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From task 1 "My first challenge", that you presented, identify and relate which were the
skills (Writing, Listening, Speaking or Reading) that represented the most effort.

Listening: I can slowly understand what the other person is speaking to me in English.

Speaking: I can, for example, ask for an address, request relevant information about
other people or situations, using simple words or expressions.

Reading: I can understand simple signs to find my way, for example, street signs.

Writing: I can write coherent paragraphs or sentences in English, using its grammar.

Following this, review the online content and complete at least 4 activities from the E-
book that involve practicing said skill(s). Share the screenshots of these 4 exercises directly
in the forum of this task in a single participation

Make a written submission in English on the forum and include your personal
information: name, age, occupation, marital status, place of residence, major and hobbies.
Also, answer what other activities you can do to improve or reinforce this skill(s) that are
difficult for you, and commit to carrying out these practices on a weekly basis. Use at least
50 English words for this written intervention.

Best regard

My name is Leidy Tatiana Botina, I am 33 years old, I am from the city of Pasto, I work
as a single marital status veterinarian assistant, the pharmaceutical regency technology
program, my hobbies in my free time are reading, listening to music which I like it, it
relaxes me and it helps me improve my vocabulary, writing and pronunciation of English,
which for me is a bit complicated, I have decided to organize myself during the week and
weekends to repair my English through online activities which allows me to improve it.


. Enter the E-book to module 1, exercise 16 and listen to each of the 8 characters that are
presented. Select one of them and make an Oral description in English of the physical
appearance and what the character is wearing. It is recommended to review and study
modules 7 and 9 for this part. Mention in the forum which character you selected for the
description so that no other classmate takes the same one.

23. To prepare this audio with the description of the character you chose, it is
recommended to go to the “Natural Readers” page and enter the description; break it into
short sentences to listen in English and practice

Character I select is

Nurse- Amanda.


physical appearance and what the character is wearing.

My selected character is named Amanda, corresponds to number 4, her profession is a

nurse, you see a woman between 40 and 50 years old, thick, short, she looks quite serious,
she wears a blue long-sleeved shirt dark with a star next to it, and a white blouse, her pants
are black, long and she wears closed shoes, the color of her hair is red and it is not well
appreciated if it is long or short because it is tied up.

physical appearance and what the character is
My selected character is named Amanda,
corresponds to number 4, her profession is a nurse,
you see a woman between 40 and 50 years old,
thick, short, she looks quite serious, she wears a
blue long-sleeved shirt dark with a star next to it,
and a white blouse, her pants are black, long and
she wears closed shoes, the color of her hair is red
and it is not well appreciated if it is long or short
because it is tied up.


3.1. To carry out this stage, you must consult, read and follow the instructions in the
document called: "Single Annex - Stage 3: Oral Practice Component", which is found in
the Learning Environment.


4.1. Enter the E-book to module 3, exercise 3 “Parts of the house – Part two” and play
the video as many times as you consider necessary. Each student must select a place in the
house mentioned in the video and share the completion of the E-book exercise in the forum,
as shown below. Mention in the forum of this task which option you selected because no
student can repeat the one that was taken by another classmate.


5.1. At this stage, a simple text must be written in English. For this, each student must
select an option that determines the topic of the writing that will be carried out together
with an exercise from the E-book. In the forum of this task, mention which of the options
you choose so that another participant does not take the same one. Share the capture of the
realization of this exercise.

Option 1 Module 5, exercise 4

What are you going to do this weekend?

Actions in progress

What are you going to do this weekend?

This weekend I want to go to the mall with some friends to eat a hamburger and a coke,
we also want to go to the video games and bet and whoever loses will have to buy ice
cream for everyone. I think it's a fun way to share.


6.1. This stage is oriented to your reflection and personal growth where you as a student
must carry out a self-assessment giving written answers in Spanish to the following

- Did I study, carry out and learn all the subjects of the E-book?

Yes, I really liked the proposed activities because they allowed me to obtain new

- Did I participate in the forum within the times indicated by the tutor?

Yes, my contributions seem pertinent on the date on which I start my participation.

- In which of the following interaction and learning spaces did I participate: Forum for
this task, CIPAS, Web conferences, Skype group, etc., ¿Conversational club, Workshops,

Participate in forum. Web conferences.

- Carry out online task 3 – Keep the ball Rolling and answer: ¿Of the skill(s) to be
reinforced that you identified when presenting task 1 compared to your performance in task
3, do you consider that this(s) improved?) English skill(s)?

If I improve both my writing, vocabulary and pronunciation

- How does this learning (from the course) contribute to my personal and professional

In a positive way, English is a language that today is very important for both my
personal and professional training.

Based on the previous answers, include a final reflection in your own words where you
self-assess your performance in completing all the stages proposed in this guide and rate
your work from 1 to 15 points.

I tried my best and gave my best, I took on the task of learning, exploring each point of
the activities that the guide asks us for and I really liked them, they are practical,
entertaining exercises that help me improve my vocabulary, pronunciation.

bibliographic references

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