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Juan Pablo Daza 10B

The networks that caught us all

Social networks have been the best invention of recent years in my opinion, with them we have
been able to solve many problems since its invention as the little communication we could have
with people from other countries or the problem of not finding a product we need all these
already have a solution and for each there is a different social network but I think we are also
suffering different problems because of these social networks that caught us all in the sense that
our privacy is no longer as private as before, in the sense that everyone knows where and when
you were born these and other factors are affecting society, why?

Companies like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at the time of installing them on our device asks
for various personal data such as date of birth, full name and gender, data that for anyone may
seem normal but for these companies are much more because Instagram use your data to offer
you publications that you like or need this at first glance looks harmless but what we never realize
is that this is done to spend most of your time on your phone and consequently you forget about
life around you.

From my point of view spending all the time in applications like Instagram and Facebook is not
good for any person and the kind of information that appears in those social networks is not
always the real thing, as a consequence many people think that they are and they pay attention to
those comments and publications that have the purpose of confusing people especially with
economic, political, health and education issues. This for the governments of the countries is
favorable since a society confused is a society that I do not defend their points of view for not
having the correct information.

At first it may seem false that a simple social network can control us but when you see news and
even documentaries like ¨El dilemma of the networks socials¨ in which different workers speak
Facebook and other major companies, people like them say it's true, people like them do not let
their children open a social network, people like them say that social networks control people to
consume and continue to see their content, for me the only winners of this are the companies and
that remain millions and we increasingly ignorant to believe everything we see in a comment or

To conclude I think everything is good but in excess also everything is bad especially my
personal information, I think we should be more responsible when using social networks
and especially not forgetting the true reality, do not forget how good it is to go out and see
our friends also see take into account that information is correct and that information is
false to prevent problems and have more information.

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