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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of People’s Power for Education

Experimental University “Rómulo Gallegos”

School of health Sciences “José Gregorio Hernández”

Maturín- Monagas

Assignment number
two and three

Teacher: Students:

Elvis Salazar # 23 Anibal Lezama

# 26 Daniel Mata

# 10 Raizibel Farrera

Grupo # 2

Friday 12 th, November,2021

Students: _Raizibel Farrera
Anibal Lezama
Daniel Mata
Section: 05
Group Number: 02

1. You should put some lotion on a sunburn. (sometimes helpful)

R: Sometimes helpful you should put some lotion on a sunburn.

2. For a backache, you should take some pain killer. (important)

R: for a backache, you important should take some pain killer.

3. For a cold, you should drink hot tea with honey. (sometimes helpful)
R: for a cold, it’s sometimes helpful should drink hot tea with honey.

4. Whe you feel stressed out, you should get a massage. ( a good idea)

R: whe you feel stressed out, a good idea you should get a massage.

5. For a cough, you shouldn’t drink coald beverages. (important)

R: for a cough, important you shouldn’t drink coald beverages.

B.- Write which is the situation according to each picture and write a short
conversation giving advices to each one. Follow the example:

A: I have terrible back pain! I made a sudden move and it started to hurt!

B: That is not good! If I were you, I would rest. Why don't you take a pill? It can help you
ease the pain!

A: yes, I will take a painkiller, that has to take away this pain

B: for the next one, try to make the movements calmer so that the same does not happen to

A: ok, thank you very much for the advice, see you later friend.

B: bye see you tomorrow to see how you are doing. remember to rest.

1. Golde on the head

A: hello sofia, yesterday playing in the park I fell off the swing and hit my head
very hard and it started to hurt
B: Hello Pedro, you have to be more careful when playing, go to the doctor to have
a plate taken

A: yes, that is what I have to do.

B: at the moment taking a pill will improve the pain

A: It's a good idea, thanks, I'll also put ice on it

B: ok, perfect for the next one you have to be very aware. see you tomorrow, hope
you get better.

A: ok, thanks for your recommendations, bye.

2. Cold
A: Hi mom, I have a very cold

B: hello son surely you got wet with rain

A: yes, today when I told you that I was going to the soccer field, it rained and
there was nowhere to hide

B: you had to take your raincoat, so you don't get sick

A: I left it in the dining room dough

B: well let's go to your room, I will make you a hot tea and you will take a pill so
that the discomfort goes away

A: Thank you mom, I love you, you are always looking out for me.

B: for the next one do not get wet with rainwater that you know you will get sick

A: calm mom, I will listen to you.

B: rest son. until tomorrow

A: bye mother, thanks for everything.

3. Cut
A: what a great pain I have in my I must index

B: what happened to you?

A: I started to cut a pineapple with a very sharp knife and cut myself.

B: according to my grandfather always tells me that when you cut yourself you put
butter with sugar and the pain goes away

A: I'm going to try it to see if it works for me.

B: so tomorrow you won't be able to make cake with me because of your must

A: I'm afraid not, it hurts a lot and it is inflaming me, invite Josefina, she can help

A: I will take an anti-inflammatory, I hope tomorrow I will feel better.

B: ok I'll tell her. bye.

A: bye bye

4. high temperature fever

A: hi camila, I tell you that a week ago I went downtown and had to ride in a
passenger car

B: oh my friend and tell me, were you wearing your mask? Do you comply with
the biosafety measures?

A: no, I stay at home, that annoys me, I don't want to wear it anymore

B: NO, you have to use it because you can get sick.

A: Well that's what I want to tell you, I have 5 days with a very high fever and
nothing that wants to lower me
B: you see, I told you, you have to use your protection, now you have to take the
covid 19 test

A: Yes, friend, I'm going to take that test early tomorrow, hopefully and it goes

B: Ok, perfect tomorrow, tell me how you got out.

A: bye friend

B: bye, see you soon

5. Fracture

A: Hi dad, last Monday my mom was washing the floor of the house with ace and I

B: hello son and tell me what did you do to yourself?

A: I fractured my tibia and have to operate as soon as possible.

B: we have to start making those delegations for your operation

A: the doctor told me that after the operation and therapies I could walk again

B: you have to have a lot of faith son, you will get out of all this.

A: tomorrow we continue planning, I have to sleep to be rested for the operation,

see you tomorrow dad

B: see you tomorrow my boy, everything will be fine.

Patient: Good morning, Doctor Smith.

Doctor: Good morning Nelson. How can I help you?

Patient: Well, I’ve felt dizzy and weak and right now I have a headache.

Doctor: Do you eat a lot of sweets?

Patient: Yes, I love it!

Doctor: You should eat less sugar. Do you have any other symptoms?

Patient: Actually, I wanted to tell you that I’m sleepy all the time

Doctor: I’ll check your pulse

Patient: Perfect

Doctor: His pulse is a little high

Patient: What could be the reason for that, doctor?

Doctor: due to the high consumption of sugar, you also have cold hands Does
your mouth dry?

Patient: yes often

Are you allergic to any medications?

Patient: No.

Doctor: So, I’m going to prescribe some painkillers for the moment. Take 1
tablet for 3 days. You also need to have a blood test and rest for a few days.

Patient: I promise I will.

Doctor: Come back with the results and I will give you a diagnosis and a

Patient: Thank you, Doctor. Have a good day.

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