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19  Gastrointestinal tract – physiology

and drug absorption

Marianne Ashford

CHAPTER CONTENTS • Barriers to drug absorption include

environmental factors, such as pH and
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
enzymes, the mucus and unstirred water layer,
Physiological factors influencing oral the gastrointestinal membrane and presystemic
drug absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 metabolism.
Physiology of the gastrointestinal tract . . 301 • Drugs are absorbed through the gastrointestinal
Oesophagus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 membrane via transcellular, paracellular or
Stomach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 active transport processes.
Small intestine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Colon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Transit of pharmaceuticals in the
gastrointestinal tract . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Gastric emptying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 The factors that influence the rate and extent of
Small intestinal transit . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 absorption depend on the route of administration.
Colonic transit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 As stated in Chapter 18, the intravenous route offers
Barriers to drug absorption . . . . . . . . 307 direct access to the systemic circulation, and the
total dose administered via this route is available in
Environment within the lumen . . . . . . . . 307
the plasma for distribution to other body tissues and
Mucus and the unstirred water layer . . . . . 310
the site(s) of action of the drug. Other routes will
Gastrointestinal membrane . . . . . . . . . . 310
require an absorption step before the drug reaches
Presystemic metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . 317
the systemic circulation. The factors affecting this
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
absorption will depend on the physiology of the
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 administration site(s) and the membrane barriers
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 present at the site or sites that the drug needs to
cross to reach the systemic circulation. A summary
KEY POINTS of some of the properties of each route of administra-
tion is given in Chapter 1.
• The gastrointestinal tract is complex, and many The gastrointestinal tract is discussed in detail in
physiological factors affect absorption of drugs this chapter, and a detailed description of the physiol-
as they transit through the gastrointestinal tract. ogy of some of the other more important routes of
• Physiological factors affecting absorption administration is given in the relevant chapters in Part
include the transit of dosage forms through the
gastrointestinal tract, environmental factors, 5. The oral route of delivery is by far the most popular,
such as the pH, enzymes and food within the with approximately 50% of medicines being given by
gastrointestinal tract, and disease states of the mouth, mainly because it is natural and convenient
gastrointestinal tract. for the patient, and because it is relatively easy to

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

Tablet Granules particles

Drug in solution



Transverse Absorption
colon Small
Caecum colon
Rectum Sigmoid
colon Gut wall Intact drug
and in systemic
Fig. 19.1 •  The gastrointestinal tract. hepatic circulation

manufacture oral dosage forms. Oral dosage forms Elimination Pharmacological

do not need to be sterilized, are compact and can be
produced cheaply in large quantities by automated Fig. 19.2 •  Steps involved before a pharmacological
machines. This chapter and Chapter 20 will therefore effect, after administration of a rapidly disintegrating
be confined to discussing the biopharmaceutical factors tablet.
(i.e. physiological, dosage form and drug factors) that
influence oral drug absorption. fluids is often the slowest of all the steps, and the
bioavailability of that drug is said to be dissolution-rate
Physiological factors limited. In contrast, for a drug that has a high aqueous
solubility, its dissolution will be rapid, and the rate
influencing oral drug at which the drug crosses the gastrointestinal mem-
absorption brane may be the rate-limiting step, termed perme-
ability limited.
The gastrointestinal tract is complex. Fig. 19.1 outlines Other potential rate-limiting steps include the rate
some of the main structures involved in, and key of drug release from the dosage form (this can be
physiological parameters that affect oral drug absorp- by design, in the case of controlled-release dosage
tion. In order to gain an insight into the numerous forms), the rate at which the stomach empties the
factors that can potentially influence the rate and drug into the small intestine, the rate at which the
extent of drug absorption into the systemic circulation, drug is metabolized by enzymes in the intestinal
a schematic illustration of the steps involved in the mucosal cells during its passage through them into
release and absorption of a drug from a tablet dosage the mesenteric blood vessels, and the rate of metabo-
form is presented in Fig. 19.2. It can be seen from lism of the drug during its initial passage through the
this that the rate and extent of appearance of intact liver, often termed the ‘first-pass’ effect.
drug in the systemic circulation depend on a succes-
sion of kinetic processes.
The slowest step in this series, which is the rate-
Physiology of the
limiting step, controls the overall rate and extent of gastrointestinal tract
appearance of intact drug in the systemic circulation.
The rate-limiting step will vary from drug to drug. The gastrointestinal tract is a muscular tube, approxi-
For a drug which has a very poor aqueous solubility, mately 6 m in length with varying diameters. It
the rate at which it dissolves in the gastrointestinal stretches from the mouth to the anus and consists

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

Mucosa component (~95%). Its other primary components,

which are responsible for its physical and functional
muscularis mucosae properties, are large glycosylated proteins called
mucins. Mucins consist of a protein backbone
Submucosa approximately 800 amino acids long and oligosac-
charide side chains that are typically up to 18 residues
Circular in length.
muscularis mucosae The mucous layer ranges in thickness from 5 µm
to 500 µm along the length of the gastrointestinal
tract, with average values of approximately 80 µm.
Mucus is constantly being removed from the
Fig. 19.3 •  Cross-section through the gastrointestinal luminal surface of the gastrointestinal tract through
tract. abrasion and acidic and/or enzymatic breakdown, and
it is continually replaced from beneath. The turnover
of four main anatomical areas; the oesophagus, the time has been estimated at 4 to 5 hours, but this
stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine, may well be an underestimate and is liable to vary
or colon. The luminal surface of the tube is not smooth along the length of the tract.
but very rough, thereby increasing the surface area
for absorption.
The wall of the gastrointestinal tract is essentially Oesophagus
similar in structure along its length, consisting of four
principal histological layers (Fig. 19.3): The mouth is the point of entry for most drugs
1. The serosa, which is an outer layer of (so-called peroral – via the mouth – administration).
epithelium with supporting connective tissues At this point, contact with the oral mucosa is usually
which are continuous with the peritoneum. brief. Linking the oral cavity to the stomach is the
oesophagus. The oesophagus is composed of a thick
2. The muscularis externa, which contains three
muscular layer approximately 250 mm long and
layers of smooth muscle tissue, a thinner outer
20 mm in diameter. It joins the stomach at the
layer, which is longitudinal in orientation, and
gastro-oesophageal junction, or cardiac orifice, as it
two inner layers, whose fibres are oriented in a
is sometimes known.
circular pattern. Contractions of these muscles
The oesophagus, apart from the lowest 20 mm,
provide the forces for movement of
which is similar to the gastric mucosa, contains a
gastrointestinal tract contents and physical
well-differentiated squamous epithelium of nonpro-
breakdown of food.
liferative cells. Epithelial cell function is mainly
3. The submucosa, which is a connective tissue protective; salivary glands in the mouth secrete mucins
layer containing some secretory tissue and into the narrow lumen to lubricate food and protect
which is richly supplied with blood and the lower part of the oesophagus from gastric acid.
lymphatic vessels. A network of nerve cells, The pH of the oesophageal lumen is usually between
known as the submucous plexus, is also located 5 and 6.
in this layer. Materials are moved down the oesophagus by the
4. The mucosa, which is essentially composed of act of swallowing. After swallowing, a single peristaltic
three layers: the muscularis mucosae, which can wave of contraction, its amplitude linked to the size
alter the local conformation of the mucosa, a of the material being swallowed, passes down the
layer of connective tissue known as the lamina length of the oesophagus at a rate of 20 mm s−1 to
propria, and the epithelium. 60 m s−1, speeding up as it progresses. When swal-
The majority of the gastrointestinal epithelium is lowing is repeated in quick succession, the subsequent
covered by a layer or layers of mucus. This is a swallows interrupt the initial peristaltic wave and
viscoelastic translucent aqueous gel that is secreted only the final wave proceeds down the length of the
throughout the gastrointestinal tract, acting as a oesophagus to the gastrointestinal junction, carrying
protective layer and a mechanical barrier. Mucus is material within the lumen with it. Secondary peri-
a constantly changing mix of many secretions and staltic waves occur involuntarily in response to any
exfoliated epithelial cells. It has a large water distension of the oesophagus and serve to move sticky

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

lumps of material or refluxed material to the stomach. no more than 50 mL of fluid, which is mostly gastric
In the upright position, the transit of materials through secretions. These include:
the oesophagus is assisted by gravity. The oesophageal • Hydrochloric acid secreted by the parietal cells,
transit of dosage forms is extremely rapid, usually which maintains the pH of the stomach
of the order of 10 to 14 seconds. between 1 and 3.5 in the fasted state.
• The hormone gastrin, which itself is a potent
Stomach stimulator of gastric acid production and
pepsinogen and is released by the G cells in the
The next part of the gastrointestinal tract to be stomach. The release of gastrin is stimulated by
encountered by both food and pharmaceuticals is peptides, amino acids and distension of the
the stomach. The two major functions of the stomach stomach and causes increased gastric motility.
are: • Pepsins, which are secreted by the chief cells in
• To act as a temporary reservoir for ingested the form of its precursor pepsinogen. Pepsins
food and to deliver it to the duodenum at a are peptidases which break down proteins to
controlled rate. peptides at low pH. Above pH 5, pepsin is
• To reduce ingested solids to a uniform creamy denatured.
consistency, known as chyme, by the action of • Mucus, which is secreted by the surface
acid and enzymatic digestion. This enables mucosal cells and lines the gastric mucosa. In
better contact of the ingested material with the the stomach the mucus protects the gastric
mucous membrane of the intestines and thereby mucosa from autodigestion by the pepsin–acid
facilitates absorption. combination.
Another, perhaps less obvious, function of the stomach Very little drug absorption occurs in the stomach
is its protective role in reducing the risk of noxious owing to its small surface area compared to the small
agents reaching the intestine. intestine. The rate of gastric emptying can be a
The stomach is the most dilated part of the controlling factor in the onset of drug absorption
gastrointestinal tract and is situated between the lower from the major absorptive site, the small intestine.
end of the oesophagus and the small intestine. Its Gastric emptying will be discussed later in this
opening to the duodenum is controlled by the pyloric chapter.
sphincter. The stomach can be divided into four
anatomical regions (Fig. 19.4): the fundus, the body, Small intestine
the antrum and the pylorus.
The stomach has a capacity of approximately 1.5 L, The small intestine is the longest (4 m to 5 m) and
although under fasting conditions it usually contains most convoluted part of the gastrointestinal tract,
extending from the pyloric sphincter of the stomach
to the ileocaecal junction, where it joins the large
Lower oesophageal
intestine. It is approximately 25 mm to 30 mm in
diameter. Its main functions are:
Abdominal part • digestion – the process of enzymatic digestion,
of oesophagus Fundus which began in the stomach, is completed in
the small intestine; and
Lesser curvature Body • absorption – the small intestine is the region
where most nutrients and other materials are
The small intestine is divided into the duodenum,
Greater which is 200 mm to 300 mm in length, the jejunum,
curvature which is approximately 2 m in length, and the
ileum, which is approximately 3 m in length.
Duodenum The wall of the small intestine has a rich network
Pyloric antrum
of both blood and lymphatic vessels. The gastro-
Fig. 19.4 •  The anatomy of the stomach. intestinal circulation is the largest systemic regional

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

vasculature, and nearly one-third of the cardiac output

flows through the gastrointestinal viscera. The blood
vessels of the small intestine receive blood from the
superior mesenteric artery via branched arterioles. Goblet cell
The blood leaving the small intestine flows into the
hepatic portal vein, which carries it via the liver to Lacteal or
the systemic circulation. Drugs that are metabolized vessel
by the liver are degraded before they reach the
systemic circulation; this is termed hepatic presystemic
clearance or first-pass metabolism.
The wall of the small intestine also contains
Crypt of
lacteals, which contain lymph and are part of the Lieberkühn
lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is important
in the absorption of fats from the gastrointestinal
tract. In the ileum there are areas of aggregated Venule
lymphoid tissue close to the epithelial surface
which are known as Peyer’s patches (named after Lymphatic vessel
the 17th-century Swiss anatomist Johann Peyer). Arteriole
These cells play a key role in the immune response
Fig. 19.5 •  Structure of a villus.
as they transport macromolecules and are involved
in antigen uptake.
The surface area of the small intestine is increased • Intestinal cells. These are present throughout
enormously, by approximately 600 times that of a the small intestine and secrete mucus and
simple cylinder, to approximately 200 m2 in an adult, enzymes. The enzymes, hydrolases and
by several adaptations which make the small intestine proteases, continue the digestive process.
such a good absorption site: • Pancreatic secretions. The pancreas is a large
• Folds of Kerckring – these are submucosal folds gland that secretes approximately 1 L to 2 L of
which extend circularly most of the way around pancreatic juice per day into the small intestine
the intestine and are particularly well developed via a duct. The components of pancreatic juice
in the duodenum and jejunum. They are several are sodium bicarbonate and enzymes. The
millimetres in depth. enzymes consist of proteases, principally
trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidases,
• Villi – these have been described as finger-like
which are secreted as inactive precursors or
projections into the lumen (approximately
zymogens and are converted to their active
0.5 mm to 1.5 mm in length and 0.1 mm in
forms in the lumen by the enzyme
diameter). They are well supplied with blood
enterokinase. Lipase and amylase are both
vessels. Each villus contains an arteriole, a
secreted in their active forms. The bicarbonate
venule and a blind-ending lymphatic vessel
component is largely regulated by the pH of
(lacteal). The structure of a villus is shown in
chyme delivered into the small intestine from
Fig. 19.5.
the stomach.
• Microvilli – 600 to 1000 of these brush-like
• Bile. Bile is secreted by hepatocytes in the liver
structures (~1 µm in length and 0.1 µm in
into bile canaliculi, concentrated in the
width) cover each villus, providing the largest
gallbladder and hepatic biliary system by the
increase in surface area. These are covered by a
removal of sodium ions, chloride ions and
fibrous substance known as glycocalyx.
water, and delivered to the duodenum. Bile is a
The luminal pH of the small intestine increases to complex aqueous mixture of organic solutes
between 6 and 7.5. Sources of secretions that produce (bile acids, phospholipids, particularly lecithin,
these pH values in the small intestine are: cholesterol and bilirubin) and inorganic
• Brunner’s glands. These are located in the compounds (such as the plasma electrolytes
duodenum and are responsible for the secretion sodium and potassium). Bile pigments, the most
of bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acid important of which is bilirubin, are excreted in
emptied from the stomach. the faeces but the bile acids are reabsorbed by

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

an active process in the terminal ileum. They remains approximately l/30 that of the small
are returned to the liver via the hepatic portal intestine.
vein and, as they have a high hepatic clearance, The main functions of the colon are:
are resecreted in the bile. This process is known • The absorption of sodium ions, chloride ions
as enterohepatic recirculation. The main and water from the lumen in exchange for
functions of the bile are promoting the efficient bicarbonate and potassium ions. Thus the colon
absorption of dietary fat, such as fatty acids and has a significant homeostatic role in the body.
cholesterol, by aiding its emulsification and • The storage and compaction of faeces.
micellar solubilization, and the provision of
excretory pathways for degradation products. The colon is permanently colonized by an extensive
number (approximately 1012 per gram of contents)
and variety of bacteria. This large bacterial mass is
Colon capable of several metabolic reactions, including
hydrolysis of fatty acid esters and the reduction of
The colon is the final major part of the gastrointestinal inactive conjugated drugs to their active form. The
tract. It stretches from the ileocaecal junction to the bacteria rely on undigested polysaccharides in the diet
anus and makes up approximately the last 1.5 m of and the carbohydrate components of secretions such
the 6 m of the gastrointestinal tract. It is composed as mucus for their carbon and energy sources. They
of the caecum (~85 mm in length), the ascending degrade the polysaccharides to produce short-chain
colon (~200 mm), the hepatic flexure, the transverse fatty acids (acetic, propionic and butyric acids), which
colon (usually longer than 450 mm), the splenic lower the luminal pH, and the gases hydrogen, carbon
flexure, the descending colon (~300 mm), the dioxide and methane. Thus the pH of the caecum is
sigmoid colon (~400 mm) and the rectum, as shown approximately 6 to 6.5. This increases to approximately
in Fig. 19.6. The ascending colon and the descending 7 to 7.5 towards the distal parts of the colon.
colon are relatively fixed, as they are attached via Recently there has been much interest in the
the flexures and the caecum. The transverse colon exploitation of the enzymes produced by these
and the sigmoid colon are much more flexible. bacteria with respect to targeted drug delivery to
The colon, unlike the small intestine, has no special- this region of the gastrointestinal tract.
ized villi. However, the microvilli of the absorptive
epithelial cells, the presence of crypts and the
irregularly folded mucosae serve to increase the Transit of pharmaceuticals in
surface area of the colon by 10 to –15 times that of the gastrointestinal tract
a simple cylinder. The surface area nevertheless
As the oral route is the one by which the majority
of pharmaceuticals are administered, it is important
to know how these materials behave during their
Transverse colon passage through the gastrointestinal tract. It is known
Hepatic flexure that the small intestine is the major site of drug
flexure absorption, and thus the time a drug is present in
this part of the gastrointestinal tract is extremely
Ileocaecal important. If sustained-release or controlled-release
junction Descending drug delivery systems are being designed, it is
colon colon important to consider factors that will affect their
behaviour and, in particular, their transit times through
certain regions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Caecum Sigmoid
colon In general, most dosage forms, when taken in an
upright position, transit the oesophagus quickly,
usually in less than 15 seconds. Transit through the
oesophagus is dependent on both the dosage form
and the posture.
Anal canal
Tablets/capsules taken in the supine (lying down)
Fig. 19.6 •  The anatomy of the colon. position, especially if taken without water, are liable

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

to lodge in the oesophagus. Adhesion to the oesopha- Thus, in the fed state, liquids, pellets and
geal wall can occur as a result of partial dehydration disintegrated tablets will tend to empty with food,
at the site of contact and the formation of a gel yet large sustained-release or controlled-release
between the formulation and the oesophagus. The dosage forms can be retained in the stomach for long
chances of adhesion will depend on the shape, size periods. In the fasted state the stomach is less dis-
and type of formulation. Transit of liquids, for criminatory between dosage form types, with emptying
example, has always been observed to be rapid, and appearing to be an exponential process and being
in general faster than that of solids. A delay in reaching related to the point in the MMC at which the formula-
the stomach may well delay a drug’s onset of action tion is ingested.
or cause damage or irritation to the oesophageal wall Many factors influence gastric emptying, as well
(e.g. potassium chloride tablets). as the type of dosage form and the presence of food.
These include posture, the composition of the food
and the effect of drugs and disease state. In general,
Gastric emptying food, particularly fatty foods, delays gastric emptying
and hence the absorption of drugs. Therefore a drug
The time a dosage form takes to traverse the stomach is likely to reach the small intestine most rapidly if
is usually termed the gastric residence time, gastric it is administered with water to a patient whose
emptying time or gastric emptying rate. stomach is empty.
Gastric emptying of pharmaceuticals is highly
variable and is dependent on the dosage form and
the fed/fasted state of the stomach. Normal gastric Small intestinal transit
residence times usually range between 5 minutes and 2
hours, although much longer times (>12  h) have been There are two main types of intestinal movement –
recorded, particularly for large single dosage units. propulsive and mixing. The propulsive movements
In the fasted state, the electrical activity in the primarily determine the intestinal transit rate and
stomach – the interdigestive myoelectric cycle or hence the residence time of the drug or dosage
migrating myoelectric complex (MMC), as it is known form in the small intestine. As this is the main
– governs its activity and hence the transit of dosage site of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract for
forms. It is characterized by a repeating cycle of four most drugs, the small intestinal transit time (i.e.
phases. Phase I is a relatively inactive period of 40 the time of transit between the stomach and the
to 60 minutes with only rare contractions occurring. caecum) is an important factor with respect to drug
Increasing numbers of contractions occur in phase bioavailability.
II, which has a similar duration to phase I. Phase III Small intestinal transit is normally considered
is characterized by powerful peristaltic contractions to be between 3 and 4 hours, although both faster
which open the pylorus at the base and clear the and slower transits have been measured. In con-
stomach of any residual material. This is sometimes trast to the stomach, the small intestine does not
called the housekeeper wave. Phase IV is a short discriminate between solids and liquids, and hence
transitional period between the powerful activity of between dosage forms, or between the fed and the
phase III and the inactivity of phase I. fasted state.
The cycle repeats itself every 2 hours until a meal Small intestinal residence time is particularly
is ingested and the fed state or motility is initiated. important for:
In this state, two distinct patterns of activity have
• dosage forms that release their drug slowly (e.g.
been observed. The proximal part of the stomach
controlled-release, sustained-release or
relaxes to receive food, and gradual contractions of
prolonged-release systems) as they pass along
this region move the contents distally. Peristalsis –
the length of the gastrointestinal tract;
contractions of the distal part of the stomach – serves
to mix and break down food particles and move them • enteric-coated dosage forms which release drug
towards the pyloric sphincter. The pyloric sphincter only when they reach the small intestine;
allows liquids and small food particles to empty while • drugs that dissolve slowly in intestinal fluids;
other material is retropulsed into the antrum of the • drugs that are absorbed by intestinal
stomach and is caught up by the next peristaltic wave carrier-mediated transport systems; and
for further size reduction before emptying. • drugs that are not absorbed well in the colon.

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

Colonic transit Barriers to drug absorption

The colonic transit of pharmaceuticals is prolonged Fig. 19.7 shows some of the barriers to absorption that
and variable, and depends on the type of dosage a drug may encounter once it is released from its dosage
form, diet, eating pattern, defecation pattern and form and has dissolved in the gastrointestinal fluids.
frequency, and disease state. The drug needs to remain in solution, not become
Contractile activity in the colon can be divided bound to food or other material within the gastro-
into two main types: intestinal tract and not precipitate. It needs to be
• Propulsive contractions or mass movements that chemically stable so as to withstand the pH of the
are associated with the aboral (away from the gastrointestinal tract and it must be resistant to
mouth) movement of contents. enzymatic degradation in the lumen. The drug then
• Segmental or haustral contractions that serve to needs to diffuse across the mucous layer without binding
mix the luminal contents and result in only small to it, across the unstirred water layer and subsequently
aboral movements. Segmental contractions are across the gastrointestinal membrane, its main cellular
brought about by contraction of the circular barrier. After passing through this cellular barrier, the
muscle and predominate, whereas the drug encounters the liver and all its metabolizing
propulsive contractions, which are due enzymes before it reaches the systemic circulation.
to contractions of the longitudinal muscle, Any of these barriers can prevent some or all of the
occur only three to four times daily in normal drug reaching the systemic circulation and can therefore
individuals. have a detrimental effect on its bioavailability.
Colonic transit is thus characterized by short bursts
of activity followed by long periods of stasis. Move- Environment within the lumen
ment is mainly aboral (i.e. towards the anus). Motility
and transit are highly influenced by defecation time; The environment within the lumen of the gastro-
both the frequency of defecation and the likelihood intestinal tract has a major effect on the rate and
of being included in a defecation event. Colonic transit extent of drug absorption.
times can range from 2 to 48 hours. In most individu-
als, total transit times (i.e. mouth to anus) are between
Gastrointestinal pH
12 and 36 hours; however, they can range from several The pH of fluids varies considerably along the length
hours to several days. of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastric fluid is highly

Lumen Unstirred Gastrointestinal Presystemic

water layer membrane metabolism

Chemical degradation
Gut wall,
Enzymatic degradation Complexation Paracellular
to mucus metabolism

Adsorption Water and Efflux


Passage of drug

Fig. 19.7 •  Barriers to drug absorption.

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

acidic, normally exhibiting a pH within the range degradation of penicillin G (benzylpenicillin), the
from 1 to 3.5 in healthy people in the fasted state. first of the penicillins, after oral administration
Following the ingestion of a meal, the gastric juice depends on its residence time in the stomach and
is buffered to a less acidic pH that is dependent on the gastric pH. This gastric instability has tended to
meal composition. Typical gastric pH values following preclude its oral use. The antibiotic erythromycin
a meal are in the range from 3 to 7. Depending on and proton pump inhibitors (e.g. omeprazole) degrade
the size of the meal, the gastric pH returns to the rapidly at acidic pH values and therefore have to be
lower fasted-state values within 2 to 3 hours. Thus formulated as enteric-coated dosage forms to ensure
only a dosage form ingested with or soon after a meal good bioavailability (see Chapter 20). The effects of
will encounter these higher pH values. This may be pH on the drug dissolution and absorption processes
an important consideration in terms of the chemical are also discussed in Chapter 20.
stability of a drug or in achieving drug dissolution or
Luminal enzymes
Intestinal pH values are higher than gastric pH
values owing to the neutralization of the gastric acid The primary enzyme found in gastric juice is pepsin.
by bicarbonate ions secreted by the pancreas into Lipases, amylases and proteases are secreted from
the small intestine. There is a gradual rise in pH the pancreas into the small intestine in response to
along the length of the small intestine from the ingestion of food. These enzymes are responsible for
duodenum to the ileum. Table 19.1 summarizes some most nutrient digestion. Pepsins and the proteases
of the literature values recorded for small intestinal are responsible for the degradation of protein and
pH in the fed and fasted states. The pH drops again peptide drugs in the lumen. Other drugs that resemble
in the colon as the bacterial enzymes, which are nutrients, such as nucleotides and fatty acids, may
localized in the colonic region, break down undigested also be susceptible to enzymatic degradation. The
carbohydrates into short-chain fatty acids; this lowers lipases may also affect the release of drugs from
the pH in the colon to approximately 6.5. fat/oil-containing dosage forms. Drugs that are
The gastrointestinal pH may influence the absorp- esters can also be susceptible to hydrolysis in the
tion of drugs in a variety of ways. If the drug is a lumen.
weak electrolyte, the pH may influence the drug’s Bacteria, which are mainly localized within the
chemical stability in the lumen, its rate and extent colonic region of the gastrointestinal tract, secrete
of dissolution or its absorption characteristics. Chemi- enzymes that are capable of a range of reactions. These
cal degradation due to pH-dependent hydrolysis can enzymes have been utilized when designing drugs or
occur in the gastrointestinal tract. The result of this dosage forms to target the colon. Sulfasalazine, for
instability is incomplete bioavailability, as only a example, is a prodrug of 5-aminosalicylic acid linked
fraction of the administered dose reaches the systemic via an azo bond to sulfapyridine. The sulfapyridine
circulation in the form of intact drug. The extent of moiety makes the drug too large and hydrophilic
to be absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract,
and thus permits its transport intact to the colonic
region. Here the bacterial enzymes reduce the
Table 19.1  pH in the small intestine in healthy humans azo bond in the molecule and release the active
in the fasted and fed states drug, 5-aminosalycylic acid, for local action in
Location Fasted state pH Fed state pH colonic diseases such as inflammatory bowel
Mid to distal part 4.9 5.2
of duodenum 6.1 5.4
6.3 5.1 Influence of food in
6.4 the gastrointestinal tract
Jejunum 4.4–6.5 5.2–6.0 The presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract can
6.6 6.2
influence the rate and extent of absorption, either
Ileum 6.5 6.8–7.8 directly or indirectly via a range of mechanisms.
6.8–8.0 6.8–8.0
Complexation of drugs with components in the
7.4 7.5
diet.  Drugs are capable of binding to components
Data from Gray & Dressman (1996). within the diet. In general, this only becomes an

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

issue (with respect to bioavailability) where an from the lumen to the absorbing membrane lining
irreversible or an insoluble complex is formed. In the gastrointestinal tract may be reduced by an
such cases the fraction of the administered dose that increase in viscosity. Both of these effects tend to
becomes complexed is unavailable for absorption. decrease the bioavailability of a drug.
Tetracycline, for example, forms nonabsorbable Food-induced changes in presystemic metabo-
complexes with calcium and iron, and thus patients lism.  Certain foods may increase the bioavailability
are advised not to take products containing calcium of drugs that are susceptible to presystemic intestinal
or iron, such as milk, iron preparations or indigestion metabolism by interacting with the metabolic process.
remedies, at the same time of day as the tetracycline. Grapefruit juice, for example, is capable of inhibiting
However, if the complex formed is water soluble the intestinal cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) family
and readily dissociates to liberate the ‘free’ drug, and thus, when taken with drugs that are susceptible
then there may be little effect on drug absorption. to CYP3A metabolism, is likely to result in their
Alteration of pH.  In general, food tends to increase increased bioavailability. Clinically relevant interac-
stomach pH by acting as a buffer. This is liable to tions exist between grapefruit juice and the antihis-
decrease the rate of dissolution and subsequent tamine terfenadine, the immunosuppressant
absorption of a weakly basic drug and increase that ciclosporin, the protease inhibitor saquinavir and the
of a weakly acidic one. calcium channel blocker verapamil.
Alteration of gastric emptying.  As already men- Food-induced changes in blood flow.  Blood flow
tioned, some foods, particularly those containing a to the gastrointestinal tract and liver increases shortly
high proportion of fat, and some drugs tend to reduce after a meal, thereby increasing the rate at which
gastric emptying and thus delay the onset of action drugs are presented to the liver. The metabolism of
of certain drugs. Food slows the rate of absorption, some drugs (e.g. propranolol) is sensitive to their
due to delayed gastric emptying, of the antiretroviral rate of presentation to the liver; the faster the rate
nucleoside analogues lamivudine and zidovudine; of presentation, the larger the fraction of drug that
however, this is not considered to be clinically escapes first-pass metabolism. This is because the
significant. enzyme systems responsible for drug metabolism
Stimulation of gastrointestinal secretions.  Gastro- become saturated by the increased rate of presentation
intestinal secretions (e.g. pepsin) produced in response of the drug to the site of biotransformation. For this
to food may result in the degradation of drugs that reason, the effects of food serve to increase the
are susceptible to enzymatic metabolism and hence bioavailability of some drugs that are susceptible to
in a reduction in their bioavailability. The ingestion first-pass metabolism.
of food, particularly fats, stimulates the secretion of It is evident that food can influence the absorption
bile. Bile salts are surface-active agents and can increase of many drugs from the gastrointestinal tract by a
the dissolution of poorly soluble drugs, thereby variety of mechanisms. Drug–food interactions are
enhancing their absorption. However, bile salts have often classified into five categories: those that cause
been shown to form insoluble and hence nonabsorbable reduced, delayed, increased or accelerated absorption,
complexes with some drugs such as neomycin, kana- and those on which food has no effect. The reader
mycin and nystatin. is referred to reviews by Varum et al. (2013) and
Yasuji et al. (2012) for the effect of food on drug
Competition between food components and drugs absorption and delivery.
for specialized absorption mechanisms.  In the
case of those drugs that have a chemical structure
similar to nutrients required by the body for which Disease state and physiological
specialized absorption mechanisms exist, there is a disorders
possibility of competitive inhibition of drug
Disease states and physiological disorders associated
with the gastrointestinal tract are likely to influence
Increased viscosity of gastrointestinal tract the absorption and hence the bioavailability of orally
contents.  The presence of food in the gastrointestinal administered drugs. Local diseases can cause altera-
tract provides a viscous environment which may result tions in gastric pH that can affect the stability, dis-
in a reduction in the rate of drug dissolution. In solution and/or absorption of the drug. Gastric surgery
addition, the rate of diffusion of a drug in solution can cause drugs to exhibit differences in bioavailability

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

from that in normal individuals. For example, partial unstirred water layer or aqueous boundary layer is
or total gastrectomy results in drugs reaching the a more or less stagnant layer of water, mucus and
duodenum more rapidly than in normal individuals, glycocalyx adjacent to the intestinal wall. It is thought
and significant changes in fluid composition and to be created by incomplete mixing of the luminal
volumes can significantly affect drug dissolution and contents near the intestinal mucosal surface. This layer,
therefore bioavailability. Patients with AIDS often which is approximately 30 µm to 100 µm in thickness,
have oversecretion of gastrin and thus low pH, which can provide a diffusion barrier to drugs. Some drugs
can adversely affect the dissolution and hence bio- are also capable of complexing with mucus, thereby
availability of weakly basic drugs such as the antifungal reducing their availability for absorption.
drug ketoconazole. Lower pH values are often seen
in disease states of the colon such as Crohn’s disease
and ulcerative colitis. In coeliac disease there is an
Gastrointestinal membrane
increase in intestinal permeability due to a ‘loosening’
of the tight junctions. Structure of the membrane
The gastrointestinal membrane separates the lumen
of the stomach and intestines from the systemic
Mucus and the unstirred circulation. It is the main cellular barrier to the
water layer absorption of drugs from the gastrointestinal tract.
The membrane is complex in nature, being composed
Before drugs can permeate across the epithelial surface, of lipids, proteins, lipoproteins and polysaccharides.
the mucous layer and unstirred water layer need It has a bilayer structure, as shown in Fig. 19.8. The
to be crossed. The mucus layer, whose thickness barrier has the characteristics of a semipermeable
and turnover rates can vary along the length of the membrane, allowing the rapid transit of some materials
gastrointestinal tract, can hinder drug diffusion. The and impeding or preventing the passage of others. It


Sugar chain of Sugar chain of

glycoprotein glycolipid




Fig. 19.8 •  Structure of the gastrointestinal membrane.

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

is permeable to amino acids, sugars, fatty acids and Transcellular transport

other nutrients and is impermeable to plasma proteins.
The membrane can be viewed as a semipermeable
Passive diffusion
lipoidal sieve, which allows the passage of lipid-soluble This is the preferred route of transport for relatively
molecules across it and the passage of water and small lipophilic molecules and thus many drugs. In
small hydrophilic molecules through its numerous this process, drug molecules pass across the lipoidal
aqueous pores. In addition, there are a number of membrane via passive diffusion from a region of high
transporter proteins or membrane transporters that concentration in the lumen to a region of lower
exist in the membrane and which, with the help of concentration in the blood. This lower concentration
energy, transport materials back and forth across it. is maintained primarily by blood flow. The rate of
transport is determined by the physicochemical
properties of the drug, the nature of the membrane
Mechanisms of transport across and the concentration gradient of the drug across
the gastrointestinal membrane the membrane. The process initially involves the
partitioning of the drug between the aqueous fluids
There are two main mechanisms of drug transport within the gastrointestinal tract and the lipoidal-like
across the gastrointestinal epithelium: transcellular membrane of the lining of the epithelium. The drug
(i.e. across the cells) and paracellular (i.e. between in solution in the membrane then diffuses across the
the cells). The transcellular pathway is further divided epithelial cell(s) within the gastrointestinal barrier
into simple passive diffusion, carrier-mediated or to blood in the capillary network in the lamina propria.
membrane transporter processes and transcytosis. On reaching the blood, the drug will be rapidly
These pathways are illustrated in Fig. 19.9. distributed, so maintaining a much lower concentra-
tion than that at the absorption site. If the cell
membranes and fluid regions making up the
gastrointestinal tract can be considered as a single
1 2 3 4 Apical
membrane, then the stages involved in gastrointestinal
absorption can be represented by the model shown
in Fig. 19.10.
Passive diffusion of drugs across the gastrointestinal
Basolateral tract can often be described mathematically by Fick’s
(luminal) first law of diffusion (see Chapter 2). When consid-
ered in the context of bioavailability, this indicates
1 – Transcellular 3 – Carrier mediated
that the rate of diffusion across a membrane (dC/dt)
2 – Paracellular 4 – Transcytosis
is proportional to the difference in concentration on
Fig. 19.9 •  Mechanisms of transport (absorptive). each side of that membrane. Therefore the rate of

Fig. 19.10 •  Absorption via passive diffusion.

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

appearance of drug in the blood at the absorption further lower the concentration of free (i.e. diffusible)
site is given by drug in the blood. Consequently, the blood acts as
a ‘sink’ for absorbed drug and ensures that the
dC dt = k (Cg − Cb )
concentration of drug in the blood at the site of
(19.1) absorption is low in relation to that in the gastro-
where dC/dt is the rate of appearance of drug in the intestinal fluids at the site of absorption (i.e. Cg ≫
blood at the site of absorption, k is the proportionality Cb). The ‘sink’ conditions provided by the systemic
constant, Cg is the concentration of drug in solution circulation ensure that a large concentration gradient
in the gastrointestinal fluid at the absorption site and is maintained across the gastrointestinal membrane
Cb is the concentration of drug in the blood at the during the absorption process.
site of absorption. The passive absorption process is driven solely by
The proportionality constant k incorporates the the concentration gradient of the diffusible species
diffusion coefficient of the drug in the gastrointestinal of the drug that exists across the gastrointestinal
membrane (D), and the thickness (h) and surface tract. Thus Eqs 19.1 and 19.2 can be combined and
area of the membrane (A): written as

k= dC dt =
h h
(19.2) (19.3)

These equations indicate that the rate of gastro- and because for a given membrane D, A and h can
intestinal absorption of a drug by passive diffusion be regarded as constants, Eq. 19.3 becomes
depends on the surface area of the membrane that
is available for drug absorption. Thus the small dC dt = kCg
intestine, primarily the duodenum, is the major site
of drug absorption, owing principally to the presence
of villi and microvilli, which provide such a large Eq. 19.4 is an expression for a first-order kinetics
surface area for absorption (discussed earlier in this process (discussed in Chapter 7) and indicates that
chapter). the rate of passive absorption will be proportional
Eq. 19.1 also indicates that the rate of drug absorp- to the concentration of absorbable drug in solution
tion depends on a large concentration gradient of in the gastrointestinal fluids at the site of absorption
drug existing across the gastrointestinal membrane. and therefore that the gastrointestinal absorption of
This concentration gradient is influenced by the most drugs follows first-order kinetics.
apparent partition coefficients exhibited by the drug It has been assumed in this description that the
with respect to the gastrointestinal membrane–fluid drug exists solely as one single absorbable species.
interface and the gastrointestinal membrane–blood Many drugs, however, are weak electrolytes that exist
interface. It is important that the drug has sufficient in aqueous solution as two species: namely, the un-
affinity (solubility) for the membrane phase so that ionized species and the ionized species. Because it
it can partition readily into the gastrointestinal is the un-ionized form of a weak electrolyte drug
membrane. In addition, after diffusing across the that exhibits greater lipid solubility compared to than
membrane, the drug should exhibit sufficient solubility the corresponding ionized form, the gastrointestinal
in the blood such that it can partition readily out of membrane is more permeable to the un-ionized
the membrane phase into the blood. species. Thus the rate of passive absorption of a weak
On entering the blood in the capillary network in electrolyte is related to the fraction of total drug
the lamina propria, the drug will be carried away that exists in the un-ionized form in solution in the
from the site of absorption by the rapidly circulating gastrointestinal fluids at the site of absorption. This
gastrointestinal blood supply. It will then become fraction is determined by the dissociation constant
diluted by distribution into a large volume of blood of the drug (i.e. its pKa value) and by the pH of the
(i.e. the systemic circulation), by distribution into aqueous environment, in accordance with the
body tissues and other fluids, and by subsequent Henderson–Hasselbalch equations for weak acids and
metabolism and excretion. In addition, the drug may bases (discussed in Chapter 3). The gastrointestinal
bind to plasma proteins in the blood, which will absorption of a weak electrolyte drug is enhanced

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

Fig. 19.11 •  Active transport of a drug across a cell membrane.

when the pH at the site of absorption favours the amino acids, urea) across membranes down their
formation of a large fraction of the drug in aqueous electrochemical gradients and without energy
solution that is un-ionized. This forms the basis of expenditure. When substances are transported by
the pH-partition hypothesis (see Chapter 20). facilitated transport, they are transported down the
concentration gradient, but at a much faster rate
Membrane transporters than would be anticipated from the molecular size
As already stated, the majority of drugs are and polarity of the molecule. Facilitated transport
absorbed across cells (i.e. transcellularly) by passive differs from active transport in that it cannot transport
diffusion. However, certain compounds and many a substance against a concentration gradient of that
nutrients are absorbed transcellularly via membrane substance.
transporters. There are a large number of membrane transporters
A carrier or membrane transporter is responsible in the small intestine. More than 400 have been
for binding a drug and transporting it across the identified but only a few are thought to be involved
membrane by a process illustrated in Fig. 19.11. in intestinal absorption. These can be present either
Simplistically, carrier-mediated absorption is often on the apical membrane (brush border) or on the
explained by our assuming there is a shuttling process basolateral membrane of the enterocyte and can be
across the epithelial membrane. The drug molecule classed as uptake or efflux transporters depending
or ion forms a complex with the carrier/transporter on the direction of transport. They have been classified
in the surface of the apical cell membrane of the into two main superfamilies; the solute carrier (SLC)
polarized enterocyte. The drug–carrier complex then family, members of which are the main uptake
moves across the membrane and liberates the drug transporters, and the ATP-binding cassette (ABC)
on the other side of the membrane. The carrier (now transporters, which are the main efflux transporters.
free) returns to its initial position in the surface of These are illustrated schematically in Fig. 19.12.
the cell membrane adjacent to the gastrointestinal Uptake and efflux transporters, the gene that codes
tract to await the arrival of another drug molecule for them, their substrate specificity and examples of
or ion. drug substrates are detailed in Tables 19.2 and 19.3.
Membrane transport can be divided into active Members of the SLC family of transporters are
transport and facilitated transport. Active transport involved in the transport of many substrates, including
requires energy and is a process whereby materials amino acids, peptides, the nucleosides, sugars, bile
can be transported against a concentration gradient acids, neurotransmitters and vitamins. Many nutrients
across a cell membrane, i.e. transport can occur from are actively transported in this way. Each carrier
a region of lower concentration to one of higher system is generally concentrated in a specific segment
concentration. The energy arises either from the of the gastrointestinal tract. The substance that is
hydrolysis of ATP or from the transmembranous transported by that carrier will thus be absorbed
sodium gradient and/or electrical potential. Facilitated preferentially in the location of highest carrier density.
transport allows the passage of solutes (e.g. glucose, For example, the bile acid transporters are only found

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

Apical Basolateral substrates simultaneously in the same direction, while

antiporters (or counter transporters) simultaneously
P-gp MRP1 Blood transport ions in one direction and substrates in the
Intestinal Enterocyte
lumen MRP3
opposite direction. As the driving force for symporters
MRP2 and antiporters is voltage or ion gradients (usually
sodium), they are also called ion-couple solute
BCRP transporters; however, as the driving force for these
Junctional transporters is voltage (H+) or sodium, they can also
be known as secondary active transporters. A number
of substrates can usually bind to a transporter, and
thus different drugs can compete for the same
OCT2 transporter. Thus the transporter can be inhibited,
competitively, noncompetitively or uncompetitively.
Competitive inhibition occurs when both the substrate
and the inhibitor compete for the same binding site.
Fig. 19.12 •  Major drug transporter proteins expressed Noncompetitive inhibition occurs when the inhibitor
at the intestinal epithelia, including intestinal uptake binds not to the transporter active site but to an
(bottom) and efflux (top) transporters. BRCP, Breast
cancer resistance protein; MCT, monocarboxylate allosteric site, which lowers the affinity of the
transporter; MRP, multidrug-resistance-associated transporter for the substrate due to changing the
protein; OATPs, organic anion transporting polypeptides; conformation of the transporter. Uncompetitive
OCT, organic cation transporter; OCTNs, organic cation/ binding occurs when the inhibitor binds to the
carnitine transporters; PEPT, peptide transporter protein;
intermediate of the substrate–transporter complex
P-gp, P-glycoprotein (multidrug resistance protein 1);
PMAT, plasma membrane monoamine transporter. to terminate the translocation step.
Many peptide-like drugs, such as the penicillins,
cephalosporins, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors and renin inhibitors, rely on the peptide
in the lower part of the small intestine, the ileum. transporters for their efficient absorption. Nucleosides
Each carrier/transporter has its own substrate specific- and their analogues for antiviral and anticancer drugs
ity with respect to the chemical structure of the depend on the nucleoside transporters for their
substance that it will transport. Some carriers/ uptake. L-dopa (levodopa) and α-methyldopa are
transporters have broader specificity than others. Thus transported by the carrier-mediated process for amino
if a drug structurally resembles a natural substance acids. L-dopa has a much faster permeation rate than
which is actively transported, then the drug is also methyldopa, which has been attributed to the lower
likely to be transported by the same carrier affinity of methyldopa for the amino acid carrier.
mechanism. The most investigated transporters in the intestine
The SLC superfamily includes many important are the ABC family of efflux transporters,
transporters for drug absorption and drug disposition, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), multidrug-resistance-associated
such as proton-dependent oligopeptide transporters protein 2 (MRP 2) and breast cancer resistance protein
(e.g. peptide transporter proteins 1 PEPT1 and (BCRP). These transporters are highly abundant
PEPT2), organic anion transporters (e.g. OAT), organic at the apical (luminal) membrane of enterocytes,
cation transporters (e.g. OCT), nucleoside transport- and many drugs, such as the statins, antibiotics,
ers, plasma membrane monoamine transporter HIV protease inhibitors, immunosuppressants,
(PMAT) and the monocarboxylate transporters anticancer drugs and cardiac drugs, have been shown
(MCT). The SLCO family is made up of the organic to be substrates of these efflux transporters,
anion transporting polypeptides (e.g. OATP). These and therefore their effective intestinal absorption is
uptake transporters use a variety of porter mechanisms limited and there is a detrimental effect on bioavail-
(i.e. uniporter, antiporter, symporter). Uniporters ability. Members of this ABC superfamily use
bind and transport only one type of substrate at a ATP as an energy source, allowing them to pump
time. Symporters and antiporters are active transport- substrates against a concentration gradient. Drugs
ers which can move more than one type of substrate can be simultaneously substrates and inhibitors of
at once, usually a drug molecule and a metal ion. more than one efflux transporter, suggesting that
Symporters (or cotransporters) transport ions and ABC transporters exert a combined role in

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

Table 19.2  Drug uptake transporters and their substrates in the small intestine
Drug Gene family Intestinal Substrate specificity Drug substrates
transporter localization
PEPT1 SLC15A Apical Dipeptides and Cephalosporins, penicillins, enalapril, renin
tripeptides inhibitors, thrombin inhibitors, bestatin
OCTN1 SLC22A Apical Carnitine and organic Quinidine, verapamil
OCTN2 SLC22A Apical Carnitine and organic Quinidine, verapamil, cephaloridine, imatinib,
cations ipratropium, valproic acid, spironolactone
OCT1/OCT2 SLC22A Basal Low molecular weight Metformin, acyclovir, zalcitabine, memantine,
organic cations ranitidine
PMAT SLC29 Apical Organic cations Serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline,
guanidine, histamine, metformin
OATP2B1 SLCO Apical Organic anions Pravastatin, rosuvastatin, atorvastatin,
pitavastatin, fexofenadine, mesalazine,
glyburide, taurocholate, aliskiren
OATP1A2 SLCO Apical Organic anions Bile salts, thyroid hormones, prostaglandin E2,
fexofenadine, opioid peptides, talinolol,
celiprolol, atenolol, ciprofloxacin
MCT1 SLC16 Apical Unbranched aliphatic Foscarnet, mevalonic acid, salicylic acid,
and substituted carbenicillin indanyl sodium, phenethicillin,
monocarboxylates propicillin
Data from Estudante et al. (2013).
MCT1, monocarboxylate transporter 1; OATP1A2, organic anion transporter 1A2; OATP2B1, organic anion transporter 2B1; OCT1, organic cation
transporter 1; OCT2, organic cation transporter 2; OCTN1, organic cation transporter 1; OCTN2, organic cation transporter 2; PEPT1, peptide
transporter protein 1; PMAT, plasma membrane monoamine transporter.

detoxification in the intestine. In addition, drugs can Passive

either downregulate or induce these transporters, process
which can result in drug–drug interactions if other
drugs are coadministered. Active process
Rate of absorption

Unlike passive absorption, where the rate of where transporter

absorption is directly proportional to the concentration has been saturated
of the absorbable species of the drug at the absorption
site, active transport proceeds at a rate that is pro-
portional to the drug concentration only at low
concentrations. At higher concentrations, the carrier
mechanism becomes saturated, and further increases
in drug concentration will not increase the rate of
absorption, i.e. the rate of absorption remains
Drug concentration at absorption site
constant. Absorption rate–concentration relationships
for active and passive processes are compared in Fig. 19.13 •  Relationship between rate of absorption
Fig. 19.13. and concentration at the absorption site for active and
Competition between two similar substances for passive processes.
the same transfer mechanism and the inhibition of
absorption of one or both compounds and temperature
dependence are characteristics of carrier-mediated

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

Table 19.3  Drug efflux transporters and their substrates in the small intestine
Drug Gene Intestinal Substrate specificity Example drug substrates
transporter localization
MDR1/P-gp ABCB1 Apical Broad with preference for Steroid hormones, doxorubicin, daunorubicin,
hydrophobic, amphipathic or reserpine, vincristine, vinblastine, valinomycin,
cationic molecules ciclosporin tacrolimus, tandutinib, aldosterone,
hydrocortisone, dibucaine, talinolol, digoxin,
ivermectin, paclitaxel, grepafloxacin, indinavir,
nelfinavir, saquinavir, grepafloxacin, colchicine,
darunavir, imatinib, methotrexate, mitoxantrone,
prazosin, temocapril, SN-38
BCRP/MXR ABCG2 Apical Broad – acids and drug Topotecan, irinotecan, SN-38, mitoxantrone,
conjugates doxorubicin, daunorubicin, imatinib, gefitinib,
tandutinib, prazosin, glyburide, dipyridamole,
quercetin, temocapril, nitrofurantoin, zidovudine,
lamivudine, efavirenz, ciprofloxacin, rifampicin,
sulfasalazine, quercetin, methotrexate, gefitinib,
rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, fluvastatin,
simvastatin lactone
MRP1 ABCC1 Basal Hydrophobic drugs, conjugates Vinca alkaloids, anthracyclines, etoposide,
to glutathione, glucuronic acid teniposide, mitoxantrone, methotrexate
or sulfate
MRP2 ABCC2 Apical Glutathione, glucuronide, sulfate Vinblastine, irinotecan, SN-38, pravastatin,
and heavy metal conjugates, ceftriaxone, ampicillin, grepafloxacin,
unconjugated organic anions sulfasalazine, fexofenadine, lopinavir, fosinopril
Data from Estudante et al. (2013).
BCRP, breast cancer resistance protein; MDR1, multidrug resistance protein 1; MDR2, multidrug resistance protein 2; MRP1, multidrug-
resistance-associated protein 1, MXR, mitoxantrone-resistance protein; P-gp, P-glycoprotein.

transport. Inhibition of absorption may also be epithelial cells and other important barrier tissues,
observed with agents that interfere with cell metabo- including the blood–brain barrier, blood–testis barrier
lism. Some substances may be absorbed by simultane- and the placental barrier. Factors affecting membrane
ous carrier-mediated and passive transport processes. transporters in the intestine and the liver, which are
The contribution of the carrier-mediated process to the major organs a drug passes through before reaching
the overall absorption rate decreases with concentra- the systemic circulation after an oral dose, will be
tion, and at a sufficiently high concentration is important determinants of drug pharmacokinetics
negligible. and bioavailability. Regulatory elements controlling
Membrane transporters play an important role protein levels, genetic polymorphisms leading to
in the pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy of increased or reduced function, and coadministration
drugs. Transporters are the gatekeepers for cells with inhibitors are all important factors which will
and organelles, controlling uptake and efflux of affect a transporter’s ability to transport substrates.
crucial compounds such as sugars, amino acids,
nucleotides, inorganic ions and drugs. For example, Transcytosis
the P-glycoproteins were discovered because of their Transcytosis is a mechanism for transcellular transport
ability to cause multidrug resistance in tumour cells, in which a cell encloses extracellular material via an
preventing the intracellular accumulation of many invagination of the cell membrane to form a vesicle
cytotoxic cancer drugs by pumping the drugs back (endocytosis), then moves the vesicle across the cell
out of the tumours. Specific membrane transport- to eject the material through the opposite cell
ers are expressed in the luminal and/or basolateral membrane by the reverse process (exocytosis). This
membranes of enterocytes, hepatocytes, renal tubular is the process by which macromolecules, such as

Gastrointestinal tract – physiology and drug absorption C H A P T E R 1 9 

proteins or particles, are absorbed; it is not an In summary, drugs can be absorbed via passive
important route for oral absorption of drugs that are diffusion, via membrane transporters or carrier-
in solution. Endocytosis can be further subdivided mediated pathways, paracellular transport or trans-
into four main processes: clathrin-mediated endocy- cytosis. A drug can cross the intestinal epithelium
tosis, macropinocytosis, caveolin-mediated endocytosis via one pathway or a combination of pathways. The
and phagocytosis. Nanoparticles have been shown to relative contribution of these pathways depends on
be absorbed to a greater extent than microparticles, the drug’s location within the gastrointestinal tract,
and there has been much debate whether this the formulation and the physicochemical properties
mechanism of uptake could be exploited further for of the drug, which are discussed in Chapter 20.
peptide and protein drugs.
Transcytosis is also a means by which some viruses,
bacteria and prion proteins can gain entry to the
Presystemic metabolism
lymphatic system through absorption by enterocytes
As well as having the ability to cross the gastrointestinal
and specialized cells (M cells) in the gut-associated
membrane by one of the routes described, drugs also
lymphoid tissue (GALT).
need to be resistant to degradation and/or metabolism
during this passage. All drugs that are absorbed from
Paracellular pathway the stomach, small intestine and upper part of the
colon pass into the hepatic portal system are exposed
The paracellular pathway differs from all the other
to the liver before reaching the systemic circulation.
absorption pathways as it is the transport of materials
Therefore if the drug is going to be available to the
in the aqueous pores between the cells rather than
systemic circulation, it must also be resistant to
across them. The cells are joined together via closely
metabolism by the liver. Hence an oral dose of drug
fitting tight junctions on their apical side. The intercel-
could be completely absorbed but incompletely
lular spaces occupy only approximately 0.01% of the
available to the systemic circulation because of first-
total surface area of the epithelium. The tightness
pass or presystemic metabolism by the gut wall and/
of these junctions can differ considerably between
or liver.
different epithelia in the body. In general, absorptive
epithelia, such as the epithelium of the small intestine,
tend to be leakier than other epithelia. The paracel- Gut wall metabolism
lular pathway decreases in importance down the The gut walls contain a number of metabolizing
length of the gastrointestinal tract and as the number enzymes that can degrade drugs before they reach
and size of the pores between the epithelial cells the systemic circulation. For example, the major
decrease. cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP3A, present in the
The paracellular route of absorption is important liver and responsible for the hepatic metabolism of
for the transport of ions such as calcium ions and many drugs, is present in the intestinal mucosa, and
for the transport of sugars (e.g. mannitol), amino intestinal metabolism may be important for substrates
acids and peptides at concentrations above the capac- of this enzyme. This effect is also known as first-pass
ity of their carriers. Small hydrophilic charged drugs metabolism by the intestine. Cytochrome P450 levels
(log P < 0) that do not distribute themselves into tend to be higher in the intestine than in the colon.
cell membranes cross the gastrointestinal epithelium
via the paracellular pathway. The molecular mass
cut-off for the paracellular route is usually considered Hepatic metabolism
to be 250 Da, although some larger drugs have been The liver is the primary site of drug metabolism and
shown to be absorbed via this route. Drugs absorbed thus acts as a final barrier for oral absorption. The
by the paracellular route include the H2-antagonist first pass of absorbed drug through the liver may
cimetidine, the antidiarrheal loperamide, the β-blocker result in extensive metabolism of the drug, and a
atenolol and the bisphosphonate tiludronate. significant portion may never reach the systemic
The paracellular pathway can be divided into circulation, resulting in a low bioavailability of those
convective (‘solvent drag’) and diffusive components. drugs which are rapidly metabolized by the liver.
The convective component is the rate at which the The bioavailability of a susceptible drug may be
compound is carried across the epithelium via the reduced to such an extent as to render the gastro-
water flux. intestinal route of administration ineffective, or to

PART FOUR Biopharmaceutical principles of drug delivery

necessitate an oral dose which is many times larger The arrangement of the blood vessels in these regions
than the intravenous dose (e.g. propranolol). Although means that absorbed drug does not pass through the
propranolol is well absorbed, only approximately 30% liver first, before entering the systemic circulation.
of an oral dose is available to the systemic circulation
owing to the first-pass effect. The bioavailability of
sustained-release propranolol is even less as the drug Summary
is presented via the hepatic portal vein more slowly
than from an immediate-release dosage form, and There are many physiological factors that influence
the liver is therefore capable of extracting and the rate and extent of drug absorption; these are
metabolizing a larger portion. Other drugs which are initially dependent on the route of administration.
susceptible to a large first-pass effect are the For the oral route, the physiological and environmental
cholesterol-lowering agent atorvastatin, the anaesthetic factors of the gastrointestinal tract, the gastrointestinal
lidocaine (lignocaine), the tricyclic antidepressant membrane and presystemic metabolism can all influ-
imipramine, diazepam and the analgesics pentazocine ence drug bioavailability.
and morphine.
First-pass metabolism can be avoided by drug Please check your eBook at https://studentconsult.
administration via the mouth (buccal or sublingual; for self-assessment questions. See inside
see Chapter 30) or via the rectum (see Chapter 41). cover for registration details.

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Hu, M., Li, X. (Eds.), 2011. Sugano, K., Kansy, M., Artursson, P.,
Bioavailability: Basic Principles, et al., 2010. Coexistence of passive
Advanced Concepts, and and carrier-mediated processes in
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