Assignmnt 1 - Mpom7103

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Case study 1

Q1 Owners of small businesses located nearby: There will be an increase in the

number of customers shopping at the Wal-Mart store, as well as an increase in the

number of customers shopping at the businesses that are located in the immediate

area. A rise in the number of people walking through an area leads to a rise in the

amount of business conducted there. Because Wal-Mart attracts a large number of

suppliers, many of whom also work with local businesses, proprietors of smaller

businesses in the neighbourhood also profit. To put it another way, the overall

amount of business in the region increases. In addition, residential developments

and apartment complexes tend to spring up in areas where a Wal-Mart store already

exists, leading to an increase in foot traffic at neighbouring businesses.

The disadvantage would be that neighbourhood businesses that sell Wal-Mart

products are driven out of business as a result. These companies have a lower gross

revenue. Every new customer that Wal-Mart acquires is a loss for the community's

independent businesses. Because Wal-Mart controls such a huge portion of the

retail market, it has driven many of its competitors out of business in the surrounding

area. Because Wal-Mart is such a dominant force in the retail industry, many stores

selling things like food and furniture have been compelled to go out of business. Wal-

Mart is notorious for undercutting its competitors' prices and driving them out of

business by selling some goods at artificially low prices.

Town residents and residents of nearby towns :: One of the benefits of having a Wal-

Mart in the area is that it enables residents to do all of their shopping in a single spot.

In addition to this, residents have a higher probability of holding down a job.

Additionally, Wal-Mart helps to improve the quality of the environment in its

surrounding community. They even offer assistance with the installation of utility

lines, which could be useful to the people. A major disadvantage of Wal-Mart is that

it converts a major agricultural region into a substantial amount of impervious surface

area. The changing of terrain can have a number of negative effects on the

environment, including changes in water flow, the destruction of habitat, and

problems caused by heat islands. In addition, the cars that bring goods to Wal-Mart

contribute to noise pollution and air pollution. Local Wal-Mart workers are paid

extremely low pay, are sexually exploited discrimination, and are commonly not paid

their appropriate benefits. Wal-Mart also discriminates against female employees.

The environmental problems faced by businesses owned by Wal-Mart are not limited

to only erosion. The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection initiated

legal action against Wal-Mart in May of 2000, accusing the retailer of contaminating

the rivers and streams of the state with pesticides and fertiliser. The state of

Connecticut claims that pesticides

Q2 The following is one way that an employee at Wal-Mart can respond to

feedback that is not favourable. To begin, the addition of a Wal-Mart to the

neighbourhood will result in an increase in the number of available jobs. Second, the

arrival of a Wal-Mart will provide many residents of the area with access to shopping
that they have never had in the past. Third, Wal-Mart will bring international products

to the surrounding community at prices that are affordable. The fourth benefit is that

Wal-Mart will encourage the growth of local utility companies. Fifth, Wal-Mart has

committed to working toward the enhancement of the neighbourhood roadways that

are located in the vicinity of the business. Sixth, staff of Wal-Mart are instructed to

avoid becoming disruptive to the local community. The seventh thing that Wal-Mart

does to aid the environment is that it takes part in local tree-planting programmes. In

the event that trees have to be chopped down, more than two times as many new

trees will be planted in their stead. In addition, Wal-Mart assists community

organisations and businesses by increasing foot traffic.

Case study 2.

Q1 The fact that the tags are delivered straight to the growers is one of the most

significant advantages of the updated methodology. Once the plants have reached

their full size, the growers will be able to place an order for a new set of tags. The

primary justification for taking this strategy is to prevent producers from receiving an

excessive quantity of tags in their shipments. Because producers would only have to

deal with one supplier, communication would be improved, and as a result, they

would be able to have safety stock while avoiding excess.

Q2 The following are some of the benefits that ought to be taken into

consideration: 1. Growers would be able to place orders for new tags directly with

MasterTags, which would increase communication and efficiency throughout the

ordering process.

2.The seed company would not have to sift and distribute orders to growers, which

would keep the latter group of customers happy.

3.The elimination of the need for seed firms to store tags in their warehouses would

result in cost savings for the companies, which would free up space that could be

used for the storage of other commodities or products.

The disadvantages of this new approach include the fact that it would place a greater

responsibility on the manufacturing process followed by growers. As a result of the

fact that these farmers would be required to place their orders directly with the plant,
the process of forecasting and following up with orders would need significantly more

effort on their parts. Before any implementations could be made, it would be

necessary for MasterTag to determine whether or not growers are prepared to put in

the additional effort required. Given that growers are the primary target market for

seed firms, it would not be a wise business decision to shift undesirable issues onto

their shoulders.

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