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Job Application Letter Newyork, 20 may 2011 Subject: Job Application Des, Daily Mail Manager 4450 W. 38a Street, New York, NY 10001 New York With Regards, Herewith I send an application leer and curriculum vitae in response to your advertisement in the Daly Times, Sunday, 15 May 2011 have had experience over the past five years as marketing manager of cosmetics and hair care products a. Surya Ayu Cosmetic, Washington. In that position Tm responsible for sales in the Washington area, San Antonio, Denver, Dallas, {realize that your resume or curriculum vitae that I submit his can not explain my qualifications in depth. Therefore I eally hope there isa chance interview, which ean explain how the potential in me and my ministry will give will bea tremendous asset for PTs Daily Mal Sincerely, White Sampara (LETTER OF APPLICATION) IMA SAMPLE IT 4321 South 55 Street Bellevue, Nebraska 68005 (402) 291-5432 (Current Date) Mr. John Smith, Director Marketing and Public Relations "National NonProfit Associaton 1234 Farnam Steet ‘Omaha, Nebraska 68112 Dear Mr, Sith: Lam applying forthe Marketing/Public Relations Inter postion advertised through Career Services at Bellevue University. As shown i the enclosed resume, Ihave a strong academic ‘background in Business Administration and expect to graduate in May, 20xx My current work as Advertsing Coordinator for our monthly student newspaper has given me firsthand experience inthe challenges associated withthe development and implementation of ‘4 successful marketing/advertising campaign. In addition, Ihave excellent creative writing and ‘communication skills, as demonstrated by my successful experience in the publication of a weekly in-house newsletter while at Guarantee Mutual, This background, combined with over five years of general business experience, has given me @ unique perspective that would be particularly valuable in meeting the responsibilities ofthis postion, as described in your advertisement. [would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications in more detail and look forward to heating from you soon Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, mv. Sample IT Im A. Sample It Enclosure ‘Sample complaint letter for services you paid for sane Smtn 123 Main Street ‘Customer Services Manager Wasting Company 234 Side Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Dear Customer Service Manager ‘Account #12345, Washing service for building On 1.Jan 2013, | purchased pressure clean washing services for cur bullding at 123 ‘Main Street, for a price of $1000 paid by bank card. Lam disappointed because the service you provided was not satisiactory due to the ‘building sti displaying grime and dit in corners of the South corner. ‘D resolve the problem | would ike you to please retum and perform the service ‘again in the specife area mentioned above. Enclosed are copies of my receipt with your company for the services provided. [ook forvard to hearing from you within 10 business days of receWving this letter. | \would lke this problem to be resolved between us. However, ifwe are unable to resolve the matter | will refer it to the Ofice of Fair Trading. Please contact me at the address or phone shown above Yours sincerely Jane Smith 01 May 2013,

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