Nebosh Id1 0003 Eng QP v2 Paper 2

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For: NEBOSH International Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety
Management Professionals

Guidance to learners

There are two question papers for this assessment. This paper (Paper 2 of 2) contains the following
assessment parts:

• Part 2: tasks that you will need to complete in a suitable workplace (150 available marks).
• Part 3: reflective tasks (100 available marks).
• Part 4: a short research project (150 available marks).

All the tasks and activities in all parts of the assessment are mandatory.

You will have 6 weeks (30 working days) to complete both papers/all four parts of the assessment.
Please refer to your registration confirmation email for the upload deadline.
Please note that NEBOSH will be unable to accept your assessment once the deadline has passed.
You must use the answer template for Paper 2.

This assessment is not invigilated, and you are free to use any learning resources to which you have
access, eg your course notes, or the HSE website, etc.

By submitting this completed assessment for marking, you are declaring it is entirely your own work.
Knowingly claiming work to be your own when it is someone else’s work is malpractice, which carries
severe penalties. This means that you must not collaborate with or copy work from others. Neither
should you ‘cut and paste’ blocks of text from the Internet or other sources.

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Part 2: Workplace-based activities
The following activities must be carried out on your chosen workplace. Typically this is the workplace
in which you normally work. However, if your workplace is not suitable (for example it does not
provide sufficient scope), you can choose any suitable workplace, provided you can access the
information you need to complete the activities in this part.

Activity 1: Description of your chosen organisation

This section is very important. It describes the context of your organisation. The answers
you give to the remaining activities in Part 2 must be consistent with the information you
provide here. This information ‘paints a picture’ that helps the Examiner award you marks for
relevance and suitability in those later activities. For example, if you work in the service sector, such
as banking or insurance, it would be unusual to later describe a situation where welding contractors
are repairing a chemical storage tank in your own organisation; but that would not be unusual in a
chemical factory.

1 Provide a detailed description of your chosen organisation. Representative

examples should be included where relevant.

As a minimum, your description must include the following

- Industrial sector, eg agriculture, service industry, manufacturing, etc
- Physical features of the site (if your chosen organisation has multiple
sites, describe only the site that you are basing your assessment on)
- location
- approximate site area
- number and types (eg offices, warehouse, etc) of buildings
- Main activities carried out at the site
- Worker profile and work organisation at the site
- the main roles and responsibilities within the organisation with
- number of workers by employment status with examples, eg
contract, full-time, etc
- number and types of vulnerable groups
- the typical work shift pattern(s). (10)
Note: You are free to include any other information that you think is relevant,
but no additional marks are available. You are therefore advised to include as
much relevant detail as you can under the above categories.
If the location or activity of your organisation is sensitive (for whatever reason)
you are permitted to create fictitious (but nonetheless representative) details.
For example, the location may be changed if this would otherwise reveal
sensitive detail.

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Activity 2: Hazard identification techniques

2 Task analysis is one form of hazard identification.

Select ONE work activity from your chosen organisation and carry out a task
analysis using the following steps
- outline the task AND then break the task down into individual stages
- carry out an evaluation of the hazards and risks associated with EACH
- develop a safe working method for the task
- describe how you will implement the safe working method
- outline how you will monitor the safe working method to make sure
- it is effective.
- actions you will take should the method not be effective. (15)

Activity 3: Risk profile

3 Select the TWO most significant health and safety risks that your chosen
organisation faces.

For EACH of these risks

• justify why the risk has been selected
• explain the nature and the level of the risk
• outline what adverse effects may happen if the risk is realised, and the
likelihood of the effects occurring
• if the risk was to be realised, outline the level of disruption this would
cause to your chosen organisation
• comment on the effectiveness of the controls in place and any other
actions required to maintain or improve the level of risk. (30)
Notes: The costs do not necessarily have to have a monetary value attached.
There are 15 marks available for each risk.

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Activity 4: Consultation

4 The British Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE’s) guidance document

‘Involving your workforce in health and safety’ (HSG263) sets out four stages
for successfully involving workers in health and safety consultation.

Stage 3 is ‘Get it done: consult and involve’ which includes the following steps
- understanding health and safety consultation obligations (including
setting up health and safety committees) with reference to the
International Labour Organisation’s (ILO’s) Occupational Safety and
Health Convention (C155) and Recommendation (R164)
- methods for involving the workforce.

(a) Comment on the strengths and weaknesses in your chosen

organisation’s consultation process for EACH of these two steps. (20)
Notes: You must support your answers with relevant examples from
your chosen organisation.
There are 10 marks available for each step.

(b) Based on your evaluation from 4(a), identify THREE realistic

improvements for the consultation process.

For EACH improvement, give

- a description of the improvement
- an explanation of what the improvement is intended to do
- an explanation of how the effectiveness of the improvement will be
measured. (15)
Notes: You must use the Activity 4(b) format table provided in the
answer sheet to record your answers.
There are 5 marks available for each improvement.

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Activity 5: Key principles of organisational change

5 (a) Select a recent or future change that your chosen organisation has
carried out/is planning to carry out.
(i) Provide a description of what the change is and what it is intended
to do. (5)
(ii) Analyse how well your chosen organisation has or will manage the
change compared to the HSE’s ‘Key principles of managing
organisational change’ 1 and 3* – 9**. (30)
Notes: * Key principle 2 relates to major accident sites only. This can be
included in your answer if it is relevant, but this will not attract any marks.
** Reference source:

(b) From the analysis carried out in 5(a)(ii) select an improvement that could
be made to the change process.
(i) Describe the improvement and what difference it will make to the
change process. (5)
(ii) Analyse the improvement against EACH stage of the Kubler-Ross
Curve to show how the proposed improvement would impact on
your chosen organisation’s workers. (20)

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Part 3: Reflection

Task 1: Stakeholder engagement

1 (a) Consider your personal approach to engaging with stakeholders in your
professional capacity.
(i) Comment on how you understand different stakeholder
requirements. (10)
(ii) Comment on how you influence different stakeholders. (10)
(iii) Comment on how you act on feedback from stakeholders. (10)
Notes: In (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) you must give relevant examples to support
your answers.
Your stakeholder engagement does not have to be health and safety-
related; it can relate to a previous job or experience.

(b) From your analysis in part (a) suggest THREE actions that you consider
will improve your engagement with stakeholders.

For EACH action you must

- provide a detailed description of the action.
- explain what difference the action(s) will make to your engagement
with stakeholders.
- explain how you will review the effectiveness of these actions. (30)
Notes: You must use the Task 1(b) format table provided in the answer
sheet to record your answer.
There are 10 marks available for each action.

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Task 2: Transferable leadership skills
The aim of this part of the assessment is for you to reflect on transferable leadership and
professional skills that you may already have and/or need to develop. These skills could have been
acquired either through your work life (whether this is in health and safety or some other work
activities) or your personal life.

For instance, you may want to draw examples where you have been chairing a meeting or been
required to make decisions under pressure. Alternatively, you may carry out voluntary work and want
to draw on this for your examples. The examples can be from any element of your working or
personal life.

2 (a) Compare your own leadership experience against the characteristics of a

transformational leader. You should identify EIGHT transformational
leader characteristics and show how these are, or are not, reflected in
your own leadership style.
You must use relevant personal examples to support your answer. (20)
Note: You must use the Task 2(a) format table provided in the answer
sheet to record your answers.

(b) Select what you consider to be the TWO most important transformational
leader characteristics, and comment on how you will develop these, what
difference they will make to your leadership style, and how you will review
the effectiveness of the changes. (20)
Notes: You must use the Task 2(b) format table provided in the answer
sheet to record your answers.
There are 10 marks available for each characteristic.

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Part 4: Research project

Task: Short research report on health and safety management systems

Task brief

Prepare a brief report on what you believe are the THREE most significant critical
success factors (CSFs) for effective health and safety management systems.

Make your report no more than 3 500 words; approximately 500 words of the 3 500
must be used for the executive summary.

Your report should NOT be based on your chosen organisation but on the body
of evidence you research.

The report must

- include a justification for your selection of EACH CSF
- cite reliable evidence from a range of sources such as authoritative guidance,
expert opinions, and other evidence to support your justification
- include references for the evidence sources that you have consulted.
The report must not
- present a case study based on your chosen organisation.

Your research report should be presented under the following format

- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Justification for selection of three CSFs (including evidence of research and
- Conclusion
- Other references, if applicable (references used in addition to those used for each
identified CSF)
- Appendices (if relevant). (150)


Marks will be awarded as follows

Criteria Marks
Presentation, focus and executive summary 10
Introduction 10
Justification for selection of three CSF* 120
Conclusion 10

* Each CSF identified will be marked using the descriptors Ϯ for Marks
the following criteria
Outline of CSF 5 5 5
Justification for selection of the CSF 25 25 25
Evidence of research and use of appropriate referencing 10 10 10
[max 40] [max 40] [max 40]
Ϯ Marks will be allocated using the descriptors on the following pages.

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Ϯ Descriptors
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Presentation, focus 7-10 4-6 0-3
and executive
summary [max 10]
Structure and focus Structure and focus Structure and focus Structure and focus
Coherent and logical The report has a clear, The report generally The report is unclear
structure logical structure and has a clear, logical and not logically
the focus of the report structure in the structured. The focus
has a clear link to the majority of areas; the of the report does not
task brief. focus of the report is generally relate to the
generally to the task task brief.
Uses concise and clear Clear concise The language used is The language is
language to convey the language has been generally concise but unclear and does not
information used to convey the is slightly ambiguous convey information in a
information. or unclear in some concise way.
Appropriate technical Technical language Technical language Technical language
language is used has been used has generally been has not been used
appropriately. used appropriately. appropriately.

Presentational devices Appropriate Presentational devices Presentational devices,

used where appropriate presentational devices, used, eg tables and eg tables, figures are
eg tables and figures figures are mostly limited or not relevant.
are used where appropriate for the
relevant. information being
Executive summary Executive summary Executive summary Executive summary
Coherent and logical A clear, logical format Format is generally Format is poor and
format giving clear giving clear good but does not flow information is unclear.
information information. in some areas and
some information
appears to be missing.
Outline of 3 CSFs 3 CSFs outlined 2 CSFs outlined, but 1 or no CSF outlined.
clearly/briefly. outline is unclear in Where an outline is
some areas. included, it is unclear.
Outline of main findings/ Brief but clear outline Outline of findings/ Findings/conclusions
conclusions of findings/ conclusions that is are poor.
conclusions. unclear or missing key
information in some

Approximately 500 words

(one sheet of A4) used. Approximately 500 words used.

Introduction [max 10] 7-10 4-6 0-3

Clear and concise aims The aims and The aims and The aims and
and objective of report objectives are clearly objectives are given objectives have either
stated and relate to the but detail in some not been given or are
Relates to task brief task brief. areas is brief or described poorly and/or
unclear; they generally do not relate to the task
relate to the task brief. brief.

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Overview/introduction of The topic is clearly and
The topic is introduced The topic is either not
research topic. succinctly introduced.but detail in some introduced or the detail
areas is brief or is very poor.
Description of Clear description of A methodology has A methodology is very
methodology used. the methodology used been outlined but this poor/unclear.
to carry out the is brief or unclear in
research. some areas.
Justification for selection of three CSFs
The following three descriptors must be used to mark EACH of the three CSFs identified.
Outline of CSF
[max 5] 4-5 2-3 0-1

Clear description of CSF Description of the CSF Description of the CSF Description of the CSF
is clear and is in line is generally clear, but is very unclear The
CSF identified is in line with the task brief. more detail could have CSF identified is
with the task brief been provided. The outside of the task
CSF identified is in brief.
line with the task brief.
Justification for choosing
the CSF 15-25 6-14 0-5
[max 25]
Justification for selection Clear justification The justification given The justification given
of the CSF given for selection of for selection of the for selection of the CSF
the CSF. CSF is generally good, is generally poor.
but further arguments
could have been
made, or the
arguments made are
unclear in some areas.
Justification includes Learner has included Learner has included Reasoned arguments
reasoned arguments clear reasoned reasoned arguments are very poor and/or
arguments. in the justification but not always related to
these are brief or the CSF.
unclear in some areas.
Arguments supported by Arguments are Arguments are The evidence cited is
research evidence supported by generally supported by poor and/or not
and/or relevant literature evidence. evidence. relevant to the

Evidence of research and

use of appropriate 7-10 4-6 0-3
referencing [max 10]
Evidence of a range of Clear evidence that There is evidence that There is little evidence
reliable evidence learner has learner has to suggest that the
sources used in research researched a range of researched a range of learner has researched
reference sources. reference sources. a range of reference
Research evidence The research evidence The research The research evidence
(literature/reference used is appropriate for evidence used is used does not link to
material) is appropriate and clearly linked to generally appropriate the identified CSF.
and clearly linked to the the identified CSF. for the identified CSF
identified CSF but in some areas the
link is not clear.

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Cited evidence is The reference sources The reference sources The reference sources
reliable, relevant and used are from reliable, used are generally that have been used
good quality relevant and good from reliable, relevant are generally from
quality sources. and good quality unreliable sources
sources. and/or do not relate to
the identified CSF.
Correctly and Referencing is based Referencing is Referencing is not
consistently formatted on a known/ generally based on a based on a known/
references and citations, recognised style. known/recognised recognised style
eg Harvard style style.
Reference technique is A poor attempt has
excellent and Referencing technique been made to
consistently formatted. is good and generally reference the research.
consistently formatted.
Conclusion [max 10] 7-10 4-6 0-3
Conclusion references Good, clear conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion is very
aims and objectives that references the generally clear but poor; there is little or no
aims and objectives of further clarity is reference to the aims
the report. required in some and objectives of the
areas; generally clear report.
referencing of the
aims and objectives.
The aims and objectives Aims and objectives Aims and objectives Aims and objectives
are the same as those given are the same as given are generally the given do not generally
given in the introduction those given in the same as those given refer to those given in
introduction. in the introduction. the introduction

Summary of main There is a concise The summary of the The summary of the
findings summary of the main main findings is main findings is poor.
findings. generally clear but
further detail could
have been given in
some areas.
Credible conclusions that The conclusions made The conclusions made The conclusions made
relate to the task brief are credible and relate are generally credible are generally not
to the task brief. and relate to the task credible and do not
brief. relate to the task brief.
New factors should not There is no There is some There is introduction of
be introduced at the introduction of any introduction of new new factors.
conclusion stage new factors. factors.

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers.

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