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Poster Abstract: Vehicle detection and speed estimation

with PIR sensors

Brian Donovan Yanning Li Raphael Stern

University of Illinois University of Illinois University of Illinois
206 North Mathews 206 North Mathews 206 North Mathews
Urbana, IL 61820 Urbana, IL 61820 Urbana, IL 61820

Jiming Jiang Christian Claudel Daniel Work

King Abdullah University of University of Texas University of Illinois
Science and Technology 301 E. Dean Keeton St. Stop C1700 206 North Mathews
Thuwal, 23955, Saudi Arabia Austin, TX 78712 Urbana, IL 61820

Reliable and accurate traffic sensing is the basis of Intelli-
gent Transportation Systems (ITS), which mitigate traffic
mobility and safety issues. To promote vast adoption of
ITS technologies, rapid deployment and auto-calibration of
traffic sensing systems are critical. Aiming at the develop-
ment of an advanced traffic sensing system for construction
zones, this poster presents our preliminary results for detect- Figure 1: PIR sensor array: Left: Three PIR sensors
ing vehicles and estimating traffic speeds by applying signal are integrated in one device. Right: The PIR sensor
processing and machine learning techniques using Passive array is designed to be placed on the roadside.
Infrared (PIR) sensor data.

1. MOTIVATION The need for rapid deployment requires the sensor to be

Construction activities on sections of roads (work zones) energy efficient (no external power supply) and non-intrusive
introduce many mobility and safety issues, such as the devel- (placed on the side of roads without interfering the traffic).
opment of queues and the increased risk of collision. ITS is PIR sensors are low-cost and low-power. Correspondingly,
expected to mitigate such issues by measuring real-time traf- the collected PIR data (temperature in view) is relatively
fic conditions and providing intervening actions. The per- less informative compared to permanent sensing systems.
formance of ITS relies on the quality and quantity of traffic Hence, advanced algorithms are necessary for extracting de-
data (e.g., traffic flow, speed). One challenge for monitoring sired traffic information (traffic volume and speed). In this
traffic in work zones is due to the dynamic nature (distance preliminary test, we apply signal processing and machine
and time) of construction projects. To promote the adop- learning techniques to detect vehicles and estimate the traf-
tion of ITS in work zones, the sensing devices should be fic speed.
redeployable, robust, and self-contained without requiring We used an array of three identical PIR sensors (Melexis
much installation effort or an external power supply. MLX90614) connected to a main board through SMBus as
With the above vision, we are developing an advanced shown in Figure 1. Each sensor has a field of view of 10
traffic sensing systems specifically for work zones. This degrees, and spans a 120 degree detection zone. The PIR
poster presents our preliminary test results in measuring sensor array is deployed by the side of the road for measuring
traffic volume and speed, using PIR sensors. traffic volume and speed.
The power consumption of each PIR sensor is around
2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE AND SENSING 15mW in continuous operation, and it measures the aver-
age temperature in its field of view with a rate of 12Hz and
PLATFORM a resolution of 0.1◦ C. The sensor outputs a time series of
temperature readings. A high pass filter is applied to re-
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for move the slowly changing ambient temperature.
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third- 3. METHODS
party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact
the Owner/Author. 3.1 Vehicle detection
Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). The recorded data is divided into windows of size w, and
IPSN ’15, Apr 14-16, 2015, Seattle, WA, USA
Copyright 2015 ACM 978-1-4503-3475-4/15/04. classified as vehicle or non-vehicle using supervised classifi- cation. Generally, the temperature of a vehicle is different

PIR data sample Comparison of Detection Models
1.4 50
1.2 PIR2 45 GMM−FN
PIR3 Logit−FP
40 Logit−FN

Temperature (C)

Number of Errors

0 10

−0.2 5
0.83 1.67 2.50 3,33 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.67
Relative time (s) 0
0 0.42 0.83 1.25 1.67 2.08
Window Size (s)

Figure 2: Time shifts: The time shifts in the signals

from three PIR sensors. Figure 3: Detection performance of several models:
The performance of vehicle detection depends on
the models used and the window size. Overall, the
from the ambient temperature. Therefore, when a vehicle logistic regression model provides the best result.
passes in front of the sensor, an abrupt change in the tem-
perature is recorded. This subsection presents a method to
Visualization of speed estimation
detect small windows of time that contain abrupt tempera- 45
true speed
ture changes caused by passing vehicles. 40 estimated speed

The window size w is varied from 0.25 s to 6.25 s with a 35

w offset. The signal data in each window is averaged using 30

Speed (mph)
a Hamming function, which allows for higher weights for 25

measurements in the center of the window. Thus, the data 20

used for classification is reduced to three dimensions – one 15

for each PIR sensor. These vectors are used to train logistic
regression and Gaussian mixture model (GMM) classifiers.
0 50 100 150 200 250
3.2 Speed estimation
Since the sensor array has three PIR sensors in different
Figure 4: Speed estimation using linear regression:
orientations (Figure 1), the temperature changes associated
Blue: true speeds from GPS data; Red: estimated
with a passing vehicle are recorded at different times by each
speeds from PIR data.
sensor (Figure 2). Convolution is applied to the three signals
to obtain the shifts of the signal spikes.
Three time shifts are obtained ∆t32 , ∆t21 , ∆t31 , where
∆tij represents the time shift of spikes from PIR i to PIR 4.2 Speed estimation accuracy
j. Two linear regression models are compared:
A similar cross-validation scheme is used to evaluate the
v = c1 + c2 ∆t32 + c3 ∆t21 + c4 ∆t31 , (t-model), performance of the speed estimation. Two models are tested,
v = c1 + c2 /∆t32 + c3 /∆t21 + c4 /∆t31 , (1/t-model). which vary the regression terms. Figure 4 shows a compari-
son of the true and estimated velocities over all of the data.
The first t-model simply takes the time shifts as features The most accurate model, which regresses the speed onto
in linear regression. Alternatively, since speed is inversely 1/t, achieved an RMS error rate of about 4 mph per trip.
related to travel time, the 1/t-model uses the inverse of time Again, the ground truth comparison is obtained from GPS
shifts as features. sensors in the vehicles. This error rate is sufficiently accu-
rate for most traffic monitoring applications.
4.1 Vehicle detection accuracy This poster shows promise for the use of PIR sensors as an
In order to assess the accuracy of vehicle detection, nine- inexpensive, low-power technology for traffic sensing. Par-
fold cross-validation is used. The detection accuracy is mea- ticularly, combined with data processing techniques, the sen-
sured both in terms of false positives and false negatives sor can detect passing vehicles with high accuracy.
across all folds. Here, a false positive is a detection that The speed estimates of passing vehicles are reasonably
does not correspond to a true vehicle, and a false negative accurate. One factor for the speed estimation error is the
is a vehicle that was not detected. The ground truth is ob- varying distance between the vehicle and sensor. Currently,
tained from GPS sensors in the vehicles. Figure 3 compares we are conducting more complex statistical analysis, inte-
the error rates between the various types of models. Overall, grating a more advanced 16 × 4 PIR sensor array, as well as
the logistic regression model achieved the best performance, developing semi-supervised approaches for achieving better
with zero false positive and only one false negative out of 288 performance in vehicle detection and speed estimation.
vehicles. It is also worth noting that this peak performance
occurs at a window size of 1.25 seconds.


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