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The Waltz

By J. C. Burns
The sun had vanished only a few hours ago. Grey clouds covered the town overhead,

blocking the moon’s surreal light. Iron lanterns along the pavement illuminated the wet

cobblestone streets. The town shops were dressed in wooden boards and their owners continually

turned their keys to make sure they were secured. Once locked up, they would go to the second

floor to count the day's gains. After every penny graced their fingers, they would join their families

in a long lavish table along a crackling fire. While everyone inside laughed and spoke of their day,

outside the night was silent. Well, not entirely. If you listened closely you could hear the rhythmic

pattern of raindrops falling from the gutters. At times, the wind would whistle as it flew past the

old town church across from the plaza. On rare occasions a car would rush by the church and take

a sharp left turn causing the rubber wheels to screech. Then, continuing past the plaza. But overall,


The quiet was chromatically and abruptly broken by the church bells. Most of the residents

don't get startled by the clashing and swinging bronze bells, but that wasn’t the case for one. Down

at the plaza paced a young man, at times glancing towards the clock on the church tower. The little

hand rested slightly below the 9; it was 8pm on the dot. He had his arms around him holding on

to his jacket. Sitting by a bench was another young man. He had a chestnut upright piano in front

of him. The young man with the jacket went over to the piano.

“It’s 8 o’clock.” he said, a mist coming from his mouth. “She isn't here yet.”

“Quit worrying, Seb. She probably got delayed on the way here.” the piano man said

without looking up. He finally opened the lock that kept the lid closed and lifted it, revealing a

neat set of pearly white and coal black keys. He ran his fingers over them, revealing his own set

of white keys. Impatiently, Seb spoke up again.

“What if she got caught? Or what if she can't get here? How will I know, Matt?”

“Sebastian, for the last time,” Matt responded, a bit exasperated while lifting his head from

the piano. “Quit worrying. She will get here.”

“But she promised that she would be here by 8. The clock already struck.”

Matt stood up and went towards Sebastian “So she’s a tad late, it doesn't mean she won't

make it.” Sebastian turned and began pacing, dejected, and Matt went back to the piano. He tested

it making sure everything was in order and in tune.

Not long after Sebastian's pacing continued his waiting came to an end. He looked up to

see the time, but his gaze never reached the roman numerals. Something else caught his attention.

Off in the distance, across the street by the church corner came a woman walking at a quick pace.

Sebastian's eyes widened to take in the spectacle. He walked to the middle of the plaza as she

trotted towards him.

“Sebastian?” she said.

“Angela!” They embraced each other, Angela throwing her arms around his neck and

Sebastian lifting her up. They held onto each other for a moment.

“Oh, Sebastian. It was a nightmare getting here.” she said in an instant of relief.

“I was starting to think you wouldn’t come.” Sebastian added.

“So did I.” Angela responded “Right off the bat my father was suspicious of where I was

headed, and it took an age to convince him that I was going to the library to take back a book. He

insisted on giving me a ride and I obliged just to ease his mind. I stared at the clock the whole way,
watching as the minutes passed by, hoping I’d be able to make it on time. I know you are very

adamant about punctuality.”

“How did you lose him?” asked Sebastian.

“It was fairly simple. Once we arrived at the library, I told him that I might just stay a while

to read a few books on nursing—you know he still insists I become a nurse. Something I find

completely baffling; I would never dare inflict another person with such horrid concoctions.”

“Angela, your father...” Sebastian severed her rant.

“Right, sorry. That mentioned, I made my way up the steps towards the door. I saw how

he changed the gears and headed off, taking a right turn. The moment he was gone I waited a few

minutes and then came as fast as I could.” Angela finished taking a deep breath

“Either way, I'm glad you made it. I was scared you might have put it off.” said Sebastian

Angela scoffed. “As if I would ever miss this dance, especially since we already had to

postpone it.” Sebastian chuckled at the remark. Angela smiled, bringing Sebastian's chuckle to a

beam. They stayed in their arms for as long as they could, staring aimlessly at each other.

“Pardon me interrupting your ‘oh so special’ moment there, but due to your sharing heat

you have missed that I am rather cold here sitting by myself.” said Matt while leaning on the

piano, his head resting on his fist. Sebastian and Angela looked his way, still in each other's arms

“Hello, Matthew.” greeted Angela.

“Evening Angela. You look splendid tonight.” replied Matt.

“Thank you. Lovely piano you got.” she said pointing at it. “Is it yours? I don't recall you

having it.”

“Oh no, It's not mine. We spoke with the friar earlier, asked him if we could use the main

piano for tonight. After he laughed at us, he told us that there was a spare piano in the back room

we could use''

“It's lovely either way” said Angela

“Yes, lovely...” Seb commented. “And heavier than it looks. But you wouldn't know

anything about that, Matt, now would you?” Seb laughed.

“Now look here, Seb,” said Matt in a sarcastic and mocking tone “this isn't about me. This

is about you two little love-birds trying to take a little flight.” They all laughed, Sebastian and

Angela still in each other's arms.

“Now madam,” said Matt as he played a tune “any recommendations for the

occasion?” Angela thought for a second.

“Are you acquainted with waltz in A minor?” she asked

“Chopin!” Matt said surprised “you have great taste, ma’am.”

“Why don't you ask me for recommendations as well?” asked Sebastian.

“Cause your taste in music, my good sir, is dreadful.” retorted Matt without hesitation.

They both chuckled.

Angela and Sebastian took a few steps towards the center of the plaza. They both started

to remove their jackets to dance with greater mobility. “Here, let me help you with that” Sebastian

held one of Angela's sleeves as she pulled her arm out. He took both their jackets and placed them

by another bench. Angela took off a small hat she wore, revealing a neat and tight bun. A soft chill

breeze flew by, making them both cling to each other. They took their positions reluctantly, leaving

some space between them as it is accustomed in this dance. Seb nodded at Matt. Angela and

Sebastian locked eyes, and as the first note took flight, so did they.

The dancers were ever so graceful in their movements. They seemed to hover over the

floor, moving as one body. The pianist’s hands played swiftly over the keys as if reading braille,

and the music further accentuated the dancing; every step precise and fueled with passion. Never

once did the dancers look away from each other; they were completely entranced. Surely, when

they spun, it wasn’t they that spun, but the world that revolved around them. With every step they

shifted closer and closer together, ignoring all the dance’s restraints. A heavy breeze came and

pushed away the clouds overhead, giving them a clear spotlight. Sebastian then lowered his head,

giving Angela a gentle kiss on the neck. There his head remained, resting on her shoulder. Closer

than ever, they began to lift into the sky by the moonlight, leaving behind splashes of water. The

final chord descended into silence and so did they back to the ground.

“Must you leave?” whispered Seb into her ear.

“You know I have no choice.” Angela answered him softly, still holding on to him.

The night went quiet for a moment. For as long as they could they remained in each other’s

warm embrace, hoping nothing would ever separate them. Tragically for the couple, the moment

had to end, and the silence broke as Sebastian whispered in her ear: “I love you.”
“I love you more.” replied Angela holding back her tears.

They started to let go of each other, reaching down to their fingertips. Angela Looked to

Matt, who sat there taking in the sight. Angela smiled.

“Thank you Matt, for doing this.” she said.

Matt gestured as if brushing off the comment. “My pleasure. Anything for you two.” He

sniffed, as a smile grew on his face.

“Well,” said Angela, coming back to Sebastian and letting out a big sigh “I’ll see you in...

a while. I’ll let you know when I arrive at the station over in the city.”

“Don’t you dare find another partner to dance with over in the city.” Seb teased.

She smiled. “Even if I did, I doubt he’d compare with you.” Angela then leaned forward

and gave Sebastian a kiss on the cheek.

“Take care Seb.” She blew a kiss to Matt and proceeded to walk to the bench were their jackets

laid. Sebastian went along and helped with hers. Once more they gave their farewells and off she

went back to the library. Every few steps she would glance over her shoulder, looking at the

dimly lit plaza. Seb kept his eyes fixed on the Church corner, even after she was lost to the night.

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