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Essential Question

How will we know that a speaker is prepared?

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Types of Speech and Preparations for
Public Speaking
 Types of Speech Context
 Preparations for Public Speaking
 eLMS
How do you feel during and after
talking to yourself?

Do you usually do this when you

are alone? Or even talk to
Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1
Types of Speech Context
It is communication within oneself. It
involves thinking, remembering, and
feeling. We do this silently in our
head (internal discourse) to
understand, clarify, or analyze a
situation we find ourselves in. This
type of speech is used when we talk
to ourselves or when we are alone,
thinking, or even in front of the

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1
Types of Speech Context
This type of communication refers to face-to-face interactions
between persons. It is communication among a relatively small
number of people. We usually think of this as communication
since it involves at least one other (dyad) or some others (group).

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

There are at least five (5) contexts in
which communication happens:

• Psychological
• Relational
• Situational
• Environmental
• Cultural

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1


It refers to the participants and

what each brings to the
interaction. Needs, desires,
values, personality, and habits
are all forms of psychological

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1


is concerned with the relations

the interactors have toward
each other and how close or
distant that relationship is.

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1


– It deals with the psychosocial

“where” the exchange happens.
Interaction in a classroom will
be very different from one at a

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1


It deals with the physical

“where” they are
communicating. The room
arrangement, location, noise
level, temperature, and time of
day are examples of factors in
the environmental context.
Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1
It includes all the learned behaviors and rules that
affect interaction. Some come from a culture
where it is considered rude to make long, direct
eye contact, so they will avoid eye contact out of
politeness. Then there are those from a culture
where long, direct eye contact signals
trustworthiness. This difference in cultural context
can cause misunderstanding and communication

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Types of Speech Context

Public Speaking

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Types of Speech Context

Language Register
• Intimate
• Casual
• Consultative
• Formal
• Frozen

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Digital Learning: Kahoot!

• Only Kahoot! will be opened.

• No browsing in other websites.
• Join the activity using the name format: SURNAME-

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Preparations for Public Speaking

1. Analyze your audience

and the occasion.

2. Develop your topic,

purpose, and thesis.

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Preparations for Public Speaking

3. Source the information.

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Preparations for Public Speaking

4. Organize main points

and make the speech

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Preparations for Public Speaking

5. Make the introduction.

6. Write the conclusion and
transition statements of your

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Preparations for Public Speaking

7. Practice your speech.

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

Enduring Understanding

A prepared speaker is the one who moves people to do better.

Property of STI ASSH2001 Week 1

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