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DSB-SC (Transmit Power)

As we know, the modulated signal, J&'()'* (A), can be written as follows:

J&'()'* (A) = = I(A) cos(2H.% A)

Now we are calculating the power that is needed to transmit DBS-SC


Start from the basic definition of Power,

1 1/-
U, = W [J&'()'* (A)]- XA
V )1/-


1 1/-
U, = W [= I(A) cos(2H.% A)]- XA
V )1/-

=- 1/- -
U, = W I (A) cos- (2H.% A) XA
V )1/-

=- 1/- - 1 + cos(4H.% A)
U, = W I (A) P Q XA
V )1/- 2

=- 1/- - =- 1/- -
U, = W I (A) XA + W I (A) cos(4H.% A) XA
2V )1/- 2V )1/-

As we know that, carrier frequency is much much higher than the

frequency of message signal I(A). This simply means, that during one or
two cycles of carrier, the I(A) or I- (A) appears as constant. Hence, we
can move this out of the integral,

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=- 1 1/- - =- - 1/-
U, = P W I (A) XAQ + I (A) W cos(4H.% A) XA
2 V )1/- 2V )1/-

This can be simplified as,

U, = . U3
where U3 is the power of message signal, and =- /2 is simply the power of


U, = U% × U3

or simply power of a DSB-SC signal is simply the product of power of carrier

and power of message signal.

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DSB-SC Demodulation

Demodulation is the reverse process of modulation on the receiver side.

By doing demodulation, the purpose is to extract the message signal (in

fact estimated version of message signal) from the received modulated

In other words, in demodulation, its also a frequency translation where we

move spectrum from .% back to baseband (around zero).

For demodulation of DSB-SC signal, following circuit can be used:

Now, mathematically,

[(A) = J&'()'* (A) × \ cos(2H.% A)


[(A) = = I(A) cos(2H.% A) × \ cos(2H.% A)

[(A) = =\ I(A) cos- (2H.% A)

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1 + cos(4H.% A)
[(A) = =\ I(A) P Q

[(A) = \ 4 I(A) + \ 4 I(A) cos(4H.% A)

As we can see, the signal which we need to extract i.e. I(A) is present in
the first term. If we remove second term somehow, we will be able to
demodulate our DSB-SC signal.

To understand this better, lets see [(A) in frequency domain,

](.) = \ R(.) + [ R(. − 2.% ) + R(. + 2.% )]
For any arbitrarily R(.),

where ; is the bandwidth of message signal.

Hence, to keep first term only, we need to pass [(A) or ](.) from a low
pass filter to remove frequency component of 2.% .

Hence, a low pass filter with a cut off frequency .567 as follows,

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.567 > ;


.567 < 2.%


2.% > .567 > ;

Generally, its easy to satisfy this condition as .% is very high.

Coherent Demodulation

It should be noted that in order to demodulate DSB-SC signal, we must

have carrier signal available at the receiver. Such type of demodulation,
where a carrier is needed at the demodulator/receiver for the purpose of
demodulation is called “Coherent or Synchronous” Demodulation.

Generally, it is very hard in practice, to use exactly same carrier frequency

(as of received signal) at the receiver. Due to signal propagation the carrier
frequency is always drifted, hence this causes errors unless we use
expensive carrier recovery circuit at the receiver to recover carrier from
the received signal and use for demodulation. This is not a good solution
as it increase receiver cost.

For this reason, DSB-SC is not a highly desirable modulation scheme

despite of its simplicity and low cost.

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Summary of DSB-SC

• Cost and Simplicity

Excellent modulation scheme, very simple and cheap to implement.

• Bandwidth Efficiency

Not a very good modulation scheme in terms of bandwidth efficiency,

the bandwidth needed for DSB-SC signal is twice the bandwidth of
message signal. The reason is because its it’s a double side band scheme
and we are transmitting two bands with the same information, which is
definitely not very efficient.

• Power Efficiency

Very good scheme in terms of power efficiency, as it is a suppressed

carrier scheme, so we are not wasting any power in transmitting carrier,
which carries no information.

• Demodulation

Coherent demodulation is needed to demodulate DSB-SC signal, which

is one of the major disadvantages of this modulation scheme. Due to
even drifts in carrier frequency, the local carrier at the receiver don’t
have exactly the same frequency as of incoming signal that induces
errors. To avoid this problem, we need additional complex carrier
recovery circuit at the receiver.

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For the given message signal, I(A),

I(A) = cos(E3 A)

a) Find the DSB-SC signal in time domain.

b) Sketch the DSB-SC signal.

c) Sketch its spectrum of DSB-SC signal.

d) Verify the DSB-SC signal can be demodulated using a multiplier and a



Given the message signal,

I(A) = cos(E3 A)

Assume the carrier signal is

-(A) = = cos(E% A)

So the DSB-SC signal is given as,

J&'()'* (A) = = I(A) cos(E% A)


J&'()'* (A) = = cos(E3 A) cos(E% A)

Now to sketch J&'()'* (A),

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To calculate spectrum of DSB=SC signal,

J&'()'* (A) = = cos(E3 A) cos(E% A)

J&'()'* (A) = [cos(E% + E3 ) A + cos(E% − E3 ) A]
Take FT on both sides,

O&'()'* (E) = ℱ[cos(E% + E3 ) A + cos(E% − E3 ) A]

cos(E% A) ⟺ H[`(E − E% ) + ` (E + E% )]


O&'()'* (E)
= [`(E − E aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa
% + E3 ) + ` (E + E % + E3 )
+ ` (E − E % − E3 ) + ` (E + aaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaa E% − E3 )]

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For demodulation, a local carrier at the receiver is needed, say = cos(E% A).


[(A) = J&'()'* (A) × = cos(E% A)


[(A) = = cos(E3 A) cos(E% A) × = cos(E% A)

[(A) = =- cos(E3 A) cos- (E% A)

[(A) = =- cos(E3 A) cos- (E% A)

1 + cos(2E% A)
[(A) = =- cos(E3 A) P Q

=- =-
[(A) = cos(E3 A) + cos(E3 A) cos(2E% A)
2 2
Using trigonometric identity to expand,

=- =-
[(A) = cos(E3 A) + [cos(2E% + E3 )A + cos(2E% − E3 )A]
2 4
The second whole term can be removed easily by using a LPF hence,
demodulation can be done by using a multiplier and a LPF.

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For the given message signal, I(A),

Assume carrier signal is = cos(E% A).

a) Sketch DSB-SC signal.

b) Calculate the power of DSB-SC signal if = = 1.

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