Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Study Final Report

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Oromia Bureau of Agriculture and Natural Resource



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Finfine/Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Finfine/Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sep ,2021
OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................................................................................I
LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................................................................................. VI
LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................................................................ VII

SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT ................................................................................................................ IX

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... XII

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 BACKGROUND..............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ..............................................................................................................................2
1.3 LOCATION OF THE PROJECT ..............................................................................................................................2
1.4 DESCRIPTION OF WORKS...........................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 DAM BODY ..............................................................................................................................................3
1.4.3 SPILLWAY.................................................................................................................................................3
1.4.4 DIVERSION OUTLET ....................................................................................................................................4
1.4.5 IRRIGATION OUTLET ...................................................................................................................................4

2. HYDROLOGIC STUDY ..............................................................................................................................5

2.1 HYDROLOGICAL AND WATER RESOURCES POTENTIAL .............................................................................................5

2.1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT AREA ..............................................................................................................5
2.1.2 RIVER SYSTEMS AND WATER SOURCES IN GUMBI BORDODE WOREDA ....................................................................5
2.1.3 HAYYU KENTERI MICRO-DAM HEAD WORK .......................................................................................................6
2.2 WATER RESOURCES POTENTIAL ........................................................................................................................6
2.3 HYDROLOGICAL DATA ....................................................................................................................................6

2.1 MONTHLY FLOW ESTIMATION OF HAYYU KENTERI PROJECT .........................................................................6

2.4 DESIGN FLOOD .............................................................................................................................................6


2.5 DESIGN FLOOD FOR ON-FARM RUNOFF (DRAINAGE DUTY) .....................................................................................7

2.6 WATER DEMAND ..........................................................................................................................................8
2.6.1 IRRIGATION WATER DEMAND ........................................................................................................................8
2.6.2 DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND (DWD)...............................................................................................................8
2.6.3 LIVESTOCK WATER DEMAND (LWD) ...............................................................................................................8
2.6.4 ENVIRONMENTAL FLOW REQUIREMENT (EFR) ...................................................................................................9
2.7 SEDIMENT LOAD ...........................................................................................................................................9

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

2.8 RESERVOIR DEAD STORAGE .............................................................................................................................9

2.9 RESERVOIR OPERATION ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.10 RESERVOIR ROUTING ................................................................................................................................. 10


3. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS ................................................................ 13

3.1 GEOLOGY OF PROJECT SITE ............................................................................................................................ 13

3.1.1 HEADWORK: TOPOGRAPHIC SET UP, SURFACE AND SUB-SURFACE INVESTIGATION .................................................. 13
3.1.2 GEOLOGY OF THE RESERVOIR AREA .............................................................................................................. 13
3.1.3 GEOLOGY OF THE COMMAND SIDE AREA ....................................................................................................... 14
3.2 SEISMICITY OF THE PROJECT AREA................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.2 HEADWORK SITE...................................................................................................................................... 15

FIGURE 3.2 GEOLOGICAL LOG PROFILE ............................................................................................................. 16

3.3.3 SPILLWAY SITE ........................................................................................................................................ 16

3.3.4 THE MAIN CANAL ROUTE .......................................................................................................................... 16 WATER TIGHTNESS OF THE MAIN CANAL ROUTE........................................................................................... 16 SLOPE STABILITY CONDITIONS AND EXCAVABILITY OF THE MAIN CANAL ROUTE .................................................... 17
3.4 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL............................................................................................................................ 18
3.4.1 BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4.2 CLAY BORROW ........................................................................................................................................ 19
3.4.3 SAND .................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.4 QUARRY SITE .......................................................................................................................................... 21
3.4.5 WATER SUPPLY ....................................................................................................................................... 22

4. HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF DAM AND APPURTENANT STRUCTURES ................................................................... 23

4.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 23

4.2 EARTH DAM DESIGN .................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.1 DESIGN CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................................ 23
4.3 EMBANKMENT MATERIALS AVAILABILITY ......................................................................................................... 26
4.3.1 BORROW MATERIALS/ CLAY MATERIALS ...................................................................................................... 26
4.3.2 FILTER ON UPSTREAM & DOWNSTREAM OF CORE ....................................................................................................... 26
4.3.3 SHELL MATERIAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
4.3.4 EXCAVATED MATERIALS................................................................................................................................. 27
4.3 FOUNDATION AND RESERVOIR WATER TIGHTNESS .............................................................................................. 27
4.4 RESERVOIR PLANNING/CAPACITIES .................................................................................................................. 27
4.5 DESIGN HEIGHT .......................................................................................................................................... 28
4.5.3 FREE BOARD ................................................................................................................................................... 28

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

4.6 TOP WIDTH AND SIDE SLOPES ......................................................................................................................... 32

4.7 UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM SLOPES ............................................................................................................ 32
4.8 SEEPAGE CONTROL MEASURES ....................................................................................................................... 32
4.9.1 CUT OFF IN THE FOUNDATION ........................................................................................................................ 32
4.9.2 FILTER CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................................. 32
4.9.3 SEEPAGE LOSS................................................................................................................................................. 33
4.10 SLOPE PROTECTION MEASURES .................................................................................................................... 33
4.10.1 UPSTREAM SLOPE PROTECTION .................................................................................................................... 33
4.10.2 DOWNSTREAM SLOPE PROTECTION ............................................................................................................... 34
4.11 SEEPAGE AND SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 35
4.11.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.11.2 METHOD OF SLOPE STABILITY ...................................................................................................................... 35
4.11.3 STABILITY OF DOWNSTREAM SLOPE ............................................................................................................ 35
4.11.4 STABILITY OF UPSTREAM SLOPE .................................................................................................................. 36
4.11.5 ASSUMPTIONS MADE IN THE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 36
4.11.6 FACTOR OF SAFETY CALCULATION .............................................................................................................. 37
4.12 DIVERSION DURING CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................................. 41

5. SPILLWAY DESIGN ................................................................................................................................ 43

5.1 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................ 43

5.2 SELECTION OF INFLOW DESIGN FLOOD (IDF) ..................................................................................................... 43
5.3 ROUTED FLOW OVER SPILLWAY ..................................................................................................................... 44
5.4 LOCATION ................................................................................................................................................. 44
5.5 SELECTED SCHEME ...................................................................................................................................... 45
5.5.1 APPROACH CHANNEL ................................................................................................................................ 45
5.5.2 CONTROL STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................... 46
5.5.3 CHUTE SECTION ....................................................................................................................................... 46
5.5.4 STILLING BASIN ....................................................................................................................................... 46
5.5.5 OUTLET CHANNEL .................................................................................................................................... 46
5.6 HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF THE SPILLWAY .............................................................................................................. 46
5.6.1 BASIC CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 46
5.6.2 DESIGN OF THE CONTROL STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................... 47
5.6.3 DESIGN OF CHUTE OR THE DISCHARGE CARRIER ............................................................................................ 50
5.6.4 CRITICAL SLOPE OF THE CHUTE ...................................................................................................................... 51
5.6.5 DESIGN OF ENERGY DISSIPATERS ........................................................................................................................... 52
5.6.6 DESIGN OF THE EXIT CHANNEL .............................................................................................................................. 53
5.7 RIVER/STREAM TRAINING WORK ................................................................................................................... 54

6. IRRIGATION OUTLET DESIGN ....................................................................................................................... 56

6.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 56

6.2 LOCATION ................................................................................................................................................. 56
6.3 COMPONENTS OF THE OUTLET ........................................................................................................................ 56
6.4 HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF IRRIGATION OUTLET PIPE ............................................................................................... 56
6.4.1 HEAD LOSSES IN THE OUTLET WORK............................................................................................................... 57

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

6.4.2 LOSS COMPUTATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 57

6.4.3 CONDUIT /PIPE ................................................................................................................................................ 62
6.5 TERMINAL STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................................ 62

7. DAM INSTRUMENTATION.................................................................................................................. 63

7.1 DAM CONTROL INSTRUMENTATION ................................................................................................................ 63

7.2 MEASUREMENT OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENTS ........................................................................... 63
7.3 MEASUREMENTS OF PORE WATER PRESSURE .................................................................................................... 63
7.4 MEASUREMENTS OF RAINFALL ....................................................................................................................... 63
7.5 MEASUREMENT OF RESERVOIR WATER LEVEL .................................................................................................... 63
7.6 MEASUREMENT OF RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION ................................................................................................ 63
7.7 WATER DEMAND AND REGULATION ................................................................................................................ 64
7.8 SURVEILLANCE OF THE DAM .......................................................................................................................... 64

8. IRRIGATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................................. 65

8.1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT .................................................................................................................... 65

8.1.1 TOPOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................................... 65

8.1.2 PROJECT LAYOUT ............................................................................................................................................. 65
8.1.3 SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE ................................................................................................................................ 65
8.1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................................... 67
8.1.5 ROAD/ACCESS SUB-SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................... 68

8.2 DESIGN OF ONFARM INFRASTRUCTURE ..................................................................................................... 69

8.2.1 IRRIGATION DESIGN DUTIES .......................................................................................................................... 69

TABLE 8.1 IRRIGATION DUTIES CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................ 69

8.2.2 ANALYSIS OF DEMAND OF PROJECT WATER....................................................................................................... 70

8.2.3 IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN .......................................................................................................................... 71 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 71 CANAL GEOMETRY DESIGN .......................................................................................................................... 72 MANNING’S ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT ....................................................................................................... 73

TABLE 8.2. RECOMMENDED VALUE OF ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENT FOR LINED & UNLINED CANALS. ................... 73 PERMISSIBLE VELOCITY ............................................................................................................................... 73


Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021 CANAL GEOMETRIC DESIGN AND FLOW PROFILE COMPUTATION FOR IRRIGATION CANALS ................ 73

TABLE 8.4 FLOW CAPACITY AND GEOMETRIC PARAMETER FOR SECONDARY CANAL ......................................... 74

TABLE 8.5 FLOW CAPACITY AND GEOMETRIC PARAMETER OF TERTIARY CANAL ............................................... 76

8.3 IRRIGATION INFRASTRUCTURES ................................................................................................................. 77

8.3.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 77

8.3.2 TYPES OF IRRIGATION INFRASTRUCTURES .......................................................................................................... 77

TABLE 8.6 SUMMARY OF AVAILABLE CANAL STRUCTURES ................................................................................ 77 OFF TAKE STRUCTURES ................................................................................................................................ 78

TABLE 8.7 CANAL OFFTAKE HYDRAULIC DESIGN ............................................................................................... 78 DROP STRUCTURES ........................................................................................................................................ 79

TABLE 8.8 CANAL DROPS HYDRAULIC DESIGN AND TABLE OF DIMENSION ........................................................ 79 ROAD CROSSING PIPE CULVERT ................................................................................................................... 81


9. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................................................................... 82

9.1. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................... 82

9.2. RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................................................................... 82

10. BILL OF QUANTITY ..................................................................................................................................... 85

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

Table 2.1 Monthly flow estimation of Hayyu kenteri Project ....................................................................... 6
Table 2-2 Design rainfall and design discharge for Hayyu kenteri Micro- Dam River at the Dam site ....... 7
Table 2-3 Hayyu Kenteri Micro- Reservoir Flood Routing Results for Various Special Events ................ 12
Table 3-1: Summary of laboratory test results obtained from the representative samples .......................... 18
Table 4-1: Summary of Investigation and Test Results of Construction Materials ..................................... 27
Table 4-2: Recommended factor of safety under different loading conditions ........................................... 37
Table 4-3: Factor of Safety Analysis Result Summary ............................................................................... 41
Table 5-1: Hayyu Kenteri Micro- Reservoir Flood Routing Results for Various Special Events ............... 44
Table 5-2: Shape of Downstream Quadrant of Ogee Profile ....................................................................... 49
Table 5-3: Shape of Upstream Quadrant of Ogee Profile ............................................................................ 50
Table 5-4: Water surface profile computations ........................................................................................... 51
Table 5-5: Hayyu kenteri exit channel (River Train Channel) Tail Water Rating Curve............................ 55
Table 6-1: Summery computation of loss coefficients and head losses ...................................................... 60

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

Figure 1.1 Locations Map of the Project Site ................................................................................................ 3
Figure 3-1: Test pits view at river center and Left dam axis ....................................................................... 13
Figure 3.2 Geological Log profile ............................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4-1: Graph showing relative wave run-up ........................................................................................ 30
Figure 4-2: Cross Section of the Dam.......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-3: Results of the steady-state seepage analysis ............................................................................. 37
Figure 4-4: Results of the rapid drawdown seepage analysis ...................................................................... 38
Figure 4-5: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Steady-state Seepage (long term) Loading Condition
Downstream Slope ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 4-6: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Rapid Drawdown Loading Condition Upstream Slope
Drawn from El 1322.73m to El 1290.0m. ................................................................................................... 39
Figure 4-7: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Seismic Loading + Sudden Drawdown Upstream Slope
...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 4-8: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Seismic Loading + Steady-State Downstream Slope . 40
Figure 4-9: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Short Term Loading (During Construction)
Downstream Slope ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 4-10: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Short Term Loading (During Construction) Upstream
Slope ............................................................................................................................................................ 41
Figure 5-1: Gogessa River Train Channel Tail Water Rating Curve........................................................... 55

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021


S.N Profession Name of Experts Remark

1 Team Leader Dejene Shumi Irrigation Engineer

2 Geologist Naol Gurmu

3 Design Engineer Terrecha Kuma Irrigation Engineer

Segni Regasa
Hydrologist Habtamu Imiru
4 Socio-Economist
Organization Management
5 Agri-Business Mezgebe Muse

Financial & Economic analysis

6 Environmentalist Mohammed Geleta

7 Agronomist Temesgen Abate

8 Watershed Expert Yitbarek Wolde

9 Soil survey & Land Evaluation Senbeta Iseta

10 Surveyors (Senior & Assistant) Gashaw Fantahun

Biniyam Siraj

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021


A. Location: -

Region --------------------------------------Oromia
Zone------------------------------------------West Hararge
District-----------------------------------------Gumbi bordode
Genda (kebele) ---------------------------------Hayyu Kenteri
Geographic location 37N (UTM, ADINDAN)
B) Hydrology
Catchment area up to----------------------------53.19 sq km
the proposed Dam
Average Annual Rainfall-----------------------700.21 mm
C) Project Benefits
Irrigation Benefits-------------------Cultivable command area of 352.80 hectare on both banks
D) Dam
Type of Dam ----------------------------------Earth Fill dam with core
Location----------------------------------------I, Left Abutment EL1326m, E-671088.81, N-1003501.38
II, Right Abutment E-671867.36, N-1003352.66
River bed EL-------------------------------------------1290 amsl
Average River Slope ---------------------------------2%
Dam crest length---------------------------------------793m
Dam bottom width-------------------------------------160.8m
Dam Crest EL-------------------------------------------1326.0m
Dam Crest width ----------------------------------------8m
Berm 4m -------------------------------------------------@ EL 1304.0 & EL1314m
Dam slope------------------------------------------------ U/S 1V:2H & D/S 1V:1.8H
E) Intake
Intake pipe diameter----------------------------------0.75m

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

Intake Distance from Left abutment----------------57m

Intake Gate by ----------------------------------------Stop log
Intake pipe inverted Level --------------------------1304.0m
F) Spillway (Un-gated)
Location ------------------------------------------Right side of Dam (E-671896.86, N-1003347.03)
Type of Spillway---------------------------------Un-gated Ogee type
Design flood (PMF)------------------------------137.57 m3/sec
Crest of ogee---------------------------------------EL 1322.73m
Spillway outflow (routed Discharge) -----------86.91 m3/s
Crest level of Non over flow
Dam ------------------------------ ------------------EL 1326.00 m
Clear width of spillway crest----------------------20.0 m
Maximum flood lift over crest---------------------1.560 m
G) Reservoir
Maximum Water Level (MWL)-------------------EL 1324.30 m
Full Reservoir Level (FRL)------------------------EL 1322.73 m
Reservoir Area @ MWL-----------------------------52.5ha
H) Minimum Draw down Level
Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL)------------EL 1304.0 m
River Bed Level--------------------------------------EL 1290. 0 m
I) Reservoir Capacity
a. Full Reservoir Level (FRL)----------------------6.1553 Mm3
b. Minimum Draw down Level (MDDL)---------0.8044 Mm3
c. Live storage-----------------------------------------5.351 Mm3
Source of Irrigation water------------------------------------Gogessa river

Total project cost---------------------------------------------- 362,645,449.90 Birr with 15%vat

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

Eth Birr Ethiopia Birr (currently approx.
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DB Division box
ETo Reference Evapotranspiration
GIS Geographic Information system
ha hectare
km Kilometers
km2 Kilometers square
m meter
m.a.s.l. Meters above sea level
m3 meter cube
m3/s meter cube per second
MC Main Canal
NSP Night Storage Pond
OBANR Oromia Bureau of Agriculture and Natural Resource
ECO Engineering Corporation of Oromia
UTM Universal Transverses Mercator
MSIP Medium Scale Irrigation Project
SC Secondary Canal
TC Tertiary Canal
U/s Upstream
D/s Downstream
El elevation
MDDL Maximum Drawdown Level
MMC Million Meter Cube
DSL Dead Storage Level

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final report 2021

Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam irrigation project is located in Oromia regional state, West Hararge zone,
Gumbi Bordode district, Hayyu Kenteri Kebele. It is at 291km from Finfinne of which 275km
asphalt,22km all weathered and 5km dry weathered road, and 71km from Zonal town Chiro.

The available command area is 352.8ha (245.8ha on left & 107ha on right side) to be irrigated using 2.28
l/s/ha duty for twelve hours irrigation period.
The beneficiaries of the project are residents of Hayyu Kenteri Kebele which includes at least 1400
households benefit from irrigation activity so that equitable use of land and water resources could be
established at the site under consideration. Suitable land for irrigation is on both side of the river.
The component of this small-scale irrigation project includes the Dam, conveyance structure and drainage
canal network and other related irrigation infrastructures.
The total project cost is 362,645,449.90 birr including 15%VAT. The detail is explained in the bill of
quantity of the project.

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

1.1 Background

Ethiopia is endowed with a substantial amount of water resources including 12 major river basins, 22
natural and artificial lakes. However, the distribution is uneven and mostly inaccessible. The total
annual surface runoff is estimated to be around 123 Billion Cubic Meter of which 75 % drains to
neighboring countries.

Though the country has potential resources (water, land and labor), irrigation development and water
management are still rudimentary, less than eight percent of the potential irrigable land has been
utilized and its management is still poor.

Future irrigation expansion is constrained by factors such as low levels of technology and the cost of
energy. The country’s farming systems have been subject to critical rainfall variability and frequent
drought leading to fluctuations in production. The country suffers increasingly from recurrent a
drought which often leads to sever harvest failure and famine and affect not only current but future
levels of consumption, resulting in serious malnutrition. Many of the farm households in drought
prone areas are in extreme poverty. There is thus a need to reduce food insecurity at household level
in these areas through use of irrigation water and better technologies efficiently. Irrigation is one
methods of agricultural intensification and plays dominant role in increasing agricultural productivity.

In order to alleviate the situation of food security, countries like Ethiopia have no choice but to
aggressively switch their development endeavor towards effective and efficient use of their natural
and human resources. A development strategy that could help is use of the country’s water and land
resources endowments. As a result, development of different water development project can play a
major part not only in solving the current food insecurity, but also enhancing the economic
development of the country through earning of more foreign currency and creating employment
opportunity. The Dam Structure is one of the most important components of any water resource
project. The main purpose of Hayyu Kenteri micro dam/storage is to ensure storage for anticipated
irrigation development by catering up to the required full supply level and diversion of regulated
discharge through Intake pipe leading to feeder channel. Hayyu Kenteri micro-Dam storage is mainly
proposed for irrigation and livestock water supply at the same time environmental release are also

In this regard; ECO was tasked the responsibility of designing a Dam and Appurtenant Structures.
The task includes undertaking Feasibility Study, Detail Designs and Tender document preparation.
The study has been started by deploying a team of multidisciplinary professionals who have vast

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

experience in studying and designing dams.

Appraisal of the site had been carried out and the best suitable dam axis was marked by GPS at field
and verified at office using, surveyed topography, Global Mapper and Goggle Earth. The team of
professionals discussed on the selected dam axes within the selected dam corridor and the axes were
compared based on different criterions. A final selected axis guarantees stable abutment, relatively
competent geology, reduced crest length and economical. This report however is prepared on
condition that the dam will mainly be constructed using an earth fill/shell material and clay core will
be provided to make it impervious.

At the time of preparing this feasibility report, the following works had been carried out:

• Surface and subsurface investigation through pit excavation at:

- the right and left abutments of the river course

- along the proposed dam axis and

- along the proposed main canal routes.

• Engineering geological mapping of the dam site and reservoir area had been prepared;

• Construction material investigation using manually dug test pits had been done.

• Different laboratory tests for construction and foundation materials.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the Dam work is to pond sufficient irrigation water during the period of
high flow and to use for irrigation. And the work, which are constructed at the head of the canal,
in order to convey pond water towards the canal, so as to ensure a regulated continuous supply of
silt-free water with a certain minimum head in to the canal.

1.3 Location of the project

The proposed project area, Hayyu Kenteri micro–Dam Irrigation Project, is situated in Oromia
regional State, West Hararge zone, Gumbi Bordode woreda, The Hayyu Kenteri dam site center is
located at geographic location of 671169m East and 1003486m North in UTM projection elevation of
the center of the river at an elevation of 1290m a.s.l. The distance from the capital city of the region,
Finfinne to the Dam site is about 291 km and from zonal capital, Chiro town, is about 71 km. The
woreda town, called Bordode town, is located at about 38 km. The Dam site is accessed via dry
weathered road, accessible only during dry seasons.

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Figure 1.1 Locations Map of the Project Site


1.4.1 General Description

The principal components of the works are:

a) Earth Fill Dam with central clay core

b) Spillway (incorporating Approach channel, Overflow Crest weir, Chute, Stilling Basin and
Exit Channel).

c) Irrigation Intake and Irrigation Outlet Pipe

1.4.2 Dam Body

The selected dam type for Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam is Earth Fill Dam with Central clay core . The
embankment crest length is 793m and the maximum dam height above river bed level is 36.0 m. The
dam is founded on sandy clay and colluvial deposits in the river section.

1.4.3 Spillway

The Spillway is designed to pass 100 years return period flow, which is calculated to be 86.91 cubic

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

meters per second (m3/s). The spillway structure includes: an over flow spill weir (sill el. 1322.73
amsl, width 20 m); an approach channel; a concrete lined chute with retaining/training walls, stilling
basin and Exit channel.

1.4.4 Diversion Outlet

The Hayyu Kenteri Micro earth dam construction expected to be completed in dry season. the height
of the dam is expected to be completed. If the dam construction takes more time than expected and
unexpected rain happens, the flow to be handled by pass over the fill which will be at the riverbed
section after key trench completion. The right and the left part of the dam fill work will be done
primarily then the river bed section will be done finally.

1.4.5 Irrigation Outlet

In the left side of the dam, a 120.0m long irrigation outlet pipe has been adopted to command
the left side of the irrigable area. Steel conduits of diameter 0.75 m, 6.0 m long each,
provided to carry the discharge from the inlet box (intake) to downstream.

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

2.1 Hydrological and Water Resources potential

2.1.1 Background of the project area

Water is one of the critical inputs for sustainable agricultural production. Irrigation can increase and
ensure agricultural production significantly and it is unquestionably one option for development.
However, irrigation investments must be carefully planned. Water is indeed a limited resource and
sharing it between its multiple users’ calls for integrated forms of management. In addition, irrigated
agriculture requires relatively high investments in term of financial and human resources.
Consequently, irrigation productivity and sustainability must be assessed with care. The success of
irrigation projects generally depends on the involvement of the concerned communities and a
comprehensive analysis of the technical, economic, social and environmental factors.

The prime objective of enhancing the planning and implementation of small-scale irrigation project is
improving water availability and security for better crop production. To make this happen, several
attempts are underway, one of which is this irrigation project of Micro-Dam at West Hararge, Gumbi
Bordode Woreda on Gogessa River at Hayyu Kenteri Kebele.

The project area is one of semi-arid climatic zone in Ethiopia, degraded watershed and face shortage
of rainfall for growing crop and other water demands (Reference). High climate variability, low
rainfall, degraded agricultural land and watershed and high population density has led to poverty,
malnutrition and food security problem in the area.

2.1.2 River systems and Water Sources in Gumbi Bordode Woreda

Based on our site visit and flow measurement at the temporarily proposed headwork site (keep in
mind it is the dry season, with lowest possible flow), it was tried to categorized and prioritized the
sites. The Gogessa River has no flow during dry season, but which has some runoff flood during
rainy season. River characteristics, its flow capacities information was gathered from local people’s
descriptions. The Gogessa River is the intermittent River is a tributary which drains to Arba river.

In Gumbi Bordode Woreda, there are few river systems, which flow to Awash Basin mostly dry in
arid area.

Being the lower arid region (high Evapo-transpiration and less rainfall) in the area, Gumbi

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Bordode Woreda has no sufficient rivers for small scale irrigation by weir.

2.1.3 Hayyu Kenteri micro-dam head work

The Hayyu Kenteri micro-dam head work site is located on small stream of Gogessa River before
confluence with other small streams. The micro-dam system does not require pumping as the
topography is convenient for micro-dam and gravity irrigation system with construction of headwork
structure. The Gogessa River up to the selected headwork site has a catchment area of 52 km2.

2.2 Water Resources Potential

The main surface water source for the irrigation demand of the proposed, Ayu Kenteri SSIP,
a stream which is a tributary of Middle Awash Basin sub-basin, is runoff generated from the
upstream catchment. The catchment has no perennial flow during the dry season except the
rainfall generated runoff.

2.3 Hydrological data

Daily flow data at dam site is necessary for design of dam and its appurtenant structures to estimate
maximum design flood for a given return periods, dependable flow to estimate the reservoir capacity
and low flow to estimate the base flow and decide environmental flow for the downstream

There is no gauging station on Gogessa River and no recorded flow data obtained. Therefore, rainfall
runoff relationship method used to estimate the flow of the catchment.
Table 2.1 Monthly flow estimation of Hayyu kenteri Project
Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Flow 0.005 0.009 0.024 0.036 0.023 0.016 0.045 0.047 0.037 0.015 0.008 0.005

The estimation of flow of Gogessa River, high flow occurs in the month of August, while, the
minimum flow is in January and December

2.4 Design Flood

Based on the above tables and definitions, the Design Flood for the Hayyu Kenteri Micro- Dam
spillway was estimated from 2 years return period to 10,000 years and in addition PMF and 1/2 PMF
was also calculated as below.

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Table 2.1 Design rainfall and design discharge for Hayyu kenteri Micro- Dam River at the Dam
P2 P5 P10 P20 P25 P50 P100 P200 P500 P1000 P2000 P5000 P10000 PMP

40.47 52.10 58.64 64.27 65.95 70.86 75.39 79.64 84.93 88.73 92.39 97.04 100.44 134.29

PEAK DISCHARGE [m3/s] for different Return Periods

Q2 Q5 Q10 Q20 Q25 Q50 Q100 Q200 Q500 Q1000 Q2000 Q5000 Q10000 1/2

14.92 26.42 33.83 40.55 42.60 48.71 54.50 60.03 67.04 72.15 77.11 83.50 88.21 137.57

For Hayyu Kenteri Micro dam, which falls under intermediate dam size and hazard category of low
and size class B project and its designed flood, is estimated by 100 years to 1/2PMF. Therefore, the
design flood for sizing the spillway will be 100 years return period was adopted but the design will be
ensured by the 1/2PMF design flood will not cause damage to the spillway structures or the dam.

A design flood for spillway design of 100 years return period was considered and the estimated flood
of 86.91m3/s was used for spillway dimension analyses.

2.5 Design Flood for on-farm Runoff (Drainage Duty)

The internal drainage system is designed for field drains, considering the 1-in-5-year 24-hour rainfall
events, i.e., to remove the volume of runoff from 1-in-5-year, 24-hour storm, in 24 hours. Higher
intensity short-duration storms will result in surcharge to the drainage system. This will result in a
degree of short-term flooding of the field drains, although it should clear within 24 hours for all but the
most extreme events (with return periods in excess of 1-in-5-year). The short-term flooding will not
lead to significant problems neither for the crops nor the drains. Considering this, a design drainage
coefficient, with units of l/s/ha, can be derived for the internal drainage system of field drains, tertiary
drains and other higher category drains.

An excess rainfall falling on irrigation area during rainy season becomes a flood if irrigation is applied
and a rainfall is excess of the demand. Hence, excess rainfall is considered as flood from farm land and
should be estimated as per hectare of the field area as duty (l/s/ha) using SCS method. So, The
required drainage coefficient to drain this volume of water in 24 hours is 3.49 l/s/ha and 4.16
l/s/ha for 5 years and 10 years return period design rainfall respectively.

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2.6 Water Demand

The data and information of demography of the society living in the nearby Kebele and Woreda was
obtained from socio-economic part. Hence, the current populations who can use the surface water from
the reservoir either by traditional way or modern diversion water supply for the society was estimated.
There are standard uses of water for domestic purpose for rural and urban area (15l/capital/day for
rural and 25l/capita/day for small towns). Based on such information, a population number for future
will be forecasted based on the growth rate of the region and the domestic water supply has been

For Hayyu Kenteri irrigation project, a Gogessa River diversion for nearby societies domestic water
demand is reduced because it is another water supply source in the area and it was estimated
0.027876875 MMC/year.

2.6.1 Irrigation water demand

The result of gross irrigation water demands was given from cropping patterns, effective rainfall and
crop evaporation calculation. So, the annual net irrigation requirement was calculated as
9954m3/ha/year or average of 1.14 l/s/ha for 24hr operation and 2.28 l/s/ha for 12 hr operations.

2.6.2 Domestic water demand (DWD)

The data and information of demography of the society living in the nearby Kebele and Woreda was
obtained from socio-economic part. Hence, the current populations who can use the surface water
from the reservoir either by traditional way or modern diversion water supply for the society was
estimated. There are standard uses of water for domestic purpose for rural and urban area (15
l/capital/day for rural and 25l/capita/day for small towns). Based on such information, a population
number for future will be forecasted based on the growth rate of the region and the domestic water
supply has been estimated.

For Hayyu Kenteri irrigation project, domestic water demand for nearby society estimated is 0.3

2.6.3 Livestock water demand (LWD)

Similar to domestic water supply demand estimation, livestock water demand estimation is based on
demography of the local number and types of livestock and standard water consumption rate per day
per capita of the livestock. Such information was obtained from socio-economic study part and the
livestock water demand was estimated 0.152MMC/year.

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2.6.4 Environmental flow requirement (EFR)

Environmental factor was considered in the water balance analysis of the study project as one
of the water demands to be released from the reservoir to conserve the environment, the
ecosystems and fauna and flora for the current and future generations to achieve sustainable

There are different international standards to estimate the environmental flow requirement (EFR)
(traditionally known as minimum flow requirement). The most common one was hydrological
approach to estimate stream flow based on historical flow data either some fixed percent of stream
flow or flexible percentage of stream flow based on seasons and ecosystems downstream. The other
method is hydraulic method, to estimate EFR based on the hydraulic depth of the stream flow to meet
some flow depth requirement for fishing, wetlands, flooding of flood plain etc.

We are going to use the EFR based on Ethiopian environmental reclamation and experience after
accessing the downstream environment and ecosystems in the basin to decide the percent of stream
flow. Due to the lack of the environment and hydrology characteristic of the stream, 20% of stream
flow was allocated for the environmental flow.

2.7 Sediment Load

There is no sediment measurement on the river or at the proposed dam sites. The sediment data is
crucial to determine the sediment transport in the river, sediment load at the dam sites and storage at
the back of the dam in the reservoir after construction of the dam. Hence, it is important to decide the
bottom outlet size and position for environmental flow, flashing suspended sediment and release of
flood flow. It also important to design the life span of the dam and dam size (dead load). The
sediment data is taken from the watershed discipline and the quantitative output of estimated soil loss
as mean annual actual erosion/soil loss is 27.9ton/ha/year. The total actual soil loss from the
watershed is 148,623.30ton/year and the sediment yield is 23,246.7tons/year and it is

2.8 Reservoir Dead Storage

The required reservoir dead storage depends on the design life of the reservoir. Assuming a design
life of about 50 years and trap efficiency ranges from 93 to 100%, the accumulated sediment in the
reservoir will be 0.8044 million m3. As stated in the hydrology report, the sediment will be deposited
throughout the reservoir water and the new zero level estimated at 1304m amsl. Hence, the total
reservoir storage is 6.1553 MMC at FSL of 1322.73 masl and among this 0.8044 MMC occupied by

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dead storage. The total live storage is 5.351 MMC. The design life for dead storage can be extended
by either reducing the sediment reaching the reservoir through watershed management or by flushing
or removing the deposited sediments from the reservoir.

2.9 Reservoir Operation

Reservoir operation (RO) is aimed at checking the availability and reliability of Irrigation water
supply, Domestic and livestock demand and environmental flow requirement.

Reservoir operation considers all incoming flows, evaporation, seepage, change in water level,
environmental flow requirement and all other demands mainly irrigation demand. Environmental
flow requirement (EFR) releases were taken to 20% of the river inflow at the dam site at all times, the
reservoir should release to meet environmental flow when there is no spill from the reservoir at
discharges equal to or higher than Environmental flow requirement.

The mean monthly inflow and 33 years monthly inflow data was used for reservoir operation to meet
the irrigation water demand, domestic and livestock water demand and the environmental flow
requirement on excel tools and WEAP model.

For 480 ha irrigation water demand is calculated with 6.1553 MMC of total storage at FSL of
1322.73m amsl, the reliability of the irrigation water requirement is 75 %. This is in the range of
acceptable reliability of the irrigation investment recommended.

For consideration of dead storage level (DSL) at new zero level is at 1304m amsl corresponds to dead
storage of 0.8044. The Irrigation outlet level can be at any elevation above NZL based on the
downstream commands and required live storage. Hence, 1305m amsl was proposed as outlet level
after considering the minimum draw down level (MDDL) of 1.5 times diameter of the irrigation
outlet should be added on DSL, which has a storage capacity of 0.8044MMC at this level with
original capacity curve storage. The total storage required should be live storage for all demands plus
this storage capacity below MDDL.

From the reservoir elevation-capacity curve, the dam Normal Operation Level (NOL) is at 1322.73
masl and the dam height will be 32.73 m without including a freeboard level.

2.10 Reservoir Routing

The hydrograph of a flood entering a reservoir will change in shape as it emerging out from the
reservoir. This is due to volume of water stored in reservoir temporarily. The peak of the hydrograph
will be reduced, time to peak will be delayed and base of the hydrograph will be increased. The extent

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up to which an inflow hydrograph will be modified in the reservoir will be computed by the process is
known as reservoir routing.

Reservoir flood routing was carried out to design the dimension of the spillway. The design flood of
the spillway flooding was carried out based on the criteria of selecting return periods given above
under section 2.4 Selection of Design Flood.

From Reservoir Capacity curve, the elevation of the reservoir above the spillway and its
corresponding storage is known, Spillway capacity (Q) versus Spillway head (H) is determined from
the spillway type (Here, uncontrolled Ogee spillway is an option) and inflow hydrograph is known or
calculated as given below:

Spillway equation is given as:

Q= CLH3/2
Where, Q is discharge on the spillway,
L is effective spillway length,
H is total head above Normal Operation Level (NOL), including velocity of
approach head in the spillway,
C is weir coefficient (2.20)
Reservoir capacity relation with elevation (Storage vs Elevation), and calculated spillway capacity (Q
vs H) is determined. For instance, for spillway length of 20 m, spillway head of 1.57 m considering
normal operation level of 1322.73 masl is estimated from outflow hydrograph and Q vs H relation.

Figure 2.1Relation between Spillway Head (H) vs Spillway Discharge (m3/s)

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Floods through the reservoir are routed, thus bringing about a reduction of spillway dimensions (see
Table 0-3).
2.3 Hayyu Kenteri Micro- Reservoir Flood Routing Results for Various Special Events
Initial Routing
Max. Inflow Spillway Max. Outflow
Dam Flood Elevation at Spillway
Discharge, Length, Discharge,
Height, m Event, Years NWL, Head (m)
m3/s M m3/s
5 4 88.00
36 100 10 2.5 86.96
1322.73 86.91
15 1.9 86.43
20 1.57 86.56
25 1.35 86.27

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3.1 Geology of project site

3.1.1 Headwork: Topographic Set Up, Surface and Sub-Surface Investigation

The intended Dam site on Hayyu Kenteri stream is located at a GPS location: UTM 671169mE,
1003486mN and 1290m.a.s.l. elevation. At the selected weir site foundation, Two soil types’
Colluvial deposits (intercalation of sandy gravel with basaltic rock) and intercalation sandy clay with
basaltic rock) are observed respectively from top to bottom at the center of river bank along the dam
axis of Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam irrigation project. And also, at both right and left side of river
bank at the proposed headwork site along the dam axis the intercalation of silty clay soil with tree
routes and intercalation of Sandy clay with basaltic rock are respectively observed from top to

The intercalation of sandy clay with basaltic rock found at the proposed headwork site and
recommended for foundation having a Safe/allowable bearing capacity of 225.68kN/m2. This
intercalation of sandy clay with basaltic rock can have poor hydraulic conductivity and may cause
leakage. So it needs more compaction during construction works

Figure 3-1: Test pits view at river center and Left dam axis

3.1.2 Geology of the Reservoir Area

Test pit excavations are performed within the reservoir area for Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam
irrigation project. The soils formation found from 0-1m is intercalation of Silty clay soil with tree

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routes and from 1-1.5m is sandy clay.

3.1.3 Geology of The Command Side Area

The command side area is generally low-lying land. The soils formation found from 0.3-1m is
intercalation of Sandy clay with tree route soil/intercalation of silty soil with tree route are observed
from top to bottom.

3.2 Seismicity of the Project Area

Seismic tremors occur at a rate of several hundred per day around the world. Small earthquakes occur
and are recorded so frequently around tectonically active areas such as the Main Ethiopian Rift. There
occur earth quacks of different magnitude in several places within the rift and vicinity. Ground
fissuring occurs in various parts of the Rift such as the site near Lake Ziway which is recent
phenomenon. The complicated mechanisms of this fissuring are basically co – seismic in Afar and a
seismic in the Rift valley lakes region. The intended structures shall be designed and constructed to
withstand the design seismic action without local or global collapse, thus retaining its structural
integrity and a residual load bearing capacity after the seismic events The stiffness of the foundations
shall be adequate for transmitting the actions received from the superstructure to the ground as
uniformly as possible

The construction site and the nature of the supporting ground should normally be free from risks of
ground rupture, slope instability and permanent settlements caused by liquefaction or densification in
the event of an earthquake. The possibility of occurrence of such phenomena shall be investigated in
accordance with EBCS EN 1998-5:2013.

The project area lies at the eastern flank of the main Ethiopian Rift. Based on the Seismic
zonation map of Ethiopia, the Hayu Kenteri project site lies within the vertical ground
acceleration of 0.085-0.1 m/s2. This would have certain impact on the proposed design
related to earth movement.

3.3 Geotechnical Investigation

3.3.1 General

During the present study, detail site investigation works have been conducted at the proposed
headwork site and main canal routes. Furthermore, assessment and investigations has been conducted
to identify, evaluate and delineate potential sites of natural construction materials that will be used as

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source of natural construction material to the intended purpose.

Excavation of exploration holes / Pits have been conducted at representative sites. Data from valley
and stream cut sections has been also used for identifying and description of prevailing geotechnical
units characterizing the site considering the site geologic setting at the proposed headwork, proposed
main canal routes and potential borrow sites of construction materials. Depth of excavation of
exploration holes was commonly in the order of 1 to 3mts. When bed rock is encountered, excavation
of holes has been imposed to terminate.

Testing of materials on selected representative soil samples collected from the site has been
accomplished at the central soil laboratory of Engineering Corporation of Oromia (ECO). This is with
the objective of identification and determines important parameters to be used for the intended design.

Laboratory test results are presented in the annex and appendix of the site investigation report. Based
on the site investigation data output, pertinent geological data and design parameters have been
analyzed and interpreted for use to the intended purpose. Detail engineering geological longitudinal
section of the proposed head work site and main canal routes have been prepared and attached in the
present site investigation report for use to the intended purpose.

The geotechnical parameters for prevailing geologic units characterizing the project area have been
determined from laboratory test results and by inferring / correlations from standard literatures and
former works done on similar type of materials.

3.3.2 Headwork Site

Main interest at the headwork site is foundation bearing capacity, water tightness, scouring effect of
stream, slope stability and seismic tremor. at the proposed location of weir site of river center, after
excavating 0.5m depth to examine the engineering properties of intercalation of sandy clay with
basaltic rock found underneath the Colluvial deposits. The soils formation found from 0-0.5m is
intercalation of sandy gravel with basaltic rock (Colluvial deposit). From geological profile sound bed
found at depth of 3m

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Figure 2.2 Geological Log profile

3.3.3 Spillway Site

Main interest at the spillway site is foundation bearing capacity of material and prevalence of seismic
tremor. The proposed spillway site is located on the right-side abatement of the proposed dam
structure. At the proposed location of the Spillway, the soils formation found from 0-0.3m is
intercalation of Sandy clay soil with fractured basaltic rock formation.

3.3.4 The Main Canal Route

Test pit excavations are performed along left main canal route of Hayyu Kenteri micro earth dam
irrigation project. The test pits of left main canal route excavations are carried out by human labors up
to 0.4m depth; hence, at the proposed location of the main canal routes, after excavating up to 0.3m
depth to examine the engineering properties of sound basaltic rock formation/sandy clay
soil/intercalation of sandy clay soil with fractured basaltic rock/silty clay soil formation are observed.
The soils formation found from 0-0.3m is intercalation of Sandy clay with tree routes/intercalation of
silty clay with tree routes are observed. Water Tightness of the Main Canal Route

The water tightness information along these canal routes is obtained from careful field observation,
description of geological test pits and the valley cut landforms exposed along and nearby these main
canal routes.

Main interest is water tightness and excavability of materials found characterizing the proposed
irrigation canal route. Classification of the main canal soil done by visual classification and the detail

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results of the inspection and all the canal route line is deposition of intercalation of Sandy clay with
fractured basaltic rock/black cotton soil deposit and slightly weathered basaltic rock formation/silty
clay soil respectively from top to bottom for both right and left main canal route. At the selected both
right and left main canal route, the plain area of the canal route is investigated by test pit excavation.
Consequently, about 950m length (673393.842, 1,003488.878 to 673897.874, 1004048.473) needs
canal lining on the right canal route in which the soil formation is black cotton dominant in
composition. However, the other remaining canal length including both right and left canal route do
not need canal lining. Slope Stability Conditions and Excavability of the Main Canal Route

Slope stability assessment along the main canal route is one of the objectives of this study. Therefore,
an assessment in order to infer any potential slope instability was made along the main canal route.
Accordingly, based on the terrain, condition of the rock and soil types and their engineering
properties, no potential slope instability that affect structures on the main canal route is anticipated.

3.3.5 Summary of Laboratory Test Results Collected from Head Work Site and Main Canal

Laboratory tests of the collected soil samples were conducted at Oromia Water Works Design and
Supervision Enterprise Laboratory service. The tests have been conducted for determination of the
engineering properties classification. The soil samples were excavated and sampled with depths of

0.5m, 1m and 1.5m at the headwork site and along canal routes. The collected samples from these test
pits are representative of the soil types observed during the investigation. The laboratory test results
have been included in annex-1 and the summary is presented in Table 3-1. Description of the main
parameters is given below.

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Table3.1 Summary of laboratory test results obtained from the representative samples

1. Soil Test
Atterberg Limit
Direct y
Unit Shear Test (K) Specifi
No Weight ( mm/sec ) c LL PL PI
KN/m3 C ø Gravity (%) (%) (%)
(%) ( KN/m2 ( Degree
) )
1 HKRA-2 14.67 40 6 25.55 1.2x10-2 2.86 34.66 21.83 12.83
2 HKLR 15.19 40 6 27.7 1.1x10-3 2.78 34.85 20.71 14.14
3 HKLRDA 14.76 30 1 27.92 2.10x10-2 2.78 45.41 26.93 18.48
4 HKRMC-2 15.82 20 8 23.61 1.80x10-4 2.86 46.48 27.31 19.17
5 HKRMC-3 15.15 30 3 30.75 2.30x10-3 2.63 76.66 42.04 34.62
6 HKRMC-5 15.12 30 2 25.83 1.20x10-2 2.94 46.19 27.75 18.44
7 Clay 14.17 30 17 22.2 2.3x10-5 57.83 38.6 19.23 19.37
2. River Sand
Percentage Pass
No at
Material at at at at at at
at 0.075
Type 10 mm 5 mm 2.36 mm 1.18 mm 0.6 mm 0.3 mm
0.15 mm mm
Hayu Kenteri
1 Sand 100.00 99.03 93.11 82.18 61.51 44.41 41.43 41.20
2. Rock Test
No Sample ID Specific Gravity SSD Water Absorption % ACV % AIV %

1 HKRLC 2.61 3.2 18.6 22.3

Hayu Kenteri 2.64 3.1 18.2 19.3


3.4 Construction Material

3.4.1 Background

Construction materials can be natural or manmade. Natural construction materials such as

sand, gravel, crushed rock aggregates, dimension stone and clay that may be produced in
their raw state for construction where as artificial or manmade are those produced in a
factory and includes concrete blocket, bricks, different metal sheets, etc. In this study, only
the natural or geologic construction materials that is important for the proposed dam type.

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Investigation of construction material is carrying out to identify potential sources of quarry

rock, sand and water nearby the project area. The general site of the construction materials
are shown on the following map.

Figure 3.2: Location map of construction materials used for Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam
irrigation project

3.4.2 Clay Borrow

The Burrow area used for construction Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam project is found in Karushe
Kebele. It is located using GPS (UTM-Z37) 651789E, 997640N, and an altitude of 1042m.a.s.l. The
clay material deposit located within the Karushe Kebele fair in both quality and quantity can uses as
burrow area for Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam construction. The clay material is very stiff white
reddish color.

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Figure 0-2: Clay borrow Area

Based on the lab test result, the clay material indicates medium plasticity. The material is found to be
moderate compressible. Based on the lab standard compaction test result conducted on the borrow
sample, the material indicates Maximum Dry Density (MDD) 1117kg/m3, Optimum Moisture
Content (OMC) being 29.19% and a bulk density of 1444kg/m3 that can be considered for outline
design purpose.

3.4.3 Sand

The Sand source used for construction Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam project is found in Kora River.
It is located using GPS (UTM-Z37) 669283E, 1006586N, and an altitude of 1222m.a.s.l. The textural
maturity of sands varies appreciably. The high degree of sorting coupled with a high degree of
rounding characterizes mature sand (Bell, 1980). Enough amounts of sand deposits found within the
Kora River. The sand is clean, thick and is medium to coarse grained. Sample is taking from Kora
river channel to determine their gradation and the silt/clay fraction. Moreover, existed data on organic
matter and unit weight of the sands are uses in the analysis of the sands as construction materials for
the dam body.

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Figure 0-4: Proposed Sand Quarry Site

3.4.4 Quarry site

The Masonry stone quarry site used for construction of Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam project found
in the project area on the weathered road. It is located using GPS (UTM-Z37) 671954E, 1003557N,
and an altitude of 1319m.a.s.l. Stone for the masonry work of the dam is also assessed and the main
source of stone for masonry work is to use aphanites basalt from the proposed quarry site. The stones
to quarry from the aphanites basalt are the major source of masonry works of the dam. The type of the
rock available in the quarry stone is slightly weathered basaltic rock. Generally, this type of material
is very suitable as a construction material for masonry purpose. Hence, the contractor can use this
quarry source for construction of the structure during construction period.

The aggregate quarry site used for construction Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam project is found in
Kora Kebele. It is located using GPS (UTM-Z37) 668788E, 1007098N, and an altitude of
1239m.a.s.l. Aggregates are defined as particles of rock which, when brought together, form part of or
the whole of an engineering structure (Smith and Collies, 1993). Concrete aggregate usually consists
of naturals and gravel, crushed rock, or mixtures of these materials. Aggregates obtained from
naturally occurring gravels or crushed rocks. In the study area, the aphanitic basalts selected to be the
sources of the crushed rock coarse aggregate. These basalts outcropped Kora Kebele on weathered
road and around 12km from the project area. The surfacial quantity of the quarry sites is greater than
400,000m3 as estimated using the hill or cliff exposures.

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Figure 0-5: Proposed Rock Quarry Site

3.4.5 Water supply

Any potable water is suitable for use as mixing for concrete. There is no any spring are located within
the project area which can be used as source of water for dam construction. And the Gogessa River
itself is also not perennial to be used as source of water for the dam construction although it can be
used only during the rainy season. But the potential water sources which are perennial and used for
constructing the Hayyu Kenteri micro earth dam is thus the Arba River are located in the project site.
This perennial river is about 5km from the Dam axis and accessed to weathered road.

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4.1 Introduction
This study depends on the outcomes of the study teams in general and the topographic, hydrology and
geotechnical study in particular. Therefore, at this phase of the Hayyu Kenteri Micro earth dam
design the depth of the study is made to correspond to a feasibility level study. The detail design stage
shall follow after the approval of this report.

Accordingly, in the earth dam design the dam height is fixed based on the physical storage capacity of
the dam site. Although storage requirement to satisfy the irrigation demand and other losses as
computed in the water balance computation of the hydrology report is higher than the actual physical
capacity the reservoir can impound 6.1553 M m3 at a height of 32.73.0m and at elevation of 1322.73
masl. The dam section is determined based on the nature of the available embankment materials and
the nature of the foundation.

The spillway is designed for a flood of 86.91 m3/sec with crest length of 20.0 m and an Overflow
Ogee weir. The irrigation outlet is designed for 0.844 m3/sec to satisfy the maximum irrigation
demand to irrigate 352.8ha. Both structures are equipped with all necessary components.

The criteria satisfied in the design of the dam are for no overtopping, no seepage failure, no structural
failure, Proper slope protection, proper drainage, and to have safe and economical dam section.

4.2 Earth dam design

4.2.1 Design criteria General

A 793m long straight dam axis has been selected between (E 671088.81 N 1003501.38) Left
abutment and (E 671867.36 N 1003352.668) right abutment. Consideration was given to the most
economical alignment fitting the topography while considering geological constraints.
At this stage of study, the following criteria are met:
- The dam is safe against overtopping in the event of occurrence of the design flood
- The slopes of the dam are stable in all reservoir operations and during earthquake
- No foundation failure due to the stresses caused by the embankment
- Safe removal of seepage water is ensured and the amount of seepage loss is

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- Embankment is safe against overtopping by wave action

- Both upstream, downstream slopes and the dam crest are protected against
prevailing erosions.
- Means to control seepage and criteria relating to the freeboard and spillway, to
prevent water overtopping the dam.
- Identification of geological conditions and suitable materials in the amounts needed
for full dam construction and design accordingly.
- Determination of final dam alignment (dam axis).
- Determination of the freeboard and allowances for wind, settlement, etc., for
calculation of the dam crest elevations for half and full PMF floods as well as the
selected spillway sizes.
- Determination, based on the above, of the spillway design flood and discharge (routed
through the reservoir) and freeboard.
- Determination of criteria for the different zones and their materials, including
dimensioning of their thicknesses, etc.
- Determination of criteria for compaction of materials.
- Determination of criteria relating to cracking and its prevention/ protection.
- Determination of criteria relating to safety factors for different load conditions:
- During construction, end of construction, rapid drawdown, steady state seepage,
- Conditions as above as related to earthquakes, seismic design.
- Dam instrumentation.
- Basic hydraulic considerations, including costing, dimensioning and design of all
appurtenant structures and their structural design (taking into account earthquakes).
- Other structural considerations.
- Considerations concerning the minimum operable water level in the reservoir (for
irrigation), dictated by the irrigation plan. Seismicity of the dam

The Hayyu kenteri micro dam is located in seismically less active area. However, taking into account
the expected long life period of the dam and not ruling out the chance of the dam site being hit by a
damaging earthquake which may originate in the Ethiopian rift valley, adequate seismic design
considerations has been taken.

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Based on the seismic hazard map of Ethiopia prepared by the Institute of Geophysical Observatory at
Addis Ababa University with a return period of 300 years (return period for Design Base Earthquake
– DBE – of dams is generally 300 to 400 years), the nearest contour to the Hayyu Kenteri dam site is
with a maximum peak ground acceleration of 0.1g.

Seismic Loading

Pseudo-static approach has been adopted to analyse the behaviour of dam under dynamic loading
caused by a strong earthquake. The dynamic loading is accounted for by using a seismic coefficient.
The design value of horizontal seismic coefficient αh is computed by the following expression:
Α = β I αo
Where β = design response factor a coefficient depending upon the soil foundation
I = a factor depending upon the importance of the structure, and
αo = basic horizontal seismic coefficient applicable for that area.

EBCS specifies that value of ‘β’ for dams be taken as ≤ 2.5 and the value of ‘I’ for dams be taken as

The dam Site is considered to be equivalent of lying in zone IV of seismic hazard map identified by
EBCS. The values of basic horizontal seismic coefficient are 0.05.

αh = 2.5 x 1.0 x 0.1
= 0.25
αv = 0.5* αh = 0.125

The Hayyu Kenteri micro dam has, therefore, been designed to satisfy the minimum required factor of
safety for a 0.125 g peak ground acceleration. Following international practice, the vertical peak
acceleration coefficient is assumed to be half of the horizontal peak acceleration (0.25g/2=0.125 g). Type of Earth Dam

The geotechnical investigation for construction material indicates that there are different types of
embankment materials. The report also shows that there is large amount of shell material available in
qualitatively. and there is sufficient clay/ borrow material within the reservoir area, spillway axis and
around the dam site.

For this reason, a zoned earth dam with a central clay core and with weathered rock shell material for

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u/s and d/s is chosen as a suitable earth dam section. This is justified from the point of utilizing the
available materials. Transition zones is required between the impervious clay core and the pervious
shell zone since there is segregation expected between the fine particles of the shell and the clay core.

4.3 Embankment Materials Availability

4.3.1 Borrow Materials/ Clay Materials

Availability of suitable impervious clay core and shall materials, the amount of seepage that can
safely be permitted through the dam and the desired resistance to piping caused by earthquake are
considered in determining the thickness of the central core.

Taking the above points into consideration, the dimensions of the core are fixed as follows. The top
width of the core is made 3m. The top level of the core is kept 1.0 m below the dam crest & 2.0m
well above the full supply water level. This difference is sufficient to prevent seepage by capillary
siphoning. The upstream and downstream slopes of the core are made to be 1:0.5 (V : H). The width
of the core at any level is made to exceed the head of water above it.

4.3.2 Filter on Upstream & Downstream Of Core

Inclined filter is provided on downstream face of impervious clay core to collect water coming out of
the core resulting from seepage and thereby keeping the downstream shell relatively dry. The filter on
the upstream face of impervious core acts as crack filler. The filter should be clean and well graded.
The minimum thickness of filter is determined from the following considerations:

(i) The thickness of filter should have allowance for intermixing with the adjoining zones. The
allowance shall be varying depending on compaction equipment used for the purpose.

(ii) Minimum width required for compaction depending upon the equipment deployed

Accordingly, 2.50 m thickness sand filter is provided adjust to the core. The top elevation of the filter
has been kept at the same level at that of the impervious core elevation at EL 1325.0m amsl.

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4.3.3 Shell material

Large quantities of shell are provided to ensure stability of the body of the dam and protection of the
central core. The permeability coefficient of the shell material is 1.0 x 10-2m/sec, which can be
classified as pervious.

4.3.4 Excavated materials

Table 4.1Summary of Investigation and Test Results of Construction Materials
Coefficient of Angle of
S. Cohesion, Unit weight
Material type permeability, internal
No C (KN/m2) KN/m 3
k, (m/sec) friction, ø
1 Clay Core 2.3 x10-7 17 22.2 14.17

3 Toe Drain/Filter Material 1.0 x 10 -5 0 37.0 18.0

3 Trench excavated/ 2.1 x10-5 6 27.0 15.0

Foundation Soil
4 Shell material 1.0x10-2 0.006 36 29.22

5 Transition Material 1.0x10-5 0 37 18

4.3 Foundation and Reservoir Water Tightness

Test pit excavations are performed within the reservoir area for Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam
irrigation project. The test pit HKRA1 excavation was carried out by human labor upto 1.5m depth;
hence, at the proposed location within the reservoir area, after excavating 1m depth to examine the
engineering properties of Sandy clay soil found underneath soil strata. The soils formation found from
0-1m is intercalation of Silty clay soil with tree routes.

Test pit excavations are performed within the reservoir area of Hayu Kenteri micro earth dam
irrigation project. The test pit HKRA2 excavation was carried out by human labor upto 1.5m depth;
hence, at the proposed location within the reservoir area, after excavating 0.9m depth to examine the
engineering properties of Sandy clay soil. The soils formation found from 0-0.9m is intercalation of
silty clay soil with tree routes.

4.4 Reservoir planning/capacities

The reservoir planning is made based on the water balance calculations of the hydrologic study. As
stated in the report, the sediment will be deposited throughout the reservoir water and the new zero

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level estimated at 1304 masl and the dead storage is 0.8044 million m3. Hence, the total reservoir
storage is 6.1553MMC at FSL of 1322.73 masl and among this 0.8044 MMC occupied by dead
storage. According to the water balance computations, the live reservoir capacity to satisfy the annual
withdrawals is beyond the physical capacity of the reservoir, therefore, the reservoir capacity is
limited/fixed at 6.1553 Mm3. Based on the Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam area-elevation capacity curves
the normal pool level (HNWL) to impound this storage shall be at 1322.73 masl.

4.5 Design height

After the normal water level is fixed as explained above the total dam height is determined as follows:

H= HNWL + Hd + Fb

Where, H = design height

HNWL = vertical distance between the normal water level (NWL) and bottom of the deepest
river at the point of dam axis =32.73 m
Fb = free board
Hd = Surcharge head at the spillway

4.5.1 Free Board

Sufficient free board is provided to accommodate wave height, wave run up, wind set up above the
maximum water level and a provision for settlement.

Free board Fb = wind set up + wave run-up + settlement allowance.

I. Effective Fetch Length (Fe)

The effective fetch length of the Qoa Dhamota Micro dam reservoir was calculated from the relevant
topographic map. Accordingly, the effective fetch lengths for the maximum reservoir water level
were found to be 1320m (1.32km) for 34 m high dam.
II. Wind Speed (V)

The maximum wind speed for the Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam site, based on a Hydrology report is
2.24m/s. But, the Ethiopian Building Code Standard and the National Atlas of Ethiopia shows that the
western and southern parts of the country have a wind speed (V10) for the highest mountain tops that
never exceeds 15 knots (equal to 30 m/s or 108 km/h). Wind velocity over land (U) in km/h taken as
two third of maximum wind velocity = 0.67 x 108 = 72.36 km/h or 20 m/s. Hence the basic wind
speed for the purpose of estimating significant wave height in the reservoir has been considered as 72

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km/hour or 20.0 m/sec.

III. Significant Wave Height (Hs)

The significant wave height, in metres, is expressed by the following relationship:

g  Hs  g  Fe 

= 0.0026   
 V 
2 2


Fe - Effective fetch, in m

g - Acceleration due to gravity, in m/s2

V - Wind velocity over water surface, in m/s

From the above relation the significant wave height Hs = 0.053m

IV. Wave Period (Ts)

The wave period, in seconds, is calculated according to the following equation:

g  Ts  g  Fe 

= 0.45   
 V 

From the above relation the wave period Ts = 0.827 sec

V. Wave Length (Ls)

The wave length, in metres, is calculated by the following equation:

Ls = 1.56  Ts2 =1.56*0.827 2 = 1.341m

VI. Design Wave Height (H0)

The design wave height, in metres, is calculated by the following equation:

(for normal freeboard)

H 0 = 1.67  H s
Ho = 1.67*0.053 = 0.089m

(for minimum freeboard)

H 0 = 1.27  H s
Ho = 1.27*0.053 = 0.068m

VII. Steepness Ratio

The steepness ratio is calculated by the following equation:

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Steepness ratio = =0.089/1.341 = 0.066 for normal free board, 0.051 for minimum free board

VIII. Relative Run-Up (Ra = R/H0, rough surface)

Figure 1 is used to determine the relative run-up R/H0, whose value depends on the upstream slope of
the dam. An upstream slope of 1V:2H was assumed in this case, and the steepness ratio H0/Ls ≈ 0.1
(>0.06) for normal freeboard. Accordingly, R/H0 for a rough surface is taken to be 0.58 for normal

Figure 4-1: Graph showing relative wave run-up

IX. Wave Run-Up (R)

The wave run-up is calculated by the following equation:

=0.58*0.089 = 0.052 for normal free board

= 0.58*0.068 = 0.039 for minimum free board

X. Average Depth of Reservoir (D)

The river bed elevation is 1290 m. The maximum reservoir elevations are 1322.73 m for the 32.73 m
high dam. Hence, the average depth of reservoir is:

D = (1322.73 – 1290)/2 = 16.37 m

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XI. Wind Set-Up (S)

The wind set-up is calculated by the following equation.


F – fetch length, in km (can be considered equal to twice the "effective" fetch)

V – wind speed, in m/s

D – average depth of reservoir, in m

From the above relation the wind set-up (S) = 0.00001m

XII. Freeboard Required

Freeboard required = R + S = 0.052+0.00001 = 0.0517m for normal free board

= 0.039+0.00001 = 0.03932m for minimum free board


R – wave run-up, in m

S – wind set-up, in m

XIII. Settlement allowance

In fixing the freeboard for an earth or rockfill dam, allowance also needs to be made to the settlement
of embankment under the shaking action of earthquake vibrations. Provision of settlement allowance
5% of dam height above toe of the slopes is provided for. An allowance of 0.75 m is being provided
in calculating the required freeboard to accommodate settlement due to shaking action of earthquake

Total freeboard required above FRL (1322.73) = 0.0517 + 1.8= 1.8517m

Total freeboard required above MWL (1313.0+1.56) = 0.036 + 1.8 = 1.836m

Thus, the total height of the dam is the maximum of the two relation

i. = 1322.73 + 1.8517 = 1324.58 or

ii. = 1322.73 + 1.56 + 1.836 = 1326.12m

Therefore, the dam crest level is 1326 amsl

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4.6 Top width and side slopes

A 8.0 m top width of the earth dam is determined to account roadway requirement, its ability to keep
the phreatic line well within the dam body, accommodate the 3.0 m minimum top width of the clay
core and practicability of construction.

4.7 Upstream and downstream slopes

A minimum of 1:2 (V:H) upstream and 1:1.8 downstream slopes of the dam are chosen depending on
the type of the embankment material, foundation conditions, the height of the dam, and many other
factors and the dam is homogenous. The stability of these slopes has been checked by using computer
software GEOSLOPE.

4.8 Seepage control measures

In order to prevent the adverse effects of the water seeping through the dam and its foundation and
thus increase the stability of the dam, a horizontal filter drain is provided.

4.8.1 Cut Off in the Foundation

The hand dug trial pits along the dam axis reveal that bed rock may be found at an depth of 3m. The
cut off trench is to be provided throughout the length of the foundation. Its dimensions are fixed as
Bottom width = 3.0 m
Side slope = 1:1

4.8.2 Filter criteria

To control seepage flows a horizontal filter blanket/toe drain is recommended. The drain must be
pervious enough to drain the seepage water effectively, besides protecting the dam and foundation
materials from migrating/piping in to it. Therefore, its design should full fill the following Terzaghi
filter criteria.

D15 of filter < 4 to 5 < D15 of filter

D 85 of protected layer D15 of protected layer

The thickness of the strip drain should be sufficient to convey the maximum quantity of seepage
estimated to come through the dam.

Thickness of filter, t, is given by Darcy’s law:

q = kiA

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Where : Discharge, q = 2.275×10-8 m3/s/m2 * 396.5 m length of dam = 9.02x10-6 m3/s/m (from
seepage analysis by SEEP/W software). Permeability of filter, k = 2.35 x 10-5 m/s (assumed).

A = t × 1 = t; i = 1.

9.02×10-6 = 2.35 × 10-5 × t

 t = 383.84 mm

Considering a factor of safety of 2, t = 768.0 mm.

However, from construction practical considerations and to account for leakage through cracks in
core of the dam and safety of the core, it is proposed to provide a 1.0 m thick horizontal filter.

4.8.3 Seepage Loss

The amount of seepage loss per unit width of the dam q is estimated using the SEEP W analysis. The
seepage loss at the toe drain is 9.02 x 10-6 m3/s.

Seepage through the dam body, Q = q L

Where, q = Seepage volume per unit length (m3/sec/m) = 9.02 x 10-6 m3/s/m =
L = average length of dam (396.5m)

Therefore, Q = 0.113M m3/yr.

However, since the reservoir is a monocycle and water depth in the dam is supposed to deplete/vary
continually throughout the year and the seepage is proportional to the upstream head and the above
estimated seepage loss shall be considered in the reservoir planning/water balance.

4.9 Slope Protection Measures

4.9.1 Upstream Slope Protection

The upstream slope protection is ensured by providing a hand placed stone riprap against erosive
wave action. The minimum weight of stone (G) provided is computed using its relation with the
maximum wave height and side slope as follows,

G = 100 h2
Cot 

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Where, h = maximum wave height (0.58m)

 = Angle the upstream slope makes with the horizontal (Cot  =3.0)
 G = 100 (0.58)2 = 11.213 kg
Thickness of riprap in cm is computed as

t = 10.93G, =10.93*11.213

= 36.6 cm

The riprap thickness should be 50% more than the estimated linear average rock size. Therefore, t =
1.5 x 36.6 = 0.549 m

Thus from 38cm to 55 cm thick hand placed riprap shall be provided especially on the upper-most
surface of upstream slope.

Since the shell material is relatively pervious, there is no as such sudden draw down incidence
expected due to the nature of the reservoir operation. However, this may be supplemented by
provision of sandy gravel material under the hand placed riprap.

4.9.2 Downstream slope protection

Surface stabilization of downstream slope and the prevention of soil from rain drop erosion shall be
accomplished by the establishment of grass. A depth of 20 cm of good quality organic top soil
overlying the embankment is sufficient to sustain grass growth. This shall be found from the clearing
work of the dam site and borrow areas.

The cross section of the dam design is shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2: Cross Section of the Dam

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4.10 Seepage and Slope Stability Analysis

4.10.1 General

One of the basic requirements for design of embankment dams is to ensure safety against internal
erosion, piping and development of excessive pore pressures in the dam. Seepage and slope stability
were carried out on the design of the homogeneous earth fill dam using the Slope-W and Seep-W
programs from Geo-slope international, 2018. These analyses were conducted on preliminary designs
and the results of these analyses have been used to refine the final design of the dam section. A
tentative section of the earth dam was first selected (starting from 1:2 u/s and 1:1.8 d/s slope) and
gradually reached to the adopted slope and dam section, as discussed in the preceding sections. The
selected section is then analysed. The section is checked to ensure that it satisfies the following
checks are carried out safety criteria.

i. The downstream slope is checked for the stability during steady seepage conditions at reservoir
full condition and

ii. The upstream slope is checked for the stability during sudden drawdown conditions.

4.10.2 Method of Slope Stability

The slope stability investigation was carried out using the Slope/W computer program based on the
limit equilibrium method and the Morgenstern-Price method was used to obtain the factors of safety.
This particular method has been adopted because, unlike Fellenius or Bishop’s or Janbu’s methods,
the Morgenstern-Price method satisfies both the force and moment equilibrium conditions. Spencer’s
method also satisfies both moment and force equilibriums and gives factors of safety values very
close to those obtained by the Morgenstern-Price method.

The pore water pressures developed within the body of the dam and in the foundation under steady
state seepage has been initially estimated with the help of the SEEP/W software. These pore pressures
in terms of head have been incorporated in the slope stability analysis.

4.10.3 Stability of Downstream Slope

The worst condition under which the downstream slope should be stable is during steady seepage, at
full reservoir level. For the downstream slope of the earth dam, the most critical condition occurs
when the reservoir is full and steady seepage condition has been established because a well-defined
phreatic line is formed at this stage. The stability of downstream slope is checked under this critical
condition and the analysis result is shown in table 4-2 below. To minimize the effects of steady

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seepage on the downstream slope for homogeneous dam, a horizontal filter is provided.

4.10.4 Stability of Upstream Slope

For the upstream slope of the earth dam, the critical condition occurs when the reservoir is suddenly
emptied (sudden drawdown condition). To minimize the effects of sudden drawdown, a shell material
which is more permeable than that of the core is provided at the upstream side. However, sudden
drawdown may not be as such expected problem due to the nature of the reservoir operation. The
reservoir evacuation time is over 30 days and this will cause an average drawdown of 0.63 m/day
which is well below the sudden draw down condition.

The Upstream slope stability has been checked under this critical condition and result is shown in
section In both u/s and d/s slope stability analysis,
F.S = CΣ LI + Σ (Wi Cos  I - UGLI) tan φ
Σ Wi Sin I
Where: WI = Weight of the slice (Wi = bi h)
 =  sat in saturated condition
bi = Width of the slice
h = average height of the slice (read from graph)
Li = arc length of the slice
Uw = pore water pressure developed ( wh)
I = the angle that the slice makes with horizontal
C = unit cohesion of the soil
φ = angle of internal friction

4.10.5 Assumptions made in the Analysis

• The critical arc passes through the toe/heel of the slopes (most common case)
• The values of soil properties c, φ and g are taken from laboratory test results of the respective
soil samples.

The soil parameters values from laboratory test are summarized in table 4.1 above.

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4.10.6 Factor of Safety Calculation

Table 4.2 Recommended factor of safety under different loading conditions
S. No. Loading Condition Minimum factor of safety
upstream downstream
1 End of construction 1.25 1.25
2 Steady state, reservoir full 1.5 1.5
3 Rapid draw down 1.3 1:1
4 Seismic load in addition to the above 1.1 1.1
conditions Discussion on the safety factor results

Slope stability analysis is done under the above-mentioned critical cases and the results as calculated
using the geo-slope 2007 software are summarized in the table below: Since the software considers
several possible slip circles and the parameters are taken from lab results, the result has considered
dependable. Results of the long term, seismic and rapid drawdown loading cases are presented in the
following Figures.
i) Results of the steady-state seepage analysis

Figure 4-3: Results of the steady-state seepage analysis

ii) Results of the Rapid Drawdown seepage analysis

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Figure 4-4: Results of the rapid drawdown seepage analysis

iii) Steady State (Long Term) Loading Condition – Downstream Slope

Figure 4-5: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Steady-state Seepage (long term) Loading Condition Downstream

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iv) Results of the Rapid Drawdown Loading Condition ‐ Upstream Slope, Drawdown from
El 1322.73 m to El 1290.0 m

Figure 4-6: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Rapid Drawdown Loading Condition Upstream Slope Drawn from El
1322.73m to El 1290.0m.

v) Seismic Loading + Sudden Drawdown – Upstream Slope

Figure 4-7: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Seismic Loading + Sudden Drawdown Upstream Slope

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vi) Seismic Loading + Steady State – Downstream Slope

Figure 4-8: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Seismic Loading + Steady-State Downstream Slope

vii) Short Term Loading – During Construction Downstream Slope

Figure 4-9: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Short Term Loading (During Construction) Downstream

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viii) Short Term Loading – During Construction Upstream Slope

Figure 4-10: Results of Slope Stability Analysis for Short Term Loading (During Construction) Upstream
Slope Summary of Results

Table 4.3 Factor of Safety Analysis Result Summary
Slip Slope Safety factor
S.No. Condition Conclusion
Slope used
Computed* Allowable
1. Steady State Seepage D/S 1:1.8 1.571 1.50 Safe
2. Sudden drawdown U/S 1:2.0 1.837 1.3 Safe
3. Seismicity + Sudden Upstr
U/S 1:2.0 1.30 1.1 Safe
drawdown eam
4. Seismicity + Steady seepage D/S 1:1.8 1.232 1.1 Safe
5. Short Term Loading – D/S 1:1.8 1.565 1.25 Safe
During Construction strea
6 Short Term Loading – m
U/S 1:2.0 1.694 1.25 Safe
During Construction
* As computed by Morgenstern-Price
eam Conclusion Down
Based on the stability analyses results, the stable slopes for the proposed earth fill dam are upstream
slope of 1V:2.0H and downstream slope of 1V:1.8H.

4.11 Diversion During Construction

The Hayyu Kenteri Micro earth dam construction expected to be completed in dry season. Before the
start of rainy season, the height of the dam is expected to be completed. Therefore, provision of

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diversion structure is not required as the stream is dry and there is no rainy season flow during dam
fill work. If the dam construction takes more time than expected and unexpected rain happens, the
flow to be handled by pass over the fill which will be at the riverbed section after key trench
completion. The right and the left part of the dam fill work will be done primarily then the river bed
section will be done finally.

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5.1 General Design Considerations

Hayyu Kenteri dam being an earth dam, provision of spillway of sufficient capacity is essential for
the safety of the dam. The spillway capacity needs to be sufficient such that it contains the inflow
design flood within the storage space above the full retention level of the reservoir and prevents the
dam to be overtopped in the event of occurrence of design flood. Normally, the releases from the
reservoir would be so regulated that the water level comes close to MDDL at the end of dry season
and the excess flow during rainy season gets absorbed in the live storage. Still, the chances of
occurrence of a major flood cannot be ruled out when water level in the reservoir is close to FSL.
Hence, it is required that spillway of adequate capacity be provided such that even in the event of
design flood impinging at such time when reservoir is at full retention level, there should be no
occasion for the resulting flood lift to be so high that the dam gets overtopped.

In addition to the provision of sufficient discharging capacity of the spillway, the hydraulic design of
spillway must be adequate to dissipate the energy associated with water corresponding to the
difference in head pond level of the reservoir and the tail water level downstream of the spillway

5.2 Selection of Inflow Design Flood (IDF)

Selection of inflow design flood to determine the spillway capacity plays an important role in safety
and economy of dam and spillway structures. It relates to the risk that would arise on failure of dam
due to overtopping. Selection of IDF for Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam project has been guided by
USACE and ETCOLD. The USACE guidelines for selecting of spillway design flood recommended
by classifying dams by height, volume impounded, and hazard potentials in the downstream areas in
the event of dam failure.

Hayyu Kenteri Micro- dam is fall under medium size with height in the range of 30.5-45 m and
volume is also in the range of 1.23-61.7 MMC storage which is under intermediate category. Let
accept the intermediate category for safety factor. The category of the hazard is low to significant
with less or none as there is no any inundated village or town with the breach of the dam and
incoming floods. The flood of design period of 100 yrs to 1/2 PMF is the recommended design flood
for low hazard and intermediate dam.

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For Hayyu Kenteri Micro- dam, which falls under Intermediate dam size and hazard category of Low
and class B project and its designed flood, is estimated by100 years return period. Therefore, the
design flood for sizing the spillway will be 100 years return period was adopted but the design will be
ensured by the 500 years Return period design flood as it will not cause damage to the spillway
structures or the dam.

A design flood for spillway design of 100 years return period was considered and the estimated flood
of 86.91m3/s was used for spillway dimension design.

5.3 Routed Flow Over Spillway

Flood routing studies for estimating the flood lift and the routed discharge over the spillway have
been made for different lengths of spillway crest. The objective of the study has been to optimize the
spillway crest length so that a balance is achieved between incremental cost of earth fill dam and the
spillway structure. Table 5.1 presents the results of reservoir flood routing by adopting different
lengths of spillway crest, the spillway crest being set at FRL of El 1322.73m.

Table 5-1:Hayyu Kenteri Micro- Reservoir Flood Routing Results for Various Special Events

Initial Routing Max.

Flood Max. Inflow Spillway
Dam Height, Elevation at Spillway Outflow
Event, Discharge, Length,
m NWL, Head (m) Discharge,
Years m3/s m
masl m3/s
5 4 88.00
36 100 10 2.5 86.96
1322.73 86.91
15 1.9 86.43
20 1.58 87.39
25 1.35 86.25

Generally, for passing an inflow flood discharge of 86.91 m3/s and an outflow flood discharge of
86.91m3/s, with spillway crest at FRL, a crest length of 10m would be a proper choice.

5.4 Location

Location of the spillway is mainly governed by the feasibility of finding an economic layout and by
the consideration that it should not interfere with layout or performance of other permanent structures
of the project. Thus, the topography, geology and layout of other structures have been the main
considerations in locating the spillway structure on right bank of the river.

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The spillway section starts from the right abutment of the dam. The axis of spillway control structure
is in line with axis of dam. The co-ordinates of point SP1 lying at the intersection of spillway axis and
centerline are Easting 671896.86, Northing 1003347.03

5.5 Selected Scheme

Selected scheme of Hayyu Kenteri spillway structure comprise an approach channel leading the water
to the control structure, a control structure and an inclined chute terminating into a stilling basin.
Energy dissipation will be by means of hydraulic jump forming in the stilling basin. After the
dissipation of energy in stilling basin, the flows over spillway structure will be conveyed back to the
river through an outlet channel.

Main components of spillway structure are:

(i) Approach Channel,

(ii) Control Structure,
(iii) Chute Section,
(iv) Stilling Basin, and
(v) Outlet Channel connecting Stilling basin to River.

5.5.1 Approach Channel

The function of the approach channel is to draw water from the reservoir and convey it to the control
structure. The guiding considerations in selecting the layout and design of approach channel are that
the entrance velocity shall be limited and channel curvatures and transitions are shaped so as to obtain
uniformity of flow over the spillway crest.

The approach velocity and depth below crest level have important influence on the discharge over the
overflow crest. A greater approach depth with the accompanying reduction in approach velocity
results in a larger discharge coefficient. Taking all factors into consideration, the bed of approach
channel is planned at El 1321.94 m.

The selected scheme has two parts. The first part of the approach channel has 136m length of
trapezoidal earth channel. The second part has 30m length of rectangular masonry & concrete lined
channel. The approach channel provides for guide walls perpendicular to the axis of control structure.
So, the total length of the approach channel is 136 m. The width of approach channel is 20.0 m and
the top of the guide walls has been kept at El 1324.79, 0.5m above the MWL.

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5.5.2 Control Structure

Guided by the results of flood routing studies, the design parameters of spillway have been selected
corresponding to effective crest length of 20m and corresponding maximum outflow discharge of
86.91 m3/s. Ungated spillway control structure is recommended for releasing surplus water. For
reasons of eradicate negative pressure an Overflow Ogee control structure is chosen.

5.5.3 Chute Section

Chute section of spillway structure starts from the end of ogee profile and extends up to the start of
stilling basin. The layout is selected to effect economy by reducing the quantity of required
excavation. Discharge passes from the spillway control structure to the chute section in a supercritical
state. In order to avoid the formation of a hydraulic jump in between the crest and the stilling basin,
the layout of the chute section needs to be so selected that the flow remains in the supercritical stage
throughout the length of the chute part.

5.5.4 Stilling Basin

Stilling basin is the terminal structure of spillway. It is planned and designed for dissipation of energy
of flow by means of a hydraulic jump. The flow enters the stilling basin in a supercritical state. It
meets the subcritical flow in stilling basin, resulting in formation of a hydraulic jump. After
dissipation of the energy, the flow exits the stilling basin and joins the exit/outlet channel.

5.5.5 Outlet Channel

Outlet channel conveys the flow coming out of the stilling basin to the Hayyu Kenteri River. As per
design scheme of the project, the stilling basin is located 370m far from the control structure and
140m far from the river.

5.6 Hydraulic Design of the Spillway

5.6.1 Basic Considerations

Hydraulic analysis of a spillway usually involves four conditions of flow:

a. Sub critical flow in the spillway approach
b. Critical flow as the weir passes over the spillway crest
c. Supercritical flow in the chute below the crest
d. Transitional flow at or near the terminus of the chute where the flow must shift back to sub

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5.6.2 Design of the Control Structure

For reasons of eradicate negative pressure an Overflow Ogee control structure is chosen. The ogee
shape is made to conform to the profile of the lower surface of nappe of a ventilated jet
issuing from a sharp crested weir when the head over the weir is the design head. At design
head the water flowing over the crest remains in contact with the surface of the spillway. The
pressure at the spillway surface will be atmospheric for the design head.

Design Parameters
• From the hydrology report, the design flood Qd is 86.91 m3/s
• From water balance calculations to impound the required storage the normal pool level
(NPL) shall be at 1322.730 masl.
• Dam crest level is at 1326.0m after adding sufficient freeboard for all relevant

Design of approach channel

Q = CLeHe 3/2

Assuming the coefficient of discharge as 2.2 before correction and as 2.1 after correction and taking
weir crest width as 10 m and assuming He = H
86.91 = 2.1x10xH 3/2

H= [30.4/ (10*2.1)] ^2/3

H = 1.62 m

U/S water level = Crest level +H

= 1324.35

Weir height ≤ 0.5H = 0.79 m

Approach channel depth = 0.79+1.62

= 2.41 m

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Assuming a rectangular approach channel and width of 20 m

Area of channel = 2.41*20 = 48.20 m2

Thus the velocity of approach Va = 1.8 m/sec and velocity head Ha will be 0.17 m

Wetted perimeter of the channel = L + 2*d = 20+2*2.41 =24.82m

The hydraulic radius R =A/P = 1.94

Assuming the length of the approach channel to be 30 m the head loss up to the spillway crest using
Manning’s formula:

hf = n2V2L/R4/3 = 0.01 m

U/S TEL = U/S water level+ Velocity head – hf


= 1324.46masl

Hence head over the crest including velocity of approach (total head) = 1.73 m and the design head
Hd is 1.56m.

Approach channel length

From Khosla's theory, the exit gradient can be expressed by the relation as:
Exit gradient = (1/π) x √ʎ x (H /d)
Depth of d/s cut-off, d = 1.0m (assumed)
From Khosla curve for (1/π) x √ʎ, α =7.5
Approach Channel Length = α x d = 7.5*1.0m = 7.5m

Shape of the Ogee Profile

The profile of the ogee weir consists of two quadrants, the upstream and downstream quadrant. For
most conditions the shape of the ogee weir can be summarized according to the form shown in Fig. 9-
21 (USBR - Design of Small Dams, 1987), where the profile is defined as it relates to axes at the apex
of the crest. That portion upstream from the origin is defined as either a single curve and a tangent or

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as a compound circular curve. The portion downstream is defined by the equation:

y  x 
= −k   
Ho  Ho 

X and Y are coordinates of the crest profile

Ho = Design head

k and n are constants whose values depend on the upstream inclination and on the
velocity of approach.

Position of D/S apron:

In order for the apron position not to affect the coefficient of discharge the following condition must
be satisfied;

ha + d/He ≥ 1.7 or

ha +d ≥ 1.7He = 2.93 m

Therefore, the maximum apron elevation = TEL – 2.93 = 1321.52 masl; however, this level is much
higher than the river bed level to which the spilled water must finally join. Hence a discharge channel
is needed to convey the flow safely to the river.
Profile of Downstream Quadrant
The results obtained from calculating the shape of the downstream quadrant of the ogee profile are
presented in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2: Shape of Downstream Quadrant of Ogee Profile

x 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 1.976

y 0 -0.03 -0.10 -0.20 -0.34 -0.52 -1.21-0.73 -0.96

Elevation 1322.73 1322.704 1322.635 1322.529 1322.387 1322.212 1322.005 1321.765 1321.522

Profile of Upstream Quadrant

As per USBR, the upstream quadrant of the crest should conform to the quadrant of ellipse defined as
the following graphs:

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xu/s 0.282*Hd -0.4398m

yu/s 0.124*Hd -0.1934m

Therefore, U/S profile is designed b/n x = 0 and x = -0.4398m

Table 5-3: Shape of Upstream Quadrant of Ogee Profile

x 0.000 -0.030 -0.060 -0.100 -0.130 -0.160 -0.200 -0.230 -0.260 -0.300 -0.330 -0.360 -0.400 -0.4398

y 0.0000 -0.0006 -0.0023 -0.0064 -0.0109 -0.1660 -0.0261 -0.0347 -0.0446 -0.0609 -0.0776 -0.0990 -0.1378 -0.1934
Elev. 1322.73 1322.73 1322.73 1322.72 1322.72 1322.56 1322.70 1322.69 1322.68 1322.67 1322.65 1322.63 1322.59 1322.54

5.6.3 Design of chute or the discharge carrier

For the above reason a paved channel of 390.00 m is provided with a bed slope 1/15 from 0-370m
and 1/250 from 370-390m that can keep the flow in supercritical condition until the velocity is low
enough to be carried by an earthen channel. (For details please see the water surface profile
computation table below).

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Table 5-4: Water surface profile computations

Channel width 20.00 End bed level 1297.00 Beginning slope -370m 0.067 15.00 or steeper From 370m - 390m 0.004 250.0
Beginning bed level 1,321.52 Design discharge 86.91 Discharge intensity 4.35 From 390m - 440m 0.0666667 15.0
From 440 - End 0.0050 200.0
Depth Specific Bed level Hyd
S. Partial Drop in Bed Velocity Velocity Wetted Friction Average head Actual Froude
Chainage assum energy +E =TEL Area radius R 4/3
No. distance bed level level q/d head perimeter slope Sf Sf loss, hf TEL number
ed E calculated R

m m m masl m m/sec m m masl m2 m2 m m masl

0.00 1322.73
1 1.976 0.00 0.00 1321.52 0.65 6.69 2.28 2.93 1324.45 13.00 21.30 0.61 0.52 0.0036 0.000 1324.45 2.65
2 10.00 8.02 0.535 1320.99 0.65 6.69 2.28 2.93 1323.92 13.00 21.30 0.61 0.52 0.0036 0.0036 0.029 1323.94 2.65
3 20.00 10.00 0.667 1320.32 0.65 6.69 2.28 2.93 1323.25 13.00 21.30 0.61 0.52 0.0036 0.0036 0.036 1323.28 2.65
5 30.00 10.00 0.667 1319.65 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1322.64 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0038 0.038 1322.68 2.71
6 40.00 10.00 0.667 1318.99 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1321.98 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1322.02 2.71
7 50.00 10.00 0.667 1318.32 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1321.31 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1321.35 2.71
8 60.00 10.00 0.667 1317.65 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1320.64 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1320.68 2.71
9 70.00 10.00 0.667 1316.99 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1319.98 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1320.02 2.71
11 80.00 10.00 0.667 1316.32 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1319.38 12.60 21.26 0.59 0.50 0.0043 0.0041 0.041 1319.42 2.77
12 90.00 10.00 0.667 1315.65 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1318.71 12.60 21.26 0.59 0.50 0.0043 0.0043 0.043 1318.75 2.77
13 100.00 10.00 0.667 1314.99 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1318.04 12.60 21.26 0.59 0.50 0.0043 0.0043 0.043 1318.08 2.77
14 110.00 10.00 0.667 1314.32 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1317.38 12.60 21.26 0.59 0.50 0.0043 0.0043 0.043 1317.42 2.77
15 120.00 10.00 0.667 1313.65 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1316.71 13.00 21.26 0.61 0.52 0.0071 0.0057 0.057 1316.77 2.77
16 130.00 10.00 0.667 1312.99 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1316.04 13.00 21.26 0.61 0.52 0.0071 0.0071 0.071 1316.11 2.77
17 140.00 10.00 0.667 1312.32 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1315.38 13.00 21.26 0.61 0.52 0.0071 0.0071 0.071 1315.45 2.77
18 150.00 10.00 0.667 1311.65 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1314.71 13.00 21.78 0.60 0.50 0.0073 0.0072 0.072 1314.78 2.77
19 160.00 10.00 0.667 1310.99 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1314.11 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0076 0.076 1314.19 2.84
20 170.00 10.00 0.667 1310.32 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1313.44 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1313.52 2.84
21 180.00 10.00 0.667 1309.65 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1312.78 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1312.86 2.84
22 190.00 10.00 0.667 1308.99 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1312.11 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1312.19 2.84
23 200.00 10.00 0.667 1308.32 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1311.44 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1311.52 2.84
24 210.00 10.00 0.667 1307.65 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1310.78 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1310.86 2.84
25 220.00 10.00 0.667 1306.99 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1310.11 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1310.19 2.84
26 230.00 10.00 0.667 1306.32 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1309.44 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1309.52 2.84
27 240.00 10.00 0.667 1305.65 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1308.78 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1308.86 2.84
28 250.00 10.00 0.667 1304.99 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1308.18 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0083 0.083 1308.27 2.91
29 260.00 10.00 0.667 1304.32 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1307.52 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0087 0.087 1307.60 2.91
30 270.00 10.00 0.667 1303.65 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1306.85 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0087 0.087 1306.94 2.91
31 280.00 10.00 0.667 1302.99 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1306.18 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0087 0.087 1306.27 2.91
32 290.00 10.00 0.667 1302.32 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1305.52 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0087 0.087 1305.60 2.91
33 300.00 10.00 0.667 1301.65 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1304.93 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0091 0.091 1305.02 2.99
34 310.00 10.00 0.667 1300.99 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1304.26 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1304.36 2.99
35 320.00 10.00 0.667 1300.32 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1303.59 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1303.69 2.99
36 330.00 10.00 0.667 1299.65 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1302.93 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1303.02 2.99
37 340.00 10.00 0.667 1298.99 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1302.26 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1302.36 2.99
38 350.00 10.00 0.667 1298.32 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1301.59 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1301.69 2.99
39 360.00 10.00 0.667 1297.65 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1300.93 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1301.02 2.99
40 370.00 10.00 0.667 1296.99 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1300.26 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1300.36 2.99
41 380.00 10.00 0.040 1296.95 1.80 2.41 0.30 2.10 1299.04 39.24 25.09 1.56 1.82 0.0000 0.0047 0.047 1299.09 0.57
42 390.00 10.00 0.040 1296.91 2.25 1.93 0.19 2.44 1299.35 50.08 26.37 1.90 2.35 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 1299.35 0.41
43 400.00 10.00 0.667 1296.24 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1298.13 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1298.13 0.84
44 410.00 10.00 0.667 1295.57 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1297.47 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1297.47 0.84
45 420.00 10.00 0.667 1294.91 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1296.80 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1296.80 0.84
46 430.00 10.00 0.667 1294.24 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1296.13 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1296.13 0.84
47 440.00 10.00 0.667 1293.57 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1295.47 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1295.47 0.84
48 450.00 10.00 0.050 1293.52 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1295.42 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1295.42 0.84
49 460.00 10.00 0.050 1293.47 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1295.37 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1295.37 0.84
50 470.00 10.00 0.050 1293.42 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1295.32 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1295.32 0.84
51 480.00 10.00 0.050 1293.37 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1295.27 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1295.27 0.84
52 490.00 10.00 0.050 1293.32 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1295.22 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1295.22 0.84
53 500.00 10.00 0.050 1293.27 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1295.17 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1295.17 0.84
54 509.33 9.33 0.047 1293.23 1.40 3.10 0.49 1.89 1295.12 29.96 23.96 1.25 1.35 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1295.12 0.84

5.6.4 Critical slope of the chute

The design parameters for calculating the critical slope of the chute by Manning formula are:

Cross-section type: Rectangular

Design discharge: Q = 86.91 m3/s

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Bottom width: B = 20.0 m

Manning’s value n for concrete; n = 0.019 (Concrete)

The critical water depth with in the chute can be calculated by the next formula;
q = Q/L = 4.35 m3/s/m


The critical velocity will be,

Vc = q/yc = 3.49 m/s

The critical section area in the chute is,

A = b x yc = 24.88 m2
The critical wetted perimeter of the chute,
P = B + 2 yc = 22.49 m
The critical hydraulic radius;
Rc = A/P = 1.11 m
Finally, the desired critical slope is calculated using Manning’s formula.
Sc = Vc2 * n2 = 3.492 x 0.0192 = 0.004 = 0.4%
Rc4/3 (1.11)4/3

The slope of the chute should be steeper than 0.4 % in order to attain supercritical flow in the chute.
From the water surface computations, we can see that at chainage 0 +370. 00 m the velocity of flow is
7.24 m/sec and the Froude number is 2.99 which is below 4.5. This shows that there is no much
energy left that requires a special energy dissipating structure. However, a stilling basin is
recommended for length of 8 m concrete lined channel.

5.6.5 Design of Energy Dissipaters

When the water is coming from the steeper slope of the chute before reaching the earth channel which
leads it to the natural river a stilling basin is provide for a length 6*d 2 = 14 (take 15.0 m). Since the
Froude number of the pre-jump is less than 4.5, a true hydraulic jump does not fully develop. Stilling
basins that accommodate these flows are the least effective in providing satisfactory dissipation.
Hence, a concrete lined floor for a length of 6*d2 is provided.

The post jump depth (Y2) can be found:

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 1+ 8 F - 1=0.6/2[√1+8*2.99 -1]

= 2.25 m

5.6.6 Design of the Exit Channel

After the energy is dissipates through the stilling basin the water flows into an exit channel. The
design of the exit channel is carried out below.

A trapezoidal type of section of 1:1 side slope is selected in cut, for this type of channel the cross
section area is given by:
A = bd + md2
= 27.69 m2
The wetted perimeter

P = B + 2d 1 + m2 =20+2*1.3*(√1+12)

= 23.68 m and hydraulic radius R = 1.17

Then, Q = 1 A R2/3 S ½

Assuming a channel bed slope of S0 = 0.005 and n = 0.025 for earthen channel,

Solving the above equation by trial and error gives a flow depth d = 1.3m, as a result the velocity of
the flow through the channel can be found from the discharge Q = 86.94 m3/s and cross section area
A = 27.69 m2

Then, the velocity becomes,

V = Q = 3.14 m/s

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The velocity of the channel is indeed higher for earth channel. Hence, it is recommended to add a
hand placed stone riprap. The stone riprap should be both in the floor and side bank underlain by 15.0
cm sandy gravel.

Free board of the channel,

FB = 0.61 + 0.04 Vm.dm1/3
= 0.61 + 0.04 (3.14) (1.3)1/3
= 0.75 m, for 1.3m depth of channel 0.75m free board is large value hence we consider
0.3m free board.
Then, the minimum total depth of the channel is = 1.3+ 0.3 = 1.60m.

5.7 River/Stream Training Work

Because of average width of Dhamota stream channel is very small and to protect the command area
from the flood-related problems during spilling of the flood; the stream should be trained by enlarging
the channel width and depth. When analyzing the flood discharge by the tail water rating curve (see the
table and figure below) the river channel requires expanding the channel width and increasing the
channel depth. Average Slope of the stream is 1.7%.

The intended river channel section has been designed using standard Manning’s formula and proposed
as unlined, open trapezoidal section with side slope of 1H : 1V. In order to maintain the flood flow
from the d/s toe of the dam to the end of the command area, it is desirable to keep the waterway
opening at least 20m at the bottom and 23.6m at the top of the channel. Flow depth of the channel is
estimated 1.50m and 0.30m additional depth (free board) is provided to prevent overtopping of the
banks due to waves in the water surface.

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Table 5-5: Hayyu kenteri exit channel (River Train Channel) Tail Water Rating Curve
Channel bed width (m) 20.000
Channel side slope 1:1
Bed Slope, S 0.0050
Mannings Coeficient, n 0.025
Elevation Channel Wetted Hyd Discharge,
2 2/3 1/2
(masl) Depth (m) Area (m ) Perimeter, P Radius, R R S Q
1290.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1290.60 0.30 6.09 20.85 0.29 0.44 0.0707 7.58
1290.90 0.60 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.69 0.0707 24.02
1291.20 0.90 18.81 22.55 0.83 0.89 0.0707 47.15
1291.50 1.20 25.44 23.39 1.09 1.06 0.0707 76.09
1291.80 1.50 32.25 24.24 1.33 1.21 0.0707 110.33
1292.10 1.80 39.24 25.09 1.56 1.35 0.0707 149.54
1292.40 2.10 46.41 25.94 1.79 1.47 0.0707 193.46
1292.70 2.40 53.76 26.79 2.01 1.59 0.0707 241.93
1293.00 2.70 61.29 27.64 2.22 1.70 0.0707 294.81

Figure 5-1: Gogessa River Train Channel Tail Water Rating Curve

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6.1 Introduction
In the left side of the dam, a 132.0m long irrigation outlet pipe has been adopted to command the left
a side of the irrigable area. Steel conduits of diameter 0.75 m, 6.0 m long each, provided to carry the
discharge from the inlet box (intake) to downstream. The proposed irrigation outlet pipes are planned
for the maximum discharge of irrigation demand and for the livestock water supply as well. The
outlet is designed with a capacity of 810 lit/sec which can satisfy the maximum irrigation and
domestic water supply demand. The outlets u/s inlet level is placed above new zero level leaving a
provision for 50 years sedimentation.

6.2 Location

The irrigation out let is located on the left side of the river at a distance of 57.0m along the dam axis,
from the left abutment.

The out let pipe bed level elevation at the intersection point of the pipe axis with the dam axis is fixed
to be 1303.7m amsl.

The dead storage level is fixed by keeping a 50-year useful life without dragging operation. Farther
more it can command 352.8ha arable land available on the downstream of the dam in two seasons.
The gate is located at the downstream end to ease of operation.

6.3 Components of the outlet

The major components of the outlet work are; an inlet box (intake) submerged in the upstream
reservoir with trash rack over it and on the side wall as well, steel conduits of diameter 0.75 m, 6.0 m
long each, provided to carry the discharge from the inlet box to downstream, at the end of which two
butterfly valves are provided. A plunge basin is also provided at the downstream end to dissipate the
excess energy so that the main canal is safe from erosion. The basin will have two outlets where the
one is for the main canal while the remaining one is for downstream release during rainy season.

6.4 Hydraulic Design of Irrigation Outlet Pipe

Since the gate is provided at the dawn stream end of the pipes, the portion up stream of the gate is
considered to be flow regime under pressure. The irrigation outlet is designed to carry the irrigation
demand of 0.81 m3/sec.

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6.4.1 Head losses in the outlet work

The head losses considered for the design of the outlet were trash rock losses (ht), entrance losses (he),
gate or value losses (hg) friction losses (hf) and exit losses (hv). Other losses were assumed to be not
relevant to this scale of outlet.

The head ‘hL’ as measured from the reservoir surface (NPL, 1322.73 masl) to the effective position of
the hydraulic grade line at the outlet is given by;
hL= ht + he+ hg + hv +hf + V2/2g ............. (1)

Since the outlet pipe diameter is constant (i.e.0.75 m) throughout its lengths and assuming the get to
be operated fully opened the cross-sectional area of the pipe is constant. Hence the velocity is
assumed to be constant throughout the pipe length.

For a maximum discharge Q max =0.81 m3/sec. And pipe diameter D=0.75 m. the cross-sectional area
will be,
A= πD2/4 ............. (2)
= π (0.75)2
= 0.442 m2
V= Q ............. (3)
= 1.83 m/sec.

The pipe length from inlet to outlet is 120.0 m. Since each pipe length is 6 m, and a total of 20 pipes
can be taken. Each loss was computed as under.

6.4.2 Loss Computations

Friction Loss

The head loss due to friction along the conduit was computed by the Darcy-Weisbach formula
(According to USBR Small Dam, for flow in large pipes, the Darcy-Weisbach formula is most often
used to determine the energy losses from frictional resistances of the conduit) which is given by
hf = (f *L)/D (V2/2g) ............ (4)

The value of the friction factor f is determined by its relation with manning “n” by

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By simplifying the above equation, the friction factor f is given by:

f= 185n2/D1/3................. (5) Where D is in feet

The maximum and minimum value of n for a steel pipe with welded joints is 0.012 and 0.008. The
average value i.e. 0.01 is taken for design purpose.
f av = 185* (0.01)2 / (2.47)1/3 = 0.017 For the assumed pipe diameter of 0.75 m;
(i.e. 2.47ft...)
f min = 0.009
f max = 0.02

Substituting the values of f, V, L and D in equation 4 the friction loss will be

hf = f (120/0.75) (1.83)2/2*g
Similarly, hfmin= 0.24 m, hfav = 0.38 and hf max = 0.54 m

Trash Rack Loss

The trash rack loss is given by
ht = k t (V2)................... (6)

In which the average trash rock loss coefficient is given by

an  an 
K t av = 1.45 - 0.45 -  .................. (7)
a g  a g 

where, a g = The gross area of the rack and supports

= 1.5*20.0 = 30.0
an = the net area through the rack bars 27.0

Ktmax=1.45-0.45*(27/30) -(27/30)2 = 0.915

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V2 
_ ht = 0.915  
 2g 

htmax=0.915*0.17 = 0.157m

The minimum trash rack loss coefficient is taken as zero and the maximum loss value is considered
where 50 % of the trash rack area is clogged

i.e. a n = 27 & a g =30, substituting these values in equation (7)

k t avg = 0.608
Using equation (6)

havg = k t avg x * ..................(8)
2g = 0.104 m.

Entrance Loss

Entrance loss is give by:

v ......................... (9) and
he = k e
1 ............................ (10)
ke = ( 2
-1 )

In which C is coefficient of discharge, and it was assumed to be equivalent to slightly rounded

entrance. Hence the minimum, average and maximum value of C are taken to be 0.79, 0.90 and 0.92
Substituting in equation (10)

1 = 0.266
k emax = ( 2
- 1)

Similarly; average k e= 0.111 and the minimum k e = 0.087

Using equation (9) minimum, average & maximum values of he will be 0.015, 0.019 and 0.046,

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Valve losses
Since the valve is mounted at the downstream end of the conduit valve loss is considered in the
design. The valve losses are given by;

h g = Kg ( )
2g ...........................................(11)

The minimum, average and maximum valves loss coefficient kg for a butterfly valve were assumed to
be 0.10, 0.15 and 0.2 respectively hence, from equation (9)
h g min = 0.017 m.
hg avg = 0.026 m
hg max = 0.034 m.

Bend loss
Bend losses are given by hb = Kb (V2)............................... (12)
The value of the loss coefficient, Kb, for 900 bends is taken as 0.9. Therefore, hb = 0.9*v2/2g = 0.154 m
Exit loss
Exit losses are given by he = Kv (V2)............................... (13)
Since the release form pressure conduit freely discharges, the velocity head loss coefficient kv is taken
as 1.0 Therefore, hg = v2/2g = 0.172 m

Table 6-1: Summery computation of loss coefficients and head losses

Loss Considerations
S. No. Loss type & Coefficient head
symbol head loss Coefficient head Coefficient
Minimum loss
(m) average loss (m) maximum
1 Friction, hf 0.009 0.24 0.014 0.38 0.02 0.54
2 Trash rack, ht 0.235 0.040 0.608 0.104 0.915 0.157
3 Entrance loss, he 0.087 0.015 0.111 0.019 0.266 0.046
4 Value loss, hv 0.10 0.017 0.15 0.026 0.2 0.034
5 Bend loss, hb 0.9 0.154 0.9 0.024 0.9 0.154
6 Exit loss, hex 1.0 0.172 1.0 0.026 1.0 0.172
Total loss hL 0.64 0.85 1.10

According to the results of the above summary table

Heff = H - h

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Where H, is the total head i.e. the difference in head between the upstream normal water level (NPL=
1322.73) and the downstream centre line of the pipe is (1303.80) is 18.93 m.

Therefore, the net available head to cause flow in the three conditions will be

Maximum Heff = 18.93 – 0.64 = 18.29 m.

Average Heff = 18.93– 0.85 = 18.08 m.

Minimum Heff = 18.93 – 1.1 = 17.83 m.

The discharge through the out let is calculated by

Q = A 2g. H eff
..................................... (13)

Substituting the maximum and minimum net effective head in equation (13) give the average,
maximum and minimum discharges as follows;

Qav = A 2gHeff

Q av = 8.32 m3/Sec., Q max = 8.36 m3/sec and Q min = 8.26m3/sec > 0.81 m 3/sec; this is ok for reservoir
full condition, since the minimum discharging capacity of the outlet (Qmin) is much greater than the
discharge required during the peak demand, it is ok.

For low reservoir levels, the minimum net head required to get the design discharge of 0.81 m3/sec is
computed as follows:

H min = (Qd/A) 2/2g

= 0.17 m

This is too small from the max head loss. This shows that there will be short of head to get the 0.81
m3/sec discharge at very low reservoir level if we fix maximum main canal beginning bed level at
elevation 1302.70m amsl. In other words, there must be a minimum of 0.22 m and a maximum of

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0.41 m head above the outlet level to get the maximum discharge. This situation will be a problem if
the lowest reservoir level and the maximum irrigation demand occur simultaneously. But the
proposed maximum main canal beginning bed level is 1302.0m amsl this is lower than the calculated
maximum main canal bed level hence the design head is safe and there will not be expected head

6.4.3 Conduit /Pipe Leakage prevention

It has been empirically proven that the dam body compaction around circular pipe has always been
less than the required density & as a result leakage is likely to happen. One of the techniques to be
applied is the use of Filter material along Pipe which easily pass the seepage.

6.5 Terminal structures

Plunge basins type terminal structure were chosen to dissipate energy as flow issue from a
downstream control value and the jet discharges in to the air and plunges down wards in to a pool
of water.

According to USBR recommendation the total basin depth was made about one-fifth (1/5) of the
difference in elevation between maximum reservoir water surface and maximum tail water levels.

That is d = (1324.29 – 1303.8)/5

=4.10 m

But this value seems uneconomical for such a maximum discharge of 8.36 m3/sec; therefore,
about 50% of it is adapted, i.e. 2.05 m. The basin length will be 5 times of the actual basin depth,
i.e. 10.1m. Therefore, the bottom width of the plunge basin can be made 2D i.e. 1.50 m.

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7.1 Dam Control Instrumentation

For the systematic control of the performance of the dam, both during construction and operation, the
following instrumentation has been investigated and measurements of the types stated below will be
taken as outlined in detail in the operation and maintenance manual.

7.2 Measurement of Vertical and Horizontal Displacements

Monuments will be used for the measurement of vertical and horizontal displacements. Theses
monuments will be located at selected points on the dam crest.

The vertical and horizontal displacements of the dam shall be periodically controlled by the help of
surveying instruments which have preferably high degree of accuracy.

The vertical and horizontal spacing of the monuments will be according to the following coordinates
(see Layout Map). Permanent bench marks located outside the influence of the dam and reservoir will
serve as the main reference points from which all surveying works for the control of vertical and
horizontal displacements commence.

7.3 Measurements of Pore Water Pressure

For the measurements of pore water pressure open stand pipe piezometers are recommended due to
economical and practical aspects. The location of the pipes should be in such points where pore water
pressure is assumed to be critical. The arrangements of the piezometers are shown in Layout Map.

7.4 Measurements of Rainfall

Non recording rain gauge has to be installed at the Dam site for the measurements of daily rainfall. In
order to obtain continuous data, it is advisable to install self –recording rain gauge.

7.5 Measurement of Reservoir Water Level

The Reservoir Water Levels will be measured by means of staff gauges installed on the walls of the
intake tower and on the banks of the reservoir where observation and maintenance could be useful in
observing the flood magnitude.

7.6 Measurement of Reservoir Sedimentation

Reservoir sedimentation can be measured using sounding line capable of measuring the depth of water
in the reservoir, so as to be able to obtain the elevation reached by the sediment deposition. Sampling of
the water turbidity in the reservoir shall be carried out by conventional hydrometric methods.

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7.7 Water Demand and Regulation

The quantity of water to be released into the irrigations water supply system can be measured by
installing water meters (V-notch weirs). Downstream release could also be measured by the same
device. For future information conventional reservoir operation planning is included in the operation
and maintenance manual.

7.8 Surveillance of the Dam

In the regular operation of reservoir constant surveillance of the dam must be carried out using
appropriate personnel, necessary equipment and facilities. The Surveillance of the dam shall be ensured
by a responsible technician who will be in charge of the supervision crew. The crew consist of crew
leader (qualified technician), assistant technicians, skilled laborers, guard officer and assistants.

The technician, the guard officer, and their assistants, if any shall reside in the immediate vicinity of the
dam, in a well-furnished living quarter and nearby office rooms. The office should have telephone and
radio communication facility or either of them to be in close contact with local and regional office
which would be responsible for operation and maintenance works of the dam.

The regional/zonal office shall appoint an engineer or an assistant engineer in charge of the operation,
inspection and maintenance of the dam. He will probably reside in the zonal capital, but shall make
regular inspection of the dam according to defined scheduled of inspection and when the need each

The inspection by the engineer or assistant engineer shall be at least four times a year during the regular
operation of the reservoir. Inspection should be scheduled during period of high and low water to
observe conditions peculiar to each period.

Special inspection should be scheduled when there is reason to believe that significant damage has
occurred or may develop, such as after any unusual occurrence, like earth quakes, sustained periods of
heavy rains, heavy flood events etc.

During the initial filling of the reservoir inspection shall be conducted daily or in day time so that
utmost information could be acquired.

Roads and pathways which are in good condition shall be ensured between the living quarter office
rooms and different parts of the dam, such as intake tower, crest of the dam, downstream berms,
spillway, outlet part of conduit.

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8.1 Irrigation System Layout

8.1.1 Topography
In order to prepare a realistic system layout it would be inevitable to scrutinize the local
topographic condition of the area. For this purpose and as part of the present feasibility study,
detailed topographic survey was done. Topographic data was used to extract the topography of
the irrigable area. This was augmented by field level surveys alone.

8.1.2 Project Layout

The irrigation system layout for the project was made based on the 1:10,000 scale topographic
maps (with 1m contour interval) of the area prepared by the assigned crew team for this project.

The layout of irrigation canals, furrows are made to run more or less parallel to contours and
field canals are aligned perpendicular to contour lines, subsequent higher level canals were made
to run perpendicular and/or near perpendicular to lower level canals that they discharge into.

The alignment procedure used for drainage canals is such that the positioning of higher-level
drainage channels would more or less be along depressions. Accordingly, field ditches are placed
at the foot of furrows and are aligned down the contour lines. Similarly, tertiary and secondary
drains are made to run perpendicular to field ditches and to each other.

8.1.3 System Nomenclature


The multitude irrigation and drainage canals including their hydraulic structures in the present
irrigation system will call for proper designation and naming of each canal and drain their
accompanying structures in a systematic way. Ultimately every drawing will be prepared in
relation to the designation and naming of each canal and drain their accompanying structures.
For this purpose it will be inevitable to designate and name every canal and drain in the irrigation
system in a systematic and standard manner.

Irrigation Canals

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Main Canal: The main canal is abbreviated as "R and L" which stands for right and Left of the
river respectively in association with the letter MC which is the index of the main canal. Thus the
main canal is designated as” LMC and RMC”.

Secondary Canals: Secondary canals are given the name of the area the canal conveys water
to suffix by the main canal number it takes off from hyphenated by sequential numbers
designating the number of the secondary canal. Thus the first secondary canal in the system
taking off from the main canal is designated as “LSC-1-1”.

Tertiary Canals:- Tertiary canals are given the name of the area the canal conveys water and
suffixed by the main canal and secondary canal number it takes off from hyphenated by
sequential numbers indicating the secondary canal it takes-off from hyphenated by sequential
numbers to indicate the number of the tertiary canal. Thus the first tertiary canal taking off from
the first secondary canal that takes off from the main canal is designated as .LTC-1-1-1.

Filed Canals: Field:-canals are named by an abbreviated field canal name "FC" and suffixed by a
sequence number which indicates the main canal unit they are in followed by the secondary and
tertiary canal number that it takes off and the farm plot number. Thus the first filed canal
supplying water to the first farm plot in the first tertiary, secondary and main canal is designated
as LFC-1-1-1-1.

Drainage Canals

Collector Drain:- The collector drain is given the name of the area in to which all drains
evacuate to prefixed by the letter "G" to indicate that it is a drain followed by the letters "CD" to
indicated the irrigation area Hayu Kenteri and that it is a collector drain. Thus LCD indicates
the collector drain located left side of the river.

Tertiary Drain:- Tertiary drains are given the name of the secondary drain they dewaters in to
from followed by sequence number to indicate the number of the tertiary Thus , LTD-1-1-1
indicates the first tertiary drain that dewaters in to the first collector drain that again outfalls in to
the first natural drain in Hayu Kenteri area.

Field Drains:-Field drains are named by an abbreviated field name which is "FD" "and the farm
number from which they dewater. Thus LFD-1-1-1 designates the field drain which drains the
first farm field that drains in to tertiary drain number one in the first secondary unit.

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8.1.4 System Description


Based on the geographic setting of the irrigable area with respect to the Hayu Kenteri Project, the
command area for this Project is divided into in to two main canal, five secondary canal and
thirty five tertiary canals. The left Main canals comprise a total of 245.8ha land while the right
Main Canals comprises a total of 107ha.

Irrigation Sub-System.

Secondary Command Units:-The entire command area at Hayu Kenteri Irrigation Projects
supplied with irrigation water by a main conveyor canal designated as LMC and RMC and starts
at the Intake of Projects. The main canal is designed for 24 hrs contentious supply.

Based on the geographic setting of the command area, is divided into five secondary command
units, 33 territory command units and 56 field command units. Each of the secondary canals and
field canals will take off from the main canal to convey water to subsequent tertiary canals and
command area.

Tertiary Command Units;-To facilitate a systematic classification for design and management
purposes each secondary command unit is sub divided into tertiary command units. Each tertiary
command unit will be a self-contained irrigation sub-system within the secondary command unit
it is found in. Based on social aspects, topography, occurrence of natural drains and size of
irrigable area one secondary command units and field command units are defined.

Unless situation dictates, each of the secondary command units will be supplied with irrigation
water via one secondary canal, which takes off from main canal. As a result the designation of
the secondary command units will be similar to the secondary canal they are supplied from.

Further, each secondary system is sub-divided into tertiary units as the case may be. Based on the
above approach within the one secondary units, there are 2 tertiary command units are defied.

Drainage Sub-System

Drainage System;-Drainage system protects the Irrigation system such as secondary, tertiary,
field canals, and irrigation land from damage, which would result from uncontrolled excess flow
of irrigation water and surface runoff caused due to rainfall. Rainwater and excess irrigation

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water must be controlled to prevent erosion and damage of the irrigation system and the land.
Rainwater and excess irrigation water should be removed safely from the irrigation land by
different drainage systems. Lastly, the collected drainage water should enter the natural drainage

To evacuate excess irrigation water and rainfall runoff a network of drainage channels are
provided. At field and tertiary level, the designation, arrangement and layout of the present
drainage system more or less follows the designation, arrangement and layout of the irrigation
system. As each secondary command unit is a self-contained system, the higher level drainage
canal that exists in the system in this project is collector drain. In addition, the system comprises
tertiary drain and field drains. Based on the above argument the drainage system is divided in to
13 collector drain units, 37 tertiary drainage units and 175 field drainage units.

8.1.5 Road/Access Sub-System

Road System

The present irrigation area is provided with a network of road systems. While the main road
which runs parallel to the main canal and serves as a major artery to connect the project area with
the nearest Road. In this study the various types of roads within the project areas is dealt with.

The following types of roads are defined for the present system:

Secondary Roads

Secondary roads will run parallel to secondary irrigation canals and will connect tertiary Roads
with the main road. Connecting roads will have 4m(2m c/c) width and 0.4m thickness.

Main Road:

Main roads run alongside the main canal and are meant to link the connecting roads with the
nearest national highway around 8m width. While their entire width is formed from compacted
earth fill sub-base, 4m of their width will be surfaced with road base material (gravel).

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8.2.1 Irrigation Design Duties

The duties for design canals are based on peak crop water demand, cropping pattern, crop
intensities and canal efficiencies. The design duty for 24hrs from agronomy report 1.14/s/ha. The
design duties of all canals are calculated in the table below for 12- and 24-hour period.

Table 8.1 Irrigation Duties Calculations

Hayu Kenteri Dry season Duty

Ma Ap Ma Ju Ju Au Se
Precipitation deficit Jan Feb Oct Nov Dec
r r y n l g p

148. 21. 166.

43.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85.4
1. Maize 5 8 8
54.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 148
2. Onion 9
138. 57. 150.
154 14.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 95.9
3. Tomato 6 5 9
139. 57. 142.
55.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95.1
4. Pepper 8 5 6
148. 47. 102. 161.
72.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Potato 9 2 7 5
Net scheme Irr.req.
in mm/day 4 2.2 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.7 3.4 5
125. 51. 101. 153.
62.6 3.6 0 0 0 0 0 0
in mm/month 2 4 2 7
0.47 0.26 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.39 0.57
in l/s/ha 9
Irrigated area (% of total
100 75 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100
Irr.req. for actual area 0.1
0.47 0.34 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.39 0.57
(l/s/ha) 9
Project Efficiency 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Project Duty (l/s/ha) for 24 0.3
0.94 0.68 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.78 1.14
hrs 8
Project Duty (l/s/ha) for 12 0.7
1.88 1.36 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.56 2.28
hrs 6

The derivation of canal and off take duties below is based on the assumption that within small
holding sectors that the crop rotations are distributed equally within a sector, and equally within
an irrigation block. This assumption forms the basis for determination of the cumulative peak
irrigation demand and therefore peak duties for canal design.

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8.2.2 Analysis of Demand of Project Water

Demand of project water in general need to determine the amount of water required for
irrigation, drinking water, livestock and domestics and losses. Based on the monthly potential
evapotranspiration determined in Hydrology and estimated monthly crop water requirement in
Agronomy part we need to compute monthly water balance in consideration of the above
consumption rates.

Domestic and livestock water requirements can be estimated using the expression:

Vd=N*q*t ……………………………………………………...…………… (1)

Where, Vd = Volume of water required for domestic purposes (liters or m3)

N= Number of people and livestock (Number)

q = Daily water consumption (lpcd)

t = Number of days for water consumption (days)

Usually, twenty percent of the above estimated water demand is considered as various losses,

Total water demand = Total Irrigation req’t + Total domestic water req’t + 20% for loss ….. (2)

To estimate projected population after base year, Po:

( )
P n = P0 1 +
r n
………………………………………………………. (3)

Where, P0 = Initial or base year population (Nr)

Pn= Projected population after n decades (Nr)

r = Growth rate (%)

n=Number of years

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8.2.3 Irrigation System Design General
The design of irrigation canals is mainly concerned with the adoption of proper canal geometry
to accommodate the design discharge within the specified limits and at the same time to allow
gravitational flow of irrigation water to farm fields. This situation will call the close scrutiny of
the farm fields which are to be irrigated as the level of the farm field is the major parameter that
would influence the relative vertical positioning of irrigation canals in the system.

Prior to the design of the longitudinal profile of irrigation canals it would be necessary to define
the design flow in each irrigation canal and to proportion the geometric parameters of the canal
in such a way that it is capable to carry the design flow within acceptable tolerances.

In design of irrigation canals, Plan and Profile Sheets for Excel Calculation is provides the
drawing sheet of strip topo map along with respective profile, for instance

✓ Discharge design of command area

✓ Hydraulic design
✓ Design of profile.
✓ Structural design for: .culvert , Drops, Division box, Off take & Outfall for drainage

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Figure 8.1 Hayyu kenteri System layout Canal Geometry Design

To proportion the geometric dimensions of all irrigation canals Manning method is employed. To
solve the resulting equation in terms of the canal bed width and depth of flow, a bed width depth
of flow ratio (b:d) of 1:0 to 1:5 is used.

Q = 1/n [R2/3 S1/2]*A

Where; Q= discharge (m3/s)

n= Manning’s Roughness coefficient

R= Hydraulic radius

S= Bed slope

A= Area (m2)

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021 Manning’s Roughness Coefficient

The roughness coefficient recommended by USBR design standard No. 3 is used to derive the
roughness coefficients to be used in the present project. USBR recommends a value of n of 0.025
for earthen canals.

Table 8.2. Recommended value of roughness coefficient for Lined & unlined canals.
Canal Lining Standard “n”
Main Lined 0.014
Secondary Lined 0.014
Tertiary Unlined 0.025 Permissible Velocity

The limiting velocity (no erodible velocity) in canals is recommended and is shown in table

Table 8.3 recommended permissible velocity value per discharge of the canals
Discharge (m3/s) Velocity (m/s)
0-0.15 0.25-0.30
0.15-0.3 0.30-0.35
0.4-0.50 0.40-0.45

Note: For heavy clay earth canals, the velocity may be increased up to a maximum of 200%

Hayu Kenteri required discharge (0.28m3/s) is fall b/n 0.15-0.3m3/s Canal geometric design and Flow Profile Computation for Irrigation
Main Canal

The main canal is off-taking directly from the intake and aligned at both left and right side of the
project and irrigating 352.8 net hectares by in taking from the project 0.28m3/s for 24 hour
continuous flow. According to geological report, the main canal is lined with masonry at the side
and concrete at the base, starting from Intake up to end. The total length of the both main canal is
about 1.932km. They are crossed natural drainage at different places and have 5 off taking canals
at different location. The canal geometric design results for irrigation canals including related
hydraulic parameters such as design discharge, flow depth, velocity etc. are given in the standard
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longitudinal profile drawings of canal. Table below gives flow capacities and canal geometric

Table 4 Flow Capacity and geometry parameter for main canal

Secondary Canals

Generally, secondary canals will flow for 24hr/day and flow will be distributed down each
tertiary canal in proportion to the area they irrigate. Secondary canals run down the natural slope.
There are five secondary canals are designed for Hayu Kenteri Medium scale irrigation project.
All secondary canals are lined canals aligned across the contours. The canal geometric design
results for irrigation canals including related hydraulic particulars such as design discharge, flow
depth, velocity etc. are given in the standard longitudinal profile drawings of each irrigation
canal. Table below gives flow capacities and canal geometric parameters for sample secondary

Table 8.4 Flow capacity and Geometric Parameter for Secondary canal
Feeder d B B Watted Wetted Hydr n S Velocity FB Qcal Qact
canal m M m Area,A
m2 Perimeter,
m Rad,
m m/m m m/s m3/s m3/s
LSC-1 0.14 0.08 0.36 0.04 0.29 0.14 0.01 0.02 2.10 0.08 0.07

Reach1 0.13 0.08 0.34 0.03 0.27 0.13 0.01 0.02 2.00 0.07 0.06

Reach2 0.12 0.07 0.31 0.03 0.25 0.12 0.01 0.02 1.91 0.06 0.05

Reach3 0.10 0.06 0.27 0.02 0.22 0.10 0.01 0.02 1.74 0.04 0.04

Reach4 0.06 0.04 0.17 0.01 0.13 0.06 0.01 0.02 1.88 0.02 0.01

Reach5 0.04 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.01 0.02 1.30 0.00 0.00

LSC-2 0.17 0.10 0.44 0.06 0.36 0.17 0.01 0.03 2.12 0.13 0.11

Reach1 0.17 0.10 0.44 0.06 0.35 0.17 0.01 0.03 2.11 0.13 0.10

Reach2 0.16 0.10 0.42 0.06 0.34 0.16 0.01 0.03 2.06 0.11 0.10

Reach3 0.16 0.10 0.41 0.05 0.33 0.16 0.01 0.03 2.01 0.10 0.09

Reach4 0.15 0.09 0.39 0.05 0.32 0.15 0.01 0.03 1.95 0.09 0.08

Reach5 0.14 0.09 0.37 0.04 0.30 0.14 0.01 0.03 1.87 0.08 0.07

Reach6 0.11 0.07 0.29 0.03 0.24 0.11 0.01 0.03 2.24 0.06 0.05

Reach7 0.08 0.05 0.22 0.02 0.18 0.08 0.01 0.03 1.85 0.03 0.03

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Reach8 0.05 0.03 0.14 0.01 0.11 0.05 0.01 0.03 1.34 0.01 0.01

LSC-3 0.17 0.11 0.45 0.06 0.36 0.17 0.01 0.03 1.95 0.12 0.11

Reach1 0.16 0.10 0.43 0.06 0.35 0.16 0.01 0.03 1.89 0.11 0.10

Reach2 0.16 0.10 0.41 0.05 0.33 0.16 0.01 0.03 1.84 0.10 0.09

Reach3 0.14 0.09 0.36 0.04 0.29 0.14 0.01 0.03 1.70 0.07 0.07

Reach4 0.10 0.06 0.26 0.02 0.21 0.10 0.01 0.03 2.27 0.05 0.04

Reach5 0.08 0.05 0.21 0.01 0.17 0.08 0.01 0.03 1.95 0.03 0.02
RSC-1-1 0.14 0.08 0.35 0.04 0.29 0.14 0.01 0.02 2.48 0.10 0.07
RTC-1-1-1 0.13 0.08 0.34 0.04 0.28 0.13 0.01 0.02 2.43 0.09 0.06
RTC-1-1-2 0.12 0.08 0.32 0.03 0.26 0.12 0.01 0.02 2.34 0.08 0.06
RTC-1-1-3 0.11 0.07 0.30 0.03 0.24 0.11 0.01 0.02 2.22 0.06 0.05
RTC-1-1-4 0.10 0.06 0.27 0.02 0.22 0.10 0.01 0.02 2.07 0.05 0.04
RTC-1-1-5 0.08 0.05 0.22 0.01 0.18 0.08 0.01 0.02 1.81 0.03 0.03
RSC-1-2 0.12 0.08 0.32 0.03 0.26 0.12 0.01 0.03 2.14 0.07 0.06
RTC-1-2-1 0.11 0.07 0.29 0.03 0.24 0.11 0.01 0.03 2.01 0.05 0.05
RTC-1-2-2 0.10 0.06 0.26 0.02 0.21 0.10 0.01 0.03 1.88 0.04 0.04
RTC-1-2-3 0.08 0.07 0.24 0.02 0.19 0.08 0.01 0.03 1.64 0.03 0.03
RTC-1-2-4 0.06 0.04 0.16 0.01 0.13 0.06 0.01 0.03 1.33 0.01 0.01

Flow Regime

Secondary canals comparatively run down steep slopes or along the ridge and in most cases the
flow regime in secondary canals is supercritical. To avoid the prevalence of super-critical flow
in secondary canals it was inevitable to provide drop structures where conditions permit.

Tertiary Canals

Tertiary canals will also flow for 12hr/day and flow will be distributed down each off-
taking field canals in proportion to the area they irrigate. The command area of each
tertiary canal is in the order of blocked hectares, on average and discharging capacity is
also depending on the area of the block. The canals are earthen open channels, which are
generally laid along the contours. The canal geometric design results for irrigation canals
including related hydraulic particulars such as design discharge, flow depth, velocity etc.
are given in the standard longitudinal profile drawings of each irrigation canal. Table
below gives flow capacities and canal geometric parameters for representative canals.

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Table 8.5 flow Capacity and Geometric parameter of Tertiary canal

Wetted Hydr
Feeder D b B Perimeter, Rad, n S Velocity FB Qcal Qact
canal P R
M m m m2 m m m/m m m/s m3/s m3/s
LTC-1-1-1 0.06 0.04 0.15 0.02 0.12 0.16 0.02 0.0050 1.39 1.50 0.03 0.01
LTC-1-1-2 0.05 0.03 0.14 0.02 0.11 0.13 0.02 0.0050 1.23 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-1-3 0.10 0.04 0.24 0.02 0.19 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.02 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-1-4 0.10 0.20 0.39 0.03 0.34 0.10 0.02 0.0050 0.99 1.50 0.03 0.03
LTC-1-1-5 0.10 0.04 0.24 0.02 0.19 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.02 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-1-6 0.04 0.03 0.11 0.01 0.09 0.11 0.02 0.0050 1.10 1.50 0.01 0.00
LTC-1-2-1 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.01 0.06 0.16 0.02 0.0050 1.37 1.50 0.01 0.00
LTC-1-2-2 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.02 0.25 0.08 0.02 0.0050 0.88 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-2-3 0.05 0.03 0.13 0.02 0.11 0.19 0.02 0.0050 1.55 1.50 0.03 0.01
LTC-1-2-4 0.05 0.03 0.13 0.02 0.10 0.19 0.02 0.0050 1.57 1.50 0.03 0.01
LTC-1-2-5 0.10 0.04 0.24 0.02 0.19 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.02 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-2-6 0.10 0.20 0.39 0.03 0.35 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.00 1.50 0.03 0.03
LTC-1-2-7 0.10 0.20 0.39 0.03 0.35 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.00 1.50 0.03 0.02
LTC-1-2-8 0.10 0.05 0.24 0.02 0.19 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.00 1.50 0.02 0.02
LTC-1-2-9 0.10 0.04 0.23 0.02 0.18 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.00 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-3-1 0.10 0.04 0.23 0.02 0.18 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.00 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-3-2 0.10 0.03 0.23 0.02 0.18 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.00 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-3-3 0.10 0.20 0.39 0.03 0.35 0.10 0.02 0.0050 1.00 1.50 0.03 0.02
LTC-1-3-4 0.11 0.20 0.42 0.04 0.37 0.11 0.02 0.0050 1.10 1.50 0.05 0.03
LTC-1-3-5 0.07 0.20 0.34 0.02 0.30 0.07 0.02 0.0050 0.80 1.50 0.02 0.01
LTC-1-3-6 0.06 0.20 0.32 0.02 0.29 0.06 0.02 0.0050 0.71 1.50 0.01 0.01
LTC-1-3-7 0.07 0.20 0.34 0.02 0.31 0.07 0.02 0.0050 0.81 1.50 0.02 0.01
RTC-1-1-1 0.04 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.05 1.41 1.50 0.00 0.00
RTC-1-1-2 0.05 0.03 0.13 0.01 0.11 0.05 0.02 0.05 1.70 1.50 0.01 0.01
RTC-1-1-3 0.06 0.03 0.14 0.01 0.12 0.06 0.02 0.05 1.80 1.50 0.01 0.01
RTC-1-1-4 0.06 0.04 0.15 0.01 0.12 0.06 0.02 0.05 1.85 1.50 0.01 0.01
RTC-1-1-5 0.07 0.04 0.18 0.01 0.14 0.07 0.02 0.05 1.69 1.50 0.02 0.01
RTC-1-1-6 0.10 0.06 0.25 0.02 0.21 0.10 0.02 0.05 1.97 1.50 0.04 0.03
RTC-1-2-1 0.06 0.04 0.15 0.01 0.12 0.06 0.02 0.05 1.88 1.50 0.01 0.01
RTC-1-2-2 0.05 0.03 0.14 0.01 0.12 0.05 0.02 0.05 1.79 1.50 0.01 0.01
RTC-1-2-3 0.07 0.04 0.17 0.01 0.14 0.07 0.02 0.05 1.54 1.50 0.01 0.01
RTC-1-2-4 0.07 0.04 0.17 0.01 0.14 0.07 0.02 0.05 1.51 1.50 0.01 0.01
RTC-1-2-5 0.07 0.04 0.18 0.01 0.15 0.07 0.02 0.05 1.58 1.50 0.02 0.01

Flow Regimes

As tertiary canals are aligned nearly along contours in most cases the flow regime in tertiary
canals will be sub-critical and therefore the number of drops are decreased.

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021 Field Canals

The command area of tertiary canal will be divided in to sub blocks/fields depend on the
topography. The maximum length of field canals are 200 m and the maximum furrow length is
about 100m.The field channels which are earthen open channels will takeoff water from tertiary
canal(incase main canal). The alignment of the field canals are across the contour on the ridge so
that it can supply furrows on both sides.


8.3.1 General

The selection and design of irrigation infrastructures is primarily dictated by various factors
among which are economy, safety and ease of operation and maintenance. By and large the
following factors were considered to select the required structure in the present system:

✓ Operation and maintenance of the structures should be simple

✓ Experience obtained from on-going similar construction work in the area was considered

✓ The structures were evaluated from safety perspectives, such that the system be safe from
unforeseen damages

✓ Availability of construction material in the vicinity of the project site was considered

8.3.2 Types of Irrigation Infrastructures

The type and nature of irrigation infrastructures that are adopted in the present system are varied.
In general the irrigation infrastructures that are found in the present system are off takes,
Division Box, Drops, culverts, flume and CD structure

Table 8.6 Summary of available Canal Structures

1 LMC 1 0 3 2
8 RMC 2 1 2 2

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

2 LSC 12 3 21 5
9 RSC 10 1 11 3
5 LTC 15
6 RTC 8
MC TOTAL 3 1 5 4
SC TOTAL 22 4 32 0
TC TOTAL 23 0 0 8
Total 48 5 37 8 4 Off take Structures

The offtake structures are made simple pipe off takes with a suppressed rectangular inlet part
followed by a rectangular bay at the pipe inlet and a masonry guide walls at the pipe outlet. All
pipes are circular reinforced concrete pipes with standard dimensions. At the upstream end gates
are provide to control the flow. All the dimensions are shown on typical drawing and Table
below shows the hydraulic design. See detail table of dimension and quantity on excels sheet.

Table 8.7 Canal Offtake Hydraulic Design

Parent ke Qcal in Crosectio Pipeintake
PC . Canal Chaina Offtake Offtake Qd(m3/ Coeff. Headloss Selected
canal canal flow nal Area Diameter.(
Name N Name ge(m) CBL FSL s) Q Cd (m) Pipe Dia
FSL dept offtake (A) D)
1. 1301.8 1301.36
LMC LSC-1 249.00 1301.23 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.60 0.50 0.22 0.225
0 7 575
1301.0 1300.54 1300.71
LMC 2 LSC-2 618.00 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.60 0.32 0.31 0.35
3 125 125
3. 1300.9 1300.40 1300.57
LMC LSC-3 873.00 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.60 0.32 0.31 0.35
0 0 95 95
4. 1298.9 1298.50 1298.64
RMC RSC-1 234 0.14 0.07 0.07 0.02 1.60 0.29 0.15 0.2
0 305 05 05
5. 1298.1 1297.81 1297.93
RMC RSC-2 1059 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.01 2.60 0.25 0.12 0.15
0 893 93 93
1. 1301.0
LTC-1-1-1 0-9.5 1300.84 1300.90 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.60 0.15 0.29 0.3
0 5
02. 9.5- 1293.6
LTC-1-1-2 1293.40 1293.46 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.60 0.15 0.11 0.15
0 163.5 1
03. 163.5- 1283.7
LTC-1-1-3 1283.45 1283.55 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.60 0.15 0.10 0.1
0 363.5 0
LSC-1 04. 363.5- 1274.0
LTC-1-1-4 1273.78 1273.87 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.00 1.60 0.15 0.08 0.1
0 571.5 2
05. 571.5- 1265.8
LTC-1-1-5 1265.60 1265.70 0.10 0.03 0.03 0.01 2.60 0.15 0.08 0.1
0 747.5 5
06. 747.5- 1259.1
LTC-1-1-6 1258.95 1259.00 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.00 3.60 0.15 0.05 0.1
0 959.5 5
07. 1300.7
LTC-1-2-1 0-9 1300.53 1300.56 0.03 0.11 0.11 0.01 4.60 0.15 0.13 0.15
0 1
LSC-1- 08. 1295.7
LTC-1-2-2 9-109.4 1295.51 1295.61 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
2 0 6
09. 109.4- 1287.1
LTC-1-2-3 1286.97 1287.02 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.00 6.60 0.15 0.03 0.1
0 379.4 7

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

PC S Canal Chaina Parent Offtake Offtake Offta Qd(m3/ Qcal in Crosectio Coeff. Headloss Pipeintake Selected
Name . Name ge(m) canal CBL FSL ke s) flow nal Area Q Cd (m) Diameter.( Pipe Dia
1N 379.46 FSL
1277.4 canal offtake (A) D)
o. LTC-1-2-4 1277.25 1277.30 0.05
dept 0.01 0.01 0.00 7.60 0.15 0.03 0.1
0. 99.8 5
10 699.8- 1270.0 h
01. LTC-1-2-5 1269.83 1269.93 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.00 8.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
916.1 8
10 916.1- 1264.4
02. LTC-1-2-6 1264.18 1264.27 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.00 9.60 0.15 0.03 0.1
1166.8 2
10 1166.8- 1258.2
03. LTC-1-2-7 1258.01 1258.11 0.10 0.03 0.03 0.00 10.60 0.15 0.04 0.1
1- 6
10 1437.8
1437.8- 1255.9
04. LTC-1-2-8 1255.68 1255.78 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.00 11.60 0.15 0.04 0.1
1626.1 3
10 1626.1- 1253.1
05. LTC-1-2-9 1252.89 1252.99 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.00 12.60 0.15 0.03 0.1
1883.1 4
10 1300.5
06. LTC-1-3-1 0-2.5 1300.26 1300.35 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.00 13.60 0.15 0.08 0.1
10 2.5- 1298.8
07. LTC-1-3-2 1298.60 1298.69 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.00 14.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
69.4 4
10 69.4- 1291.1
0 LTC-1-3-3 1290.95 1291.04 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.00 15.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
8. 275.4 9
LSC-1- 01 275.4- 1282.4
0 LTC-1-3-4 1282.14 1282.25 0.11 0.02 0.02 0.00 16.60 0.15 0.03 0.1
3 9. 526 0
20 526- 1272.3
0 LTC-1-3-5 1272.14 1272.21 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.00 17.60 0.15 0.04 0.1
0. 825.7 6
02 825.7- 1267.3
0 LTC-1-3-6 1267.16 1267.21 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.00 18.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
1. 1024.7 6
02 1024.7- 1256.9
0 LTC-1-3-7 1256.80 1256.84 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.00 19.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
2. 1338.9 9
02 RTC-1-2- 1298.4
0 0-8.5 1298.21 1298.25 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.60 0.15 0.01 0.1
9. 1 0
03 RTC-1-2- 8.5- 1290.3
0 1290.17 1290.22 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.00 21.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
0. 2 213.2 7
03 RTC-1-2- 213.2- 1279.7
0 1279.54 1279.60 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.00 22.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
RSC-1- 1. 3 513.2 5
1 03 RTC-1-2- 513.2- 1268.2
0 1268.02 1268.08 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.00 23.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
2. 4 753.2 3
03 RTC-1-2- 753.2- 1259.0
0 1258.81 1258.88 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.00 24.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
3. 5 1093.2 3
03 RTC-1-2- 1093.2- 1251.3
0 1251.14 1251.24 0.10 0.03 0.03 0.00 25.60 0.15 0.03 0.1
4. 6 1376 9
03 RTC-1-2- 1297.9
0 0-8.4 1297.72 1297.78 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.00 26.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
7. 1 3
03 RTC-1-2- 8.4- 1295.3
0 1295.13 1295.18 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.00 27.60 0.15 0.01 0.1
8. 2 98.8 3
RSC-1- 03 RTC-1-2- 98.8- 1293.0
0 1292.86 1292.93 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.00 28.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
2 9. 3 338.8 8
04 RTC-1-2- 338.8- 1286.2
0 1286.04 1286.11 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.00 29.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
0. 4 638.8 6
04 RTC-1-2- 638.8- 1283.4
0 1283.24 1283.31 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.00 30.60 0.15 0.02 0.1
1. 5 918.8 6
0 Drop Structures 0

The economical drop size is designed on Hayu Kenteri Medium scale irrigation project. Since
secondary canals are aligned across the contour, the numbers of drops are increased. Typical
drawing is prepared with table of dimensions. Table below shows the hydraulic design of all

Table 8.8 Canal Drops Hydraulic Design and Table of Dimension

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021


Drop L. of sill L1(U/S L2(D/S
Canal chainag Q(m3/sec. B(can d(Flow
height D(m) stilling B(m) height(m protectio protection
Name e ) al) )
(m) basin(m) ) n) )
LMC-1 268.50 0.50 0.210 0.30 0.20 0.3 1.20 0.90 0.10 1.50 1.50
RMC-1 40.00 1.00 0.280 0.30 0.20 0.3 1.70 1.00 0.20 1.50 1.50
RMC-1 100.00 1.00 0.005 0.30 0.20 0.3 1.70 0.20 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-1 10.00 2.50 0.070 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.30 0.50 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-1 164.00 3.50 0.061 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.70 0.50 0.30 1.50 1.50
LSC-1 384.00 3.00 0.053 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.50 0.50 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-1 592.00 2.50 0.040 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.30 0.40 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-2 9.00 2.50 0.015 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.30 0.30 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-2 129.00 2.50 0.070 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.30 0.50 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-2 379.00 2.50 0.061 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.30 0.50 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-2 720.00 2.50 0.053 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.30 0.50 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-3 69.00 2.50 0.040 0.30 0.20 0.3 2.30 0.40 0.20 1.50 1.50
LSC-3 275.00 2.50 0.015 0.39 0.24 0.3 3.30 0.30 0.30 1.50 1.50
LSC-3 566.00 2.50 0.098 0.34 0.21 0.3 3.10 0.60 0.30 1.50 1.50
LSC-3 1025.00 2.50 0.090 0.24 0.15 0.2 2.80 0.60 0.30 1.50 1.50
RSC-1 49.00 2.50 0.071 0.14 0.08 0.2 2.40 0.50 0.20 1.50 1.50
RSC-1 213.00 2.50 0.036 0.13 0.08 0.2 2.50 0.40 0.20 1.50 1.50
RSC-1 513.00 2.50 0.023 0.12 0.07 0.2 1.90 0.30 0.20 1.50 1.50
RSC-1 653.00 2.50 0.014 0.10 0.06 0.2 2.60 0.30 0.30 1.50 1.50
RSC-2 8.00 2.50 0.071 0.06 0.04 0.1 2.40 0.50 0.20 1.50 1.50
RSC-2 99.00 2.00 0.036 0.04 0.02 0.1 2.00 0.40 0.20 1.50 1.50
RSC-2 419.00 2.00 0.023 0.17 0.10 0.2 2.20 0.30 0.20 1.50 1.50
RSC-2 499.00 2.00 0.014 0.17 0.10 0.2 2.30 0.30 0.20 1.50 1.50
RSC-2 579.00 2.50 0.023 0.16 0.10 0.2 2.10 0.30 0.20 1.50 1.50
RSC-2 639.00 2.50 0.023 0.16 0.10 0.2 2.80 0.30 0.30 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-1-1 60.00 0.50 0.103 0.15 0.09 0.2 1.20 0.60 0.10 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-1-2 75.00 0.50 0.096 0.14 0.09 0.2 1.20 0.60 0.10 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-1-3 93.00 1.00 0.089 0.11 0.07 0.2 1.60 0.60 0.20 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-1-4 15.00 1.00 0.082 0.08 0.05 0.2 1.50 0.60 0.10 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-1-5 13.00 1.00 0.072 0.05 0.03 0.1 1.40 0.50 0.10 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-2-1 60.00 1.00 0.046 0.17 0.11 0.2 1.80 0.40 0.20 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-2-2 18.00 1.00 0.026 0.16 0.10 0.2 1.60 0.40 0.20 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-2-3 26.00 1.00 0.010 0.16 0.10 0.2 1.40 0.20 0.10 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-2-4 28.00 1.00 0.103 0.14 0.09 0.2 1.70 0.60 0.20 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-2-5 30.00 1.00 0.096 0.10 0.06 0.2 1.70 0.60 0.20 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-2-6 32.00 1.00 0.089 0.08 0.05 0.1 1.60 0.60 0.20 1.50 1.50

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021


Drop L. of sill L1(U/S L2(D/S
Canal chainag Q(m3/sec. B(can d(Flow
height D(m) stilling B(m) height(m protectio protection
Name e ) al) )
(m) basin(m) ) n) )
LTC-1-2-7 34.00 1.00 0.082 0.06 0.04 0.1 1.50 0.60 0.10 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-3-1 36.00 0.50 0.072 0.05 0.03 0.1 1.10 0.50 0.10 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-3-2 38.00 0.50 0.046 0.10 0.04 0.1 1.00 0.40 0.10 1.50 1.50
LTC-1-3-3 40.00 0.50 0.026 0.10 0.20 0.3 1.50 0.40 0.10 1.50 1.50
42.00 0.50 0.010 0.10 0.04 0.1 1.00 0.20 0.10 1.50 1.50
44.00 0.50 0.046 0.04 0.03 0.1 0.80 0.40 0.10 1.50 1.50
13.00 0.50 0.026 0.03 0.02 0.1 1.00 0.40 0.10 1.50 1.50
25.00 0.50 0.010 0.10 0.10 0.2 1.20 0.20 0.10 1.50 1.50
25.00 0.50 0.103 0.04 0.03 0.1 1.00 0.60 0.10 1.50 1.50
38.00 0.50 0.026 0.03 0.02 0.1 0.90 0.40 0.10 1.50 1.50
35.00 0.50 0.010 0.10 0.10 0.2 1.30 0.20 0.10 1.50 1.50
64.00 0.50 0.103 0.10 0.20 0.3 1.40 0.60 0.10 1.50 1.50
4 Road Crossing Pipe culvert

Pipe culvert is used where canals crosses the road. Typical drawing is also prepared with table of
dimensions. Table below shows the hydraulic design of all pipe culvert.

Table 5 Hydraulic Design, Transition and table of dimension of Box Culvert

Hydraulics design of Road culvert(pipe culvert)
al Chai
Nam nage FB(
e (m) Q(m3/sec) v1(m/sec) b(m) d(m) m) D(m)
RSC 0+47 1.50
0.08 0.12
-1-1 3 0.05 2.34 0 1.62
LSC 0+15 1.50
0.08 0.13
-1-1 4 0.05 2.00 0 1.63
LSD 0+41 1.50
0.20 0.19
-1-1 8 0.07 2.10 0 1.69
LSC 0+35 1.50
0.11 0.16
-1-2 6 0.04 2.06 0 1.66
LSC 1.50
0.10 0.16
-1-3 0+70 0.09 1.89 0 1.66

Hydraulic design of the pipe part

Can hf D
al Chai ( I( (
Nam nage Ф(m A(m m % m
e (m) L(m) n v2(m/sec) ) 2) P(m) R(m) b/d Fr ) ) )
0. 0
0 . 1.
RSC 0+47 0.6 0. 0 0 6
-1-1 3 6 0.025 0.05 1.62 1.03 5.1 0.20 7 02 0 0 2
0. 0 1.
LSC 0+15 0.6 0. 0 . 6
-1-1 4 6 0.025 0.05 1.63 1.04 5.1 0.20 2 02 0 0 3

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Hydraulics design of Road culvert(pipe culvert)

0 0

0. 0
0 . 1.
LSD 0+41 1.0 0. 0 0 6
-1-1 8 6 0.025 0.06 1.69 1.12 5.3 0.21 5 02 0 0 9
0. 0
0 . 1.
LSC 0+35 0.6 0. 0 0 6
-1-2 6 6 0.025 0.04 1.66 1.08 5.2 0.21 9 01 0 0 6
0. 0
0 . 1.
LSC 0.6 0. 0 0 6
-1-3 0+70 6 0.025 0.08 1.66 1.08 5.2 0.21 3 03 0 0 6
In let open transition Out let open transition
Can Invert Invert Can Invert Invert
al Chai Elevation Water Surface Elevation al Chai Elevation Elevation TH H
Nam nage Cut Of Elevation Cut of Culvert In Nam nage Culvert Out Cut Of L( T(
e (m) Transition transition let e (m) let Transition m) m)
- -
0.0 0.
RSC 0+47 RSC 0+47 94 33
-1-1 3 945.18 945.3 945.59 -1-1 3 945.59 945.51 2 42
0.0 0.
LSC 0+15 LSC 0+15 44 24
-1-1 4 944.64 944.83 944.98 -1-1 4 944.98 944.92 2 44
0.0 0.
LSD 0+41 LSD 0+41 93 26
-1-1 8 944.82 944.98 945.14 -1-1 8 945.14 945.08 4 94
0.1 0.
LSC 0+35 LSC 0+35 11 25
-1-2 6 936.18 936.34 936.45 -1-2 6 936.45 936.39 9 94
0.2 0.
LSC LSC 15 21
-1-3 0+70 937.81 937.81 937.81 -1-3 0+70 937.81 937.75 3 79

9. Conclusion and Recommendation

9.1. Conclusion

➢ Command area is selected on both side of the river

➢ Irrigation work is independent of other construction activities

➢ Net 352.8ha command is available

9.2. Recommendation

➢ Because dam is high, Core Drilling is compulsory for log profile of foundation at dam area as to
analysis the property of the foundation material during construction
➢ The construction should start during dry season;

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

➢ The dam foundations have to be excavated and cut of trench has to be complete before fill can
start in any area of the dam. The left and right abutment section of the dam fill work must be
completed first. Then the river bed section must be completed at last.
➢ The spillway and Irrigation work can proceed without interfering with other works at the site,
except that some of the excavation for the spillway may be usable in the d/s part of the dam.

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

▪ Cedergren, H. R., (1977). Seepage, Drainage and Flow Nets, 2nd ed., Wiley, NewYork.
▪ Cooke, J.B. Sherard, J.L. (1987).Concrete Face Rockfill Dam: I. Assessment; II Design.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE,V. 113,n.10.
▪ FEMA, (2011), Filters for Embankment Dams, Best Practices for Design and
Construction, U.S Department of Homeland Security, USA.
▪ Geo-slope International, Ltd., Canada (2009). Dynamic Modeling with QUAKE/W,
QUAKE/W Engineering Workbook.
▪ Jibson, R.W. (2011). Methods for assessing the stability of slopes during
earthquakes—A retrospective: Engineering Geology, v. 122, p. 43-50.
▪ Novak, P., Moffat, A.I.B., Nalluri, C., and Narayanan, R., 2007. Hydraulic Structures, 4th
ed., Taylor & Francis, London
▪ Roben Fell, Patrick MacGregor, Davis Stapledon, Graeme Bell, (2005). Geotechnical
Engineering of Dams
▪ U.S Army Corps of Engineer manual EM-1110-2-6053
▪ USBR (2014). Design Standards No. 13 Embankment Dams,Chapter 7: Riprap Slope
Protection Phase 4 (Final)
▪ USBR (1987). Design of Small dams, A water Resources Technical publication, 3rd
▪ United States National Research Council (USNRC) (1985). Liquefaction of Soils during
Earthquakes, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1985.

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021


Table 10-1: Project cost summary
1 General Provisions
2 Camping
3 Dam Body
4 Dam Instrumentation
5 Spillway
Intake Tower & Irrigation
Outlet 22,651,222.00
7 Access Road
Total Cost 315,343,869.48
15 % VAT 47,301,580.42
Grand Total 362,645,449.90

Table 10-2: Bill of Quantity

Item Ethiopian Birr
Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
1 General Provisions
Mobilisation and Demobilization of Contractor's
Equipment and Manpower including transport to Site,
1.1 LS 1,500,000.0
erection, maintenance and removal from Site on 1.00 1,500,000.00
Preparation and submission of Contractor's working
1.3 LS
drawings and AS-Built Drawings 1.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
Preparation and submission of Operation and
1.4 LS
Maintenance Manuals 1.00 50,000.00 50,000.00
1.5 Temporary access and haul roads. LS
1.00 500,000.00 500,000.00
1.6 Survey and setting out LS
1.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
1.8 Running cost for water and power supply
ths 12.00 20,000.00 240,000.00
Sub Total
Camp (Staff residence (3m x 13.85), office (3m x
2 13.85), Café & Kitchen (6x4x2), Store(5x5x2), Toilet
& Shower (4x2x2) and guard house
2.1 Residential rooms & office

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
2.1.1 Earth Work
Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 m2 116.34 26.88 3,127.22
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 29.80 140.23 4,178.98
and 0.4 m depth
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a m3 36.00 26.85 966.72
distance not exceeding 1km
Supply and fill hard core with hard basaltic or equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded with m2 99.70 236.26 23,555.31
crushed stone to a finished thickness of 25 cm
2.1.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below m3 10.30 1,883.27 19,397.63
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3
Supply and construct 500mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall above m3 10.00 2,079.60 20,796.04
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (100mm) C-15. m2 91.40 320.92 29,332.52
2.1.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall post of length 3 m with span length of 1.2m m 63.00 94.51 5,954.15
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 150.00 73.05 10,957.59
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix wall cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into Eucalyptus wood m2 263.00 416.28 109,480.55
purlin with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and
ridge cover measured separately)
Supply and fix 8mm thich chip wood internal wall cover. Price shall include 4 x 5 cm wooden buttons m2 150.00 921.83 138,275.13

2.1.4 Carpentry and Roofing

Supply, assemble and fix in position 10cm dia
eucalyptus upper and lower roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the m 88.60 94.51 8,373.62
application of three coats and external anti-termite
treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia
eucalyptus diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the application of m 158.00 73.05 11,541.99
three coats and external anti-termite treatment as per
the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in eucalyptus wood size diam 8cm nailed into eucalyptus truss including three coats m 317.00 73.05 23,157.04
of anti - termite external treatment
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into Eucalyptus wood m2 217.00 453.61 98,432.86
purlin with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and
ridge cover measured separately)
Supply and fix 8 mm chipwood ceiling. Price shall m2 45.00 913.66 41,114.48
include 4 x 5 cm wooden buttons Supply and fix CIS windows size 1x1.2m No 8.00 765.49 6,123.91

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount Supply and fix CIS doors size 1.0x2.10m No 8.00 1,970.13 15,761.04
2.1.5 Finishing
Floor screed in cement mortar 20 mm thick (1:3 m2 73.12 312.60 22,857.28
Sub total 593,384.07
2.2 Store
2.2.1 Earth Work
Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 m2 65.00 26.88 1,747.20
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 15.00 140.23 2,103.52
and 0.4 m depth.
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a m3 16.90 26.85 453.82
distance not exceeding 500m.
Provide and fill hard core with hard basaltic or equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded with m2 60.00 236.26 14,175.71
crushed stone to a finished thickness of 25 cm
2.2.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500mm thick high trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below m3 5.20 1,883.27 9,792.98
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3
Supply and construct 500mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall above m3 5.20 2,079.60 10,813.94
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (100mm), C-15 m2 50.00 320.92 16,046.24
2.2.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall m 150.00 94.51 14,176.55
post of length 3 m span
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 200.00 73.05 14,610.12
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix wall cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood m2 156.00 416.28 64,939.04
purlin with dome headed galvanized nails
2.2.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10cm dia
eucalyptus upper and lower roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the m 63.00 94.51 5,954.15
application of three coats and external anti-termite
treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia
eucalyptus diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the application of m 125.00 73.05 9,131.32
three coats and external anti-termite treatment as per
the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in eucalyptus wood size diam 8cm nailed into eucalyptus truss including three coats m 317.00 73.05 23,157.04
of anti - termite external treatment
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin m2 130.00 453.61 58,968.99
with dome headed galvanized nails Supply and fix CIS windows size 1x1.2m No 2.00 765.49 1,530.98

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount Supply and fix CIS doors size 2.0x2.10m No 2.00 3,940.26 7,880.52
Sub total 2.2 255,482.12
2.3 Cafe , Kitchen and Workers living room
2.3.1 Earth Work
Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 m2 36.48 26.88 980.58
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 10.00 140.23 1,402.34
and 0.4 m depth
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a m3 13.00 26.85 349.09
distance not exceeding 1km.
Provide and fill hard core with hard basaltic or equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded with m2 37.00 236.26 8,741.69
crushed stone to a finished thickness of 25 cm
2.3.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500 mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below m3 4.00 1,883.27 7,533.06
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3
Supply and construct 500 mm thick high trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall above m3 4.00 2,079.60 8,318.42
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (100mm), C-15 m2 33.30 320.92 10,686.79
2.3.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall post of length 3 m span price shall include the m 117.00 94.51 11,057.71
external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 120.00 73.05 8,766.07
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix wall cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin m2 121.00 416.28 50,369.38
with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge
cover measured separately)
2.3.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10cm dia
eucalyptus upper and lower roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the m 105.00 94.51 9,923.58
application of three coats and external anti-termite
treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia
eucalyptus diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the application of m 150.00 73.05 10,957.59
three coats and external anti-termite treatment as per
the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 125.00 73.05 9,131.32
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin m2 79.00 453.61 35,835.00
with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge
cover measured separately) Supply and fix CIS windows size 1x1.2m No 4.00 765.49 3,061.95 Supply and fix CIS doors size 1.0x2.10m No 3.60 1,970.13 7,092.47

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
2.3.5 Finishing
Floor screed in cement mortar 20 mm thick, (1:3 m2 32.83 312.60 10,263.27
Sub total 194,470.33
2.4 Shower and Toilet
2.4.1 Earth Work
Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 m2 24.00 26.88 645.12
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 77.00 140.23 10,798.05
and .4 m depth
Cart away and deposit excavated surplus material to a m3 100.10 26.85 2,688.02
distance not exceeding 1km.
2.4.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below m3 28.80 1,883.27 54,238.04
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3
Slab for the toilet including reinforcement bar , form work and concrete C-20 with 150mm thick m3 2.40 3,464.25 8,314.19
Mass concrete fill on floor slab (150mm) for shower, m3 1.20 3,209.25 3,851.10
2.4.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall post of length 3.5 m span price shall include the m 50.00 94.51 4,725.52
external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 100.00 73.05 7,305.06
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix wall cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin m2 156.00 416.28 64,939.04
with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge
cover measured separately)
2.4.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10cm dia
eucalyptus upper and lower roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the m 33.00 94.51 3,118.84
application of three coats and external anti-termite
treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia
eucalyptus diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the application of m 120.00 73.05 8,766.07
three coats and external anti-termite treatment as per
the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 160.00 73.05 11,688.09
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin m2 62.00 453.61 28,123.67
with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge
cover measured separately) Supply and fix CIS doors size 1.0x2.10m No 6.00 1,970.13 11,820.78
Sub Total 221,021.59
2.5 Laboratory (8x6)m2

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
2.5.1 Earth Work
Clearing of site to remove top soil to a depth of 200 m2 38.40 26.88 1,032.19
Excavation for stone masonry foundation; 0.5m width m3 12.00 140.23 1,682.81
and 0.4 m depth
Cart away and deposit excavated surplus material to a m3 15.60 26.85 418.91
distance not exceeding 1km.
Provide and fill hard core with hard basaltic or equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded with m2 18.72 236.26 4,422.82
crushed stone to a finished thickness of 25 cm
2.5.2 Concrete and Block Work
Supply and construct 500 mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall below m3 12.00 1,883.27 22,599.19
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3
Supply and construct 500 mm thick trachitic or equivalent stone masonry foundation wall above m3 12.00 2,079.60 24,955.25
ground level bedded in cement mortar mix 1:3 Mass concrete fill on floor slab (100mm), C-10 m2 57.60 320.92 18,485.27
2.5.3 Carpentry and Walling
Supply, assemble and fix in position eucalyptus wall post of length 3 m span price shall include the No 62.40 94.51 5,897.44
external anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 150.00 73.05 10,957.59
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix Wall cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin m2 193.60 416.28 80,591.01
with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge
cover measured separately)
2.5.4 Carpentry and Roofing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 10 cm dia.
eucalyptus roof truss of a given length &span price No 33.60 94.51 3,175.55
shall include the application of three coats and external
anti-termite treatment as per the drawing
Supply, assemble and fix in position 8 cm dia
eucalyptus diagonal roof truss members of a given length and span price shall include the application of m 120.00 73.05 8,766.07
three coats and external anti-termite treatment as per
the drawing
Supply and fix purlin in Eucalyptus wood size 8 cm m 200.00 73.05 14,610.12
nailed into eucalyptus truss
Supply and fix roof cover in G-32 corrugated
galvanized iron sheet fixed into eucalyptus wood purlin m2 120.00 453.61 54,432.92
with dome headed galvanized nails (purlin and ridge
cover measured separately) Supply and fix CIS windows size 1x1.2m No 2.00 765.49 1,530.98 Supply and fix CIS doors size 1.0x2.10m No 2.00 1,970.13 3,940.26
2.5.5 Finishing
Floor screed in cement mortar 20 mm thick, (1:3 m2 52.50 312.60 16,411.48
Sub total 2.5 273,909.85

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
Fence 2.0m height & 15cm φ eucalyptus poles placed
2.5.6 every 2m with barbed wire at 20cm vertical interval & m 200.00 550.00 110,000.00
erected in 0.6m depth embedded with concrete
Sub total 2.5 .6 110,000.00
Sub total
3 Dam Body
3.1 Earthwork & excavation
Clearing the dam site from bushes, stones etc and top
3.1.1 soil removal, 25 cm and place the removed material in m2
68,724.98 20.44 1,404,579.96
the d/s of the dam
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock up to
3.1.2 m3
a deprth of 1.5 m 41,073.62 65.56 2,692,703.35
3.1.3 Cut of trench Soft rock excavation m3
11,735.32 269.47 3,162,261.87
3.1.4 Cut of trench Hard Rock excavation m
5,867.66 381.74 2,239,935.49
3.2 Compacted fill
Selected fill with clay material and compactions of the
core Section as shown in the drawing and specification,
3.2.1 m3 254,453.7
includes production of fill material, transportation and 230.00 58,524,369.40
compaction complete in all aspect
Selected fill with shell material and compaction of the
shell embankment Section as shown in the drawing and
3.2.2 m3 631,424.2 132,599,101.9
specification, includes production of fill material, 210.00
9 3
transportation and compaction complete in all aspect

Sub-total 191,123,471.3
3.3 Filter
Sand filter-Construction of filter (F1) with clean
washed,concrete sand as shown in the drawing and
3.3.1 m3
specification, includes production of fill material, 83,919.46 350.00 29,371,811.24
transportation and compaction complete in all aspect
Gravel filter-Construction of filter (F2) with clean
screened fine gravel, includes supply of gravel
3.3.2 m3
material, transportation and compaction complete in all 2,184.00 330.00 720,720.00
3.4 Down stream dam toe drainage
Drainage trench Excavation of Ordinary Soil (Toe of
3.4.1 m3
Dam) 2,184.00 65.56 143,178.61
Construction of drain with clean screened fine gravel,
3.4.2 includes supply of gravel material, transportation and m3 330.00
2,184.00 720,720.00
compaction complete in all aspect
` Sub total
3.5 Slope protection

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OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
3.5.1 Upstream slope protection
Supply, place and spread stone reprap of 0.5m m2
thickness on the dam body as orderd by the Engineer 36,975.00 283.07 10,466,495.50
3.5.2 Downstream protection
Supply and placing of 20 cm top soil on the m2
downstream face of the dam body 34,049.00 79.00 2,689,940.73 supply and Sodding m2
34,049.00 20.00 680,980.00
Shape and compact dam crest with 200mm thick
selected material ( borrow natural gravel with soil mixture, weathered rock etc. wearing course material m3
1,903.20 302.42 575,563.13
with CBR more than 35% at MDD 95% price including
development spreading, showering, grading and rolling
Base coarse material fill with borrow natural gravel
mix with soil, weathered rock with CBR more than m3
30% at MDD 95% price including development 1,903.20 210.00 399,672.00
spreading, showering, grading and rolling

Total 246,392,033.2
4 Dam Instrumentation
Supply and install piezometers in embankment
4.1 Nr. 120,555.00
6.00 723,330.00
Supply and install Deformation Monitoring
4.2 Nr. 135,744.90
Monuments in embankment 5.00 678,724.50
Produce and install concrete Bench mark
4.3 Nr. 1,000.00
10.00 10,000.00
Supply and Intsall water level staff in the irrigation
4.4 Nr. 55,093.66
intake structure 1.00 55,093.66
Supply and install Seepage measuring weir (V-Notch)
4.5 Nr. 109,939.00
supply and installation 1.00 109,939.00
Sub-total sub
5 Spillway
5.1 Earthwork & excavation
Site clearance/Striping and removal of top soil with
5.1.1 m2
bushes & trees to a max. depth of 20 cm /m² 12,696.00 20.44 259,476.94
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock up to
5.1.2 m3
a deprth of 1.5 m 19,440.00 65.56 1,274,446.96
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock to
5.1.3 m3
depth from 1.5 m to 3.0 m 21,974.40 81.95 1,800,746.35
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock to a
5.1.4 m3
depth more than 3.0 m 21,974.40 131.12 2,881,194.16
Back fill from excavated material behind retaining 3
5.1.5 m
walls 390.00 66.76 26,035.70
5.1.6 Back fill from imported granular material m
97.50 99.96 9,746.42

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
Cart away and dispose excavated surplus material to a
5.1.7 m3
distance not exceeding 1km. 13,185.60 26.85 354,077.17
Sub-total sub
5.2 Masonry work
50 cm thick masonry wall below ground level in 1:3
5.2.1 cement mortar in u/s and d/s floor cut offs in chute m3
210.00 1,883.27 395,485.74
section up to a maximum depth of 1.0 m
50 cm thick masonry work in 1:3 cement mortar in
5.2.2 m3
approach channel floor below concrete 315.00 1,883.27 593,228.61
40 cm hand placed rock riprap in trapezoidal exit
5.2.3 m3
channel 1,130.29 79.81 90,210.10
Sub-total sub
5.3 Concrete work
5.3.1 10 cm thick blinding concrete m3
861.00 2,364.81 2,036,097.78
15 cm thick C 25 reinforced concrete in top of the weir
5.3.2 and d/s inclined face with a minimum cement content m3
1,291.50 3,719.25 4,803,408.24
of 360 kg/m3 including formwork.
C25 concrete wall in retaining walls in approach
5.3.3 m3
channel sections 81.00 3,719.25 301,259.05
5.3.4 Cyclopean Concrete in ogee wier m3
39.00 1,257.63 49,047.76
5.3.5 C25 concrete wall in weir walls above ground level m3
8.93 3,719.25 33,205.44
50 cm thick Cyclopean Concrete work in chute floor
5.3.6 m3
below concrete 3,885.00 1,257.63 4,885,911.63
5.3.7 C25 concrete wall in retaining walls in chute sections m3
449.55 3,719.25 1,671,987.75
50 cm thick Cyclopean Concrete work in stiling basin
5.3.8 m3
floor below concrete 200.00 1,257.63 251,526.98
C25 concrete wall in retaining walls instiling basin
5.3.9 m3
sections 45.00 3,719.25 167,366.14
Deformed bar Steel reinforcement according to
5.3.10 structural drawings. Price includes cutting, bending,
placing in position and tying wire kg
5.3.11 Φ16
kg 24,284.78 114.81 2,788,095.12

5.3.12 Φ14 116,583.2

114.81 13,384,726.33
kg 3
5.3.13 Φ8
kg 5,928.70 114.81 680,664.17
Sub-total sub
5.4 Drain Pipe
supply and fix ∅200mm non perforated longitudinal
5.4.1 m
drain pipe 780.00 312.60 243,827.63
supply and fix ∅100mm perforated lateral pipe at 20m
5.4.2 m
spacing 240.00 637.91 153,097.71

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount

6 Intake Tower & Irrigation Outlet
6.1 Earthwork & excavation
Site clearance/Striping and removal of top soil with
6.1.1 m2
bushes & trees to a max. depth of 20 cm /m² 120.00 21.26 2,551.20
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock up to
6.1.2 m3
a deprth of 1.5 m 120.00 65.56 7,866.96
6.1.3 Back fill from imported granular material m
60.00 66.76 4,005.49
Sub-total sub
6.2 Masonry work
50 cm Hard core in retaining walls at terminal
6.2.1 m3
structure/stilling basin below cocrete 15.75 236.26 3,721.12
Masonry wall in terminal structure in basin depth with 3
6.2.2 m
mortar (1:3) 42.53 2,079.60 88,435.18
Sub-total sub
6.3 Pipes & fitting
supply and install 800mm Steel pipe outlet pipe as per
6.3.1 m
Specification and engineers order 105.00 17,250.00 1,811,250.00
6.3.2 Supply and fix in position 800mm gate valve Pc
2.00 630,000.00 1,260,000.00
Supply and install Steel pipe PN10 DN 600mm pipe
6.3.3 m
for intake as per Specification and engineers order 21.00 13,000.00 273,000.00
6.3.4 supply and fix in position of 600mm gate valve Pc
3.00 370,000.00 1,110,000.00
6.3.5 Supply and install Flanged T PN10 DN 600mm pc
2.00 15,000.00 30,000.00
Supply and install Flanged T PN10 DN 600/800
6.3.6 pc
reducer 1.00 10,000.00 10,000.00
Sub-total sub
6.4 Concrete work
C 25 reinforced concrete in the intake tower frame with
6.4.1 a minimum cement content of 360 kg/m3 including m3
802.93 3,719.25 2,986,276.86
6.4.2 C25 concrete pipe casing m3
55.90 3,719.25 207,905.94
6.4.3 10 cm C25 concrete in terminal structure/stiling basin m3
3.15 3,719.25 11,715.63
Deformed bar Steel reinforcement according to
6.4.4 structural drawings. Price includes cutting, bending,
58,920.13 114.81 6,764,521.93
placing in position and tying wire for tower kg
Deformed bar Steel reinforcement according to
structural drawings. Price includes cutting, bending, kg 24,916.75 113.43 2,826,390.01

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
placing in position and tying wire for tower

C 25 reinforced concrete in access Bridge with a

6.4.6 minimum cement content of 360 kg/m3 including
295.81 3,719.25 1,100,190.62
formworks. m3
Installing of Trashrack in intake opening with 16mm
6.4.7 m2
dia. steel reinforcement 3.60 3,500.00 12,600.00
Sub-total sub
6.5 Access Bridge
6.5.1 Foundation Excavation
Excavation in common soil and decomposed rock up to m3
a deprth of 1.5 m 214.45 65.56 14,059.04
Excavation In soft Rock m3
91.91 269.47 24,766.02
Concrete work
C 25 reinforced concrete in access Bridge with a minimum cement content of 360 kg/m3 including m3
295.81 3,719.25 1,100,190.62
formworks. 50mm Thick C-10 Concrete for foundation bedding m2
145.00 118.24 17,144.84
Deformed bar Steel reinforcement according to structural drawings. Price includes cutting, bending,
24,916.75 114.81 2,860,650.54
placing in position and tying wire for tower kg
6.6 Steelwork for staircase, Landings
6.6.1 Satinless ladder between floor 5.5m each Unit
4.00 5,805.00 23,220.00
6.6.3 Support beams 60 x 60 x6, 4.39 kg/m RT Tone
2.00 20.00 40.00
Drawn pipe of Dia. 50mm to hand drail
6.6.5 m
22.00 1,724.00 37,928.00
Drawn pipe of Dia. 30mm to hand drail
6.6.7 m
47.00 1,336.00 62,792.00
Sub total
7 Gravel access road of 6 m wide km 4.00
Clearing and grabbing works in areas including
7.1 interceptor drain & working areas as specified by the m2 7817.1 14.19
Excavation/cut earth works of the road section in
7.2 m3 6174.4 20.44
normal soil including side drains 126,190

7.3 Spreading & compaction for camber formation m2 39085.7 16.69


Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Item Ethiopian Birr

Item Description Unit Qty
No. Rate Amount
Fill and compaction works of 150 mm thick selected
7.4 m3 3600.0 194.70
gravel wearing material 700,929


Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

APPENDIX 1: Headwork Design Data & Calculation

Appendix 1.1 Dam Design Calculation
S. no. Description Symbol formula Result unit Remark
Hydraulic design
1 Dam height m
Normal pool level NPL at 1322.73 ; 5,350,900.00m 3 1322.73 masl Area-capacity- elivation
Dead storage level DSL at 1304; 804,400.00 m3 1304.00 masl
River bed level RBL 1290.00 masl
Height to NPL HNpL NPL - RBL 32.73 m 16.37
2 Free board calculations
Wind velocity V Metio data 2.24 m/s Maximum
Fetch length F measured from topo 1320.00 m at MWL

g  Hs  g  Fe 
Significant Wave height Hs = 0.0026    0.053 m
V2  V 

g  Ts  g  Fe 

Wave Period Ts = 0.45    0.927 sec

 V 

Wave Length Ls Ls = 1.56  Ts2 1.341 m

Ho =1.67 x Hs 0.089 m for normal freeboard

Design Wave Height Ho for minimum
Ho =1.27 x Hs 0.068 m
H0 0.066 for normal freeboard
Steepness Ratio for minimum
Ls 0.051
from wave run-up
Relative Run-Up Ra R/H0 0.580
curve for normal
Wave Run-up R Ra x Ho 0.052 for normal freeboard
for minimum
Average depth of reservoir D (NPL - RBL)/2 16.37 m

Wind setup S 0.00001 m Negligible

Settlement allowance Se 5% x dam H 1.80

Freeboard required R+S 0.0517
Surcharge head hd Spillway design 1.560 m
Maximum water level MWL NPL+hd 1324.29 masl
Total freeboard Fb R+S+Se 1.85 m
Dam crest level DCL NPL+Fb 1326.14 masl 1,326.00
Total dam height HD RBL - RBL 36.00
3 Other dam dimensions
Top width T 8.00 m
Top width of core 3.00 m
U/S stable slope V:H, 1: 2.00
D/S stable slope V:H, 1: 1.80
4 Slop protection
Diameter of Stone in meter m
 0.22
1+ 2 1
d = 2.23C hw w

 − w
S ( S + 2)

Average size of stone required =ddm/0.85

av dm /0.85 0.25 m
Riprap thickness + 50 of culculated dav 0.38 m

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Appendix 1.2 Spillway Hydraulic Design Calculation

S.No Description Symbol formula Result unit Remark

1 Hydraulic design
Spillway crest level EL cre st NPL 1,322.73 masl Area-capacity- elevation
Weir type is Ogee weir
Design flood Q Peak flood 86.91
Discharge coefficient Cd 2.20
Design flood/routed flood Qd Peak flood 86.91 m3/sec Hydrology
Weir crest length L 20.00 m
Head over weir H 2/3 m From discharge formula
((Q/(Cd*L)) 1.57
U/S water level EL crest + H 1,324.30
Weir height p ≤ 0.5H 0.79
U/S apron level EL crest - p 1,321.94
Design of Approach Channel
Correct Coeficient of Discharge
Correction due to height of weir
Values of P/He P/He 0.50
Values of Coeficient Co 3.80 see Fig. 9-23 in USBR
In metric equivalent: Co = 3.75*√(1/3.281) 2.10 – Design of Small
Re-calculating: 3/2 Dams, 1987
Q = C*L*He
He 2/3
Corrected He He = (Q/C*L) 1.62

Approach channel loss 1,319.79

Approach channel depth d p+H 2.412
Approach channel side slope m - Rectangular section
Approach channel x- section area A Ld + md2 48.24
Approach velocity Va Q/(A) 1.80 m/sec
Approach velocity head ha 2 m
va /2g 0.17
Wetted perimeter of the channel P L+ 2*d 24.82
Hydraulic radius R A/P 1.94
Approach channel length assumed 30.00
Friction loss up to crest hf n2 V2 L/R 4/3 0.01
U/S TEL EL crest + He 1,324.46
Total head over the crest He U/S TEL - EL crest 1.73
Head over the crest Hd 1.56 1,324.29

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

2 Design of weir section

Position of D/S apron ha + d/He ≥ 1.7
ha + d ≥ 1.7He 2.93 m
Maximum apron level M al TEL - (ha+d) 1,321.52 masl End of weir
2.1 Design of D/S profile
D/S profile is designed b/n EL crest and apron level
Maximum Ordinate y EL crest - M al 1.21
Coresponding x value x (x/Hd)^1.85=2*(y/Hd)
1.548 = (x/Hd)^1.85
x= 1.9757 1.5485 1.5485
D/S profile is designed b/n x = 0 and x = 1.98 1.2822
x= y= 0.77989
0.25 0.026
0.50 0.10
0.75 0.20
1.00 0.34
1.25 0.52
1.50 0.73
1.75 0.9649
1.976 1.21
2.2 Design of U/S profile xu/s 0.282*Hd (0.439857)
yu/s 0.124*Hd (0.193412)
⸪ U/S profile is designed b/n x = 0 and x = -0.439857
U/S 1st curve radius R1 0.5*Hd 0.7798877
st x1u/s 0.175*Hd
U/S 1 curve radius extent (0.27296)
U/S 2nd curve radius R2 0.2*Hd 0.311955

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

3 Design of chute
Channel bed width L 20.00 m
Discharge intensity at D/S of SW q Q/L 4.35 m3/sec/m
Specific energy E d +v2/2g 1.09
Velocity V q/d 3.04/d
Specific energy E 2
d + (5.74/d) /2g
E TEL - Apron level 2.93
d1 Left Side Remark
Depth Subcritical 2.81 2.93 2.93
Depth Critical 0.65 2.93
Critical depth y c (q2 /g)1/3 1.24 Supercritical
Critical velocity Vc q/yc 3.49 m/sec
Vc 2/3 1/2
1/n xR xS 3.49
Area A L*yc 24.88
Wetted perimeter P L + 2yc 22.49
Hydraulic radius R A/P 1.11
Critical slope Sc Vc2 n2 /R 4/3 0.004
A slope of say 1:15 is provided in 370m distance
Bed level at the end of 370m Mal - 370/15 1,296.86
Radius of reverse curve at the weir toe r 2He 3.45
Tail water depth d1 0.58 m
Velocity V2 V2 Q/A = qd/d2 7.49 m/sec
Hydraulic depth A/T 0.58
Fraud number F 1/2 Supercritical
V2 /(gd2 ) 3.14
Conjugate depth d 2 d2 d1 /2 (√(1+8F2 )-1 2.30
Wall Level in Stilling Basin BL at end of chute + d2 1,299.16
Stilling basin
Stilling Basin Length 6*d2 14.00 m Adopt 15
4 Water surface profile & wall levels
Jump length Lj 6*d2 14.00
Head loss in the jump H 3 m
L (d 2-d 1) /4d1 d2 0.96
Water surface level EL r + d2 1,294.62
Free board Fb 0.61+0.04Vd1/3 0.86
Side wall level EL w El crest+hd+Fb 1,295.48
5 Exit channel design
Discharge Q 1/2 Manning's formula
1/n x A x R 2/3 x S 86.91
Manning's n n Earth canal 0.025
Channel bed width b 20.000
depth of flow d trial for Q = 71.07 1.30
Cross section area A 2
bd + md 27.69
Wetted perimeter P b+ 2√2d 23.68
Hydraulic radius R A/P 1.17
Bed slope S 0.0050 0.50%
Discharge Q 86.94 m3/sec
Velocity V Q/A 3.14 m/sec
freeboard f 0.61+0.04Vd1/3 0.75

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Appendix 1.3 Discharge Channel Water Surface Profile Computation

Channel width 20.00 End bed level 1297.00 Beginning slope -440m 0.067 15.00 or steeper From 440m - 460m 0.004 250.0
Beginning bed level 1,321.52 Design discharge 86.91 Discharge intensity 4.35 From 460m - Endm 0.005 200.0

Bed level
Partial Depth Specific Wetted Hyd Froude
S. Drop in Bed Velocit Velocit +E =TEL 4/3 Friction Average head Actual
distanc assum energy Area perimete radius R numbe
No. Chainage bed level level y q/d y head calculate slope Sf Sf loss, hf TEL
e ed E r R r
2 2
m m m masl m m/sec m m masl m m m m masl

0.00 1322.73
1 1.976 0.00 0.00 1321.52 0.65 6.69 2.28 2.93 1324.45 13.00 21.30 0.61 0.52 0.0036 0.000 1324.45 2.65
2 10.00 8.02 0.535 1320.99 0.65 6.69 2.28 2.93 1323.92 13.00 21.30 0.61 0.52 0.0036 0.0036 0.029 1323.94 2.65
3 20.00 10.00 0.667 1320.32 0.65 6.69 2.28 2.93 1323.25 13.00 21.30 0.61 0.52 0.0036 0.0036 0.036 1323.28 2.65
5 30.00 10.00 0.667 1319.65 0.65 6.69 2.28 2.93 1322.58 13.00 21.30 0.61 0.52 0.0036 0.0036 0.036 1322.62 2.65
6 40.00 10.00 0.667 1318.99 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1321.98 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0038 0.038 1322.01 2.71
7 50.00 10.00 0.667 1318.32 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1321.31 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1321.35 2.71
8 60.00 10.00 0.667 1317.65 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1320.64 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1320.68 2.71
9 70.00 10.00 0.667 1316.99 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1319.98 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1320.02 2.71
11 80.00 10.00 0.667 1316.32 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1319.31 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1319.35 2.71
12 90.00 10.00 0.667 1315.65 0.64 6.79 2.35 2.99 1318.64 12.80 21.28 0.60 0.51 0.0039 0.0039 0.039 1318.68 2.71
13 100.00 10.00 0.667 1314.99 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1318.04 12.60 21.26 0.59 0.50 0.0043 0.0041 0.041 1318.08 2.77
14 110.00 10.00 0.667 1314.32 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1317.38 12.60 21.26 0.59 0.50 0.0043 0.0043 0.043 1317.42 2.77
15 120.00 10.00 0.667 1313.65 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1316.71 13.00 21.26 0.61 0.52 0.0071 0.0057 0.057 1316.77 2.77
16 130.00 10.00 0.667 1312.99 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1316.04 13.00 21.26 0.61 0.52 0.0071 0.0071 0.071 1316.11 2.77
17 140.00 10.00 0.667 1312.32 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1315.38 13.00 21.26 0.61 0.52 0.0071 0.0071 0.071 1315.45 2.77
18 150.00 10.00 0.667 1311.65 0.63 6.90 2.42 3.05 1314.71 13.00 21.78 0.60 0.50 0.0073 0.0072 0.072 1314.78 2.77
19 160.00 10.00 0.667 1310.99 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1314.11 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0076 0.076 1314.19 2.84
20 170.00 10.00 0.667 1310.32 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1313.44 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1313.52 2.84
21 180.00 10.00 0.667 1309.65 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1312.78 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1312.86 2.84
22 190.00 10.00 0.667 1308.99 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1312.11 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1312.19 2.84
23 200.00 10.00 0.667 1308.32 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1311.44 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1311.52 2.84
24 210.00 10.00 0.667 1307.65 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1310.78 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1310.86 2.84
25 220.00 10.00 0.667 1306.99 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1310.11 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1310.19 2.84
26 230.00 10.00 0.667 1306.32 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1309.44 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1309.52 2.84
27 240.00 10.00 0.667 1305.65 0.62 7.01 2.50 3.12 1308.78 12.78 21.75 0.59 0.49 0.0080 0.0080 0.080 1308.86 2.84
28 250.00 10.00 0.667 1304.99 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1308.18 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0083 0.083 1308.27 2.91
29 260.00 10.00 0.667 1304.32 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1307.52 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0087 0.087 1307.60 2.91
30 270.00 10.00 0.667 1303.65 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1306.85 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0087 0.087 1306.94 2.91
31 280.00 10.00 0.667 1302.99 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1306.18 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0087 0.087 1306.27 2.91
32 290.00 10.00 0.667 1302.32 0.61 7.12 2.59 3.20 1305.52 12.57 21.73 0.58 0.48 0.0087 0.0087 0.087 1305.60 2.91
33 300.00 10.00 0.667 1301.65 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1304.93 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0091 0.091 1305.02 2.99
34 310.00 10.00 0.667 1300.99 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1304.26 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1304.36 2.99
35 320.00 10.00 0.667 1300.32 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1303.59 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1303.69 2.99
36 330.00 10.00 0.667 1299.65 0.60 7.24 2.67 3.27 1302.93 12.36 21.70 0.57 0.47 0.0095 0.0095 0.095 1303.02 2.99
37 340.00 10.00 0.667 1298.99 0.59 7.37 2.76 3.35 1302.34 12.15 21.67 0.56 0.46 0.0103 0.0099 0.099 1302.44 3.06
38 350.00 10.00 0.667 1298.32 0.59 7.37 2.76 3.35 1301.68 12.15 21.67 0.56 0.46 0.0103 0.0103 0.103 1301.78 3.06
39 360.00 10.00 0.667 1297.65 0.59 7.37 2.76 3.35 1301.01 12.15 21.67 0.56 0.46 0.0103 0.0103 0.103 1301.11 3.06
40 370.00 10.00 0.667 1296.99 0.58 7.49 2.86 3.44 1300.43 11.94 21.64 0.55 0.45 0.0113 0.0108 0.108 1300.54 3.14
41 380.00 10.00 0.667 1296.32 0.58 7.49 2.86 3.44 1299.76 11.94 21.64 0.55 0.45 0.0113 0.0113 0.113 1299.87 3.14
42 390.00 10.00 0.667 1295.65 0.58 7.49 2.86 3.44 1299.10 11.94 21.64 0.55 0.45 0.0113 0.0113 0.113 1299.21 3.14
43 400.00 10.00 0.667 1294.99 0.58 7.49 2.86 3.44 1298.43 11.94 21.64 0.55 0.45 0.0113 0.0113 0.113 1298.54 3.14
44 410.00 10.00 0.667 1294.32 0.58 7.49 2.86 3.44 1297.76 11.94 21.64 0.55 0.45 0.0113 0.0113 0.113 1297.87 3.14
45 420.00 10.00 0.667 1293.65 0.58 7.49 2.86 3.44 1297.10 11.94 21.64 0.55 0.45 0.0113 0.0113 0.113 1297.21 3.14
46 430.00 10.00 0.667 1292.99 0.58 7.49 2.86 3.44 1296.43 11.94 21.64 0.55 0.45 0.0113 0.0113 0.113 1296.54 3.14
47 440.00 10.00 0.667 1292.32 0.58 7.49 2.86 3.44 1295.76 11.94 21.64 0.55 0.45 0.0113 0.0113 0.113 1295.87 3.14
48 450.00 10.00 0.040 1292.28 1.80 2.41 0.30 2.10 1294.38 39.24 25.09 1.56 1.82 0.0000 0.0057 0.057 1294.43 0.57
49 460.00 10.00 0.040 1292.24 2.30 1.89 0.18 2.48 1294.72 51.35 26.51 1.94 2.41 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 1294.73 0.40
50 470.00 10.00 0.050 1292.19 1.50 2.90 0.43 1.93 1294.12 32.25 24.24 1.33 1.46 0.0001 0.0000 0.000 1294.12 0.76
51 480.00 10.00 0.050 1292.14 1.50 2.90 0.43 1.93 1294.07 32.25 24.24 1.33 1.46 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1294.07 0.76
52 490.00 10.00 0.050 1292.09 1.50 2.90 0.43 1.93 1294.02 32.25 24.24 1.33 1.46 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1294.02 0.76
53 500.00 10.00 0.050 1292.04 1.50 2.90 0.43 1.93 1293.97 32.25 24.24 1.33 1.46 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1293.97 0.76
54 509.33 9.33 0.047 1291.99 1.50 2.90 0.43 1.93 1293.92 32.25 24.24 1.33 1.46 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 1293.92 0.76

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

Appendix 1.4 Outlet Hydraulics Design Calculation

Description Symbol formula Result unit Remark

1 Hydraulic design
1.1 Outlet pipe invert level EL crest DSL -0.20 1,303.80 masl Area-capacity- elevation
1.2 Normal pool level 1,322.73 masl 18.93
1.3 Dam crest level DCL NPL+Fb 1326.00 masl 1,326.00
1.4 Total dam height HD RBL - DCL 36.00
1.5 Design discharge Q Peak demand 0.81 m3 /sec
1.6 Pipe diameter D Assumed 0.75 m
1.7 Pipe diameter D 2.47 feet
1.8 Outlet pipe x-section area A π*R2 0.442 m2
1.9 Velocity in the pipe V Q/A 1.83 m/sec
2 Head above outlet level 18.93 m
Min/effective pipe length m length in contact with
2.1 118.4
dam body
2.2 Number of pipes 20.0 No
2.3 Actual pipe length 120.0 m
2 Loss computations
2.1 Friction loss fL/D V2/2g
2.1.1 Friction factor f 185n2/D1/3 n is Manning's friction factor f max n = 0.012 0.020 roughness coefficient friction factor f av n = 0.010 0.014 and D is pipe dia. In
feet. friction factor f min n = 0.008 0.009 Friction loss hLmax fmaxL/D V2/2g 0.54 m Friction loss hLav favL/D V2/2g 0.38 m Friction loss hLmin fminL/D V2/2g 0.24 m
2.2 Trash rack loss ht Kt v2/2g
2.2.1 Max trash rack loss coefficient Ktmax 1.45-0.45(a n/ag)-(an/ag)2 0.915
2.2.2 Avg trash rack loss coefficient Ktavg 0.608
2.2.3 Min trash rack loss coefficient Ktmin 0.235
2.2.4 Gross area of trash rack & support ag 1.5*20 30.000 m2
2.2.5 Net area through the trash rack bars an 27.000 m2 Clean
2.2.6 Avg. area through the trash rack 21.600 m 2 20% clogged
2.2.7 Min. area through the trash rack 16.200 m2 40 % clogged
2.2.8 Max trash rack loss h tmax 2
Ktmax v /2g 0.157
2.2.9 Avg trash rack loss h tavg Ktavg v2/2g 0.104
2.2.10 Min trash rack loss h tmin Ktmin v2/2g 0.040

Engineering Corporation of Oromia

OBANR Hayyu Kenteri Micro Dam Engineering Design Final Report 2021

2.3 Entrance loss he Ke v2/2g

2.3.1 Entrance loss coefficient Ke (1/c2-1) Slightly rounded entrance
2.3.2 Max loss coefficient Kemax 2
(1/c -1) 0.266 C = 0.79
2.3.3 Avg loss coefficient Keavg 2
(1/c -1) 0.111 C = 0.90
2.3.4 Min loss coefficient Kemin 2
(1/c -1) 0.087 C = 0.92
2.3.5 Max entrance loss hemax 2
Kemax v /2g 0.046 m
2.3.6 Avg entrance loss heavg Keavg v2/2g 0.019 m
2.3.7 Min entrance loss hemin 2
Kemin v /2g 0.015 m
2.4 Valve loss hg 2
Kg v /2g
2.4.1 Max valve loss hgmax 0.034 m kg = 0.2
2.4.2 Avg valve loss hgavg 0.026 m kg = 0.15
2.4.3 Min valve loss hgmin 0.017 m kg = 0.1
2.5 Exit loss Kg v2/2g 0.172 m kg = 1
2.5 Bend loss Kb v2/2g 0.154 m kb = 0.9
3 Summary of losses
3.1 Max head loss HL max 1.10 m
3.2 Avg head loss HL avg 0.85 m
3.3 Min head loss HL min 0.64 m
4 Effective head max H effmax H - HL min 18.29 m
5 Effective head avg H effavg H - HL avg 18.08 m
6 Effective head min H effmin H - HL max 17.83 m
7 Discharge through the outlet
7.1 Max discharge Q max A√2g*Hmax 8.36 m3 /sec
7.2 Avg discharge Q avg 8.32 m3 /sec
7.3 Min discharge Q min 8.26 m3 /sec
7.4 Min discharge possible A/SQRT(2g) 1.56 m3 /sec
7.5 Net head required for the Qd (Qd/A)2/2g 0.17 m
8 Collar De sign
8.1 Collar projection height Ch Assumed 0.50 m
8.2 Min/effective pipe length 102.4 m length in contact with
8.3 No of collars N ≥ (L/4/(2Ch) 25.6 dam body 26
9 Terminal structure
9.1 Basin depth Bd (MWL-TWL)/5 4.10 m USBR recommendation
9.2 Basin length Lb 5Bd 21.00 m
9.3 Basin width 2D 1.50
10 Max Main canal beginning bed level EL mc 1,302.70

Engineering Corporation of Oromia


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