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4 Biotechnology and its Applications1

CBSE Term II Biology XII

Multiple Choice Questions 3. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct
1. (a) The decisions regarding the validity of GMOs research and explanation of A.
the safety of introducing GMOs and their product for public The ADA gene provides instructions for producing the
services in India are taken by Genetic Engineering Approval enzyme, adenosine deaminase.
Committee or GEAC. This enzyme is produced in all cells throughout the
2. (c) Gene silencing could be achieved through various routes body, but its highest level occur in lymphocytes, which
including the use of RNAi, antisense RNA, ribozymes, etc. All defend the body against potentially harmful invaders,
these enzymes interrupt or suppress the expression of genes at such as viruses or bacteria.
transcriptional or translational level. Short Answer Type Questions
3. (a) The first human hormone produced by recombinant DNA 1. (i) Bacillus thuringiensis produces a protein that kills
technology is insulin. The first genetically engineered, synthetic certain insects such as dipterans (flies, mosquitoes),
human insulin was produced in 1978 using E. coli bacteria to coleopterans (beetles) and lepidopterans (tobacco,
produce insulin. budworm, armyworm).
4. (b) Statements I and III are correct. (ii) The activated Bt toxin binds to the surface of
Bt toxin has been cloned from the bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis midgut epithelial cells and creates pores which
and its strains are used in producing bioinsecticidal plants which cause cell swelling and lysis, leading to death of the
kill the insects like lepidopterans, etc. insect.
Statement II is incorrect and can be corrected as (iii) Bt toxin has been used in plants like cotton, rice,
Genetic engineering works on both plants and animals tomato, potato, etc., and respective varieties have
successfully for producing transgenic plants like Bt cotton and been obtained.
transgenic animals like Rosie cow. 2. Recombinant insulin is one of the first products of
5. (a) The first transgenic cow, Rosie produced human protein biotechnology with the following advantages
enriched milk (2.4g/L) in 1997. (i) It has led to sufficient availability of insulin for the
The milk contained human alpha lactalbumin and was management of adult onset diabetes.
nutritionally more balanced for human babies. (ii) Recombinant insulin has a superior level of purity
6. (d) Biopiracy is the illegal use of certain products which have and is not allergic in nature.
their origin in some other area 3. Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) deficiency is an inherited
Traditional knowledge related to bioresources can be exploited disorder that damages the immune system and causes
to develop modern applications and can save time, efforts and Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency (SCID).
expenditure during commercialisation. Gene therapy has been a successful and permanent cure
Biopiracy can be done on bioresources and the biomolecules for this ailment.
related to it and also on some research work going on in some Steps followed in enzymes replacement gene therapy
other parts of the world. includes
Thus, option (d) is correct. (i) First the, lymphocytes from the blood of the patient
Assertion-Reasoning MCQs are grown in a culture outside the body.
1. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of (ii) A functional ADA cDNA (using a retroviral vector)
A. is then introduced into these lymphocytes which
Transgenic plants can be produced using recombinant DNA are subsequently returned to the patient.
technology and it has proved to be useful in many ways, e.g. the (iii) As these cells are not immortal, the patient requires
transgenic plants have high nutritional value of food, e.g. Golden periodic infusion of such genetically engineered
rice. lymphocytes. If the gene isolated from marrow cells
An organism that contains and expresses a transgene is called producing ADA is introduced into cells at early
transgenic organism. embryonic stages, it could be a permanent cure.
2. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of Some other diseases like haemophilia, cystic fibrosis,
A. etc., can also be cured by this.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a soil bacterium produces a Cry 4. Advantages of a transgenic cow are
protein (crystal protein) as this protein is toxic to the larvae of (i) They can be used as biofactories to synthesise
certain insects. There are several kinds of Cry proteins. Each human therapeutic proteins.
Cry protein is toxic to a different group of insects. The gene (ii) The milk produced by a transgenic cow is
encoding Cry protein that is cry gene, has been isolated and nutritionally more stable and healthy for babies.
transferred into several crops, making the crops resistant to
(iii) A transgenic cow is able to produce a large amount
groups of insects.
of milk protein (therapeutic protein). When
Each Cry protein is toxic to a different group of insects. compared with a normal cow.
2 CBSE Term II Biology XII

5. Biopiracy refers to the use of bioresources by multinational non-transgenic animals. They are then exposed to toxic
companies and other organisations without proper substances and effects are studied. This allows us to
authorisation from the countries and the people concerned obtain results in less time.
without compensatory payment. (iii) Study of disease Many transgenic animals are
The majority of industrialised nations are financially rich but designed to increase the understanding of how genes
poor in diversity and traditional knowledge. When compared contribute to the development of disease such as
with developing countries. For example, an American cancer, cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and
company, Rice Tec won a patent on Basmati Rice Lines and Alzheimer’s. These are specially made to serve as
Grains in 1997 through the US Patent and Trademark Office, models for human disease, so that investigation of new
and was allowed to sell a new variety in US and abroad. The treatments for diseases is made possible.
new variety of rice was actually derived from the Indian 2. The recombinant DNA technological processes have made
farmers’ variety. The Indian Basmati crossed with semi-dwarf immense impact in the area of healthcare by enabling mass
varieties, was claimed as an invention by the American production of safe and more effective therapeutic drugs.
company. But originally rice is being used since thousands of Some therapeutical applications related to biotechnology
years in Asia’s agricultural history and alone in India 2,00,000 are
varieties are present out which 27 varieties are of Basmati is (i) Genetically engineered insulin which has lead to
cultivated in India. sufficient availability of insulin for the management of
Long Answer Type Questions adult onset diabetes and also does not involve allergic
1. Animals that have had their DNA manipulated to possess and reactions.
express an extra (foreign) gene are known as transgenic (ii) Recombinant vaccine The vaccines produced through
animals, e.g. transgenic rats, rabbits, pigs, sheep, cows and genetic engineering methods are called recombinant
fishes. vaccines or ‘second generation vaccines’. They have
Transgenic animals have been widely used in areas because gene inserts for the surface proteins of a pathogen that
of their transforming benefits like elicit immunity but do not result in infection.
(i) Normal physiology and development Transgenic Examples of such vaccines include recombinant
animals can be specifically designed to allow the study hepatitis-B vaccine and polio vaccine.
of how genes are regulated and how they affect the (iii) Gene therapy It is a collection of methods which
normal functioning of the body and its development. For allows correction of a genetic defect that has been
example, the study of complex factors involved in diagnosed in a child or embryo. The defective mutant
growth such as insulin like growth factors. alleles of the gene are replaced by the normal gene
(ii) Transgenic animals are made to carry the genes, which insertion to take over the functions of and compensate
make them more sensitive to toxic substances than the for the non-functional gene.

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