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Born in Lithuania, Du. Vb r vit \ M VI v i:u s o n came to the United States as a young boy.

He was educated in llie

Boston public schools and later worked as a streetcar conductor while studying in the ( allege of Physicians and
Surgeons at Columbia. He transferred to Tufts Medical School in 1906 and there came under the dynamic influ­
ence of Dr. Morton Prince. So began the study and research in neuropsychiatry which were to mahe him a
leading psychiatrist in this country. His boohs, The Inheritance of Mental Diseases and Social Psychology,
were standard works, and in 1936 he wrote the first definitire report on eugenictd sterilization. The Mlantic has
dratcn the following article from his posthumous booh, Speaking of Man, to be published by K nopf in November.

here are, in America alone, millions of indi­ were enacted without any definite program. T hey

T viduals m arkedly unfit to live in society.

M a n y of them cannot care for th em seh e s or
their children and are a burden to their families or
were frequently revised or amended, sometimes
vetoed, and in m any instances fell into disuse. Some
of them have never really been put into effect, and
communities. Because of the possibility that their the number of operations performed is so small as to
defects are hereditary, and that allowing these peo­ be negligible. In Connecticut, for example, where
ple to have children will result in spreading their dis­ the law is “ compulsory,” in the course of all these
abilities m ore widely through future generations, we years the num ber sterilized each year averages
m ust consider the question of eugenical sterilization. thirteen. California has almost as many steriliza­
Sterilization is a very simple operation. But it is tions on record as the rest of the United States
m u ch simpler to perform the operation of steriliza­ put together, and is the only state in the country
tion th a n it is to decide on whom the operation shall that to any extent really enforces its sterilization
be done. T here are those who advocate sterilizing law. Yet even in this state, with an average of
all individuals who are “ socially inadequate by about four hundred cases a year, the application of
reason o f heredity," and here they include all the the law is limited when compared with the extent
insane, the feeble-minded, the epileptic, and certain of the problem.
chronic criminals. T h e y assume that all these de­ 'I'hose who consider these sterilization laws wise
fects are hereditary and that individuals in these m ay ask why the enforcement is so lax. T he answer
classifications are potentially the parents of defec­ is that in the United Stales there is formidable op­
tive offspring. T h e y believe th a t such a program is position to eugenical sterilization. In a democracy,
needed if we are lo prevent the unfit of our race only those laws which have their bases in folkways
from swamping the fit. T h an k s mainly to their or the approval of the strong groups have a chance
efforts and to the celebrated dictum of Justice of being enforced. The fate of prohibition demon­
Oliver Wendell Holmes that three generations of strates the futility of trying to make a drastic
imbeciles are enough, in this country there now are change in deeply em bedded traditions. As for
tw enty-nine states that have laws providing in meddling with the sexual organs, there is a deep-
some w ay for the sterilization of the socially in­ seated repugnance which is socially instinctive and
adequate. In some states these laws are “ volun­ could be overcome only by great force or very in­
t a r y , ” in oth er states “ compulsory." tensive social education.
The first sterilization law in America was passed Before we reach any conclusions about whether
by the Pennsylvania legislature in 19J.5, but it was these laws should be enforced and whether similar
vetoed by the Governor. The first sterilizat ion lav s laws should be enacted in other states, we should
still in effect were introduced in 1909 in Califor­ consider separately each of the conditions for which
nia, Washington, and Connecticut. Following this, sterilization is advocated and see in which of them
sterilization statutes were adopted in rapid succes­ the hereditary factors are of importance.
sion by a number of states. Many of these laws T h e tragedy of mental illness crushes not only the
sick but also the members of their families. Nothing relationship with others, lie may believe that he is
so breaks into the lives of the well as the mental being persecuted, lie misinterprets the irrelevant
diseases of those with whom they live; nothing so acts of other people and believes that a stranger
hurts the pride or arouses such devastating inner who looks at him as he passes will make an adverse
conflict. Accompanying the sympathy is the recoil criticism and communicate this unfavorable opinion
of incomprehension and horror, and underneath the to others, perhaps will consider him homosexual or
surface loyalty there is often deep, impatient dis­ vile in some ot her way, or even will follow him to do
affection. To love and care for the mentally dis­ him damage. While the normal person takes refuge
turbed is the final test of endurance, and so deep a in the certainty that what goes on inside his head is
drain on emotional reserve as to be beyond the known only to himself, unless he communicates it,
powers of most normal people. There is a grim rea­ the schizophrenic loses this feeling of safety and
son for the old term “ alienist” to denote the man thinks that others know and read his mind, lie
who looks after those felt to be aliens on the human feels that he is no longer able to do what he could
scene. before: to think consecutively, feel vividly, and act
without constraint. He may then develop a “ delu­
2 sion of influence,” a belief that somehow an influ­
I n s a n i t y or mental disease is no unified thing. ence of mysterious and potent nature is being used
Mental diseases vary in biological nature, in cause, on him by others The Others. For he is now an
course, and possibilities for treatment, and have alien in the world.
totally different relationships to heredity. It is interesting that the nature of this influence
Some mental diseases are comparatively easy to changes with each cultural level and scientific
classify. There are identifiable physical signs and achievement. In the days when men believed in
changes in the body during life, and finally autopsy “ possession” by demons and witches, the schizo­
reveals changes in the brain and other structures. phrenic claimed that he was bewitched and pos­
These conditions account for more than half of the sessed. Later, when hypnosis was widely discussed
population in our mental institutions, yet they and its powers were greatly exaggerated, hypno­
exemplify no hereditary process. The two most tism was the instrument of influence. As physical
important are arteriosclerotic dementia and senile scientific devices developed and it became possible
dementia, diseases consequent upon the changes to talk and see at a distance, the radio and television
of old age and due to alteration in the brain. Gen­ became the means by which others influenced the
eral paresis, which develops ten to twenty years schizophrenic. The mechanism of projection, which
after the patient has contracted syphilis, is of en­ creates scapegoats for us all, is strongly evident in
vironmental origin only, at least for any practical this disease. The schizophrenic finds that his diffi­
purposes. A1ost alcoholism, also, is created by so­ culties are created by others, either concretely as
cial rather than individual heredity. A hile it is true coming from one person or group, or vaguely as
that a good many alcoholics are neurotic and that coming from “ Them.”
some suffer from depression, the main trouble with So the schizophrenic lives his life in a brooding,
the alcoholic is that society not only permits him silly, grimacing, retreated fashion. Either he be­
to buy without restriction a drug that he cannot comes overpassive or he becomes senselessly re­
handle, but even applies an extraordinarily potent sistive. And there also appears as part of the
social pressure to encourage its use. symptomatology of this disease the transformation
We come next to schizophrenia and the manic- of one’s own thoughts into voices or hallucinations
depressive stales, the two great mental diseases still of one type or another.
without any known physical signs and without any The disability inherent in this disease is enor­
differentiating pathology and chemistry. mous. The course may run from a short episode
Generally speaking, schizophrenia tends to start that never recurs to a chronic progressive disorder
early in life as a personality type that develops into that only grows worse as life goes on, although
disease. The past history of the schizophrenic is there may be sharp remission, in which the indi­
usually that of a shut-in, overmeticulous, over- vidual seems much better.
scrupulous personality. He has a certain stiff shy­ No pathology, no specific altered physiology, has
ness that marks him off from other men. He (or been discovered, although the patients as a whole
she) has little successful sexual urge of an outer become inferior in physique and disordered in physi­
type; he may and does brood about sex, and is often ology as time goes on. This is no wonder, since they
in what I have called a sexual stew, but frequently live aloof from all t he invigorating recreative activi­
nothing comes of this except masturbation. He ties of man. In the institutions many of them
may have peculiarities of conduct, rigidities and work, but since they have no spontaneity and little
mannerisms of extreme type. initiative, they need constant spurring and guid­
From this schizoid personality, the sick man ance. Too many of them slip into a stale that can
descends gradually or suddenly into a retreat from only' be described as vegetating; they may sit or
life. This retreat is based on a falsification of his stand all day in some fixed posture, absorbed in a
sort o f vacuum ; or they m ay groove their activities attac k s m ay be long and violent, or short and not
in a senseless, stereotyped succession. too greatly disturbing. T he p atien t m ay need in­
carceration in an institution or, on the other hand,
m ay even continue at work.
T he M etrazol and later the electric-shock m ethod
Xiie o th e r g re a t m en tal disorder of unknow n have become of great use, especially for th e de­
physiology and pathology is the manic-depressive pressive state. T hey produce really miraculous
sta te . T h e term “ m anic-depressive” m eans th a t recoveries, b u t recoveries only in the sense of cu t­
th e individual altern ates betw een a sta te in which ting short the individual attack , for unfortunately
he is overexcited, elated, overactive, an d usually th e disease tends to recur.
o v er joyous and one in w hich he shows the opposite Disease knows no favorites. Schizophrenia and
m ood of grim depression. In th e m anic sta te he m ay the manic-depressive state occur am ong the rich
be m erely overgay, overtalkative, superficial in his and poor, the bright and dull, Jew an d gentile, black
speech, an d given to punning. H e m ay even be the and white. D espite all th a t has been done, no sub­
life of th e p arty , highly am using when the condition stantial physiology or pathology has been estab­
is still u n d er control. In fact, m any individuals go lished for these illnesses. T he prevailing opinion is
th ro u g h life in w hat is known as the hypom anic th a t they are m ainly constitutional and hereditary.
sta te ; th a t is, th e y are m anic, b u t never com pletely This is borne out by a stu d y of those touchstones
lose control. T h ey never feel fatigue and are in­ of t he opera! ion of heredity and environm ent, identi­
d o m itab le; while th e y tend to pass from one interest cal twins. W hen one twin has schizophrenia or a
and excitem ent to another, th e y m ay even achieve m anic-depressive state, the liability of the o ther to
g re a t things an d be notable in th eir lifework. One have the sam e disease is enorm ously greater than
m ay even en v y th e individual in a hypom anic state, mere chance, although there are cases where one
since his em otions are all charged with cham pagne such person has the disease and his tw in does not
and his energies are alm ost inexhaustible. But. un­ develop it. T he term “ concordance” has been in­
fo rtu n a te ly th e full m anic stage often supervenes, vented to express sim ilarity o f fate in identical
an d th en th e fan tastic euphoric conduct, the reck­ twins. The concordance of schizophrenia and the
lessness, and th e com plete breakdow n of inhibition manic-depressive state in identical twins, while not
force society to incarcerate th e p atien t in a hos­ 100 per cent, is so great as to leave almost no doubt
p ital, to save him self and others from disaster. that a hereditary factor is involved.
F ro m th is overcharged condition he m ay and I t is w orth while considering the statem en t th a t
usually does pass into th e opposite state of depres­ the insane are increasing in our population. For
sion. l i e experiences deep m elancholy and com­ several generations the com m itm ent ra te to institu ­
plete failure of enthusiasm and energy, and loses his tions increased, as would naturally be expected. I f a
sense of reality and his feeling of the wort hwhileness com m unity has no hospitals and then starts building
o f life. F ro m tim e to tim e, as w e uneasily scan our them , the com m itm ent rate goes up as each hospital
lives, all of us suffer from a sense of guilt; but the is built and as there are more facilities to take care
m elancholiac feels this in so magnified a form th a t of the insane and the defective. C om m unities th a t
he accuses him self not only of com plete um vorthi- are backward in other ways do not feel the need for
ness but of unforgivable sin, of having created the instit utions. T hus the paradox: Low-gradeconimunir-
disasters o f th e world. l i e believes that because of ties have few hospitals and a low commitment rate.
his g u ilt those w hom he loves will be punished in High-grade communities, sensitive to hospital needs,
one w ay o r an o th er by m an or by God. T h e bluest build hospitals and have a high commitment rate. In a
blue m ood of th e norm al person is a bright rainbow com m unity th a t has as m any institutions as it
com pared w ith th e hopeless darkness of the manic- needs and desires, the com m itm ent rate remains
depressive p atien t. Losing the will to live, he m ay stationary or even drops. This is tru e in m any
have only th e desire to die. Suicide often ends the countries and in M assaehusetts and New York, the
career of the m anic-depressive patient. two m ost carefully studied states in this country.
'Lhe m ilder depressive cases are the bane and the In this type of com m unity the only increase in
perp lex ity of those who deal with them . T h ey are com m itm ent ra te has been in the senile and arterio­
ad ju red from m orning to night to “ snap out of i t ” sclerotic diseases. As the age of the population in­
and are given all kinds of banal advice. I f they are creases owing to the lowered birth ra te and the
overactive, th ey are told to rest more. I f t hey show prolongation of life, m ore people live to become
a ten d en cy not to m eet others, th ey are exhorted to dem ented, more people outlive their brains. Then
be m ore social, w hen the very will to be social has too, as people become urbanized, it becomes more
been paralyzed. T h e p a te n t fact th a t the “ good difficult to care for their dem ented elders in ap a rt­
a d v ic e ” is im possible to follow does not lessen the ment houses and tenem ents; so instead of caring for
strea m o f irritatin g im portunity. them a t home, they pack them off to institutions.
T h e re is a v ery strong tendency to recover spon­ A ll in all, the rate of mental disease is not increasing.
tan eously from th e m anic-depressive state. T he T he fact th a t there are m ore institutions and th a t
more money is being spent for them indicates a the heroine of the K allikak saga was seventy to
more hum ane a ttitu d e tow ard m ental disease and, eighty years of age and our inform ant was some­
perhaps more im portantly, a realistic social effort to thing under ten. Any other ages would m ake th e
understand and to cure it. thing entirely impossible. And so we are asked to
believe th a t a woman of eighty in 1910 could recall
from her childhood authentic inform ation of scien­
4 tific, value about a person whose m ental state is
I f we tu rn our atten tio n to the inheritance of alleged to have profoundly influenced four genera­
feeble-mindedness, we are confronted a t once by the tions of descendants.
studies of the ardent eugenists. In order to frighten N o scientific study of any fam ily of feeble­
the normal members of the com m unity into stern m inded people reveals a 100 per cent set of failures.'
and sterilizing action against the low-grade people Studies such as one we did in M assachusetts reveal
of the com m unity, these pointers-w ith-alarm have no counterparts to the Kallikaks. In m any groups
created a propaganda th a t is selective and biased. we found feeble-mindedness for one or two genera­
It assumes w hat it wishes whenever there are no tions, but we also found collaterals who reached
facts. It takes exceptional cases and makes them distinction and were respected in the com m unity.
typical. I t neglects a whole world of contradictory On the other hand, we found no fam ily tree, how­
statistics and facts. ever distinguished, which did not have hanging
The creation of the royal families of the feeble­ from its branches the m entally sick, the defective,
minded, th e N am s, the Kallikaks, the Jukes, the the alcoholic, the failure, the ne’er-do-well, and the
tribes of Ishm ael, the Virginians, and so on, is based social misfit.
on these serious errors of research. T he typical What, often is m istaken for feebic-m indedness is
technique is represented by the history of the K alli­ low cultural level. Groups sequestered in the hills
kaks. According to the legend, a certain M artin of K entucky or in lonely sections of N ew H am p ­
Kallikak, a R evolutionary soldier, had a liaison shire and Vermont breed low-grade people genera­
sub rosa w ith a “ nameless feeble-minded g irl” tion after generation, just as peasant com m unities
whom he m et in a tavern. All the descendants of throughout E urope are illiterate, superstitious, and
the M artin K allikak union w ith this anonym ous low-grade. T he cultural milieu is low-grade, and
moron were “ studied,” so the story goes, for four the social factors are so im portant th a t it is im­
generations, and, lo and behold, they were all mon­ possible to call this germ-plasm hereditary rath er
sters; there were no norm al people among them ! than cultural. This dependence of m ental develop­
All were alcoholics, feeble-minded, criminals, or m ent on cultural level has been well shown by the
vagrants. T his family is in sharp contrast to th a t study th a t F reem an and his associates m ade of
which followed the union of M artin K allikak’s foster children moved from a low-grade environ­
germ plasm w ith th a t of a presum ably good girl. m ent to a b e tte r one. T hey found, for instance, th a t
All the descendants of this public and approved children who were tested before th ey were placed in
union w ere fine, upstanding people — doctors, foster homes, and then retested several years later,
lawyers, judges, businessmen of repute. N one of showed great im provem ent in th eir intelligence
them were villains, shiftless alcoholics, insane, or ratings, and also th a t th e children in the b etter
feeble-minded. foster homes gained considerably more th an those
Since such a partition of germ -plasm ic fate has in the poorer ones.
never occurred in this world, we have the right to W hen we regard the facts about feeble-minded-
raise two p ertinent questions about this study. ncss, we find that there are various types th a t are
F irst, we m ight ask for assurance th a t M artin radically different biologically. M ongolian idiocy is
Kallikak actually fathered the child of the nameless certainly no t related to feeble-mindedness in gen­
feeble-minded girl. And then, since it is often diffi­ eral ancl arises in perfectly norm al families. C retin­
cult even for the experienced psychiatrist to diag­ ism is definitely a thyroid disturbance and m ay
nose feeble-mindedness in a p atien t he sees, we have some hereditary basis, but m ore likely is due
might question the m ental disability of this Revolu­ either to spontaneous defect in the developm ent of
tionary maid. Unless these two basic queries can the thyroid gland or to the am ount of iodine present
be answered w ith facts, the entire stu d y of the in the drinking w ater and plants of th e locality, as
K allikaks is com pletely w ithout value. in Switzerland. A third type of feeble-mindedness
We find th a t all our inform ation about the nam e­ is due to injury at birth, when the brain is dam aged
less girl and her child comes from an elderly lady because the head of the child is too large for the
who was questioned in 1910. This inform ant said m other’s pelvis.
th at she had personally known the girl. I f the I t m ay, nevertheless, be stated th a t m ost feeble­
feeble-minded girl was born in 1760 and reached the m indedness is related in some way to heredity. T he
age of eighty and the inform ant was eighty years of concordance of identical twins is alm ost 100 per
age in 1910, the paths of these two people would cent. This heredity, however, need not be a direct
have crossed between 1830 and 1840, at which tim e one. A great deal of feeble-mindedness arises by
some unknown hereditary combination in what, dence of epilepsy, had waves of the epileptic type
ap p e a r to be normal families, and, in fact, a study in a very much larger proportion than those of the
done by I’openoe, himself one of the leading euge- normal population.
nisls. shows that the majority o f the feeble-minded in This demonstrates that there is a constitutional
California had about the same h ind of ancestry as the predisposition to epilepsy in the family group, vet
normal population, so that there v a s no real evidence it is too early to say that it proves a true heredity.
o f huge groups breeding feeble-mindedness generation T h e fad that epilepsy can be reproduced experi­
after generation. mentally and that definite environmental agents,
T his brings us at once to a collateral question ol such as illness and brain injury, create the disease
great importance. T he statem ent is continually in otherwise healthy' individuals and in animals
m ade that ihe feeble-minded breed much faster leads to the conclusion that, in addition to the
than do the normal members of the population, and hereditary factor, some unknown environmental
the poinlers-wit h-alarm cite this as evidence ol a agent cooperates to bring about the actual epileptic
deterioration <>!' the race that is going on apace and attacks.
will end in feeble-minded human species. T he in­ The epileptic is not necessarily an inferior person.
vest igat ions carried out by the British Royal Com­ Epilepsy is a very widespread disorder occurring
mission appointed for this purpose completely con­ sporadically among all people, regardless of their
tradict this statem ent. T he report says: "E xcept social status or intelligence. When the attacks are
for a relatively small num ber of isolated instances, very frequent, mental deterioration takes place as a
we find that there is no evidence of excessive fer­ secondary' factor; that is, it is caused by the effects
tility. and indeed il would be easy to set off against of attacks and the drugs used to control them.
these exceptional cases a m uch larger num ber ol Fortunately, there has been great improvement in
cases in which the fertility rate was low. T he sup­ the treatment of this condition. Drugs now used
posed abnorm al fert ility of defect ives is, in our view, exercise a very beneficial effect without sir much
largely m ytIdeal." narcosis as was necessary in the past. F u rth e r work
T h e birth ra te of the feeble-minded is no greater promises exceedingly well for the future, and un­
th a n th a t of the population as a whole, and their doubtedly the time will come when the epileptic
m o rtality is much higher, as is the m ortality of all attack will be a rarity .
m entally sick people. Moreover, the marriage rate 1 do not believe that criminality is a mental
of the defective indiv iduals is much less than that of disease. Grime is socially defined, and each society
I he norm al population. This would naturally be the has its own criteria of what const it utes crime. Thus,
case. T h ey are nol so attractive. T h e y find a it was a crime to be a Jew in Nazi Germany. The
gre ater difficulty in earning a liv ing. They have less leading crime of the Middle Ages was heresy; in
sexual drive or, at an y rate, a less normal sexual times of w ar it is a crime not to believe what the
drive. T h e y tend to be isolated early by the very majority' believes about the enemy.
n ature of their illness, and every social factor Statistics showing that members of the same
operates against their reproduction. families become criminals do not take into account
Epilepsy has been described from the earliest the fact that members of the same families usually
days of medicine and has been glorified as the sacred have the same social background as we II. Th( ■re arc
disease. Epilepsy is found throughout the whole subnormal characters who come in contact with the
m am m alian kingdom, appears spontaneously in law, w ho become declared criminals. There are ju st
cats, dogs, and guinea pigs as well as man, and can as many, perhaps more, abnormal characters w ho
be experimentally produced in practically all ani­ are zealous defenders of the law and who uphold it
mals by the use of drugs. with great firmness. I think 1 have seen as many
Nevertheless, the disease remained of almost un­ psychopathic judges, lawyers, police officers, and
known pathology and cause until a fertile era of psychiatrists as psychopathic criminals.
experim entation culminated in the marvelous dis­
covery of the brain waves. It was learned that
throughout life the brain as an electric organ gives
oIf waves that, can be captured, enormously magni­ h e n we consider sterilization for schizophrenia,
fied, and recorded on smoked paper. Then came the manic-depressive psychoses, feeble-mindedness,
the application of this discovery to th e study of and epilepsy , the four conditions for which it is most
epilepsy. A group of notable Boston investigators widely urged, we find that our present knowledge
d em onstrated that in epilepsy disordered brain does not w arrant compulsory sterilization of all
waves of specific types almost constantly appeared, who suffer from these conditions. Nevertheless, it
even when the individual was ostensibly well. l)rs. seems to me that there is sufficient evidence on
William Gordon Lennox, E. L. Gibbs, and F. A. hand to legitimatize the sterilization of carefully
Gibbs found that the brain waves of the parents, selected cases, in each case taking into account the
brothers, and sisters of the epileptic patient, even assets as well as the liabilities that the individual
though these relatives themselves showed no evi­ could transmit to his descendants.
Some years ago I was the chairm an of a com­ the schizophrenic will be im proved, th e depressive
m ittee that surveyed this question. We favored states sharply curtailed w ithout hospital stay, and
sterilization for selected cases and believed that it the fits of the epileptic will be either greatly reduced
should be voluntary — th a t is, performed with the or entirely prevented. We shall m ake them more
consent of the patient or of those responsible for m arriageable and m ore socially efficient, therefore
him. Seeing no reason for group or class discrim ina­ m ore likely to have offspring. Still, there is no
tion, we decided that it should be applicable not danger th a t th e race will go to the dogs, and we do
only to patients in state institutions but also to not have to accept any measures born of panic or
those in private institutions and those at large in of dogm a, unjustified by sure facts.
the com m unity. We felt th at the essential ma­ A long-term , carefully carried out research pro­
chinery for adm inistering such a law should be one gram is the first essential for understanding not
or several boards composed chiefly of persons who only the heredity bu t the nature of the m ajor in­
have had special training and experience in the heritable m ental conditions. W hen we shall really
problems involved and who could evaluate each study hum an families carefully and system atically
case on its individual m erits. Cases could be for at least a hundred years, so th a t we can view
brought before such a board by superintendents of three generations in the clear light, of w ell-estab­
institutions, p rivate physicians, parents or guard­ lished facts and records, then we shall have some
ians, or by th e patients themselves. This arrange­ knowledge of the relationship of heredity to em i­
ment would prom ote elasticity in the applicat ion of nence and genius, as well as to m ental disease and
the law, and permit the utilization of future ad­ social difficulty.
vances in knowledge. Even though we m ay believe th a t a condition is
We recommended sterilization in the case of hereditary, wc m ust not dismiss th e environm ental
feeble-minded ness. Though we hesitated to stress influences as nonrelevant. In our environm ent
any purely social necessity for sterilization, it is there m ay be evocative factors — social, tra d i­
obvious th a t in the case of the feeble-minded there tional, cultural, as well as physical — th a t bring
m ay be a social as well as a biological situation of about the inheritance of schizophrenia, m anic-
importance. Since m ost of the feeble-minded can depressive state, epilepsy, and possibly, although
hardly care for themselves, a family of children m ay this is not likely, feeble-mindedness.
prove an overwhelming burden. It is the d u ty of any reasonable society to know
We believed th a t schizophrenia would need rela­ about the constitution of its m em bers. N o such
tively little atten tio n from the surgeon because effort has been m ade even in the m ost advanced
most cases th a t are recognized in tim e to prevent com m onwealths. A long-time survey of the poten­
procreation spend their days in hospitals anyway. tialities of the m em bers of our society is necessary
M oreover, the sexual urge and the m arriage and for a proper, reasonable organization. E v ery tim e
birth rate arc low. Sterilization m ight well be we go to w ar and examine the potential fighting
recommended, however, for those patients living in m em bers of the group, we arc surprised a t th e
the com m unity, since desirable qualities of other am ount of defect. No such surprise is w arranted.
kinds are only incidental to schizophrenia and not T he surprise is th at there is not m ore defect. M an
part of its make-up. uses his intelligence less in the care of his own
As for th e manic-depressive psychoses, there are species th an lie does in the care of anything else he
problems th at would tax the judgm ent of the wisest Owns or governs.
board and th at must be m et w ith conservatism and I t is a cardinal article of faith w ith m e th a t it
caution. The manic-depressive tem peram ent is fre­ would be good eugenics, as well as good euthenics,
quently associated w ith the highest achievem ent to wipe out every slum, to secure for everyone
and ability of which m ankind can boast. In this access to sunshine and good food, cultural oppor­
disease particularly, the decision would have to tunities, and those things which stim ulate th e
take into account the to tal assets of the individual growth of intelligence; to elim inate the infectious
character as well as the liabilities incident to the diseases and especially those diseases such as
psychosis. syphilis and tuberculosis which m ay injure more
As for epilepsy, we believed th a t if the individ­ th an one generation. A large part of our population,
ual’s epileptic attacks were infrequent and if the even in the best of our comm onwealths, live in
qualities of the personality were in tact, there was circum stances in which we would expect deteriora­
no reason for recommending sterilization. tion in plants and anim als. A t any rate, we can
In the past, m arriage has acted as a selective say th a t while a lim ited eugenic program is w ar­
agency operating in a eugenic way. W hen there ranted at this time, even more im portant would
was little efficient treatm en t for schizophrenia, the be a radical im provem ent in the environm ent of
m alignant manic-depressive state, and severe epi­ civilized m an and an organized research into th e
lepsy, the com m itm ent rate and the patients’ ob­ n ature of those m ental conditions from which he
vious m ental condition kept down their m arriage suffers, so th a t we can work w ith understanding
and birth rates. B ut we are entering an era when and intelligence.
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