Week 7, Lecture 2

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PoC – AM

Demodulation of AM Signal – Envelop Detector (ED)

As we know, the modulated signal, !!" (#) can be written as follows:

!!" (#) = & cos(*# #) + -(#) cos(*# #)

Remember, Demodulation is the reverse process of modulation on the

receiver side. By doing demodulation, the purpose is to extract the
message signal (in fact estimated version of message signal) from the
received modulated signal.

In other words, in demodulation, its also a frequency translation where we

move spectrum from ;# back to baseband (around zero).

For demodulation of AM signal, an Envelop Detector can be used.

The main advantages of ED are as follows:

1. It’s a non-synchronous demodulation scheme, means no local

carrier at the receiver is required.

2. No need for expensive carrier recovery.

3. A very simple circuit, easier to implement.

4. Highly cost efficient, cost is almost close to zero.

The circuit diagram of ED is as follows:

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PoC – AM

Now lets see how this circuit works to demodulate (i.e. extract estimated
version of message signal) from the !!" (#) signal.

To understand how this circuit works, lets consider a modulated signal

!!" (#) as follows,

Assuming an ideal diode, as input signal increases, it will forward biased

the diode and hence diode becomes short circuited and starts conducting.
Assume capacitor wasn’t charged initially and a larger value of resistor b,
so during this time when diode conducting (forward biased), it starts
charging capacitor c and capacitor get charged. Because of larger value of
resistor b, most of the current goes through the capacitor and it starts
charging until point ‘A’ (as shown in the diagram below).

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PoC – AM

Just after point A, the output voltage at diode is higher than the input
voltage and that makes diode D reverse biased and acts as open circuit.

Just after point ‘A’, diode is disconnected from the circuit (reverse biased
or open circuit), and capacitor starts discharging through the resistor. The
values of b and c are chosen carefully such that the capacitor discharges
very slowly (almost a straight line).

This will continue until point ‘B’ (see figure below), just after B the input
voltage at the diode is again higher than the output voltage of diode and
diode is forward biased. Hence, diode again starts conducting and charging

The output voltage of ED is shown with red ink in the figure below, shows
clearly the output is following the envelop of input signal (with minor
ripples). This process repeats again and again and finally envelop of input
signal is the output of ED.

© Prof. Kamran Arshad

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PoC – AM

© Prof. Kamran Arshad

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