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This link covers numerous myths about climate change.

List two of the myths that you find most intriguing.

1.10 "Antarctica is gaining ice"

2. 107 "It's not urgent."

The evaluation of learning is an integral part of the educational process in which important
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improve their learning.

A fully ignorant view of global warming effects—analogous to when kids put their hands over
their eyes and claim if they can't see you, you can't see them; there's clear hard substantiation that
Antarctica is losing land ice at an intimidating rate. This illustrates the effect of global warming,
which can be verified from satellite images, which confirm the quick rate at which land ice is
dwindling and the increase in water position across the globe.

2. It is a common misconception that ignorant people would take a stage where the greatest
global warming has a belated effect, implying that we must act now to help these long-term
goods from remonstrating "It's not urgent," grounded on the wrong supposition regarding the
effect of global warming, which isn't immediate. Hence, people see no reason why they should
give or act snappily to curb or help the long-term effect of global warming from the destruction
of the earth.

Has your view on climate change evolved since before taking this course? Why or why not?

"Climate is influenced by natural changes that affect how much solar energy reaches Earth.
These changes include changes within the sun and changes in Earth’s orbit. Changes occurring in
the sun itself can affect the intensity of the sunlight that reaches Earth’s surface." Dorner, K.
(2020, p. 258)

My view of climate change has changed. Grounded on knowledge acquired from this course, I
now understand the applicability of administering laws that are meant to cover the terrain and
earth from the colorful negative effects of factors that cause climate change.

Q3. Why is secondhand smoke dangerous?

It's more than just egregious that those breathing in alternate hand banks admit an equal quantum
of poisons (7,000 chemicals) as the person whose smoking. A person can also loiter for several
hours after a person has finished their cigarette, meaning that taking a walk on the road where
someone has smoked can be damaging to one's health, indeed in the smallest of quantities.
Raising inner spaces won't get rid of the poisons nor create an on-smoking sections, which were
popular in cafes and bars in Canada and the US up until the late 90s. A stylish way to cover
yourself is to not allow others to bank around you and educate smokers to convert to breathing
fresh air and volition stress-relieving ways so they save themselves and others.

Please tell me how the course is going for you so far? Is it hard, “just right”, or easy?

This course, on a lesser scale of effects, is going okay. There's a lot of exploration and reading
involved, and giving particular opinions on certain motifs, and that does make the effects
intriguing. It has surely opened my mind to numerous motifs and how safe or unsafe my
community is in terms of pollution and so forth. I'm enjoying it so far and am looking forward to
learning more.


Doršner, K. (2020). Essentials of environmental science (2nd edition) Dash, J. Global Warming
& Climate Change Myths.

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