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KOLEJ MATRIKULASI KELANTAN PROGRAM BIO Leap UP FOR Excellence 3 (BLUE 3) DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED Instruction: 1. This question booklet consists of 10 questions. 2. Answer all the questions. Name: Class: For examiner use only QUESTION MARK Tir 19 19 19 76 76 76 76 9 19 10 19 TOTAL 780 0] a) a) on} sf oo] vo] | BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 1 Anwer all questions given in space provided (a) FIGURE 1 below shows the terrestrial ecosystem of a tropical rainforest. "Forest floor : Shrubs FIGURE 1 |. Define ecosystem? ‘The functional unit of nature including both living organisms and their non living environment that interacting and influencing each other. ii, Identity strata M,N and O. M: Emergent layer N : Canopy layer © : Understory layer | Describe the characteristic of forest floor with an example of animal found in this area - Dark, hot and damp due to little penetration of sunlight - The floor covered with decomposing vegetation and organism that breakdown into usable nutrients - Example of animals: centipedes // ant // earthworm // tapirs // insects // cockroaches // beetle // scorpions iv State the abiotic and abiotic companents in the tropical rainforest. - Biotic component: Tree/ Animal - Abiotic component: Atmosphere // hydrosphere // itosphere V. Whats the role of tropical rainforest in the carbon cycle - Plant take in /fix carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. - Decomposition of plant and animal returns the carbon into the reservoir Pool BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 [1 mark] [3 marks] [3 marks] [2 marks] [2 marks] (a) Figure 2A shows the types and sources of variation Variation Type Sources I ——_I [ A Discontinous Genetic B FIGURE 2A Define variation [1 mark] Is the differences in the morphology, physiology and behaviour of different individuals from the similar species. i) Name A andB [2 marks] A: Continous (variation) B: Environmental ili Give TWO differences between genetic variation and 8. [2 marks} Genetic variation B/ Environmental ‘Affects genetic material ‘Affects only the phenotype (phenotype and genotype) Contributors: Contributors: - gene mutation - Food/nutrients - chromosome mutation - Water - crossing over - Soil - Climate Play important role in evolution | Not of much importance in (raw material in natural selection) _| evolution. Can be passed on from generation | Cannot be passed on. to generation ‘Any TWO BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 (6) FIGURE 2B shows a type of speciation within beetle population FIGURE 2B |. What is meant by speciation? [1 mark] Evolutionary process by which one or more new biological species arise from previously existing species. ll, State TWO factors that leads to speciation. [2 marks] - Reproductive isolation - Genetic drift - Hybridization - Adaptive radiation Any TWO ili, [Two closely related fish live in the same lake but one feeds along the [shoreline and the other is a bottom feeder in deep water. It is found that both of Ithe related fish are unlikely to interbreed. According to the statement above, name the mechanism/barrier that prevent them from interbreed. [1 mark] Prezygotic barrier BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 (a) FIGURE 3 shows two mechanisms of enzyme inhibition s i inbox Eneyne 5 ivory FIGURE 3 Define inhibitors [1 mark] Molecules that prevent catalyzing reactions when they are bound to the enzymes. il. State the type of the inhibitor X and Y [2 marks] X: Competitive inhibitor Y: Non-competitive inhibitor ili, Explain what happens to the rate of reaction in the presence of the inhibitor X. [2 marks] - The rate of reactions reduced! slow down/ decrease. - Because the inhibitor prevents the substrate molecule from occupying / binding to the active site of enzyme. iv _ Briefly explain how the effect of the inhibitor X can be overcame [2 mark] - By increase the concentration of substrate. - Because chances of substrate binding with active site is increased. (6) Why quick-freezing food is one way of preserving food for long period? [2 marks] - Low/ cold temperature deactivates / slows down digestive enzymes of microbes - Some enzymes lose their function when frozen making food impossible to decompose by microbes BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 FIGURE 4 shows the Electron Transport Chain and ATP synthase. FIGURE 4 State the importance of oxygen as a final electron acceptor in this system? [1 mark] - To form water Describe what happen when complex Ill accepting electron. [2 mark] Complex II will be reduced = Complex Ill pump the H+ from matrix to intermembrane space Explain briefly oxidative-phasphorylation that occurs to generate ATP [4 marks] * Electrons from the electron carrier will go through the series of redox reaction at protein complex. ‘+ H+ will pump out from the matrix of mitochondria into the intermembrane space and * Create the electrochemical gradientProton motive force. ‘+ H+ diffuse back into the matrix of mitochondria through ATP synthase from intermembrane space. + ATP will form through phosphorylation’ ADP is phosphorylated to form ATP What will happen to the system in FIGURE 4 if inhibitor is added to complex [2 marks] WV. - The flow of electrons from Cytochrome c Oxidase/Complex IV to oxygen will stop/halted. - Inhibit Cytochrome c Oxidase from pump H+ from the matrix to intermembrane space and function efficiently. BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 FIGURE 5 below shows stage during photosynthesis & i; Provides nea or sytbess ot TP ‘pyenenonnons FIGURE 5 (a) Identify A and B. [2 marks] A: Photon / light energy B: Water / H:0 (6) In terms of electron deficiency, give ONE difference between reaction centre [1 mark] 680 and P700. Electron deficiency in P680 is replaced by electrons from photolysis of water, while in P700, electron deficiency is replaced by electrons from Peg0 ©) Name the type of reaction to synthesis ATP that occur in FIGURE 5 above [1 mark] Non-cyclic photophosphoryiation (4) ATP_and NADPH are product of process in FIGURE 5. State the role of ATP. [2 marks] and NADPH during Calvin cycle. ATP: energy source // phosphorylate 3-phosphogly cerate to become 1,3- bisphosphoglycerate. NADPH: reducing agent // reduce 1,3 - bisphosphoglycerate to become glyceraldehyde- 3-phosphate / G3P Transportation of COz from tissues to the lung mostly by formation of [6 marks] bicarbonate ion, HCOs’. State where it form and explain its formation. - bicarbonate ion, HCOs form in red blood cell / erythrocytes 1 - as CO; enter red blood cell / erythrocytes, CO: react with water forming 1 carbonic acid, HCO: - catalysed by carbonic anhydrase - Carbonic acid, HCO; dissociate - forming hydrogen ion, H* and bicarbonate ion, HCO: - HCO; diffuse out into blood plasma and combine with sodium ion to form sodium bicarbonate and transported to the lung. BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 FIGURE 6 shows the transport pathways of water in a plant. FIGURE 6 (a) Identity pathway 1 in FIGURE 6 and how water is transported [2 marks] -Apoplast pathway - Water molecules diffuse / move along cell walls and extracellular spaces of adjacent cells (6) Name the structure in tissue F that hinders water movement in pathway 1. [1 mark] Casparian strip ©) ‘Suggest how would the plant avercome the problem in (b)? [2 marks] = Water molecules move / diffuse out of the cell wall into cytoplasm - and transported through symplast pathway (@) Identity the upward force that helps to push water in xylem vessel of H to a [1 mark] certain height. Root pressure BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 FIGURE 7 shows the structure of nephron FIGURE 7 (a) Give THREE factors that increase the efficiency of the process occurring in H. [3 marks] + High hydrostatic pressure // high blood pressure // high resistance to blood flow // afferent diameter is larger than efferent // blood flow is, slow * High surface area // coiled blood capillaries * High permeability + More porous // high number of pores // podocytes present (ANY 3) (6) Give an example of a substance that is secreted into tubule M [1 mark] K* ITH Hl urea ll drug I! NH* ©) State the process that occurs in N [1 mark] Reabsorption of NaCl / water / urea (@) Why does a desert rat have longer tubules K and L? [1 mark] To avoid excessive water loss II more water can be reabsorb II to increase surface area for reabsorption. BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 FIGURE 8 shows the action of a hormone on its target cell Extracollular uid Facies Target coll \. ff ‘envelope FIGURE 8 ‘State ONE characteristic of the hormone in FIGURE 8 which enable it to enter the target cell Lipid soluble/hydrophobic What type af hormone is shawn in figure above? Steroid hormone Name structure A, B and jormone receptor! receptor (in cytoplasm) jormone receptor! receptor (in nucleus) ormone-receptor complex Briefly describe the action of the hormone in figure above + Hormone passes through the plasma membrane of the target cell. + Hormone binds to the receptor in cytoplasm or nucleus forming the hormone-receptor complex. + Hormone-receptor complex binds to a specific site on DNA * causes transcription of mRNA, which is then translated into proteins at cytoplasm. BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 [1 mark] [1 mark] [3 marks] [4 marks] 10 (a) FIGURE 9A shows the structure of an antibady molecule Pp FIGURE 9A Identity P Antigen binding site Between Q and S, which will determine the class of antibody? 8 Name the cell that secretes antibodies Plasma cell / Plasma B cell Why does antibody’s action is specific for a particular antigen? The contormation/ shape of the antigen-binding sites of the antibody is specific to a particular antigen. FIGURE 9B represents the immunological memory in human body. Concent tbody FIGURE 9B Define primary immune response Immune response that occur during the first exposure to an antigen. Peak A and B is a response of human immune system against the same antigen. Why peak B Is higher than peak A? Peak Y is a secondary immune response. - The memory B cells recognize the same antigen and - rapidly differentiate into plasma cell to secrete antibody - High concentration of antibody is produced in shorter time BLUE 3 DBO24 SESSION 2021/2022 [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [1 mark] [4 marks]

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