Why A Us Company Should Consider Hiring Offshore Talent2

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"Learn to think continentally

Alexander Hamilton - Born in Saint Kitts and Nevis

In an increasingly globalized world where geographical and time distances

have been reduced to science fiction measures, people or companies that
manage to anticipate are the ones who rise.

Regarding the recruitment of personnel from different countries, there are

several points in favor.

First of all, I would consider the importance of having diversity of thoughts,

cultures, languages ​and beliefs in practically all aspects of life, I believe that
diversity will always help us make decisions and even live life in a deeper
and wider way, allowing us to see ourselves and others through prisms that
we would never think could exist. I cant imagine few things healthier and
more transcendent, than feeding our worldview with the worldview of
people who have lived a life completely different from ours.

In second place, the economic benefits: both for the company and for the
employee. It is not news that many companies have realized the money
that can be saved by giving opportunities to international talent. Likewise,
the fact that companies with such a large presence around the world give
opportunities to this talent has meant a great opportunity for many
countries to grow faster, especially in a situation like the one the world has
been experiencing since last year, where many jobs have been lost,
especially punishing the poorest countries, where vaccination and
economic reactivation processes have not been as effective and fast as in
other countries.
Finally, I think it is healthy for the world that we can push the boundaries of
both competition and collaboration. I faithfully believe that being able to
compete and collaborate with all the talent that the world has is something
that will bring many benefits for both companies and professionals,
because not only will I be able to coexist with the talent of my city or my
country, but with all the talent from all over the world, in addition to the fact
that I will also know that my work and my ideas can go even further.

“Human beings are not born forever on the day their mothers give birth to
them, but life forces them to give birth to themselves over and over again.”

Gabriel García Márquez – Colombian Nobel Prize in Literature

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