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Computer Networks

(Network Protocols and Communication)

Data Communication is an exchange of data between two different

nodes, that is linked by a medium like cable. The nodes that will be
exchanging data have different types of Data flow that they use, those
are the Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full Duplex.

Simplex is a one-way direction of communication it can only send

data from another node, such as keyboard where we can use it as a
medium to input data to the computer, but keyboard cannot receive data
from the computer, hence the reason why it is known as a one-way
direction of communication. Next is the Half-Duplex, it is a two-way
direction of communication, but it can only do one at a time, if its
receiving then it can’t send data until it is done receiving. Lastly
is the Full-duplex, while the Half-Duplex can’t receive and send data
at the same time, Full-duplex can Receive and send data
simultaneously, it can receive data while also sending data to another

All types of communications have protocols that they follow so

that they can have a smooth and understandable conversation, If a
communication does not follow any protocols or rules, then it will be
very messy and the conversation will not go through because they will
not be able understand one another. These are the Components of the
protocols that they should follow: message encoding, format and
encapsulating, the timing, size and the delivery. The most important
part is that all types of communication must have a source/sender,
destination/receiver and channel/media, these are the protocols that
you must follow to have a good communication whether it is a human
communication or computer communication.

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