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website : Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman 01942 727271 email : Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 01942 725522 Parish website : Masses for the week 16 - 24 July 2011 Eucharistic Service: Mon - Fri 7.30am Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Rosary Mon - Sat 8.30am; Sun 9.30am First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Rhona Gallagher Confession Sat 11.00am - 12 noon; Sunday 10.00am Parishioners Novena Wednesday 7.30pm Weekday Masses Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm Monday 9.00am George Hickey Memorial Book Tuesday 9.00am Peggy Burns 17th July Maureen Frances Carter Wednesday 9.15am School Leavers Mass 22nd July Alan Anthony Jones Katherine Lester 23rd July Charles Rea Thursday 9.00am Eileen Witherington Friday 9.00am Ann & Derreck Rhodes The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week for Saturday 9.00am Win Sarsfield School Leavers. Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Apostleship of the Sea First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Charles Rea There will be a retiring collection Sunday 10.00am Parishioners this weekend to support the work of Revised Mass times come into effect the Apostleship of the Sea. Gift Aid the weekend of 3rd/4th September : envelopes are available at the back of Saturday 6.00pm St Wilfrids church. Sunday 9.30am Our Ladys Coffee Morning 11.00am St Wilfrids Wednesday morning at 10am in the 6.30pm Our Ladys Parish Centre. Congratulations to Year 6 in our Primary School who have recently received their SATs results, with 100% success in Level 4 in Literacy and Maths and 50% at Level 5. Well done to all involved for such a tremendous effort. As we come to the end of the school year this week, we wish them well as they move on to St Edmund Arrowsmith, and a happy holiday to all staff and pupils in our schools. Well done, too, to James Williams, who serves at 10am Mass, who has been appointed a Senior Prefect at St Edmund Arrowsmith. Quite right, too! Lourdes Pilgrimage : i) Friday sees the departure of the Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes and once again our parish will be well-represented among the sick pilgrims (Mrs Percy of Fearnlea Grove), Hospitalite members (Anne-Marie Hayden) and youth pilgrims (Jonathan Berry and Rosie Whalley). Anyone wishing to have petitions taken to Lourdes is asked to hand them into the Presbytery by Thursday. ii) For those of us not travelling to Lourdes, Bishop Tom Williams will be with us on Wednesday 27th July for a Lourdes at Home day, when we will pray in communion with those who are there. The day will begin at 7.30am with the Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes. At 12 noon there will be an additional Mass during which the Anointing of the Sick will take place. (Anyone wishing to be anointed is asked to speak to me first.) The day will end with Marian Devotions and Procession at 7.30pm in place of the Novena. Please note : there will be no 9am Mass on that day. Let Us Pray the Mass : This weekend sees the final issue of our newsletters preparing for the introduction of the New Roman Missal. This week the focus is on the concluding rites (Final Prayer, Blessing and Dismissal) but also contains thoughts on how we might better prepare for Mass, for it to have a deeper effect on our daily lives. If you have missed any in this weekly series, additional copies will be printed next week. With You Always : We will continue our reflection on the new order of Sacraments, focusing especially on Baptism, at 7pm on Tuesday evening in the Parish Centre. Flower Arranging this week ; Wednesday 1.30pm in the Smith Room : Triangle arrangement. Container of your choice. Please let Betty know by Tuesday morning if you need flowers. Peters Pence 84.37 Last weeks Collection ; Gift Aid : 317.85 Loose Plate : 197.66 Total : 515.51 Many Thanks. Question of the Week :When will you need the power of the Holy Spirit this week? What difficulty can the Spirit help you overcome?
Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman


Liverpool R.C. Archdiocesan Trustees Reg. Charity No. 232709

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