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Comparative study of thermal conductivity in crystalline and amorphous


Article  in  Applied Physics Letters · June 2017

DOI: 10.1063/1.4986920


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5 authors, including:

Firman Bagja Juangsa Meguya Ryu

Bandung Institute of Technology National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology


Junko Morikawa Tomohiro Nozaki

Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo Institute of Technology


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Comparative study of thermal conductivity in crystalline and amorphous
Firman Bagja Juangsa, Yoshiki Muroya, Meguya Ryu, Junko Morikawa, and Tomohiro Nozaki

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 253105 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4986920

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 110, 253105 (2017)

Comparative study of thermal conductivity in crystalline and amorphous

Firman Bagja Juangsa,1,a) Yoshiki Muroya,1 Meguya Ryu,2 Junko Morikawa,2
and Tomohiro Nozaki1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku,
Tokyo 152-8550 Japan
Department of Material Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama,
Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550 Japan
(Received 4 March 2017; accepted 6 June 2017; published online 22 June 2017)
Silicon nanocrystals (SiNCs)/polystyrene (PS) nanocomposite has been observed to have a
significant decrease in thermal conductivity in terms of the SiNC fraction with unspecified factors
remained unclear. In this paper, amorphous silicon nanoparticles (a-SiNPs) with a mean diameter of
6 nm and PS nanocomposites were synthesized, and their thermal conductivity, including the
density and specific heat, was compared with our previous work which investigated well-crystalized
SiNPs (6 nm) and PS nanocomposite. The difference between amorphous and crystalline structure is
insignificant, but phonon scattering at SiNPs and PS boundary is the key influencing factor of ther-
mal conductivity reduction. The effective thermal conductivity models for nanocomposite revealed
that the thermal boundary resistance, explained by Kapitza principle, is estimated to be 4  107
m2K/W, showing the significant effect of nanostructured heterogenic surface resistance on overall
heat transfer behavior. Preservation of unique properties nanoscale materials and low-cost fabrica-
tion by silicon inks process at room temperature give the promising potential of SiNPs based heat
transfer management. Published by AIP Publishing. []

Heterogeneous materials have been extensively studied scattering at boundaries, nanostructured polymer networks,
for promising application in optical, electronics, and thermal and phonon transport suppression due to nano size character-
management fields, as well as potential to provide low cost istic length.6 In order to distinguish one factor from another,
and bulk scale device fabrication.1–3 Nanoscale heteroge- additional analysis is required for further observation.
neous structured material or nanostructured material intro- In this study, amorphous silicon is employed as a nano-
duced additional advantages of nanoscale material that particle in nanocomposite and measured for thermal conduc-
improved device performance, such as reported for photovol- tivity by thermal wave analysis (TWA), based on the phase
taic (PV)4 and thermoelectric.5–7 Of particular, there has shift of temperature wave between two surfaces of the sam-
been growing interest in thermal transport in nanostructured ple.12 The details of measurement methods are described in
materials as the basic principle of thermoelectric materials supplementary material. Among amorphous materials, amor-
for refrigeration and energy harvesting. phous silicon is one of the most widely used semiconductor
Silicon nanocrystal (SiNC) as one of the well-known materials due to its excellent electronic and optical proper-
nanoscale materials has been researched for its size depen- ties and low-cost potential.13–15 Regarding thermal transport,
dent thermal properties, where the experimental result has lattice vibration plays a major role in the amorphous semi-
been reported with a significant decrease of thermal conduc- conductor material, such as a-SiNPs.14,15 Due to the lack of
tivity as silicon particles size is reduced.8–11 In this work, we translational symmetry and periodicity over a long distance,
produced hybrid nanostructured materials of silicon nanopar- the term “phonon” in amorphous material refers to lattice
ticles (inorganic) and organic polymers. The process is car-
vibration that cannot be quantized. Consequently, phonon
ried out at room temperature that preserves the nanometer
waves concept, group velocity, and mean free path (MFP)
particle mean diameter and narrow size distribution. The sili-
are not fully applicable. However, those concepts can be
con nanocrystals (SiNCs)/polystyrene nanocomposite ther-
partly used to simplify the thermal transport in amorphous
mal conductivity has been previously measured, and the
silicon. By comparing the thermal conductivity of a-SiNPs
result showed a significant decrease of effective thermal con-
and SiNCs in nanocomposite material, the major cause of
ductivity with the presence of SiNCs despite the higher ther-
mal conductivity compared with that of the polymer matrix.6 thermal transport suppression was analyzed.
This unique controllable thermal property of SiNCs and its Furthermore, as nanocomposite structures have a signifi-
effect on nanocomposite thermal transport mechanism give cantly high ratio of interfaces to volume, modeling the ther-
the promising potential for thermal management, especially mal transport is also challenging topic. Previously, thermal
for electronic devices that have silicon as main material. conductivity models for two-phase material were used for
We have previously analyzed that the phonon transport modeling, and it was observed that the experimental result did
decrease can be caused by significant increase in phonon not agree with the model because conventional macroscopic
models do not consider the effect of thermal boundary resis-
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: juangsa.f.aa@ tance. In this work, several modified thermal conductivity and models for nanocomposite were reviewed and applied with

0003-6951/2017/110(25)/253105/5/$30.00 110, 253105-1 Published by AIP Publishing.

253105-2 Juangsa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 253105 (2017)

FIG. 1. SiNPs/PS nanocomposite: (a)

Thermal conductivity measurement
results of a-SiNPs/PS and SiNCs/PS
nanocomposites determined based on
specific heat, mass density, and ther-
mal diffusivity measurements, as
compared with thermal conductivity
models that include the effect of ther-
mal boundary resistance; TEM images
of SiNCs/PS nanocomposite with (b)
low and (c) high volume fraction, and
a single particle of SiNC with diameter
approx. 6 nm (inset), and (d) Raman
spectra depicting comparison of SiNCs
and a-SiNPs. (e) Simplified phonon
transport pathway in nanocomposite,
mainly through the (i) PS network, and
partially through (ii) SiNPs’ aggregates
due to the thermal boundary resistance
created by surface hydrogen and PS
complex thin layer as shown in (f)
detailed schematic and (g) equivalent
thermal circuit of phonon transport

the consideration of thermal boundary resistance that plays a with the phonon confinement effect at the inside of crystalline
major role in nanocomposite thermal transport. structure of silicon.
In this work, amorphous SiNPs were synthesized by Furthermore, the decrease of thermal conductivity can
the same reactor employed for SiNCs, by decreasing the be analyzed based on the phonon transport pathway. Figures
input power to 30 W. As shown in Fig. 1(d) with details in 1(b) and 1(c) show the TEM images of SiNCs/PS nanocom-
supplementary material, Raman spectra show fully amor- posite with different fractions, presenting the aggregations of
phous silicon, which is indicated by the nearly negligible SiNCs separated by PS matrix. Phonon scattering at interface
peak of crystalline silicon. As for the characterization of the boundary induces the phonons to transport mainly through
composite material, mass density and specific heat were deter- the PS matrix, as shown schematically in Fig. 1(e). Large
mined experimentally by DSC and hydrostatic method. As thermal resistance due to scattering at boundary allows only
shown in Fig. S2 in supplementary material, the measurement small part of phonon going through the aggregated SiNPs,
results indicate that density and specific heat have good agree- which include the PS networks among the SiNPs, as shown
ment with the calculation result of the reference value. in Fig. 1(f), creating longer phonon pathway and resulting in
According to the equation j ¼ ad qcp , thermal conductiv- decreasing thermal conductivity. The equivalent thermal cir-
ity j is determined based on thermal diffusivity ad , specific cuit was employed to provide the semi-quantitative analysis,
heat cp , and mass density q. Figure 1(a) shows the thermal con- based on the thermal resistance of each component, as shown
ductivity of a-SiNPs/PS nanocomposite compared with the pre- in Fig. 1(g). As the SiNPs’ fraction increases higher than
viously reported SiNCs/PS nanocomposite.6 The result shows 10%, there are more SiNPs that create complex networks of
that the thermal conductivity of a-SiNPs/PS nanocomposite PS matrix, leading to a negative slope of thermal conductiv-
decrease with the increasing value of SiNPs’ fraction with ity with respect to the SiNPs’ fraction. As for lower fraction
insignificant difference with its crystalline counterpart. The (3.7%), thermal conductivity is lower than theoretical mod-
decrease of a-SiNPs/PS nanocomposite thermal conductivity els’ prediction, which may be caused by many factors, such
indicates a significant increase of overall phonon scattering rate as large size of SiNPs’ aggregates compared with that of
in nanocomposite, as was also observed in SiNCs/PS nanocom- high fraction, PS layers’ thickness among the nanoparticles
posites. The identical thermal conductivity result of amorphous in aggregates, and also nanoparticle’s surface interaction
and crystalline fraction in nanocomposite confirms that phonon with matrix molecules. However, these factors will require
scattering at interface boundary between filler and matrix plays further observation and analysis at low fraction nanocompo-
a major role in thermal transport at nanocomposite, compared site, and beyond the scope of this work.
253105-3 Juangsa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 253105 (2017)

The phonon confinement effect, commonly referred as where jc is thermal conductivity of composite, jm is thermal
band folding effect, interference effect, or phonon disper- conductivity of matrix, f is volume fraction of filler particles,
sion modification is phenomena of significant phonon trans- and a is the dimensionless parameter representing the TBR.
port decrease due to comparable or smaller size of material It is important to not that Equation (1) has been derived for
characteristic length than phonon wavelength.5,16–18 When composite where the intrinsic thermal conductivity of filler
it comes to this region, phonon cannot be treated as a parti- particle is much greater than that of the matrix.
cle and hence would be considered as wave nature. It was Based on MG-EMA, Every et al. also reported a model
reported that critical phonon wavelength for thermal trans- based on Bruggeman’s theory, which is known as the most
port in silicon material at room temperature is around accurate model for higher volume fractions, while Maxwell’s
1–10 nm,18–20 and the SiNPs’ characteristic length (diame- theory is rather suitable for low volume fraction.23–25 The
ter) is around 6 nm.6,21 Although the SiNPs’ size is much modified Bruggeman model with spherical filler is expressed
smaller than phonon mean free path (MFP), which reduced through the following formula,23
the thermal conductivity of bulk silicon for two orders, it is
 ðð1þ2aÞÞ ( )ð 3 Þ
not small enough to develop the phonon confinement effect 3 jm 1a jc  jp ð1  aÞ 1a
ð1  f Þ ¼ ; (2)
due to the comparable ratio of phonon wavelength and sur- jc jm  jp ð1  aÞ
face roughness.18,20 In order to observe the phonon confine-
ment effect, phonon wavelength shall be much longer than where jp is taken into account which is the thermal conduc-
characteristic length, which can be achieved in the low- tivity of filler particles.
temperature region. In the later development, Minnich et al. further modified
Furthermore, the measurement results of nanocomposites the EMA model to make it particularly suitable for nanocom-
were compared with those of thermal conductivity models posite by introducing interface density that will enhance the
that consider the thermal boundary resistance (TBR). After effect of TBR in determining the effective thermal conductiv-
early investigation on the effective thermal conductivity of ity.26 Interface density (U) was determined based on the filler
macroscopic heterogeneous materials by Maxwell,22 there are particles’ volume fraction (f ) and its diameter ðd) via the fol-
numerous research and models that proposed to include TBR, lowing formula,
which is particularly essential for thermal transport in nano- 6f
U¼ : (3)
scale materials. Maxwell’s theory was modified by Hasselman d
and Johnson and by Benveniste to include the TBR and was
called Maxwell-Garnet type Effective Medium Analysis (MG- Interface density value was included in the calculation of
EMA), which could be understood by the following formula,23 effective thermal conductivity for both filler particles and
matrix, so that the thermal conductivity of composite is func-
jc 1 þ 2f ð1  aÞ=ð1 þ 2aÞ tion of interface density and the particles’ diameter as
¼ ; (1) expressed in the following formula,
jm 1  f ð1  aÞ=ð1 þ 2aÞ

jp ðdÞð1 þ 2aðU; dÞÞ þ 2jm ðUÞ þ 2 jp ðdÞð1  aðU; dÞÞ  jm ðUÞ
1 1
jc ðU; d Þ ¼ Cm tm       6 ; (4)
3 1 U Ud  
þ jp ðdÞð1 þ 2aðU; dÞÞ þ 2jm ðUÞ  jp ðdÞð1  aðU; dÞÞ  jm ðUÞ
Km 4 6

where Cm , tm , and Km are volumetric specific heat, phonon Devpura et al. utilized the Biot number in order to determine
group velocity, and phonon MFP for matrix, respectively. In the value of interface thermal resistant, with the maximum
this work, PS is used as matrix and reference value of volu- Biot number 10.24,29 The Biot number for a particle of spheri-
metric specific heat was used for calculation. Sound velocity cal shape is written as,
in PS was used for phonon group velocity, while phonon
MFP was estimated by inverse calculation from the reference rTBR 1
Bi ¼ ¼ a: (5)
value of thermal conductivity, density, specific heat and d 2
sound velocity.27,28 The thermal conductivities of well-defined bulk crystalline
All of these models have common parameters of a, which silicon (148 W m1 K1),30 porous nanocrystalline silicon
is a dimensionless parameter depending on the TBR between (3 nm, porosity 55%, 1.08 W m1 K1),9 and PS (0.1549 W
filler and matrix. It is defined as a ¼ rTBR =ðd=2Þ, where m1 K1)27 were used for each model calculations, and they
d ¼ 6 nm, which is SiNPs’ size and rTBR is Kapitza radius rep- were compared with the measurement result as shown in
resenting the thermal resistance at the boundary of filler and Fig. 1(a). It is important to note that the lowest limit of sili-
matrix. Kapitza radius is defined as rTBR ¼ RTBR jm , where con would be 12.5 W m1 K1 in the case of amorphous
RTBR is a thermal resistance at material interface, formed by silicon.31,32 The thermal conductivity of nanocrystalline sili-
the interaction between hydrogen and PS molecules, as shown con was used for MG-EMA and Bruggeman models, while
schematically in Fig. 2. The minimum value of TBR (a ¼ 0Þ modified EMA used bulk crystalline silicon due to phonon
and maximum value of TBR were calculated for each model. MFP calculation included within the model.
253105-4 Juangsa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 253105 (2017)

Figure 1(c) shows that, without TBR (a ¼ 0Þ, the effec- crystalline materials based on phonon wave concept;23,24,26
tive thermal conductivities of all models increase with the nevertheless, the measurement result shows that amorphous
increasing value of SiNPs’ fraction simply because of the organic polymer has a similar trend with the crystalline model.
higher value of filler’s thermal conductivity. On the other This result provides intuitive understanding that phonon wave
hand, models with maximum TBR (a ¼ 20Þ shows decreas- concept can be analogously applied also on the amorphous
ing value of the effective thermal conductivity, and our mea- materials, such as PS. With thermal conductivity and volumet-
surement results of both a-SiNPs and SiNCs show values ric specific heat being known and phonon group velocity
matching well with the thermal conductivity models. being represented by sound velocity (vc ), quasi-MFP for
We have previously analyzed the material characteriza- amorphous material (K0 ) can be simply determined according
tion of nanocomposite by FT-IR spectroscopy.6 A slight shift to the following formula:39
of IR peaks was observed after nanocomposite fabrication, 3j
which indicates a physical interaction between PS and SiNPs K0 ¼ : (6)
in molecular level,6 particularly on PS benzene ring and Si-H
peaks. Physical interaction of polymer and its surrounding has The above quasi-MFP calculation was applied on modified
been observed to have an effect on phonon transport.33 This EMA model in Eq. (4), which requires the phonon MFP of the
interaction produces the physical mismatch between the char- matrix material. The modified EMA model calculation result
acteristic frequencies of thermal vibration and intermolecular shows good agreement with other models and also with our
collision of two different materials,33 which supports our measurement results, indicating that the above quasi-MFP is
measurement result of decreasing thermal conductivity due to acceptable. This result enables the extended application of
the interaction at the interfacial boundary of SiNPs and PS. nanostructured materials by improving the dispersion of SiNPs
Figure 2 shows the relationship between thermal conduc- in the organic polymer matrix towards the periodic nanostruc-
tivity and the dimensionless parameter a, represented with tured, which has been reported well on superlattice and
SiNPs’ fraction of 0, 50, and 74% (maximum hexagonal close phononic crystal.40,41 SiNPs’ surface functionalization by
packing filling factor34). Thermal conductivity decreases hydrosilylation is currently in progress to improve the particles’
sharply from a ¼ 0 to a ¼ 5 and less than 0.1% decrease at dispersion in the organic polymer matrix.42,43 Phonon interfer-
t ¼ 20. In this study, we assume that a ¼ 20 is the sufficiently ence effect has been reported to occur also in amorphous sili-
large value describing significant thermal boundary resistance con, especially for low-frequency phonon, where quasi-MFP is
that represents the experimental data semi-quantitatively. Based much longer than the structural characteristic length,44 consis-
on the Kapitza radius formula, with a ¼ 20, thermal resistance tent with applicable quasi-MFP we employed in this study.
was enhanced at least approximately to 4  107 m2K/W. As However, one should note that, in high frequency, the
shown in Fig. 2, further increase in thermal resistance does not MFP of the phonon in amorphous material reduces to a few
have a significant effect on the effective thermal conductivity. nanometers, inducing the diffusive interfacial scattering, which
The thermal resistance of silicon and PS nanocomposite is makes the phonon interference effects negligible. Due to the
greater than that of both silicon and PS composite with other fact that the lattice vibration (phonon) transport in amorphous
materials, such as Si/SiO2 (0.20.9  109 m2K/W)35,36 and and crystalline materials are fundamentally different mecha-
sapphire/PS (0.41.4  107 m2K/W).37 nisms, the relevancy of quasi-MFP application in amorphous
Based on the above TBR estimation, the thermal circuit material is to be verified furthermore. Cryogenic measure-
shown in Fig. 1(g) can be calculated. The above mentioned ments at very low temperature (4 K) on both the nanocompo-
thermal conductivities of PS and nanocrystal silicon were used sites of a-SiNPs and SiNCs are expected to give deeper
to calculate the thermal resistance, based on the equal length (l) understanding regarding the nanostructured material’s phonon
of 6 nm. Thermal conductivity of bulk polymer was used, since transport. This subject is currently being investigated, and the
phonon MFP of amorphous polymer is only few angstroms.38 further discussion is beyond the scope of this paper.
Simple calculation confirmed phonon main pathway through In summary, we have produced a-SiNPs/PS nanocompo-
PS network, as thermal resistance of SiNC is 8.05  107 site and measured the density, specific heat and thermal diffu-
m2K/W, 20 times greater than that of PS (4  108 m2K/W). sivity to determine thermal conductivity. The measurement
Also, it is noted from the literature that all the models results were compared with SiNCs/PS nanocomposite and
were developed for well-quantized phonon transport in showed insignificant discrepancy due to the lattice structure,
revealing the phonon scattering as the main factor of thermal
conductivity decrease.
Compared with the thermal conductivity models for
nanocomposite which include the effect of thermal boundary
resistance, our measurement results show the good agreement
of thermal conductivity. Phonon confinement effect may be
neglected, and phonon scattering at SiNPs/PS boundary plays
a major role in determining thermal transport at room temper-
ature. In addition, thermal conductivity models give good pre-
diction on SiNCs/PS nanocomposite with filler’s volume
fraction above 10%. Low thermal conductivity at low fraction
FIG. 2. Calculation result of thermal conductivity models as the effect of (< 10%) requires further observation related to SiNPs’ disper-
dimensionless parameter a. sion in PS matrix, which is currently being investigated.
253105-5 Juangsa et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 253105 (2017)

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