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Define “History” based from the various perspectives given by historians

These are some definitions of history based on the different perspective given by Historians:

Henry Johnson : : “History, in its broadest sense, is everything that ever happened.”

Smith, V.S: “The value and interest of history depend largely on the degree in which the present is
illuminated by the past.”

Rapson: “History is a connected account of the course of event or progress of ideas.”

Jawaharlal Nehru: “History is the story of Man’s struggle through the ages against Nature and the
elements; against wild beast and the jungle and some of his own kind who have tried to keep him down
and to exploit him for their own benefit.”

E.H Carr: “History is an unending dialogue between the present and the past.”

Miller: “The course of life is like the sea: men come and go, tides rise and fall, that is all of history.”

Based on the definition of other historians, History is something that happened in the past and
those past events is still connected to our present and future. History is something that we make and
will always affect the present and future.

2. Why is the Filipino term for history “Kasaysayan”?

The term History in Filipino is “Kasysayan” based on my research it means significant story(ies); chosen,
important narratives – orally transferred through folklore, genealogies songs and rituals of the

The word ‘Kasaysayan’ rooted from the word ‘salaysay’ which means narrative and from the word
‘saysay’ which means importance of things, people and event, in my understanding the term
‘kasaysayan’ literally means the Narrative of Significant events that happened in the past, that made us
who we are today. It also refers to the meaning and importance of those said events.

3. Explain how there are so little usable materials left to historians to use.

There are few usable materials left for the historians to use because in the past there are no tools
that can be used to document those events properly, unlike today, where we can easily document any
events that is happening with use of camera, recorders and modern technologies that are being
invented today. History is made by relying on Evidences and proofs, Historians need to collect evidences
that can prove their claims and information.

Talekau, P., Nayak, J., Harichandan, S. History UNIT.

Pathak, N. C., & Pathak, G. (2008). Assam's history and its graphics. Mittal Publications.

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