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(50 Marks)
Answer all the questions.
TIME ALLOWED : 1¼ hours
1. Which of the following sets of quantities is fundamental? A. length, mass and time
B. speed, length and time C. speed, mass and distance D. distance, speed and time
2. Which of the following properties of a steel bar can be measured in terms of the
dimension of length only? A. Weight B. Density C. Pressure D. volume
3. Which of the following instruments is best for measuring the diameter of a thin
constantan wire? A. Callipers B. metre rule C. micometer screw guage
D. vernier callipers
4. A boy travels 8 km eastward to a point B and then 6km northward to another point
C. Determine the difference between the magnitude of displacement of the boy and
distance travelled by him A. 2.0km B. 4.0km C. 10.0km D. 13.0km
5. What type of motion does the skin of a 'talking' drum perform when it is struck
with a drum stick? A. Random B. Rational C. Translational D. Vibratory
6. The speed of an object in rectilinear motion can be determine from the A. area
under a velocity-time graph B. area under a distance-time graph C. slope of a
distance-time graph D. slope of a velocity-time graph
7. A body is said to be moving with uniform acceleration if it experiences equal
A. increase in velocity at equal time intervals B. decreases in velocity at equal time
intervals C. increases in speed at equal time intervals D. decreases in speed at
equal time intervals
8. A body is rotating in a horizontal circle of radius 2.5m with an angular speed of 5
−1 −2
rads . Calculate the magnitude of the radial acceleration of the body A. 62.50ms
B. 31.25ms− 2 C. 12.50ms− 1 D. 10.00ms− 2

9. The diagram above shows the speed-time graph of a car.If the car covered a total
distance of 600m in 25s, calculate its maximum speed A. 30ms− 1 B. 25ms− 1
C. 20ms− 1 D. 15ms− 1
10. A body moving at a constant speed accelerates when it is in A. rectilinear
motion B. translational motion C. circular motion D. vibrational motion
11. The types of motion which a cylindrical drum rolling down an inclined plane
undergoes are A. circular and translational B. rotational and translational
C. rotational and circular D. rectilinear and circular
12. Two cars X and Y travelling in opposite directions along the same high way at
uniform velocities 110 kmh − 1 and 90 kmh− 1 respectively pass each other at a certain
point. The velocity of X relative to Y at the time they pass each other is A. 200 kmh − 1
B. 100 kmh− 1 C. 40 kmh− 1 D. 20 kmh − 1
13. A body of mass 25kg, moving at 3ms− 1 on a rough horizontal floor is at rest after
sliding through a distance of 2.50m on the floor. Calculate the co-efficient of sliding
friction. [g = 10.0ms− 2] A. 0.09 B. 0.18 C. 0.36 D. 0.54
14. Which of the following statements about solid friction are correct? It i. is a force
ii. occurs between the surfaces of two bodies in contact iii. depends on the area in
contact A. i and ii only B. i adnd iii only C. ii and iii only D. i, ii and iii
15. Which of the following statements correctly defines quantitatively the work done
by a force? the product of the force and the distance moved A. parallel to the line of
action of the force from a reference point B. perpendicular to the line of action of the
force from a reference point C. on a line through the reference point D. by the
16. Which of the following devices convert heat energy to electrical energy?
A. Transformer B. Dynamo C. Thermocouple D. thermostat
17. Mechanical energy can be either A. kinetic or electric B. chemical or potential
C. potential or kinetic D. electric or heat
18. A stone of mass 0.5kg is dropped from a height of 12m. Calculate its maximum
kinetic energy. [g = 10 ms− 2] A. 3.0J B. 6.0J C. 30.0j D. 60.0J
19. The engine of a train produces a force of 3000N when moving at 30 ms− 1.
Calculate the power of the engine A. 1.00 ×10 2W B. 3.00 ×10 4W C. 9.00
4 5
×10 W D. 3.00 ×10 W
20. A metal rod of length 100cm is heated through 100℃ , calculate the change in
length of the rod [linear expansivity of the material of the rod is 3 ×10 −6 K −1]
A. 4mm B. 3mm C. 2mm D. 1mm
21. When a metal ball is heated through 30℃ , its volume becomes 1.0018 cm3. If the
linear expansivity of the material of the ball is 2.0 ×10 −5 K −1, calculate its original
volume A. 1.0000 cm3 B. 1.0020 cm 3 C. 1.0036 cm 3 D. 1.0180 cm 3
22. A relative density bottle of volume 50 cm 3 is completely filled with a liquid at 30
℃ . It is then heated to 80 ℃ such that 0.75 cm3 of the liquid is expelled. Calculate
the apparent cubic expansivity of the liquid. A. 0.00030 K − 1 B. 0.00032 K − 1
C. 0.01970 K − 1 D. 0.02030 K − 1
23. A cube made of metal of linear expansivity α is heated through a temperature θ. If
the initial volume of the cube is V 0, the correct expression for the increase in volume
1 1
of the cube is A.  B.  C. 2 α V 0 θ D. 3 α V 0 θ
3α V0θ 2 α V 0θ
24. In a thermos flask, heat loss by radiation is minimizes by the A. silvered
surfaces B. vacuum within the doubled walls C. plastic stopper D. cork
25. A rod of initial lenght 2 m at a temperature of 25 ℃ is heated to 80 ℃ . Calculate
the increase in length of the rod if its linear expansivity is 4.0 ×10 −3 K −1 A. 0.26 m
B. 0.44 m C. 0.53 m D. 0.84 m
26. Which of the following statements distinguishes thermal conduction for
convection? i. Conduction requires a material medium while convection does not ii. In
convection, there is actual motion of hot material, while in conduction, molecules
molecules vibrates faster about their mean positions iii. Conduction takes place in
solids while convection takes place in fluids. A. i and ii only B. ii and iii only
C. i and iii only D. i, ii and iii
27. Which of the following statements is correct? A. the density of a liquid decreases
when it expands B. the density of a liquid increases when the liquids are heated
C. the real expansivity of a liquid is less than its apparent expansivity D. a liquid
changes to solid when heated to a sufficiently high temperature
28. The design of the thermostat of an electric iron is based on the A. emmision of
electrons from metals when heated B. increase in size of metals when heated
C. increase in the density of metals when heated D. change in the mass of metals
when heated
29. The cubic expansivity of mercury is 1.8 ×10 −4 K −1  and the linear expansivity of
glass 8.0 ×10 −6 K −1, calculate the apparent expansivity of mercury in a glass
container A. 1.00 ×10 −4 K −1 B. 1.56 ×10 −4 K −1 C. 1.72 ×10 −4 K −1 D. 2.04
−4 −1
×10 K

30. The graph above shows the expansion of water as the temperature increases from
0oC. Which of the following deductions from the graph are true? i. Water has its
maximum density at Q. ii. The volume of water is greater at 0oC than at 4oC. iii. The
volume of water decreases uniformly when cooled from 100oC. iv. When water
solidifies, its volume increases A. i and ii only B. i and iii only C. ii and iii only
D. i, ii and iii only
31. On a cold day, a concrete floor feels colder to the bear foot then a mat on the same
floor because the A. is better conductor of heat than the foot B. mat loses heat to
the bare foot at a faster rate C. mat is better conductor of heat than the floor
D. concrete floor is a better conductor of heat than the mat
32. The sagging of overhead electrical cables is the consequence of A. linear
expansivity B. superficial expansivity C. cubic expansivity D. conductivity
33. Which of the following items can be used to compare the relative magnitudes of
electric charges on two bodies? A. ebonite rod B. gold leaf electroscope
C. proof plane D. the electrophorus
34. A positively charged glass rod is placed by near the cap of a positively charge
electroscope. The divergence of the leaf is observed to A. Decrease
B. Increase C. remain the same D. increase and collapse immediately
35. Which of the following features of an electrostatic line of force is not correct?
A. it is an imaginary line which a positive charge will describe if it is free to move
B. the tangent drawn at any point on a curved line of force shows the direction of the
electric field intensity at that point C. it is sometimes curved D. it can cross
another line of force in a region of intense electric field
36. Charges on a conductor are A. evenly distributed over a surface of any shape
B. concentrate on the inner surface of the conductor C. concentrate at the outer flat
surface of the conductor D. generally concentrated at sharply curved surface
37. Which of the following statement about force is correct ? A. electrostatic,
gravitational and magnetic forces are always attractive B. electric, gravitational and
magnetic field obeys inverse square law C. fields are real but their corresponding
field lines are imaginary D. field lines and their corresponding fields are both real
38. The diagram above shows the resultant electric field pattern due to two electric
point charges P and S. Which of the following statements is correct? A. P is
negatively charged while S is positively charged B. P is positively charged while S
is negatively charged C. both P and S are positively charge D. both P and S are
negatively charged
39. A negatively charged rod is held close to an uncharged metal ball on an insulating
stand. The ball will A. be negatively chargeed B. be positively charged
C. have an excess negatively charges on the side nearest the rod D. have an excess
positively charges on the side nearest the rod
40. When a conductor mounted on an insulating stand is charged and left for
sometime, the conductor eventually loses all its charges. This is because the
A. electric charges evaporate from the surface of the conductor B. charges are
connected to earth C. charges on the conductor are neutralized by opposite charges
from the surrounding air D. charges ionize the surrounding air
41. A dry plastic comb used in combing hair was found to attract pieces of paper and
dust. The most probable explanation for this phenomenon is that the comb has been
given A. magnetization by induction B. electric charges by induction C. electric
charges by conduction D. electric charges by friction
42. A short chain is usual attached to the back of a petrol tanker trailing behind it to
ensure that the A. petrol tanker is balanced on the wheel B. heat generated by
friction in the engine can be conducted to the floor C. charges generated by friction
in the tanker can be conducted to the earth D. the tanker moves slowly as the chain
touches the floor
43. Which of the following operations does not represent an action of a force field?
A. falling of a mango fruit from the tree B. picking of nails using a bar magnet
C. repulsion of two like charges D. pushing of a wheel-barrow on a level gound
44. A very sensitive spring balance was used to determine the weight of an object at
the north pole. When the same spring balance was used to measure the weight of the
same object at the equator, it was found to reduce. The explanation for this
observation is that A. it is very hot at the equator B. the spring balance has
expanded C. the acceleration of free fall due to gravity varies with location D. the
mass of the body is reduced
45. Which of the following substance is not a good conductor of electricity?
A. Human body B. Glass C. Aluminium D. Earth
46. Local actions is normally prevented in a simple electric cell by A. introducing
an oxidizing agent in the acid B. not drawing current continously for long period
C. amalgamating the surface of the zinc plate D. using a porous pot to isolate the
zinc plate from the acid
47. A current of 10 A passes through a conductor for 10 s, calculate the charge
flowing through the conductor A. 100.0 C B. 10.0 C C. 1.0 C D. 0.1 C
48. Which of the following is a unit of the time rate of flow of electric charges?
A. Coulomb B. Ampere C. Volt D. watt
49. Formation of hydrogen bubbles at the copper plate of a primary cell is called? 
A. polarization.  B.  back e.m.f.  C.  Electrolysis D.  local action.
50. Which of the following units is equivalent to the unit of electric current?
A.  C s− 1    B.    W C.   J s −1 D. C

TIME ALLOWED : 1½ hours
Sections A
(15 Marks)
Answer any five questions.
1. A sphere of radius, r, moving with a velocity, v, under streamline conditions in a
viscous fluid experiences a retarding force, F, given by F = krv where k is a constant.
Derive the S.I unit of k in terms of the base units.
2. An iron rod of length 30cm is heated through 50 kelvin. Calculate its increase in
length. (linear expansivity of iron = 1.2 ×10 −5 k −1

3. In the diagram illustrated, a body of mass m slides on an inclined plane. Show that
the coefficient Mg of friction between the surfaces in contact is tan θ. 
4a. State four other effects of heat on a substance other than expansion.
b. Explain land and sea breezes.
5a. List three ways of producing charges
b. List three properties of lines of forces
6. Give two examples each of:
(a) rotational motion;
(b) linear motion.
(c) oscillatory motion
7. A body of mass 0.6kg is thrown vertically upward from the ground with a speed of
20 ms− 2. Calculate its potential energy at the maximum height reached.
Sections B
(45 Marks)
Answer any three questions.
8a. Explain (i) work: (ii) power
b. Draw a labelled diagram of a vacuum flask. Explain how its construction
minimizes heat exchange with the surroundings.
c. State three advantages and two disadvantages of thermal expansion of solids. 
d. Explain how a tightly fitted glass stopper could be removed from a reagent bottle.
9a. When a positively charged conductor is placed near a candle flame, the flame
spreads out as shown in the diagram above. Explain this observation.
bi. Sketch and label a diagram of a gold-leaf electroscope.
ii. Give one use of a gold-leaf electroscope.
c. Define electromotive force.
d. A boy of mass 10kg climbs up 10 steps, each height 0.2m in 20 seconds. Calculate
the power used by the boy
10(a) (i) Define force and state its S.I unit.
(ii) List the two types of solid friction.                                        
(b) A car starts from rest and accelerate uniformly for 20s to attain a speed of 25 ms− 1.
It maintains this speed for 30s before decelerating uniformly to rest. The total time for
the journey is 60s.
(i) Sketch a velocity-tune graph for the motion.
(ii) Use the graph to determine the:
(α) total distance travelled by the car
(β) deceleration of the car.
c. State two deductions that can be made from a displacement-time graph.
d. An object of mass 0.25 kg moves at a height h above the ground with a speed of 4
ms , if its mechanical energy at this height is 12 J, determine the value of h. [g = 10
ms ]
11(a) State two;
(i) laws of solid friction;
(ii) advantages of friction;
(iii) methods of reducing friction.
(b) (i) Define uniform acceleration.
(ii) Write an equation that relates linear velocity, angular velocity and radius
of path in circular motion.
c. An object of mass, 4kg moves in a circle at radius, 8m at uniform speed of 32 ms− 1
i. the angular speed
ii. the centripetal force
d. Forces act on a car in motion. List the
(i) horizontal forces and their directions;
(ii) vertical forces and their directions

12a. The diagram above represents a portion of a micrometer screw gauge in which
the horizontal scale is in millimetres. What is the reading on the instrument?
b. State two differences between mass and weight of an object
c. A force of 30N applied parallel to the surface of a horizontal table is just sufficient
to make a block of mass, 5kg move on the table, calculate the coefficient of friction
between the block and table (g = 10m/s²).
d. In a tabular form list two differncerences between fundamental and derived
(50 Marks)
Answer all the questions.
TIME ALLOWED : 1¼ hours
1. Which of the following statements about a spring balance and/or a chemical
balance is not correct? A. the chemical balance operates on the principle of moments
B. the spring balance operates on Hooke's law C. either may be used to measure
the weight of a substance D. the reading of a spring balance changes over the
surface of the earth, while that of the chemical balance remaind constant
2. What type of motion does the skin of a 'talking' drum perform when it is struck
with a drum stick? A. Random B. Rational C. Translational D. Vibratory
3. The speed of an object in rectilinear motion can be determine from the A. area
under a velocity-time graph B. area under a distance-time graph C. slope of a
distance-time graph D. slope of a velocity-time graph
4. A body of mass 25kg, moving at 3 ms− 1 on a rough horizontal floor is at rest after
sliding through a distance of 2.50 m on the floor. Calculate the co-efficient of sliding
friction. [g = 10.0 ms− 2] A. 0.09 B. 0.18 C. 0.36 D. 0.54
5. An object of mass 0.25 kg moves at a height h above the ground with a speed of 4
ms− 1, if its mechanical energy at this height is 12 J, determine the value of h. [g = 10
ms ] A. 0.8m B. 4.0m C. 4.8m D. 5.6m

6. Which of the following statements about the mouth piece of a telephone is correct?
It converts sound energy into A. acoustic energy B. mechanical energy
C. electrical energy D. heat energy
7. A car travelling with a uniform velocity of 30 ms− 1 along a horizontal road
overcomes a constant frictional force of 600 N. Calculate the power of the engine of
the car A. 18kW B. 20kW C. 180kW D. 200kW
8. On a cold day, a concrete floor feels colder to the bear foot then a mat on the same
floor because the A. is better conductor of heat than the foot B. mat loses heat to
the bare foot at a faster rate C. mat is better conductor of heat than the floor
D. concrete floor is a better conductor of heat than the mat
9. Charges on a conductor are A. evenly distributed over a surface of any shape
B. concentrate on the inner surface of the conductor C. concentrate at the outer flat
surface of the conductor D. generally concentrated at sharply curved surface

10. The diagram above shows the resultant electric field pattern due to two electric
point charges P and S. Which of the following statements is correct? A. P is
negatively charged while S is positively charged B. P is positively charged while S
is negatively charged C. both P and S are positively charge D. both P and S are
negatively charged
11. Which of the following factors does not affect the the electric resistance of a wire?
A. Length B. Mass C. Temperature D. cross sectional area

12. Calculate the effective resistance between P and Q in the diagram above A. 0.75
Ω B. 4.00 Ω C. 5.00 Ω D. 7.00 Ω
13. A steel needle floating on water, sinks when kerosene is added to the water. This
is because the kerosene A. increased the surface tension of the water B. reduces
the density of the water C. reduces the surface tension of the water D. reduces the
upthrust on the needle
14. The friction which exists between two layers of liquid in relative motion is called
A. Capillarity B. surface tension C. Viscosity D. cohesion
15. Which of the following quantities is a vector? A. Speed B. Distance
C. Energy D. Momentum
16. Which of the following equations represents the distance x, travelled by a body
moving on a straight road with a constant speed? [The other symbol have their usual
2 2
1 2 V −U 1 2
meanings] A. x = Ut +  t B. x = Ut C. x =  D. x = - at
2 2a 2
17. An object is released from rest at a height of 25 m. Calculate the time it takes to
fall to the ground. [g = 10 ms− 2] A. 25.00 s B. 10.00 s C. 2.50 s D. 2.24 s
18. A car accelerates uniformly from rest at 5 ms . Determine its speed after 10 s
A. 50.0 ms− 1 B. 25.0 ms− 1 C. 2.0 ms− 1 D. 0.5 ms− 1
19. A body is projected horizonatlly from the top of a cliff 45m above the ground. if
the body lands at a distance 30m from the foot of the cliff, calculate the speed of
projection. [g = 10 ms− 2] A. 10 ms− 1 B. 15 ms− 1 C. 20 ms− 1 D. 30 ms− 1

20. A beam PQ pivoted at P carries a load of 80N as shown above. Calculate the
effort E, required to keep it horizontal. [neglect the weight of the beam] A. 32.0N
B. 26.7N C. 16.0N D. 13.3N
21. An object is acted upon by a system of parallel forces causing the object to be in
static equilibrium. Which of the following statements is not correct? A. The
resultant of the parallel force is zero B. the algebraic sum of the moment of the
forces is zero C. all the parallel forces must be equal in magnitude and in direction
D. the sum of the forces in one direction must be equal to the sum of forces in the
opposite direction
22. Which of the following type of motion does a body undergo when acted upon by a
couple? A. Vibrational B. Translational C. Rotational D. random
23. The diagram above illustrates three forces acting on an object at point O. If the
object is in equilibrium, determine the magnitude of the force P. A. 10.5N
B. 11.0N C. 17.3N D. 20.0N
24. Two forces 6N and 8N, act eastwards and northwards respectively on a body.
Calculate the magnitude of their equilibrant A. 2N B. 7N C. 10N D. 14N
25. An object weight 10N immersed in a liquid displaces a quantity of the liquid. If
the liquid displaced weighs 6N, determine the upthrust of the object A. 20N
B. 10N C. 6N D. 4N
26. A solid weight 45N and 15N respectively in air and water. Determine the relative
density of the solid A. 0.33 B. 0.50 C. 1.50 D. 3.00
27. An object weighs 60.0N in air, 48.2N in a certain liquid X, and 44.9N in water,
Calculate the relative density of X A. 3.300 B. 1.279 C. 0.932 D. 0.782
28. A solid body will float in a liquid if its A. density is less than that of a liquid
B. mass is equal to that of the liquid C. density is greater than that of the liquid
D. mass is less than that of the liquid
29. A mass of mass m, experiences a viscous drag, F and an upthrust, U as he
descends towards the ground at a steady velocity, Using a parachute. If the
acceleration of free fall is g, which of the following expressions is correct? A. FU =
mg B. U + F - mg = 0 C. U - F = mg D. F - U - mg = 0
30. A body of volume 0.046 m3 is immersed in a liquid of density 980 kgm−3  with   
of its volume submerged. Calculate the upthrust on the body. [g = 10 ms ]
A. 11.27N B. 33.81N C. 112.70N D. 338.10N
31. The amplitude of the motion of a body performing simple harmonic motion
decreases with time because A. friction force dissipate the energy of motion
B. the frequency of oscillation varies with time C. the period of oscillation varies
with time D. energy is supplied by some external agency
32. The amplitude of a particle executing simple harmonic motion in 5cm while its
angular frequency is 10 rads −1. calculate the magnitude of the maximum acceleration
of the particle A. 0.25ms− 2 B. 0.50 ms− 2 C. 2.00 ms− 2 D. 5.00 ms− 2
33. Which of the following about an object performing simple harmonic motion is
correct? Its acceleration A. is maximum at the extreme ends B. is constant and
directed towards a fixed point C. is zero when it is displayed from the equilibrum
position D. varies linearly with the displacement from a fixed point and is directed
towards the fixed point
34. A swinging pendulum between the rest position and its maximum displacement
possesses A. Kinetic energy only B. potential energy only C. gravitational
energy only D. both kinetic and potential energy
35. Which of the following statements is correct about resonance? Resonance occurs
when a body A. vibrates with its natural frequency B. is forced to vibrate on its
own natural frequency by another body at the same vibration C. vibrates at the
frequency of the body causing the vibration D. vibrates with an irregular frequency
36. The period of a simple pendulum of length 80.0cm was found to have doubled
when the length of the pendulum was increased by X. Calculate X. A. 26.7cm
B. 40.0cm C. 160.0cm D. 240.0cm
37. A spring balance,which is suspended from the roof of a lift, carries a mass of 1kg
at its free end. If the lift accelerates upwards at 2.5 ms− 2, determine the reading on the
spring balance. [g = 10 ms− 2] A. 24.0N B. 12.5N C. 7.5N D. 4.0N
38. Which of the following statements about elastic collision is correct?
A. momentum is lost due to the sound produced B. loss of momentim is equal to
loss in kinetic energy C. both kinetic energy and momentum are conserved
D. kinetic energy is lost while momentum is conserved
39. The tendency of a body to remain at rest when a force is supplied to it is called
A. Impulse B. Momentum C. Inertia D. friction
40. A force acting on a body causes a change in the momentum of the body from 12kg
ms  to 16kgms  in 0.2s. calculate the magnitude of the force A. 140.0N
−1 −1

B. 20.0N C. 4.0N D. 0.8N

41. A body of mass 5kg moving with a velocity of 10 ms− 1 collides with a stationary
body of mass 6kg. If the two bodies stick together and move in the same direction
after their collision, calculate their common velocity A. 4.55 ms− 1 B. 12.00 ms− 1
C. 30.00 ms− 1 D. 50.00 ms− 1
42. Fuel was consumed at a steady rate of 5.0 ×10 −2 kg per second in a rocket engine
and ejected as a gas with a speed of 4 ×10 3 ms− 1. Determine the thrust on the rocket
A. 20N B. 80N C. 200N D. 800N
43. A ball is dropped and it hits the floor at a point A. It rebounds upward to a point
B. While moving from A to B its A. kinetic energy is increasing B. potential
energy is increasing C. potential energy is decreasing D. kinetic energy remains
44. A car of mass 800kg moves from rest on a horizontal track and travels 60m in 20s
with uniform acceleration. Assuming there were no frictional forces, calculate the
accelerating force A. 240.0N B. 800.0N C. 1600.00N D. 2400.0N
45. A block and tackle system has 6 pulleys. If the efficiency of the machine is 60%,
determine its mechanical advantages A. 12.0 B. 10.0 C. 3.6 D. 1.8
46. A screw jack with a Tommy bar of length 12cm is used to raise a car through a
vertical height of 25cm by turning the Tommy bar through 50 revolutions. Calculate
the approximate velocity ratio of the jack [π = 3.142] A. 21 B. 38 C. 48
D. 151
47. Which of the following simple machines is a second class lever? A. wheel
barrow B. Crowbar C. claw hammer D. seasaw
48. A wheel and axle of radii 800mm and 200mm respectively is used to raise a body
of weight 800N by the application of 250N. Calculate the efficiency of the machine
A. 85% B. 80% C. 60% D. 20%
49. The velocity ratio of an inclined plane, inclines at an angle θθ to the horizontal
can be expressed as A. (sin θ)−1 B. sin θ C. (cos θ)− 1 D. cos θ
50. A machine of efficiency 80% is used to lift a box. If the effort applied by the
machine is twice the weight of the box. Calculate the velocity ratio of the machine
A. 0.50 B. 0.63 C. 0.80 D. 1.60
TIME ALLOWED : 1½ hours
Sections A
(15 Marks)
Answer any five questions.
1(a) Define Young modulus of elasticity;
(b) A spiral spring extends from a length of 10.0 cm to 10.01 cm when a force of 20 N
is applied on it. Calculate the force constant of the spring.
2(a) Define surface tension
(b) State two methods by which the surface tension of a liquid can be reduced
3. Explain why mercury does not wet glass while water does.
4. A ball bearing falls through a viscous liquid
(a) Using a labelled diagram of a tall vessel, show all the forces acting on it
(b) When will it attain terminal velocity?
5. A particle dropped from a vertical height and falls freely for a time interval t.
Sketch and explain a graph to show how h varies with (a) t (b) t 2.
6(a) State two objects each used in sports and warfare which may be considered as
(b) the horizontal range R, of a projectile is given by the expression;
U 2 sin 2 θ
R=  where θ is the angle of projection, g the acceleration of free fall due to
gravity and u the initial velocity. At what value of θ will R be maximium?
7. State;
(a) Newton's second law of motion
(b) the principle of conservation of energy
Sections B
(45 Marks)
Answer any three questions.
8(a) State two;
(i) laws of solid friction;
(ii) advantages of friction;
(iii) methods of reducing friction
b. In an experiment to determine the acceleration of free-fall due to gravity, g, using a
simple pendulum of length l, six different values of l were used to obtain six
corresponding values of period T. If a graph of l along the vertical axis is plotted
againstT 2 on the horizontal axis;
(i) make a sketch to show the nature of the graph,
(ii) write down the equation that relates T, I and g hence obtain an expression for the
slope of the graph
(iii) given that the slope of the graph is 0.25, determine the value for g [Take π =
c. The lengtn of a zinc rod at 23°C is 200 m. Calculate the increase in length of the
rod when its temperature rises to 33°C. [ expansivity of zinc = 2.6 ×10 −5 K −1]
d. When a positively charged conductor is placed near a candle flame, the flame
spreads out as shown in the diagram above. Explain this observation.
9. A wire gradually stretched by loading it until it snaps.
(a) Sketch a load-extension graph for the wire
(b) Indicate on the graph the
(i) elastic limit (E);
(ii) yield point (Y);
(iii) breaking point (B).
c. A force of 40 N applied at the end of a wire of length 4m and diameter 2.00 mm
produces an extension of 0.24 mm. Calculate the;
(i) stress on the wire;
(ii) strain in the wire (π = 3.142)
d. Use the diagram to answer question;

Camphor is a chemical that sub-limes and interacts with water reducing the surface
tension where it is put. Explain why the toy boat illustrated above would move
forward with the camphor placed at the back of it but would be stationary before the
placement of the camphor.
10a. A particle moves on a straight path with an initial speed u and final speed v in
time t. Show that the total distance X covered by the particle is given by
x=ut + at 2 where a is the magnitude of acceleration
(b) Using a suitable diagram, explain how the following can be obtained from a
velocity-time graph:
(i)  acceleration;
(ii) total distance covered.                                                                                   
(c ) A body at rest is given an initial uniform acceleration of 6.00 ms− 2 for 20s after
which the acceleration is reduced to 4.00 ms− 2 for the next 10s.
The body maintains the speed attained for 30s.
Draw the velocity-time graph of the motion using the information given above. 
d. From the graph, calculate the:
i. maximum speed attained during the motion;
ii. total distance traveled during the first 30 s;
iii. average speed during the same time interval as in (ii) above.
11a. A ball thrown vertically upward reaches a maximum height of 50 m above the
level of projection. Calculate the;
(i) time taken to reach the maximum height,
(ii) speed of the throw. [g = 10 ms− 2]
b. A lead shot is projected from tha ground level with a velocity u at an angle θ to the
horizontal. Given the time, t for the lead shot to reach its maximum height as; t
u sinθ
=   where "g" is the acceleration of free fall due to gravity, show that the
U 2 sin 2 θ
greatest height reached by the body is h max =
(c) State the conditions of equilibrium for a number of coplanar parallel forces.
(d) A metre rule is found to balance horizontally at the 48 cm mark. When a body of
mass 60 g is suspended at the 6 cm mark, the balance point is found to be at the 30 cm
mark. Calculate the;
(i) mass of the metre rule;
(ii) distance of the balance point from the zero end, if the body were moved to the 13
cm mark.
12(a) Explain the terms: (i) inertia; (ii) inertial mass.
(b) A bullet of mass 120 g is fired horizontally into a fixed wooden block with a speed
of 20 ms− 1. If the bullet is brought to rest in the block in 0.1s by a constant resistance,
calculate the (i) magnitude of the resistance; (ii) distance moved by the bullet in the
(c) Draw and label a diagram of a pulley system with velocity ratio of 5.
(d)(i) Show that the efficiency ε , force ratio M.A. and the velocity ratio V.R. of a
machine are related by the equation ε = × 100 %
V .R
(ii) The efficiency of a machine is 80%. Calcuate the work done by a person using the
machine to raise a load of 300 kg through a height of 4 m.[ g = 10 ms− 2 ]
(50 Marks)
Answer all the questions.
TIME ALLOWED : 1¼ hours

1. Which of the following physical processes cannot be explained by the molecular

theory of matter? A. Evaporation B. thermal conduction C. radiation of heat
D. convectional current of fliuds
2. A spring balance,which is suspended from the roof of a lift, carries a mass of 1kg at
its free end. If the lift accelerates upwards at 2.5 ms− 2, determine the reading on the
spring balance. [g = 10 ms− 2] A. 24.0N B. 12.5N C. 7.5N D. 4.0N
3. An object weight 10N immersed in a liquid displaces a quantity of the liquid. If the
liquid displaced weighs 6N, determine the upthrust of the object A. 20N B. 10N
C. 6N D. 4N
4. Which of the following statements about pressure is not correct? Pressure
A. increases with an increase in surface area B. decreases with an increase in surface area
C. increases with a decrease in surface area D. increases with an increase in the applied force
5. The apparent weight of a body fully immersed in water is 32N and its weight in air
is 96N. Calculate the volume of the body. [Density of water = 1000 kgm−3 , g = 10
ms ] A. 8.9 ×10 −3 m 3 B. 6.4 ×10 −3 m 3 C. 3.2 ×10 −3 m3 D. 3.0 ×10 −3 m 3
6. A block weighing 15N rests on a flat surface and a horizontal force of 3N is exerted
on it. Determine the friction force on the block A. 0.3N B. 0.5N C. 3.0N D. 5.0N
7. Which of the following equations represents the distance x, travelled by a body
moving on a straight road with a constant speed? [The other symbol have their usual
2 2
1 2 V −U 1 2
meanings] A. x = Ut +  t B. x = Ut C. x =  D. x = - at
2 2a 2
8. The amplitude of the motion of a body performing simple harmonic motion
decreases with time because A. friction force dissipate the energy of motion B. the
frequency of oscillation varies with time C. the period of oscillation varies with time D. energy
is supplied by some external agency
9. The amplitude of a particle executing simple harmonic motion in 5cm while its
angular frequency is 10 rads −1. calculate the magnitude of the maximum acceleration
of the particle A. 0.25 ms− 2 B. 0.50 ms− 2 C. 2.00 ms− 2 D. 5.00 ms− 2
10. The time rate of change of momentum is A. Impulse B. Force C. Power
D. pressure
An object A is held in equilibrium as illustrated in the diagram above. Using the data
on the diagram determine the magnitude, W of the weight of A. 23N B. 17N C. 7N
D. 5N
A spiral spring of natural length 30.0cm and force constant of 20 Nm− 1 is compressed
to 20.0cm. Calculate the energy stored in the spring A. 0.1J B. 1.0J C. 10.0J
D. 100.0J

In the diagram above, AB represents a uniform rod of length 1.50m which is in

equilibrium on a pivot at P, If AP = 40cm, calculate the mass of the rod. [g = 10 ms− 2]
A. 0.280kg B. 0.400kg C. 0.613kg D. 0.800kg
Which of the following statements correctly defines quantitatively the work done by a
force? the product of the force and the distance moved A. parallel to the line of action of
the force from a reference point B. perpendicular to the line of action of the force from a
reference point C. on a line through the reference point D. by the object
A load of mass120kg is raised vertically through a height of 2m in 30s by a machine
whose efficiency is 100%. Calculate the power generated by the machine. [g = 10
ms ]
A. 60W B. 80W C. 100W D. 120W
A block and tackle system has 6 pulleys. If the efficiency of the machine is 60%,
determine its mechanical advantages A. 12.0 B. 10.0 C. 3.6 D. 1.8
Which of the following actions will improve the efficiency of the pulley system?
A. reducing the mass of the pulley B. increasing the friction force between the string and the
pulley C. increasing the mass per unit length of the string of the pulley D. increasing the
mass of the pulley
The ice and steam points of a certain thermometer are -20o and 100 ° respectively.
Calculate the Celsius temperature temperature corresponding to 70 ° on the
thermometer A. 84.0 ° B. 75.0 ° C. 64 ° D. 58.0 °
The silver coating on the inside of a vacuum flask reduces heat loss by A. Conduction
B. Radiation C. Condensation D. convention
Water of mass 120g at 50℃ is added to 200g of water at 10oC and the mixture is well
stirred. Calculate the temperature of the mixture. [Neglect heat losses to the
surrounding] A. 60℃ B. 40℃ C. 25℃ D. 10℃
The horizontal floor of a water reservoir appears to be 1.0m deep when viewed
vertically from above. If the refractive index of water is 1.35, calculate the real depth
of the reservoir A. 2.35m B. 1.35m C. 1.00m D. 0.35m
A converging lens has a focal length of 5cm. Determine its power A. +20.0
B. +0.2 C. -20.00 D. -0.2
Which of the following pairs of rays shows the widest separation in the spectrum of
white light? A. green and blue B. orange and indigo C. blue and violet D. red and
Which of the following statements about the human eye and the camera is correct?
A. both form virtual image of objects B. the image formed by the eye is upright in the retina
while that formed by the camera is inverted on the film C. the inside of both of them is
blackened to absorb unwanted light D. the focal length of both eye lens and the camera lens
can be varied
The speed of sound in air is is directly proportional to A. its temperature on the celsius
scale B. its temperature in the thermodynamic scale C. the cube root of its temperature on
its celcius scale D. the square roor of its temperature on the absolute scale
A sonometer wire of linear density 0.08kg m-1 subjected to a tension of 800N is
plucked. Calculate the speed of a pulse which moves from one end of the wire to the
other A. 179.0 ms− 1 B. 100.0 ms− 1 C. 15.8 ms− 1 D. 8.0 ms− 1
Which of the following instruments gives a pure note when sounded? A. talking drum
B. Siren C. tunning fork D. guitar
Which of the following features of an electrostatic line of force is not correct? A. it is
an imaginary line which a positive charge will describe if it is free to move B. the tangent drawn
at any point on a curved line of force shows the direction of the electric field intensity at that point
C. it is sometimes curved D. it can cross another line of force in a region of intense electric
Which of the following statement about force is correct ? A. electrostatic, gravitational
and magnetic forces are always attractive B. electric, gravitational and magnetic field obeys
inverse square law C. fields are real but their corresponding field lines are imaginary D. field
lines and their corresponding fields are both real
A positively charged glass rod is placed by near the cap of a positively charge
electroscope. The divergence of the leaf is observed to A. Decrease B. Increase
C. remain the same D. increase and collapse immediately
During a thunderstorm, lightning and thunder occurred simultaneously in the
atmosphere. An observer on the earth surface's sees the lightning flash shortly before
hearing the thunder. This is because the A. atmospheric pressure is higher at the surface
than at the higher altitudes B. speed of sound is less than that of light C. temperature of the
atmosphere decreases with altitude D. atmospheric density decreases with altitude
A magnified and virtual image of a near object is produced by A. prism binoculas
B. astronomical telescope C. Periscope D. simple microscope
A girl stand 80m away from a tall cliff and blows a whistle. If the speed of sound in
air is 330 ms− 1, how long would it take for her to hear the echo of the sound?
A. 2.062s B. 0.970s C. 0.485s D. 0.242s
Which of the following reasons explains why the walls and ceilings of a standard
concert hall are usually covered with perforated pads? To A. increase the intensity of
sound waves B. increases the loudness of the sound waves C. reduce the effect of revibration
of sound waves D. decreases thr frequency of sound waves
The sound from a vibrating tuning sound is when the tip of its stem is placed on a
wooden table than when in air because A. the friction between the table and the tuning
fork generates additional energy B. air molecules obsorb sound wave but wood transmit sound
waves C. the table increases the frequency of the turning fork D. a large mass of air is set into
vibration by the table
Charges on a conductor are A. evenly distributed over a surface of any shape B. concentrate
on the inner surface of the conductor C. concentrate at the outer flat surface of the conductor
D. generally concentrated at sharply curved surface
Which of following functions is performed by manganese IV oxide in the Lenclanche
cell? A. control of local action B. depolarisation of the cell C. regulating current flow
in the cell D. reduction of the internal resistance of the cell
A car fuse marked 3A operates optimally on a 12V battery, calculate the resistance of
the fuse A. 36.0 Ω B. 15.0 Ω C. 9.0 Ω D. 4.0 Ω
Find the cost of running a 60W lamp for 24 hours. If 1kW hr cost 5 naira A. 14.4 naira
B. 12.5 naira C. 7.2 naira D. 2.0 naira
The quantity of electric charge stored in a capacitor is measured in A. Farad
B. Ampere C. Coulomb D. Volt
In which of the following media is the transmission of sound wave fastest? A. Vacuum
B. Air C. Wood D. Iron
The ability of a material to store an electric charge when its plates are at different
potentials is referred to as its A. Conductance B. Inductance C. Capacitance
D. resistance
Two capacitors if capacitance 0.4 μF  and 0.5 μF  are connected in parallel and charged
to a p.d. of 50V, Determine the total charge acquired A. 45 μC B. 25 μC C. 20
μC D. 10 μC
A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 600 μF has a potential difference of 200V
between its plates. Calculate the charge on either plate of the capacitor A. 1.2C
B. 3.3C C. 3330.0C D. 12.0000.0C
A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 600 μF has a potential difference of 200V
between its plates. Calculate the charge on either plate of the capacitor A. 1.2C
B. 3.3C C. 3330.0C D. 12.0000.0C
A chemical cell of internal resistance 1 Ω supplies electric current to an external
resistor of resistance 3 Ω. Calculate the efficiency of the cell A. 75% B. 50%
C. 33% D. 25%
An electric lamp is rated 240V, 40W. What is the cost of running the lamp for 72
hours if the electricity authority charges N2.50 per kWh? A. N7.20 B. N18.00
C. 180.00 D. N720.00
Which of the following statements explains lost volt in an electric circuit? The A. total
p.d from a source to maintain a flow of current through the circuit as well as the source B. p.d
to drive current through the circuit component except the source C. p.d across all external
components connected to the source of electricity D. p.d across the internal resistance of the cell
A constantan wire has a cross sectional area of 4 ×10 −8 m2 and a resistivity of 1.1
×10 −6 Ωm. If a resistor of resistance 11 Ω is to be made from this wire, calculate the
length of the wire required A. 0.4m B. 0.8m C. 2.5m D. 5.0m
The mass and weight of a body on earth are 8kg and 80N respectively. Determine the
mass and weight of the body respectively on a planet where the pull of gravity is   
that on earth A. 8kg, 8N B. 1kg, 10N C. 64kg, 10N D. 8kg, 10N
TIME ALLOWED : 1½ hours
Sections A
(15 Marks)
Answer any five questions.
1 A ball thrown vertically upward reaches a maximum height of 50 m above the level
of projection. Calculate the;
(i) time taken to reach the maximum height,
(ii) speed of the throw. [g = 10 ms− 2]
2(a) What is electrolysis?
(b) A current of 2A is passed through a copper voltameter for 5 minutes. If the
electrochemical equivalent of copper is 3.27 ×10 −7 kg. Determine the mass of the
corper deposited.
3. State (a) the principle upon which the lightening in fluorescent tubes operate;
(b) two factors on which the colour of light from a fluorescent tube depends.
4. Define;
(i) Elasticity
(ii) Young's modulus
(iii) Force constant
5. A parallel beam of unpolarised light is incident on a plane glass surface at an angle
of 58oo to the normal. If the reflected beam is completely polarised, calculate the
refractive index of the glass.
6. State three methods of polarising an unpolarised light
7(a) Define Young modulus of elasticity;
(b) A spiral spring extends from a length of 10.0 cm to 10.01 cm when a force of 20 N
is applied on it. Calculate the force constant of the spring.
Sections B
(45 Marks)
Answer any three questions.
8(a) Explain specific latent heat
(b)(i) Describe how the specific latent heat of fusion of ice can be determined by the
method of mixtures.
(ii) State two precautions to be taken to ensure accurate results.
(c) Steam, at 100°C, is passed into a container of negligible heat capacity containing
20 g of ice and 100 g of water at 0°C, until the ice is completely melted. Determine
the total mass of water in the container.  [Specific latent heat of steam = 2.3 ×10 3 Jg−1
, specific latent heat of ice = 3.4 ×10 2 Jg−1 , specifit heat capacity of water = 4.2
Jg−1 K −1 ]
9(a) With the aid of ray diagrams, explain total internal reflection.
(b) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, the essential features of an
astronomical telescope in normal adjustment.
(c) A converging lens forms a real image of a real object. If the magnification is 2 and
the distance between the image and the object is 90.0 cm, determine the
(i) focal length of the lens;
(ii) object distance for which the image would be the same size as the object.
10(a)(i) Name and explain the common defects of a primary cell.
(ii) State two advantages of a secondary cell over a primary cell.
(b) Draw a labelled diagram to show the essential parts of a dry leclanche cell.
(c)(i) Explain why six accumulators each of e.m.f 2V connected in series can be used
to start the engine of a car whereas eight dry cells each of e.m.f 1.5 V connected in
series cannot be used.
(ii) Name the materials used for the positive terminal, the negative terminal and the
electrolyte in a
I. leclanche cell;
II. charged lead acid accumulator.
11(a) State the conditions of equilibrium for a number of coplanar parallel forces.
(b) A metre rule is found to balance horizontally at the 48 cm mark. When a body of
mass 60 g is suspended at the 6 cm mark, the balance point is found to be at the 30 cm
mark. Calculate the;
(i) mass of the metre rule;
(ii) distance of the balance point from the zero end, if the body were moved to the 13
cm mark.
(c) a man pulls up a box of mass 70 kg using an inclined plane of effective length 5 m
unto a platform 2.5 m high at a uniform speed. If the frictional force between the box
and the plane is 1000 N;
(i) draw a diagram to illustrate all the forces acting on the box while in motion;
(ii) calculate the I. minimum effort applied in pulling up the box; II. velocity ratio of
the plane, if it is inclined at 30° to the horizontal; Ill. force ratio of the plane.
12(a) (i) Explain (I) electric potential; (II) electric potential energy
(ii) State the SI unit of each of the term in (a)(i) above
(b) An isolated electrically charged sphere of radius, r, and charge, Q, is supported on
an insulator in air of permitivity, ε o. Write down;
(i) an expression for the electric field intensity on the surface of the sphere;
(ii) an expression for the electric potential at the surface of the sphere;
(iii) a relationship between the electric field intensity and the electric potential at the
surface of the sphere
(c) The plates of a parallel plate capacitor, 5.0 ×10 −3 m apart are maintained at a
potential difference of 5.0 ×10 4 V. Calculate the magnitude f the
(i) electric field intensity between the plates
(ii) force on the electron
(iii) acceleration of the elctron
[electronic charge = 1.60 ×10 −19 C , mass of electron = 9.1×10 −31 kg ]

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