this region results to thunderstorms. Because of this event, ITCZ is often associated
with heavy downpour of rain. Since ITCZ is prominent in tropical regions such as in the Philippines, we experience more
rains than the other parts of the region throughout the year. Figure 6 illustrates how ITCZ occurred based on the behavior
of the air near the equator and its interaction with surrounding winds.

ACTIVITY 1- Air Tracing


SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter

ACTIVITY 2- News Direction

5Directions: Read the selection below. Complete the concept map by filling in the box with the correct
answers. Choose the correct answer from the word bank

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter

6ACTIVITY 3- What I can do?

Performance Task 4:

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter


Land Breeze – The moving air or wind from land to sea during the nighttime.

Sea Breeze – The moving air or wind from sea to land during daytime.

7Monsoon – It is a seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean and Southern Asia, blowing from the southwest in
summer and from the northeast in winter.

Northeast monsoon (Amihan) – monsoon draws "cold, dry air" from Siberia, China, and Japan.

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter

Southwest monsoon (Habagat) - monsoon in the Philippines. It is characterized by hot and humid
weather, frequent heavy rainfall, and a prevailing wind from the west.

Air Pressure – Is the force exerted by the gas molecules that make up the air on a given surface area.

Humid Air – It refers to the air containing a lot of water vapor

High-Pressure Area – The place where cool air is sinking

Low-Pressure Area – It is a place where warm air is rising.

Climate – Refers to long term weather condition in a region

Weather – It is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time.

Intertropical Convergence zone – converge in the tropics and rise to form rain clouds. It is
characterized by heavy rainfall and most of the precipitation.

Latitude – Imaginary lines on a map or globe that measure the distance in degrees north or south of the
equator. Latitude extends horizontally, from east to west on a globe.

Longitude – Imaginary lines on a map or globe that measure distance in degrees east or west of the prime
meridian. Longitude lines extend vertically, from pole to pole on a globe.

Prime Meridian – The great circle on the Earth’s surface passing through the North and South Poles,
which is considered 0 degrees longitude.


DIRECTIONS: Write YES if the statement is correct, and NO if the statement is incorrect.

1. Sea breeze contains more amounbt of moisture due to the particles absorbed from the
bodies of water.
2. Land breeze is characterized by the movement of air or wind from sea to land during the
day time.
3. Northeast monsoon draws cold and dry air.
4. The tropic of Capricorn is located in 23.5° South.
5. Tropical zone can be found between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic
6. The Tropic of Cancer can be found 23.5°S.
7. Sea breeze is a movement of air or wind from land to sea during the day time.
8. The climate of the Philippines is tropical which is characterized by relatively high
temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall.
9. Southwest monsoon in the Philippines is characterized with hot and humid
10. ITCZ converge in the tropics and rise to form rain clouds. It is characterized by heavy
8 rainfall.


Directions: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Use a separate sheet
for your answers.

SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter
1. What type of local wind system is formed when the air moves from the sea to the land?
a. Sea breeze c. Sea-Land breeze
b. Land breeze d. None of the above

2. Warm air expands and rises in a low-pressure area. What do you call the place where the cold air
is dense and sinking?
a. LPA- low pressure area c. Either LPA or HPA
b. HPA- high-pressure area d. None of the above

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE about Northeast monsoon and Southwest monsoon?
a. Northeast monsoon and Southwest monsoon are the two types of breezes.
b. Northeast monsoon passes over the Indian ocean while Southeast monsoon passes over the
Pacific Ocean before it arrives in the country.
c. Northeast monsoon experiences from July to September while Southwest monsoon is from December
to February.
d. Southwest monsoon is a “cold dry air” while Northeast monsoon is a hot and humid weather.

4. How does the latitude of an area affect the controls of weather and climate?

a. The higher the latitude, the colder is the area.

b. The higher the latitude, the higher is the temperature
c. The lower the latitude, the lower is the precipitation
d. The higher the latitude, the higher is the precipitation.

5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)?
a. ITCZ lies in the equatorial trough.
b. ITCZ is the place where winds in the tropics meet or converge.
c. ITCZ is the air from north of the prime meridian and air from the south.
d. ITCZ is the area where the southwest and northeast trade winds


SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
Caloocan City

4th Quarter


SCIENCE 7 Learning Guide Science 7

S.Y. 2021-2022 1st Quarter

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