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DSGN 6028 - Design Futures

Assessment 2 - Design Solution

Group 2

Abdullah Md Tareq
Urja Sheth
Sharun Sangat

Table of Contents

Problem Statement...................................................................................... 3
Proposed Solution ...................................................................................... 7
Visualization................................................................................................. 9
Timeline ...................................................................................................... 14
Budget Estimates ...................................................................................... 16
References ................................................................................................. 20

Problem Statement


The media and its powerful impact on the majority have expanded dramatically in the beyond fifty
years. At first, the news and media stations were restricted to the message. The mechanical
developments then, at that point, tracked down many stations to get out the word to the majority
like the radio, papers, magazines, TV, sites, and presently versatile applications too. The mass
media communications have turned into an indivisible piece of society and the existence of
residents and that is the reason it is important to comprehend the broad communications impact
on individuals. From economy to amusement and from legislative issues to excellence, everything
is presently impacted by broad communications.


• Ethical

In the serious and quickly impacting universe of broad communications correspondences, media
experts — defeat by cut-off times, main concern goals, and corporate interests — can without
much of a stretch fail to focus on the moral ramifications of their work. Notwithstanding, as
diversion regulation expert Sherri Burr calls attention to, "On the grounds that network TV is a
varying media medium that is channeled free into the vast majority of American homes, it is one
of the main vehicles for portraying social pictures to our populace (Burr, 2001)." Considering the
significant impact broad communications like TV have on social discernments and mentalities, it
is significant for the makers of media content to wrestle with moral issues. Few issues are
described below.

1. Stereotypes, Prescribed Roles, and Public Perception

2. Minority Exclusion and Stereotypes
3. Femininity in Mass Media
4. Sexual Content in Public Communication

• Social

There are several scholarly studies which address media and its effects. Bryant and Zelman
described media results as "the social, cultural, and mental impact of speaking through the mass
media". Perse said that media consequences researchers’ study "the way to control, decorate, or

mitigate the impact of the mass media on people and society". Lang stated media effects
researchers examine "what kinds of content material, in what sort of medium, affect which human
beings, in what situations". McLuhan factors out in the media ecology theory that "The medium is
the message."

• Practical

In media studies, mass communication, media psychology, communication concept, and

sociology, media have an impact on, and media consequences are topics regarding mass media
and media lifestyle's outcomes on individual or an audience's thoughts, attitudes, and conduct.
Whether it's far written, televised, or spoken, mass media reaches a huge target market. Mass
media's position and impact in shaping cutting-edge subculture are relevant troubles for study of

• Political

The correspondence of political data is a significant cycle in the political framework, and the broad
communications assume a focal part in this movement. The broad communications furnish most
of the electorate with a structure for grasping past, present and future occasions. However, there
is broad discussion about both the degree and the personality of the effect of the broad
communications on legislative issues. A few scholars accept that the broad communications in
Britain work with a majority rules system by permitting a wide assortment of perspectives to be
communicated. Some accept that the media are against majority rule in light of their ability to
control the manner in which individuals ponder legislative issues at home and abroad. Others are
more worried about finding the importance of media content through examining association
between media messages and the way of life of explicit crowds. Numerous pundits have blamed
the broad communications for downplaying governmental issues. Since various TV slots and
papers observe that they are seeking a predetermined number of watchers and peruses, there is
the propensity to make the news more alluring by regarding it as diversion as opposed to as a
serious business.

• Legal

News sources intentionally attempt to paint a specific picture of an occasion, bunch or

individual to accomplish their wanted result. This result might be strategically energized, or it could
simply be an Endeavor to make more cash.



On 21 April, the world watched as fire ripped through the scaffolding of the iconic Notre Dame
Cathedral in France. Social media quickly flooded with nostalgic posts of people posing in front
of the church and captions mourning the damaged building.

Then, a week later, Sri Lanka experienced something worse, an Easter Sunday terror attack.
Three churches, hotels, and multiple cafes were targeted in a highly organized attack that
took the lives of over 250 people. Research from Google Trends suggests that the Notre Dame
fires received between five to nine times more interest than the Sri Lanka attacks within the first
24 hours in the news cycle.


When news consumers outside China first heard about a new form of pneumonia in Hubei
Province in late 2019, it seemed like a distant concern. This changed on January 23 with the
announcement of a lockdown in Wuhan, sparking real concerns for personal well-being should
SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the COVID-19 pandemic, spread. Worldwide interest in the
coronavirus spiked, with information flowing from multiple sources including personal
interactions, online media, and traditional news media (Lupton and Lewis, 2021). News
consumption exponentially increased as a foreign news item became a global health
emergency. And while researchers in media studies have worked to understand the impact of
visual messaging on the global public, surprisingly few address the sonic components of
audiovisual COVID-19 reporting. While criticizing China's lockdown for its severity and
harshness, the foreign the press presented Wuhan as an incapacitated city, marked by silent,
empty streets.

The sights and sounds of quarantine were constructed by the eyes and ears of the Western
press, which largely excluded signs of life from inside containment. The direct recipients of the
virus' debilitating effects, human bodies, were hardly in evidence in the earliest video coverage
from the metropolis under lockdown. These representations correspond to Western pre-
dispositions toward the Chinese state as oppressive and its citizens as “invisible” —one could

say that the reporters colonized the racialized and “disappeared” Wuhanese and deprived them
of physical appearance and Voice.

Proposed Solution

The problem of information pollution is widespread. Therefore, we made the decision to create
the fact-checking website "Mirror - The Fact Checker". We'll make an effort to provide the reader
of our website unbiased information that will help them create a clear opinion.

To improve the trustworthiness of our website, we shall adhere to some specified standards.

Prior to doing anything else, our expert panel will check the story's veracity. If an author's
statements are not cited, they could not be accepted. However, a reference may also be false if
it contains no credible research or figures. If the information is not appropriately cited, more
research will be required.

Various websites may post some false information. Therefore, our staff will ensure the domain's
legitimacy. Anybody may buy a domain and post skewed news. So, our staff makes an effort to
identify the website's creators.

Another crucial factor for the news's objectivity is its transparency. Authors and organizations are
frequently recognised as representatives of a certain group or viewpoint. As a result, they aimed
to convince rather than inform. There are several methods for determining the writers' and
websites' impartiality. For instance, the "About Us" page, where we can find the information, or
other indications of biases might include strong language, justifications that rely on feelings rather
than logic, the presentation of a constrained point of view, oversimplification of the situation, or
the omission of relevant facts.

We discover a lot of content on various websites. Sometimes the name of the article's writers is
hidden from view. Therefore, no claim will be recognized if the authors' credentials are unknown.
Looking at the writer's contact details and social media links is one method we may evaluate their
authority. Our staff will investigate the writers' authority to express a viewpoint.

Another responsibility to ensure the veracity of the material will be to examine the quotes. Reliable
publications typically contain a variety of quotes to give readers a complete picture. Knowing the
experts' names alone is insufficient; our staff will additionally investigate their credentials by
reviewing the original interview or transcript.

Since they haven't been updated in years, some information is out of date. In that situation, our
staff will date-check the old information and compare it to the new information. The use of
outdated material can also be used in written articles in place of more recent data.

Our staff may occasionally speak with specialists directly because it is unlikely that everyone will
be an expert in every field. Our group will also confirm the data received from various sources.

Promotional Activity

Because it will serve as a platform for raising public awareness. We have made the decision to
advertise our websites via social media and various posters. This will aid in spreading awareness
of this site.

A Radio Podcast can be downloaded from here -

Cultural Sensitivity

A fact-checking website will have a difficult time being sensitive to cultural differences. As
opposed to the logical overview, persons from other cultures will be more interested in the
ethnicity. We shall choose our words carefully and connect up the author's or expert's background
in order to prevent this issue. The variety of our team's cultures may also play a significant role in
winning the readers' trust. On the website, we will provide the names of all of our writers so that
visitors may learn more about them. We shall provide our workers with training to ensure that they
never use racial slurs or other forms of bigotry whether posting on social media or in any other
forum. We will ensure that none of our writers, unless specifically referenced, have made any
disrespectful remarks in their writings. Readers may believe that a website is biased if the writer
uses foul language. Hopefully, implementing these actions will aid in preventing issues with cross-
cultural sensitivity.


Logo Description
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The main concept of this project is to provide the readers unbiased information that will help them
have a clear opinion and for that we chose a combination of two bold colors as presented in the
logo above. The rectangular shape as a block represents a mirror itself where we as a fact checker
are present in the back end representing a symbol “<>”. The combination and contemplation of
the elements signifies the theme of our project which is vivid and clear. This product will mostly
be used by some specific age group of people who would want to stay up to date with the stories
happening around the world so as for them to leave a logo mark on their head, this logo has been
carefully designed.

Font and Color Theme

The right font grabs the interest of your readers and helps convey messages efficiently. Nexa
Bold perfectly represents modern and bold aesthetics. This font looks amazing as single words
and as full text blocks. Also it is good for bright captions.
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Colors for a brand are accentuated to construct distinct logos and collaterals. Mirror Fact
Checker color palette embodies the value of diversity and cultural experience with a youthful twist.
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Advertising and marketing are the ultimate trend in this century and here are few of the mockups
created for digital media and billboards. We also have prepared a radio podcast which will be
hosted by a radio.
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A prototype for our website is available in this link -

The initial part of this design is the concept for the building. This website will be information-based.
We will make plans for the topic at this point. Will decide whether the material will primarily focus
on domestic or foreign content. Make a plan for your article categories, titles, and keywords. For
around three weeks, we will work on creating our material.

At the same time, we will examine the market's present level of competitiveness. Since there are
other fact-checking websites, too. Therefore, we must consider how we might offer a better
service than other fact-checking websites. This stage will involve market research, industry
trends, local community needs, differentiating our platform from competitors, identifying gaps in
competitors' offerings, etc.. ( All-in-One Tool for Publishers and Media Outlets, 2022)

We will begin planning the content at this point. This phase should last four weeks. At this point,
we will focus on the content's uniqueness, follow contemporary fashions, format the material, and
choose when to publish as well as how frequently to do so. (How to Start a News Website in 12
Easy Steps, 2021)
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We will next proceed to the design process at this stage based on the data obtained in earlier
phases. This stage will take about 5 weeks. Design mockups are created at this stage and
presented for opinions in order to establish a distinct or template design that fits the goals for the
new website. Design mockups may comprise designs for the homepage, a number of internal
pages, desktop views, and mobile views. Timeline for (Upanup | Website Project Timeline, n.d.)

We must use certain advertising strategies that rely more on participation in forums or social
media and fewer advertisements. We have suggested continuing this continual practise of
advertising activities.

The following phase in this timetable will be content authoring. This is a crucial component of the
project. The essential actions in this section are:

The project then enters the development stage with the approved design, site architecture,
technical brief, and sitemap in place. Here, the website comes to life and all of its components
work together to create a top-notch website.

We then make our website live. It can take a week or two. This procedure will be kept as easy
and quick as possible.

We want to confirm that it is an investment. We will monetize this site as a result.

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Budget Estimates

For the implementation for this design solution, we have proposed a budget which might change
based on the future market policy. We have divided our budget in 5 different sections.

Software Expense

We require software in order to maintain a website. Spending money on software is justified since
it will speed up and save processes. It will also reduce individual costs. (Starter Story: Learn How
People Are Starting Successful Businesses, n.d.)
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Advertising & Marketing Expense

A website like fact checker, in our opinion, requires excellent advertising or marketing efforts. We
have suggested spending a sizable sum of money on promotional efforts as a result.
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Other Expenses

Depending on the circumstances, the cost of designing a website may rise. We think that this
website has to be attractive to draw in more visitors.

Additionally, we've suggested maintaining funding for our authors' continued education and
training. In this cutthroat industry, talent development is something we think is always necessary.
These talents can be developed through training.

Additionally, we have a budget for office space. Although it is not necessary right now, as our
website grows, it could become so.
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Individual Contribution

Urja Sheth-

• Brainstorming problems
• Introduction to the problem
• Cross cultural context with the problems
• Introducing key aspects of the problem
• Case studies
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How to Start a News Website in 12 Easy Steps. (2021, August 11). Blog Gravitec.Net.

Starter Story: Learn How People Are Starting Successful Businesses. (n.d.). Starter Story.

Retrieved July 16, 2022, from

newspaper/startup-costs All-in-One Tool for Publishers and Media Outlets. (2022, February 18). How

to create a news portal website?,how-to-


Upanup | Website Project Timeline. (n.d.). Upanup.

Jacobs, Norman (1 January 1992). Mass Media in Modern Society. Transaction

Publishers. ISBN 978-1-4128-2818-5.

Valkenburg, Patti M.; Peter, Jochen; Walther, Joseph B. (4 January 2016). "Media Effects:

Theory and Research". Annual Review of Psychology. 67 (1): 315–338.

doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-122414-033608. PMID 26331344. S2CID 11875375.

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"Impact of media use on children and youth". Paediatrics & Child Health. 8 (5): 301–306.

1 May 2003. doi:10.1093/pch/8.5.301. PMC 2792691. PMID 20020034.

Holt, Kristoffer; Krogh, Torbjörn von (10 December 2010). "The citizen as media critic in

periods of media change". Observatorio. 4 (4). doi:10.15847/obsOBS442010432

(inactive 28 February 2022).

Media Effects (60502nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. 3 January 2012. pp. 35–63. ISBN


Perspectives on Media Effects. Routledge. 1 September 1989. p. xiii. ISBN


Perse, Elizabeth M. (1 January 2001). Media Effects and Society. Routledge. p. ix. ISBN


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