1st Prelim in Creative Writing

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley, Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Paniki High School, Paniki, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya

1st Preliminary Examination in Creative Writing

Quarter I

Name: _____________________________________ Grade Level: ________________

Section: ___________________________ Date:______________________

Direction: Read and analyze the statements carefully. Shade the letter of your best

1. What type of technical writing is concerned with the documents used by corporations and small
OA. Business writing OB. Academic writing
OC. Professional writing OD. Imaginative writing
2. What type of writing below has the purpose of entertaining or amusing its readers?
OA. Business writing OB. Academic writing
OC. Professional writing OD. Imaginative writing
3. What type of writing that usually includes paragraphs-usually an introductory paragraph,
paragraphs that develop a thesis and a concluding paragraph.
OA. descriptive essays OB. memorandum
OC. book report OD. reaction paper
4. Which statement best defines creative writing?
OA. Creative Writing is the use of facts in pieces of writing such as journals, biographies, etc.
OB. Creative Writing is a form of artistic expression with the use of imagination
OC. Creative Writing is expressed through reports from school activities and business
OD. Creative Writing is the act of expressing our thoughts in oral situations
5. Which statements correctly differentiate literary/imaginative writing and technical writing?
I. Literary writing is personal, subjective and definitely emotional while Technical writing is
objective, impersonal and unbiased.
II. Literary writing usually uses the first-person point of view while Technical writing always
uses second person point of view.
III. The words and expression of literary writing are formal and serious while the kind of
language in Technical writing is beautifully interwoven.
IV. Literary writing’s purpose is to entertain and/or impart a message while Technical aims to
provide useful information.
6. It is the repetition of initial sounds on the same line or stanza.
OA. Alliteration OB. Assonance OC. Consonance OD. Onomatopoeia
7. It is the repetition of consonant sounds (anywhere in the middle or end of a line or stanza.
OA. Alliteration OB. Assonance OC. Consonance OD. Onomatopoeia
8. It refers to the words that sound like that which they describe.
OA. Alliteration OB. Assonance OC. Consonance OD. Onomatopoeia
9. It is the pattern of stressed and unstressed beats.
OA. Rhyme OB. Rhythm OC. Poetry OD. Haiku
10. It is a specific type of Japanese poem which has 17 syllables divided into three lines of 5, 7, and 5
OA. Tanka OB. Haiku OC. Sonnet OD. Acrostic poem

Address: Paniki, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: 09159605078 / 09164915393
Email Address: panikihs01@gmail.com / nv.300643@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley, Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Paniki High School, Paniki, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya

11. It is an important literary form in Japanese culture for nearly a thousand years. It has a basic
structure of 5-7-5-7-7.
OA. Tanka OB. Haiku OC. Sonnet OD. Acrostic poem
12. What language of creative writing is concerned with the choice of words and phrases by the writer?
OA. sensory details OB. imagery OC. figures of speech OD. diction
13. “Look Noel, yonder is our star!” Deep surprise and gladness were in her voice. Very low in the west,
almost touching the ragged edge of the bank was the star, the biggest and the brightest in the sky. Which
device is used?
OA. Imagery OB. Diction OC. Figures of Speech OD.
Specific Experience
14. He must have taught her the song because she joined him, and her voice flowed into his like a gentle
stream meeting a stronger one. Which device is used?
OA. Imagery OB. Diction OC. Figures of Speech OD. Specific Experience
15. There was no light in my father’s room. There was no movement. He sat in the big arm chair by the
western window, and a star shone directly through it. Which device is used?
OA. Imagery OB. Diction OC. Figures of Speech OD. Specific Experience
16. What element of a poem is being referred to if it is composed of a series of lines that are grouped
together to form the structure of a poem.
OA. Stanza OB. Line OC. Rhythm OD. Theme
17. What element of a poem is being referred to if it functions as a natural pause to signal a break in the
OA. Stanza OB. Line OC. Rhythm OD. Theme
18. What element of a poem is being referred to if it makes each line of your piece match as an excellent
way to make your poem memorable for your audience.
OA. Stanza OB. Line OC. Rhythm OD. Theme
19. What element of a poem is being referred to if it could be anything from a story to a thought that is
being portrayed in the poem.
OA. Stanza OB. Line OC. Rhythm OD. Theme
20. What element of a poem is being referred to if as you describe an image, you’re meant to use figurative
language while still following a certain sound and rhythm to make a reader feel a certain way.
OA. Stanza OB. Symbolism OC. Density OD. Theme
For items 21-25, refer to the poem below.

The Castaways- Claude McKay

1The vivid grass with visible delight
2 Springing triumphant from the pregnant earth,
3 The butterflies, and sparrows in brief flight
4 Dancing and chirping for the season’s birth,
5 The dandelions and rare daffodils
6 That touch the deep-stirred heart with hands of gold,
7 The thrushes sending forth their joyous trills, -
8 Not these, not these did I at first behold!
9 But seated on the benches daubed with green,
10 The castaways of life, a few asleep,
11 Some withered women desolate and mean,
12 And over all, life’s shadows dark and deep.
13 Moaning I turned away, for misery
14 I have the strength to bear but not to see.

21. What kind of imagery is most evident in the poem?

Address: Paniki, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: 09159605078 / 09164915393
Email Address: panikihs01@gmail.com / nv.300643@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley, Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya
Paniki High School, Paniki, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya

OA. Visual OB. Gustatory OC. Kinesthetic OD. Olfactory

22. What figure of speech is used in line 1 and 11?
OA. Simile OB. Personification OC. Alliteration OD. Assonance
23. What kind of poem is the poem above?
OA. Free verse OB. Sonnet OC. Villanelle OD. Sestina
24. What figure of speech is evident in lines 3-6?
OA. Hyperbole OB. Personification OC. Metonymy OD. Allusion
25. What emotion does the last two lines portray?
OA. Satisfaction OB. Disappointment OC. Interest OD. Surprise

Prepared by: Verified by: Noted by:

Arjay M. Marciano Ellen Grace C. Madronio Rosie J. Calip

TII, Subject Teacher TIII, SHS Subject Group Head School Head

Address: Paniki, Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya

Telephone Nos.: 09159605078 / 09164915393
Email Address: panikihs01@gmail.com / nv.300643@deped.gov.ph

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