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James Charles who is very known instagram influencer and

makeup artist got backlash for passing racist comments. He

used racist language saying MEXICAN INSTAGRAM
SLAVE and STUPID INDIAN MEN. When he really got
bashed for passing disgrace remarks he instantly uploaded
an apology on social media which said something like this:

"I have never really made a direct apology to the people that my tweets affected, which is where
an apology should've been directed in the first place," he said. "In case you didn't know, a few days
ago I posted some really, really disgusting and ignorant and offensive tweets regarding people of
different races that I'm really, really not proud of. They were disgusting, they were degrading, and
now I realize how my words actually affect people” he went on to acknowledge that nothing
excuses racism, but added that he felt he had grown as a person.


"I want you guys to know at home watching that I'm really sorry
for my actions," he continued. "I'm very thankful for the platform
I've been given and I realize that I'm a role model for many people.
I want to use my platform to spread positivity."

After reading this caption and analyzing the whole situation we can
clearly see that his apology was only uploaded when he got to know that
he might face issues in his career for his remarks and to save his image
he issued an apology instantly. His tone however seemed to be like he is
ready to learn from his mistakes but most of us can figure out that his
undertone was negative as he has still not changed and has been
involved in various scandals in which one of the recent is making minors
uncomfortable by texting them. So if a person is ready to learn from
their mistakes they never repeat them but we can clearly see him getting
involved in stuff worse than this which clearly says that he has not
changed and learnt from his mistakes. His tone can be seen positive but
it’s the other way as he clearly using asthetic function in terms of CDA
like he is being positive but in actual he is just apologizing for the sake
of his reputation. We can also say that he is an iconoclast as well as he is
challenging the idea set by our society which is basically respecting
eachother irrespective of their cast color or race .

Final conclusion is that he was really saving his image and was only
apologetic because of that otherwise he would have not repeated his
mistakes if he was really sorry. He would have learned from his past
which he clearly did not.

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