MS in CS +bachelor of Technology in Computer Science +work Exp

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Mxxxxx, Txxxxxx, Rxxxxxx, Jxxxxx, Mumbai 5xxxx6 | | +91 xxxxxxxxxx

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur, India May 2015
Secured a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science with Distinction (CGPA - 9.38/10)
Ranked 2nd in a class of 100 students.

S.S & L.S Patkar College, Mumbai, India May 2011

Secured Distinction (93%) at the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination

Goldman Sachs, Bangalore, India June 2015 - Present
Technology Analyst – Technology Division
 Working on an Automated Document Extraction and Generation Platform for the firm.
 Developed an algorithm for finding the difference between 2 HTML Document Templates including text,
style as well as conditional differences.
 Programmed a renderer to generate documents in different formats such as Latex, HTML, PDF, Docx, from
the document template.
 Implemented a DOM Parser for Latex in Java, to load a Latex Document into a Java Object.
 Designed the Dashboard used for authoring Document Templates.
 Performed a Proof of Concept (POC) for using Tesseract OCR Engine to extract data from Invoice
 Technologies Used - Java, AngularJS, Eclipse Collections, Latex, CodeMirror Library, Freemarker, Tesseract

HCM Docs
 Built a document management solution which included storing documents on the cloud, along with a
Dashboard to view and search for documents stored using advanced filter functionalities.
 Created REST Services, using open-source Dropwizard Framework, for the functionalities of the
 Developed and optimized the batch processing mechanism to upload bulk documents to the platform.
 Implemented a secure flow for upload of highly confidential documents by encrypting and watermarking
 Performed extensive Junit Testing for the features of the application.
 Technologies Used – Internal Tools and Frameworks, Java, Junit, AngularJS, HAProxy.

 Contributed to an Internal Batch Processing Framework – “DataStream”, by designing a plugin to split large
files, process them in parallel and merge the chunks back to the original file.
 Pioneered the adoption of Data stream for the Department by building a model application.
 Communicated with the Framework developers for upcoming features, shortfalls and potential

Intern – Technology Division May 2014 – July 2014

 Evaluated an open source product “ElasticSearch” and developed a flow for pushing application metrics
into it.
 Conceptualized and developed a dashboard, using Kibana, to get useful insights from the metrics pushed.
 Analyzed the collected application metrics to find outliers in the data and highlighted them on the
 Technologies Used - Java, MyBatis, SQL, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Unix servers and IBM DB2 Database.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, India May 2013 – July 2013
Summer Intern
 Developed “Video Chat” Android application focusing on peer-to-peer audio & video conferencing, group
chat, and file sharing between Aakash Tablets through Wi-Fi.
 Incorporated a peer-peer audio calling as well as audio conferencing functionality using UDP sockets, over
low bandwidth Wi-Fi.
 Evaluated and assessed SQLite database for Android, to store the data for the Application.

Gift It! – Gift Recommendation Engine
 Developed a Recommender System to suggest gift items that can provide Personalized as well as Non-
Personalized Recommendations.
 Designed content-based, collaborative, context-aware recommendation algorithms.
 Used Neo4J (Graph Database) to store the data and hosted the application on Heroku (Cloud Platform).

Code Evaluator
 Coded a compiler which evaluates a piece of code and identifies the potential opportunities for
optimizations such as redundancy elimination, copy propagation and loop optimizations.
 Implemented algorithms to perform control-flow analysis, data-flow analysis, and dependence analysis on
the code using C, Lex, Yacc.

Student Database System

 Created an application in C to manage a large student database and perform various CRUD operations, by
using B+ Trees to store data.

 Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Python
 Version Control System: SVN, GitHub
 Process Knowledge: Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Agile Methodology
 Web Technologies: MEAN Stack, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AngularJS
 Cloud Platform: Heroku
 Tools: IDEA IntelliJ, Eclipse, PyCharm, Aqua Data Studio.

 Google Student Ambassador, VNIT Nagpur, for the year 2013 - 2014.
 Secretary ACM – VNIT Chapter, for the year 2013 – 2014.
 Secretary, Boys Hostel Mess, for the year 2013 – 2014.

 Member of Recruiting Committee in Goldman Sachs. Responsibilities included – making question papers
for placement tests in colleges across India.
 Mentor, for new Campus Hires, at Goldman Sachs. Responsibilities included guiding them through their
first project and making the transition from college to industry easy. Decide the scope and timelines for
their first project.
 Lead dancer and member of the “Bhangra” folk dance group in College for a period of 4 years. Participated
in Spring Fest 2012 – Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur and Antaragini 2013 – IIT Kanpur.
 Training Champion and part of the People Training Committee in Goldman Sachs.
 Attended Compute 2014 – 7th ACM India Annual Conference.

 Volunteered at ASHA – Academy for Severe Handicaps and Autism. Teach and design learning material for
Autistic Children.
 Helped in the cleaning and beautification of Harlem River Park as part of a Community Initiative through
Goldman Sachs.

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