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This study used descriptive research design.

It was used to obtain

observation regarding the current status of a certain phenomenon with

respect conditions. Random sampling was used to select participants for

the study. Data collected was displayed through charts and analyzed

using descriptive analysis.

Research Respondents

In this study, the respondents were 30 grade 10 students. They

were selected using random sampling. From section Newton, Galileo,

Einstein, Aristotle and also from section Edison of Antipas National High

School year 2019-2020, Antipas, Cotabato.

Research Instrument

The researchers used an adapted survey questionnaire by Hannah

Zulch from School of Psychology, Griffith University, Brasebane,

Austrailia, The Psychological Preparedness for Disaster Threat Scale or

PPDTS and another one by John H. Ehrenreich, PhD. (2001) The Self

Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ). Questions were based from the variables

of the study.

It was divided into two parts. The first part dealt with the

respondent’s profile involving their age and section. Meanwhile, the

second part consisted the about disaster preparedness and about their

mental health.

Research Procedure

The researchers submitted a research proposal, with the guidance

of their mentor, and underwent an outline defense for an approval to

conduct the study. They asked permission to the advisers of each section

of Grade 10 to allow the conduct of their research in their respective

classroom. Before administering the questionnaire, the research sought

permission from the respondents to participate in the study by giving a

letter of consent. After acquiring the consent and assented, the

researchers gave an orientation and ensured to them the confidentiality of

the data collected. They were given ample time to respond to the contents

of the questionnaire. After which, these were retrieved, tallied, and brought

to the statistician for statistical analysis of the data. The results were

presented in tabular and textual forms.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Question on the Profiling of the respondents will be based on their

age and gender and will be measured through frequency distribution that

will also reveal its percentage.Frequency distribution - shows “classes” or

“intervals” of data entries with a count of the number of entries in each


%¿ ×100

Figure 2. Percentage formula.


ƒ- frequency

N- number of cases

Question on the dependent variable will be based through

Visual, and also in the independent variable the disaster

preparedness will be measured through mean statistical tool with

descriptive leveling standard American Psychological Association

range of means that will identify the student’s level of preparedness

in terms of natural disasters.

The sample mean is an average value found in a sample..

Figure 3. Mean formula.


x = each observation

 n = number of observations

∑= sum

Based on the range of means

Range of Means Descriptive Level Interpretations

4.20 - 5.00 Very High This means that the student’s level of

preparedness in terms in disasters is very


3.40 - 4.19 High This means that the Student’s level of

preparedness in terms in disasters is high.

2.60 - 3.39 Moderate This means that the student’s level of

preparedness in terms in disasters is


1.80 - 2.59 Low This means that the student’s level of

preparedness in terms in disasters is low.

1.00 - 1.79 Very Low This means that the student’s level of

preparedness in terms in disasters is very


Table 1. Descriptive level of the mean.

Question on the relationship between the variables will be based on

Pearson’s r where it will reveal the negative or positive relationship

between the two variables where it will reveal a value of 1 for a strong

positive relationship, -1 for a strong negative relationship and 0 if there is

no relationship at all.Correlation coefficients are used in statistics to

measure how strong a relationship is between two variables. There are

several types of correlation coefficient: Pearson’s correlation (also called

Pearson’s R) is a correlation coefficient commonly used in linear


∑ xy
A. r = 2 2
√∑x ∑ y

Figure 4. Pearson’s R formula.


∑= sum

X = value of the independent variable

Y = value of dependent variable

x = subtraction of value X to the mean X

y= subtraction of value Y to the mean Y

r= correlation coefficient


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