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‫اسماء الطالب‬
‫‪ .1‬ام البنين ناجي جثير‬
‫‪ .2‬اهلة عامر عطية‬
‫‪ .3‬انوار قحطان مجيد‬
‫‪ .4‬آمنة عبد الرحمن مرزوق‬
‫‪ .5‬أنفال كامل علي‬

‫‪1-Read this description of France and Switzerland.‬‬

A)) underline the words and expressions, which are used to show contrast.

(However), the two countries are very different

(although) French is the official language in both countries; Switzerland has three other official
languages: German, Italian and Romance.

France also has a long coastline on the Channel, the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, _(but)_
Switzerland has no coastline _(Unlike)_ France which has a varied landscape, Switzerland is mainly

France belongs to the European Union and uses the Euro as its currency. _(However)_, Switzerland does
not belong to the European Union and it has its own currency, the Swiss franc.

B) Highlight the words and expressions, which show similarity

France and Switzerland are _(both)_ European countries.

French is the official language in_( both)_ countries, _( Like)_ France, Switzerland is popular with
tourists, although visitors go to Switzerland mainly for ski-ing, walking and climbing holidays.

2- Both France and Switzerland are water-rich countries; however, France holds a significant place
among the European countries and is rich in natural resources like coal.

The French National Day is the anniversary of the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, a major event
of the French Revolution, as well as the Fête de la Federation that celebrated the unity of the French
people on 14 July 1790. Celebrations are held throughout France. On August 1 the date refers to a
historic alliance concluded in 1291 by the three cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden.

Like France, Switzerland has tourism that is thriving now more than ever thanks to its temperate
climate, stunning locales, good food and progressive economy. Unlike Switzerland, France has The major
field crops (cereals, oilseed, protein crops, beet…) represent a little over 45 % of agricultural area, and
France was a pioneer in the automotive industry and is the 11th-largest automobile manufacturer in the
world by 2015 unit production. Although, According to the most recent statistics, the

Switzerland is the largest exporter of watches in the world. The landlocked nation exported £10.5B
($13.7B) worth of base metal watches in 2018, securing its place as the world's 18th biggest exporter
across all goods, and is one of the world's foremost banking and financial centers with 266 banks as of
2017, and is one of the first countries to have produced chocolate,
3- Iraq and Iran are two Middle Eastern countries, Iran, which was called Persia until 1935,
is an ancient country that dates back thousands of years to biblical times. The people are
Persians, not Arabs. They speak Farsi, not Arabic. Under the Shah, Iran was closely associated
with Europe and the United States. Iran today is an Islamic republic that seeks to create a new
identity. On the other hand, Iraq is a relatively new country, created by the British after World
War I. The people have strong tribal and ethnic ties. The Kurds in the north have a long history
of regional independence. Iraq remains in turmoil since the fall of Saddam, and Iraq's future is

Iran and Iraq share a 900-mile border and three-quarters of their names. However, the two
countries have different histories and cultures, influenced by shared and unique invaders,
emperors, and foreign rules alike.

Geographically, the two regions differ in more aspects than just their shared border. The capital
city of Iran is Tehran while Baghdad serves as the seat of centralized power in Iraq. Iran ranks
18th largest country in the world at 636,000 square miles while Iraq ranks 58th at 169,000
square miles. Their populations differ proportionally, too. Iran boasts 80 million citizens to
Iraq's 31 million.

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