Identification of Common Enemy

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 Identification of common enemy:

All muslims should be aware of any risk from common enemy and should
recognize such elements . Today ummah is posed to serious threats in terms of
economics and culture. These enemies are trying to create doubt in beliefs of
muslim young generation by cultural invasion. Today muslims are basically
common issues like mistreatment by other countries just because they are
practicing their beliefs so it is very important to protect your religion and to
identify your enemies and to make sure that youre religion is being valued and
is respected at any cost as muslims we are representators of islam so this is
our responsibility to protect our religion from enemies. Like prophet and his
companions used to do. Enemies in Islam are of two types; 1) Inner enemies 2)
Outer enemies. Inner enemies make up our inner desires which lead us to sin
and towards the wrong path and while the outer enemies are the ones that
hurt us physically. Islam encourages to fight with inner enemies and Shaitan
who is also an enemy of Muslims. While it encourages to pardon the outer
enemies and leave everything in Allah’s hands.

What Does Islam Say About Enemies?

How to Deal with Enemies in Islam

slam is the religion of peace and mercy and prophet Muhammad PBUH has shown
us the way to live our lives. Islam encourages to be kind with our enemies and our
Prophet PBUH always showed mercy towards his enemies. Even during the battle
of Badr, prophet PBUH didn’t treat the enemies badly.

Hazrat Ali about Enemies:

 Special focus on education sector:

It is the duty of government to focus on educational sector this area is highly

wisdom demanding. We should design our education system in such a manner
that we can be successful to develop tolerance , perseverance and
broadmindedness in the mind of our youth resulting national harmony in our
societies. Our enemies want to destroy our education system and try to develop
rift between the students and their teachers in many aspects. We should aware
of such conspiracies on the name of educational slogan. Because it will be very
much harmful for us in future. So we have to like really focus on our
educational sector because awareness is very important for all of us. Our youth
and people should have a knowledge. According to Islam, there are three
elements that make up an Islamic education. These are the learner, knowledge,
and means of instruction. ... The Quran is the optimal source of knowledge. For
teaching Quranic traditions, the Maktab as elementary school emerged in
mosques, private homes, shops, tents, and even outside. Throughout Islamic
history, education was a point of pride and a field Muslims have always
excelled in. Muslims built great libraries and learning centers in places such as
Baghdad, Cordoba, and Cairo. They established the first primary schools for
children and universities for continuing education

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