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Words,achons_or_ifunsions ‘ave"in’coriplict witha mets values: ld concrience- ——___P Justice = Tustice is sFten ascociated with fairnes or giving to each his or ner own Bes 22 due tssyes_ op foirness_are_peryatived in_dental_practice_ond_nange from elemenia ——+prdetdural_issuescuch auto in_.choll ceceive_4reatment Fick, s> complex qyertions. +of_whe_chall receive treatment att alt. FF 2 Propescionalii"- self -governone a: 1 hallmark of a PrefesSion and cenrstry wilt —__{ thrrive_as Ong._as the members ave committed +o actively +4. law) bnowit ag act no- y5h8 \engtnening the. dental Cours. fbi. three 0 pour em 4 Land in iano enacted a reciprocity pealicton gorbidding ore! ’ line pltippine¢. tne come gran cuantrias whicl: didn geant-camtgeitegs Filipina cohicts-rour-yeors ater phir law. uas pasted, ovotherwatIntyod ced _uhigy > {wala practicall) prvi practitioners could_engagt. in demtistey without taking fit. dora. comin Delhi ~G.Villaand_Dr- qervovio erotia cought bitterly, tht ——Very-tuckity, cowenor General Fyank Murph) vetoed: tte | ina = zi Ln ne, the United tates’ dental Education Adopted. minum 10-year wre dectae tmnt oso pre- feat hi el uric at hy Scanned with CamScanner btith| [two sears Apter the wopjbental equipment’ wee Very inlich improved and pnere developed Lan overflow op. students sexing adinis ion | Hn eitt al echtols Aca rebut, pour_neut dental — ells wart_ectablidred: in M8, the. phililine cellege of Dental edicine was opentdomd | voter Henamed. the college of pentistry of Hie university o¢ithe East. tit the visayan_telandé ——_Three Institutions were founded: These were: du hie col LaSa the— ——___Univeyoity satin taalaes ohh ee = s | | br. ietorine c.villa, the nean f f couege of SE Mf he. univeecity of the_phit of the Philippines — ——| contributed much to the advancement of pentistey in the counting. ‘Ric paper on the pei = —_—knamtl_Articl¢ carried philippine pentishry around the WorldiDyVilla’s recearchec 4 Lappeared in-plant thee tate, hice then eo. ule. .e-tun- 0. opanpan — ad contrioutinnc_ajant astalogy ant Se ae a vaaali es -adarce daa -Legjioti in tur dart pc wor i wash +hat the philippine pe ental Association played its 1 sO ta Scanned with CamScanner Fait an aerated ethis-ie oil dit i i a ne_countey Th -| filipino pentist advancing Dental. janoingy Na yaaa | inthe fut. 2 ind_agencie: i je scunmised that all. pencons ana ag | pintippintc tt pis ite objectives goe-the -Wuiftemen of He Heat ang tive 10 puree —and.aceom a He This | Saja em Scanned with CamScanner Fine Nucleus “of the End pa Genie She _|inct_Wow: seat Jeph to Paes Dr Fronts suai, br-Tavier Arviyuypr-Gucthia-CAst72r ————br-Antomino vergel ot Dine, De-wegind Arevalo; — Second Row Lept to pight + Dy Nicolas Reyes Dr \igut| Ocho, Pr Tuon diLtande va, De Feo Cali ja_Uicbina,.dr. Gregorio Mateo and_Dr-Crispulo bape, — Note this picture_mys+ have_been_taken in she year 140¢..Dr-Mateo anrived inthe phil yi —____prom_the_ynited StOtes of America pn that yea) - Fire pear of ental-Exowiners- ‘of the-Pailippiner telands Leet Ff Arte Yl dB Rated ae dit — a eat Prue ge _|_Fiyet Koy: ceatcal fecom_leet to a ight: Dr- Bonigocio Arevalo, Dr-Leon Reuec, Tose Arevalo = iz | Faritiag & po. Antoni F-pliverns. Scanned with CamScanner

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