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Course Calendar 2020/21

week Week Commencing Unit Name Curriculum Reference/Notes Formal Assessment Key College/School Events

0. Introduction to IGCSE Geo course (and setting up

1 10/08/2020
Teams/OneNote/books) First day of term 1

1. World population (2 hrs)

2 17/08/2020
2. DTM

3. Over and Under population (HW case studies)

*Lessons interupted Settling in PTC (all year groups) - Tutor
4. Spatial vairations in growth rate
3 24/08/2020

5. High and low growth rate case studies (HW compelte case
Theme 1: Population
Exam practise - skills and 7 marker

4 31/08/2020 Complete end of unit exam End of unit test (25 marks)

Feedback lesson
6. Population pyramids

5 07/09/2020 7. Ageing populations

8. Youthful populations
Complete end of unit exam End of unit test (25 marks)

6 14/09/2020 Feedback lesson

9. Population policies (HW complete case study)

7 21/09/2020 China (Provisional - pending confirmation)

10. Population and HIV SS Student Prefect Interviews

SS Student Prefect Interviews
8 28/09/2020 Theme 1: Population Complete end of unit exam End of unit test (25 marks)

Feedback lesson
Golden Week
National Day Holiday

9 05/10/2020

11. Migration

10 12/10/2020 12. Case study - international migration

13. Case study - internal migration

Complete end of unit exam End of unit test (25 marks)
Shakespeare Festival @ DCSG
11 19/10/2020 14. Population distribution Shakespeare Festival @ DCSG
Shakespeare Festival @ DCSG
15. Population density Shakespeare Festival @ DCSG
Theme 1: Population
16. Case study - sparsely populated country

12 26/10/2020 17. Case study - densely populated country

*Lessons interupted PD Day

End of topic test End of topic test (40 marks)
Rememberance Day
13 02/11/2020 Feedback lesson

Paper 2 skill lesson

1. Settlement and service hierarchy

14 09/11/2020 2. Case study - services in Lozere

3. Settlement patterns
3b. Map skills in settlement patterns

15 16/11/2020 4. Factors affecting site development

4b. Exam focus - map skills

5. Urbanisation 1

16 23/10/2020 Theme 1: Settlement 6. Urbanisation 2

7. Urban landuse
8. MEDC landuse Term 1 Reports Issued (all year groups)

17 30/11/2020 *Lessons interupted - 9. Problems with urban growth SS Christmas Concert Rehearsals
SS Christmas Concert Rehearsals
*Lessons interupted - 10. Case study - Traffic congestion End of unit test (25 marks) SS Christmas Concert Rehearsals
*Lessons interupted - 11. LEDC landuse Term 1 PTC (all year groups) - Class Teacher

18 07/12/2020 12. Case study - Mumbai (HW - complete case study)

13. Urban sprawl Last day of Term 1

Christmas Break
14. Review settlement map skills First day of Term 2

1 04/01/2021 Theme 1: Settlement End of topic test End of topic test (45 marks) - including map skill Qs

Exam feedback
1. Structure of the earth

2 11/'01/2021 2. Plate boundaries 1

3. Plate boundaries 2
4. Features of earthquakes

5. Tsunamis
3 18/01/2021

6. Earthquake case study (MEDC) (HW - complete LEDC case

Theme 2: Earthquakes study)
and volcanoes End of earthquakes unit test End of unit test (25 marks)

7. Features of volcanoes (HW - hazards and opportunities of

4 25/01/2021 volcanoes)
SS Diversity Assembly
8. Montserrat (HW - write up case study notes) SS Diversity Assembly
9. Managing hazards

5 01/02/2021 End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks)

Exam feedback
CNY Holiday
1. What is a drainage basin?

6 22/02/2021
2. River processess ISCMS XIII @ Shenzhen
ISCMS XIII @ Shenzhen
3. Upper course landforms ISCMS XIII @ Shenzhen
4. Middle course landforms

7 01/03/2021 5. Lower course landforms

Theme 2: Rivers Skills and informal exam practise

6. Processess in drainage basins

8 08/03/2021 7. Causes of flooding

SS Music Recital
8. Flood management High School Team Maths Competition
9. Opportunitites and hazards (HW - case study research)

9 15/03/2021 End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks)

Exam feedback lesson

Term 2 Reports Issued (Y11/Y13) / DCA Games @ DC Puxi
DCA Games @ DC Puxi
10 22/03/2021

2 weeks of 'wriggle room' to allow for lost lessons along the way (PTC days, China
week, interviews, Term 1 music) Term 2 PTC (all year groups) - Class Teachers

11 29/03/2021
Last Day of Term 2
PD Day
Spring Break
1. What processes occur along the coast First Day of Term 3

1 12/04/2021 2. Erosional landforms 1

3. Erosional landforms 2
4. Hazards along the coastline Dulwich History Day
Dulwich History Day
2 19/04/2021 5. Managing erosion

6. Case study - the Holderness coast ACAMIS Football @ AISHK / MADD @ DC Puxi
End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks) Y13 Study Leave Begins

3 26/04/2021 Theme 2: Coasts Exam feedback lesson Y11 Study Leave Begins / MADD Festival @ DCSG
MADD Festival @ DCSG
7. Depositional landforms MADD Festival @ DCSG
End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks) School Holiday

4 03/05/2021 Exam feedback lesson

8. Map skills along the coast

9. Mangroves and coral reefs

5 10/05/2021 End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks)

Exam feedback lesson

Map skills lesson
Paper 2 skills (test of
6 17/05/2021 skills learned throughout Exam skills Skills test (52 marks)
the year)
Exam feedback lesson
Coursework pre-planning (introduce fieldwork and where
study, hypothesis and models)

7 24/05/2021

1 week to write up the introduction

8 31/05/2021 How to collect data - trial out methods. Start mini-write up

Coursework preparation Collect data (2 day fieldtrip - time/date TBC)

Term 3 Reports Issued (Y7-10 and 12)

9 07/06/2021

Coursework write up - teacher will teach this in sections

(data collection, evaluation, data presentation and methods) PTC (Y7-10 and 12) - Tutor

10 14/06/2021
Course Calendar 2020/21

week Week Commencing Unit Name Curriculum Reference/Notes Formal Assessment Key College/School Events

1 10/08/2020 1. What is weather and how is it measured? First day of term 1

2. Presenting weather data (2 hrs)

2 17/08/2020 3. Weather fronts

4. Rain and cloud types

Theme 2: Weather
5. Pressure systems
*Lessons interupted Settling in PTC (all year groups) - Tutor
3 24/08/2020 6. Weather hazards (tropical storms) 1

7. Weather hazards (tropical storms) 2

8. Weather hazards (drought)

4 31/08/2020 Complete end of unit exam End of unit test (25 marks)

Feedback lesson
1. Equatorial climate

5 07/09/2020 2. Desert climate

Theme 2: Climate and 3. Factors influencing climate

vegetation 4. Tropical rainforest (HW - case study Borneo)

6 14/09/2020 5. Hot desert ecosystem

Complete end of unit exam End of unit test (25 marks)

7 21/09/2020 China (Provisional - pending confirmation)

Feedback lesson SS Student Prefect Interviews

SS Student Prefect Interviews
8 28/09/2020 Coursework preparation Should have handed in first full draft 1 week before China
week - this week is for students to act on feedback in
classtime to then work on independently at home

Golden Week
National Day Holiday

9 05/10/2020

1. What is development

10 12/10/2020 2. What is the development gap

3. Industry and development

4. Globalisation
Theme 3: Development Shakespeare Festival @ DCSG
11 19/10/2020 5. Impacts of globalisation Shakespeare Festival @ DCSG
Shakespeare Festival @ DCSG
6. Case study Shakespeare Festival @ DCSG
End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks)

12 26/10/2020 Feedback lesson

*if 3rd lesson - coursework check in
*Lessons interupted PD Day
1. Farming as a system End of topic test (40 marks)
Rememberance Day
13 02/11/2020 2. Commercial farming (case study)

3. Sustainable development and resource consumption

4. Large-scale farming (case study)

Theme 3: Food
14 09/11/2020 5. Small-scale farming (case study)

6. Food shortage
7. Case study

15 16/11/2020 End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks)

Exam feedback lesson

1. Industrial system

16 23/10/2020 2. Location

3. Case study
Theme 3: Industry Term 1 Reports Issued (all year groups)
4. Threats to the environment and people
17 30/11/2020 *Lessons interupted - 5. Global warming SS Christmas Concert Rehearsals
SS Christmas Concert Rehearsals
*Lessons interupted - End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks) SS Christmas Concert Rehearsals
*Lessons interupted - Exam feedback lesson Term 1 PTC (all year groups) - Class Teacher

18 07/12/2020 Wiggle room - to catch up on any lost lessons this term

and/or check in with coursework
Last day of Term 1
Christmas Break
1. Growth of tourism First day of Term 2

1 04/01/2021 2. Benefits and costs of tourism

3. Sustainable tourism
4. Management of tourism (2 hrs)

2 11/'01/2021 Theme 3: Tourism 5. Case study 1

6. Case study 2
Exam preparation (skills lesson)

3 18/01/2021 End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks)

Exam feedback lesson

1. Global consumption

4 25/01/2021 2. Fossil fuels

SS Diversity Assembly
3. Renewable energy SS Diversity Assembly
Theme 3: Energy
4. Nuclear energy

5 01/02/2021 5. Fuelwoods

6. Case study
CNY Holiday
End of unit test End of unit test (25 marks)

6 22/02/2021 Exam feedback lesson ISCMS XIII @ Shenzhen

ISCMS XIII @ Shenzhen
1. Water supply ISCMS XIII @ Shenzhen
2. Water stress
Theme 3: Energy
7 01/03/2021 3. Water management in LEDC

4. Water management in MEDC

5. Case study

8 08/03/2021 End of topic test End of unit test (25 marks)

1. Map skill lesson 1 SS Music Recital
High School Team Maths Competition
1. Map skill lesson 2
Paper 2 skills
9 15/03/2021 2. Interpreting pictures

3. Drawing graphs and interpreting graphs

Term 2 Reports Issued (Y11/Y13) / DCA Games @ DC Puxi
DCA Games @ DC Puxi
10 22/03/2021

2 weeks of 'wriggle room' to allow for lost lessons along the way (PTC days, China
week, interviews, Term 1 music concert and mock exams (2 weeks in yr11 I believe)) Term 2 PTC (all year groups) - Class Teachers

11 29/03/2021
Last Day of Term 2
PD Day
Spring Break
1. Theme 1 case study carousel First Day of Term 3

1 12/04/2021 2. Writing effective case study answers

3. Theme 2 case study carousel

Revision and exam 4. Theme 3 case study carousel Dulwich History Day
preparation Dulwich History Day
2 19/04/2021 5. Paper 2 skills (RECAP)

6. Exam question skills 1 ACAMIS Football @ AISHK / MADD @ DC Puxi

7. Exam question skills 2 Y13 Study Leave Begins

3 26/04/2021 Y11 Study Leave Begins / MADD Festival @ DCSG

MADD Festival @ DCSG
MADD Festival @ DCSG
School Holiday

4 03/05/2021

5 10/05/2021

6 17/05/2021

Yr 11 on Study leave
7 24/05/2021

8 31/05/2021

Term 3 Reports Issued (Y7-10 and 12)

9 07/06/2021

PTC (Y7-10 and 12) - Tutor

10 14/06/2021

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