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Fill in the blanks (A) and (B). Classification proposed by Whittaker includes:
Monera, (A), Fungi, (B), and Animalia.

ANS:     (A) Protista; (B) Plantae.

2 Why were bacteria, cyanobacteria and fungi included in plant kingdom, in the earlier classification systems? 1

ANS:     Because they all have a cell wall.

3 Name the domains in the three-domain classification, which inlcude prokaryotes. 1

ANS:     Archaea and Eubacteria.

4 How are the following shapes of bacterial cells technically described?

(a) Elongated, rod - like cells 1
(b) Comma - like cells

ANS:     (a) Bacillus;           (b) Vibrio

5 How are the organisms of the phylum Chrysophyta commonly called? 1

ANS:     Diatoms and Desmids

6 Name the substance present in the cell wall of diatoms. What makes them hard and indestructible? 1

ANS:     Cellulose; Silica

7 Name the dinoflagellate that causes red tide in the ocean. 1

ANS:     Gonyaulax

8 What maintains the cell shape of Euglena? 1

ANS:     Pellicle.

9 Why are Plasmodium (malarial parasite)-like protozoans called sporozoans? 1

ANS:     They have an infectious spore-like stage in their life cycle.

10 Name the fungus that is parasitic on mustard leaves. 1

ANS:     Albugo.

11 Name one unicellular sac-fungus. 1

ANS:     Saccharomyces (Yeast).

12 What is a dikaryon? 1

ANS:     A dikaryon is a cell that contains two genetically different nuclei, brought together by plasmogamy.

13 Name the fungus that is used extensively in genetic and biochemical studies. 1

ANS:     Neurospora

14 Give the technical term for the fruiting bodies of (a) sac-fungi and (b) gill fungi. 1

ANS:     (a) Ascocarp;                (b) Basidiocarp

15 Name two Deuteromycetes. 1

ANS:     Alternaria and Colletotrichum

16 Name the two phases in the life-cycle of a plant. 1

ANS:     Sporophyte and Gametophyte

17 What is meant by holozoic nutrition? 1

ANS:     Holozoic nutrition is the type of animal nutrition in which the animal ingests whole or part of plant or animal food, which
is later digested and absorbed.

18 State two economically important uses of:

(a) Heterotrophic bacteria 1
(b) Archaebacteria
ANS:     (i) They are decomposers and play a vital role in nutrient cycling.
(ii) Methanogens are the archaebacteria, that produce methane gas.

19 Draw a labelled diagram showing binary fission in a bacterium. 1

ANS:     Refer Fig. 2.2 in the text.

20 What is meant by ‘contagium vivum fluidum’? Who gave this idea? 1

ANS:     – It means ‘infectious living fluid’.

– Beijerinck gave the term.

21 (a) Why are viruses called obligate intracellular parasites?

(b) Name a virus that has single-stranded RNA as genetic material.

ANS:     (a) They cannot live outside a host cell, as they do not have a metabolic machinery.
– They use the machinery of the host and multiply only within a host cell and hence called intracellular obligate parasites.
(b) Tobacco mosaic virus.

22 Mention any four symptoms of viral diseases in plants. 1

ANS:     (i) Leaf mosaics

(ii) Leaf curling and rolling
(iii) Yellowing and vein–clearing
(iv) Dwarfing and stunted growth

23 How are viroids different from viruses? 1


24 What do the terms phycobiont and mycobiont signify? 1

ANS:     Phycobiont refers to the algal partner in lichens. Mycobiont refers to the fungal partner in lichens.

25 Binomial Nomenclature was given by

(a) Aristotle
(b) Linnaeus 1
(c) John Ray
(d) Huxley

ANS:     (b)

26 Which among the following includes the most closely related organisms?
(a) Species
(b) Genus 1
(c) Family
(d) Order

ANS:     (a)

27 The fungi living on the dung of animals, are described as _______________. 1

ANS:     coprophilous

28 Colletotrichum belongs to the class _____________ of fungi. 1

ANS:     Deuteromycetes

29 Match Column I with Column II. 1

Column I Column II

(A) Diatoms 1. Cyanobacteria

(B) Lichens 2. Phytoplanktons

(C) Anabaena 3. Archaebacteria

(D) Methanogen 4. Symbiosis

ANS:     (A) – 2, (B) – 4, (C) – 1, (D) – 3

30  Match Column I with Column II.

Column I Column II

(A) Rhizopus 1. Wheat rust

(B) Neurospora. 2. Antibiotic

(C) Puccinia 3. Ascospores

(D) Penicillium 4. Bread mould 5. Edible fungi

ANS:     (A) – 4, (B) – 3, (C) – 1, (D) – 2

31 Prokaryotes are organisms without a nucleus. [True/False]


ANS:     False

32 Carl Woese proposed the Three-domain system ofclassification. [True/False] 1

ANS:     True

33 All protists are autotrophs. [True/False] 1

ANS:     False

34 Deuteromycetes reproduce only by sexual means. [True/False] 1

ANS:     False

35 Albugo is parasitic on mustard. [True/False] 1

ANS:     True

36 Mark the odd one in the following: Anabaena, Spirogyra, Nostoc, Rhizobium 1

ANS:     Spirogyra

37  Mark the odd one in the following: Coccus, Bacillus, Heterocyst, Spirillum. 1

ANS:     Heterocyst

38 Mark the odd one in the following: Ascospore, Basidiospore, Zygospore, Zoospore. 1

ANS:     Zoospore

39 Mark the odd one in the following: Entamoeba, Trypanosoma, Gonyaulax, Plasmodium, 1

ANS:     Gonyaulax

40 Mark the odd one in the following: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae 1

ANS:     Monera

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