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Cebu Main Campus

Name: Basalo, Jenifer P. Date: July 11, 2022

Subject/Time: HRM ELEC 3/ 12:50-2:40PM Course & Year: BSA 3



This term has enlightened my morale as I learn the substance of

Foundations of Group Behaviors, Understanding Teams, and Power & Politics.
We join groups not just for entertainment but for greater purposes such as
security, status, self-esteem, affiliation, power, and goal achievement. We come
to develop a group by forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. In
the process, we are able to shape our behaviors and learn that each individual is
reasonable in how he/she behaves for we have different histories according to
our role, norms, status, size, and cohesiveness. Moreover, we also come to
collaborate and cooperate toward a common goal where we create a team. And,
as we form a team, we possess various roles as encourager, summarizer,
gatekeeper, harmonizer, initiator, and summarizer towards a successful end. We
dig deeper into Power and Politics with key takeaways that individuals have six
potential sources of power, including legitimate, reward, coercive, expert,
information, and referent power. We learned how power tactics attempt to
influence one another in organizations and how to use power effectively. In short,
this term has been very much fruitful in shaping interaction and interdependence.

One of the needed qualities as an accountant is the ability to work in a

team, trustworthiness and reliability, and organizational skills. As an aspiring
accountant, these topics are essential, especially in working as a team in doing
Audits and exercising my powers in examining errors and frauds in financial
statements. It taught me that power can be poisonous to my career if used
unjustly for it can stain my dignity and ruin my profession. Moreover, knowing
that I am an encourager in a group is an asset to keep a positive ambiance. I
also learned that my expertise, legitimate, and coercive power are vital in building
trust and confidence in the organization. Therefore, this term has improved my
perspective and my team spirit in becoming the best version of myself.

I believe that it is important to surround yourself with people that inspire

and challenge you to develop a strong personality and positive traits and form a
powerful self that could be an asset to the team. I also come to think about the
pros and cons of organizational politics. It can be an advantageous skill if we use
it properly and justly. However, if we become selfish due to our self-serving
interests, then we become unethical. Moreover, the topics made me realize to
choose a friend wisely whom I can lean on and contribute to my growth and gain
enough knowledge as the foundation of my power.

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