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[found this in the Edgar Cayee group files: ‘When ia the present there has arisen those things inthe authority of State ab in controversy with the apiriral influences in mucus lives the entity has fouad a ‘wembling within as of hacking 1 a dav when the son was darkened and not by an eclipse alone, and wen the car shock: and the temple veil was set: forthe entity VIEWED these experiences in the affairs of men, This should be writen! (333-2) ALEC: The Lou's Supper here with the Master see what they had for supper - boiled fish, rice, with leeks, wine, and loaf. One ofthe pitchers in which it was served was broken the handle was broken, as was the lip to same, 2. The whole robe ofthe Master was not white, but pearl gray -all combined into one - the gift of Nicedemus t the Lord. 3, The berer looking ofthe welve, ofcourse, was Judas, while the younger was John - oval face, dak hait, smooth face - only one with the short hait Peter, the rough and ready - alivays that of very short beard, rough, and not aliogether clean, while Andvew’s s just the opposse - very sparse, but inclined to be Tong more on the side and under the chin - Jong on the upper lip ~ his robe was always neat gray or black, while his clouts or breeches were striped, whale those of Philip and. Bartholomew were ted and brown 4. The Master's har is'mot red, inelined to be curly in potions, yet not feminine or weak - STRONG, with heavy piereing eyes that ate blue or steel gray. ‘His weisht would be at least a hundred and seventy pounds. Long tapering fingers, nails well kept. Long mail, thous, onthe lef line finger. 6. Merny - even inthe hour of trial. Joke - even inthe moment of betaval 7. The sack is empty. Todas departs 6. The lst is given ofthe wine and loaf, with which He gives the emblems that should be so dear to every follower of Him. Lays aside His robe, which is all of one piece - gids the towel about His waist, which is dressed with linen that is blue and white. Rolls back the folds, knees fist before Job, James, then to Peter -who refuses. 9. Then the dissertation as 10 "He that would be the greatest would be servant ofall” 10. The bacin is taken as without handle, and is made of wood, The water i ftom the gherksne [gourds), that are in the wide-mouth Shibboleth [streame? Judges 12:6], that stand inthe house of John's father, Zebedee 11. Ané now comes “Iris finished" 12. They sing the ninery fest Pani - "He that dvelleth in the sceret place ofthe Most High shall abide uncer the shadow of the Almighny I will sy ofthe Lord leis my cefige and my fortress: may God: in Hin will T trust” 13. He is the musician aswell, for He uses the harp 14. They leave forthe garden. (TEXT OF READING 3743-1) LETTER TO TIBERIAS Few people are aware, that there isin existence today, inthe Archives in Rome, a description of Christ. I is contained ina report written neaily two thousand years ago, by a Roman, Publius Lentulus to his Emperor, Tiberias. It reads: “There has appeased in Palestine a man whois stl living and whose power is extraordinary. He has the ile given him of Great Prophe, his disciples call him ‘Son ‘of God. He raises the dead and heals all sorts of diseates, "He ia tall, well proportioned man, and there is an air of severity sn his countenance which at ence attracts the love and reverence of those who see kim. His hair isthe colour of new vine from the oots tothe ear, and thence tothe shoulders si curled and falls down tothe lowest part of them. Upon the forehead, it parts m ‘vo attr the manner of Nazarenss, "Bis focchead is et and dur, his fae without blemish or defect, and adorned with a graceful expression, His nose and mouth are very well proportioned, his board is thick and the colour of is air His eves are arey and exaremely lively "Ia his ceproof, leis tenible, but in his exhortations and instrvctions, amiable and courteous. Thete is something wonderfully charming ia this face with 2 auixare ‘of sravity He is never acento lauah, but hns been observed to weep. He i vers straight in stature, he hands large and epreeding, his arms are very beauifel. "He tas ltl, bu with 2 aver quality and isthe handsomest man in the world." - Report OF READING 574241 F (by Joba Saravel nsuann) 2 description of Jesus by Edgar Cayce in the trance state from the Akashic records LEC. The Lord's Supper here with the Master - see what they had for supper - boiled fish rice, with leks, wine, and Jaf. One of the pitchers in which it was served was broken =the handle was broken, as was the lip to same 2. The whole robe ofthe Master was not white, but pearl gsay - all combined into one the gift of Nicoderaus tthe Lord 3. The better Tooking ofthe twelve, ofcourse, was Judas, while the younger was John - oval face, dark his, smooth face only one withthe short hair Peter. the ough and ready - always that of very short beard, rough, and not altogether clean: while Andtew's s just the opposste - very sparse, but incline tobe long more on the side sad under the hin - long oa the upper ip - his robe wns alays near gray or blak, wile his clout or breeches were striped; wile those of Philip and Bartholomew were red and bron 4 The Master's hae is most red, inetined to be curly in portions vet nor feminine or weak - STRONG, with heavy pieveing eves thar are blue oe stet-aras: 5. His weight would be atleast a hoadeed and seventy pounds. Long tapering fingers, nals well kept. Long nail, though, onthe left tle finger 6. Meny - even in the hour of wial. Joke - even in the moment of betaval 7. The sack is empl. Jodas departs. 8. The last is given ofthe wine and loaf, with which He zives the emblems that should be s0 dear to every follower of Him. Lays aside His robe, which ill of one pieoe - gtd the rowel about His waist, which is dreseed with linen that is lve and white. Rolls back the folds, knees fst before John, James, then to Peter -who refuses 9. Then the dissertation as 19 "He that would be the greatest would be servant of aL 10. The basin is taken as without handle, and is made of wood, The waters fom the gherksns [gourds], that ar in the wide-mouth Shibboleth (streams? Judges 12:6], thr stand inthe house of John’s father, Zsbedee 11, And now comes "It is finished" 12. They sing the niners-first Psalm - "He that dwelleth inthe seret place ofthe Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty Twill any of the Lord Hl is my refuge and my fortess: ey God: in Him will Ttust” 13, He isthe musician as well, for He uses the harp, 14. They leave forthe garden TEXT OF READING 3749.

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