Althea Reanne Gono Learning Task q4 w1 SCIENCE

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Project ISuLAT Activity Sheets in Science
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Modules and Worksheets)

Science 8 - Quarter 4 _ Week 1

Name: ___________________________________________ Grade/Section: ___________________

Teacher: __________________________________________ Score: ____________________________

Activity Sheet No. 1 - MELC 20: Explain ingestion, absorption,

assimilation and excretion

At the end of this worksheet, the learners will be able to:
1. explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion
2. demonstrate understanding of the organs involved in the process of ingestion,
absorption, assimilation and excretion
3. promote practices that will improve the digestive processes

Food is essential to the survival of animals. This is the source of nourishments and
all the needed raw materials for their energy, growth and development.


A Digestive System is a group of organs consisting of central gastrointestinal tract and

its associated accessory organs that break down food into smaller components. This
provides the necessary energy to sustain the body.

One way to describe the digestive process is in terms of the following stages.

The Stages of the Digestive Process

1. Ingestion- is the process of taking in food through the mouth. In vertebrates, the
teeth, saliva, and tongue play important roles in mastication (preparing the food
into bolus). While the food is being mechanically broken down, the enzymes in
saliva begin to chemically process the food as well. As the food enters the pharynx
it will then move from the throat to the stomach through the esophagus.

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Project ISuLAT Activity Sheets in Science
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Modules and Worksheets)

● Digestion- a process by which ingested (food) material is broken down in the

earlier stages of the alimentary canal in a form that can then be absorbed and
assimilated into the tissues of the body.

● Digestion includes two types of processes:

⮚ Mechanical (e.g. chewing, grinding, churning, mixing), and ⮚
Chemical (e.g. action of digestive enzymes, bile, acids, etc.

The mechanical processes include the chewing and grinding of food by the
teeth and also the churning and mixing of the contents of the stomach.

The chemical processes that contribute to digestion also begin in the mouth with
action of saliva on food. However, most of the chemical digestive processes occur
in the stomach and small intestine where the partly digested materials are
subjected to gastric juices, pancreatic juices and so on.

2. Absorption- is the uptake of fluids or other substances by the tissues of the body.
Digested food is absorbed into the bodily fluids blood and lymph from the
alimentary canal. Most of the absorption part of the digestive process occurs in
the jejunum, and the ileum of the small intestine. The small intestine is lined with
minute finger-like projections (called villi) that greatly increase its surface area and
hence the rate at which absorption takes place.

3. Assimilation- is the process of transport and use of absorbed nutrients. It is the

process by which nutrients are taken from the blood and into the cells of the body
where they are used. For example:
⮚ Glucose is used in respiration to provide energy.
⮚ Amino acids are used to build new proteins.

4. Excretion- is the process in which metabolic waste is eliminated from an

● As the blood flows through the kidneys, the kidneys filter liquid waste out
of the blood. From there, this liquid wastes out of the blood. From there,
this liquid goes to the bladder and leaves the body as urine, through a tube
called urethra.

● The food molecules that cannot be digested or absorbed need to be

eliminated by the body. It is called defecation or elimination. The large
intestine stores excess food, indigestible food and other waste material
until the body is ready to get rid of it. Rectum is the most distal segment
of the large intestine and temporarily holds the feces before it is expelled
through the anus.

Helpful Practices that will improve the Digestive Process

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Project ISuLAT Activity Sheets in Science
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Modules and Worksheets)

Proper way of eating should be included in our daily living. This will greatly affect the
digestion process. The following are suggested activities that may improve digestion.

1. Chew your food well.

2. Eat a high fiber diet.
3. Minimize your intake of foods high in fat.
4. Follow a regular eating schedule.
5. Drink plenty of water.
6. Cook meat and other poultry products thoroughly.
7. Wash fruits and vegetables before eating and cooking.
8. Don’t eat with tense, anger or fear. These emotions may affect digestion


Learning task 1
Determine the digestive process involved in the following pictures. Give a brief
explanation why you came up with that process.

INGESTION,because the picture shows that the boy is putting foods in his mouth.

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Project ISuLAT Activity Sheets in Science
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Modules and Worksheets)

EXCRETION,because the image shows that the boy is sitting on a potty after he ate

DIGESTION,because the image shows that the foods that the person ate went to
the person’s stomach

ASSIMILATION,the image shows that the nutrients of the food are getting

Learning Task #2
Arrange the following sequence of events in the digestive process in chronological
order by writing 1 to 10 (1 being the first). Write your answer on the space
__3___1. The food enters the pharynx.
___6__2. The food moves into the stomach.
__1___3. The food is taken into the mouth.
___5__4. The stomach juices mashed the food.
__2___5. The food moves to the food tube/esophagus.
_4____6. The food is chewed and mixed with saliva.
__7___7. Nutrients are absorbed on the small intestine.
___9__8. Rectum holds feces before it is expelled.
__8___9. Intestinal juices help digest the food.

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Project ISuLAT Activity Sheets in Science
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Modules and Worksheets)

__10___10. Waste is released through the anus.

Learning Task #3
How are you going to keep your digestive system function normally? (Not more
than 5 sentences)
By eating healthy foods and maintaining a proper exercise daily


Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space

__c___1. What is the function of the digestive system?

A. To break down and absorb nutrients
B. To support and protect our body
C. To take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide
D. To help us move

___c__2. Where does the food pass through between the mouth and the stomach?
A. Small intestine C. esophagus
B. Large intestine D. rectum

___b__3. What happens when the food reaches the stomach?

A. Nothing, no digestion occurs in the stomach
B. The food moves quickly in the small intestine
C. Juices mixed with the food and stomach muscles squeeze it.
D. The food is completely digested and is absorbed by tiny blood vessels in
the wall of the stomach.

__c___4. Where does the partly- digested food go after it leaves the stomach?
A. Anus C. small intestine
B. Rectum D. large intestine

__d___5. The digestive system processes food into usable and unusable materials.
The usable materials are sent to the body’s cells. What happens to unusable
A. It goes into the pancreas to await disposal
B. It goes into the stomach to await disposal
C. It goes into the small intestine to await disposal
D. It goes into the large intestine to awaits disposal

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Project ISuLAT Activity Sheets in Science
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Modules and Worksheets)

__d___6. Solid waste leaves the body through the rectum and then the anus, how about
the liquid waste where does it pass through?
A. Large intestine and rectum C. kidney and bladder
B. Blood vessels and lungs D. small and large intestine

_b___7. Which of the following groups of organs show the correct sequence of how
the food travels in the alimentary canal or digestive tract?
A. Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine
B. Mouth, stomach, esophagus, small intestine, pharynx,
C. Mouth, pharynx, small intestine, esophagus, stomach
D. Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine

___c___8. Most of the following processes are associated with mechanical digestion,
which of the following is NOT related with it?
A. Churning B. enzymes C. chewing D. mixing

_c____9. Which of the following digestive processes shows transport and use of
absorbed nutrients?
A. Ingestion B. excretion C. assimilation D. absorption

___d__10. Which of the following shows the process of elimination of metabolic

waste is an organism?
A. Assimilation B. absorption C. excretion D. ingestion

__a___11. Which one shows the correct sequence of digestive processes?

I. Ingestion III. Absorption
II. Elimination 1V. Assimilation

___b___12. Food poisoning is caused by eating contaminated food. How can it be

A. Cooking of meat and poultry products thoroughly
B. Washing of foods and vegetables before eating.
C. Storing food in a proper storage
D. All of the above

___c___13. Constipation is a chronic problem described as having hard, dry stool

that causes straining and effort to pass. Which of the following can we do to
prevent this?

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Project ISuLAT Activity Sheets in Science
(Intensified Support to Learning Alternatives Through Modules and Worksheets)

A. Eat foods high in fat

B. Stand up right after eating
C. Drink tea or coffee
D. Eat fibrous fruits and vegetables

___d___14. Mark is experiencing sharp pain in the upper right part of his
abdomen. This is because of the gallstone that is formed when there is too much
cholesterol waste in the bile. Which of the following practices can prevent
A. Avoid eating fatty foods
B. Reducing salt intake
C. Taking plenty of water
D. All of the above

___a___15. Which of the following does NOT show ways of taking care of the
digestive system?
A. Always eat on time
B. Eat food which is rich in fats and oils
C. Eat food which is rich in fiber
D. Drink plenty of water


Jauco, Magdalena C., (2018) General Science and Technology Innovations

and Beyond 8, pages 272-283

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