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BRIANNE: A bless day everyone, this is group 2 we are going to show you our Short role play about

BRIANNE: Please pay attention for our short role play, we hope that you can get some idea's about how
sender message Receiver and feeback do in our real life

BRIANNE: This is the day of ganesha festivels holidays ( sunday ) , And this is the day also we need to
pay for my two sons tuitions because this is the last date for paying. I need to go to at atm bank, but the
bank is closed because of holidays and also I forgot, that my atm is not working. I need to go inside the
branch to fix it. Then I’m trying to convince the teacher of my two sons to be late to pay of my son’s
tuition because of the problem and I promise to her teacher that I will pay tomorrow morning and that’s

KATHLEEN/SENDER: I need to go to the bank to withdraw money and to pay my two son's tuition.


KATHLEEN/SENDER: Hello, goodmorning miss kristina and miss Rain, can i ask why can't i withdraw now.

KRISTINA AT RAIN/ MANAGER: - Good afternoon Mrs. Kathleen we are the branch manager ms.
Cassandra and ms. Cathyrine of this bank

KRISTINA AT RAIN/ MANAGER: -We will have our regular banking hours tomorrow so kindly return
tomorrow so that we can process it immediately.

KRISTINE AT RAIN/ MANAGER: -We sincerely apologize for this and thank you so much for your



KATHLEEN/MOTHER/SENDER: Goodmorning, i'am the mother of Razel and kerby i want to inform you
maam about my two son's tuition. I might be late for the payment, because today is holiday i can't
withdraw also my ATM has a problem, but tomorrow i will pay the tuition of my two son.

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