Chapter 5 HW Problems

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+ toll (challenging) N significant material from earlier chopt ‘ofbioloical ormedicaliceres. Conceptual Questions 1 10. An objet i subject to two forces that donot point in opposite directions. Ist possible to chose thet magnitudes so tat he abject isin equlibrium? Expl ‘Ae the objects described herein static equilibrium, dynamic equilibrium, oF notin equilibrium at al? aA girderis lifted at constant peed by a crane. 1A girders lowered by a crane, tis shoving down, ¢. You're straining to hold 200 barbell over your head, 4. A jet plane has reached its cruising speed and altitude. «. Arock s falling into the Grand Canyon. f. Abox in the back ofa truck doesnt slide asthe truck stops. What fres are acting on you right now? What net force is acting on you right now? Decide whether each ofthe following is tue of false. Give a reason! 4. The mass of an object depends on its locaton. The weight ofan object depends on its location. €. Mass and weight desrie the same thing in different unt ‘An astronaut takes his bathroom scale to the moon and then stands on it Is the reading of the sae his tru weight? Explain. A Tight block of mass mand a heavy block of mass M are attached to the ends of rope. ‘A student holds the heavier block and let the Tighe block hang below i, as shown in Figure Q5.6. Then she lets go. Air resistance can be neglected a. What isthe tension in te rope while the blocks are falling, before ciher its the ground? " . Would your answer be diferent if she hed been holding the lgher Block iniialy? a. Canthe normal force on anobjectbe dircted horizontally? If not, why not Ifo, provide an example. . Can the normal force on an object be directed downvard? IF ro, why not? Iso, provide an example. [Atall is thrown straight up. Taking the drag force of air into account, does it take longer forthe allo tavel tthe tp ofits motion or for itt fal back down again? Youre going sledding with your fends, sliding down a soowy hill. Friction can’t be ignored Riding solo on your sled, you have a cenain aceleaton. Would the acceleration change if you let a fiend ride with you increasing the mass? Exphin. Suppose you are holding a box in foat of you and away ftom your body by squeez- ing the sides, as shown in Figure Q510 Draw a free-body diagram showing all of the fores on the box. What isthe free thats holding the box up the free thats opposite the weight force? | FIGURE 05.6 FIGURE 05.10 11, You are walking up an icy slope. Suddenly your feet slip, and {you start to slide backward. Will you slide ata constant speed, ‘or will you accelerate? 12, Three objects move through the ar as shown in Figure Q5.12. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the three drag forces D,, Ds, and Ds. Some may be equal. Give your answer in the form 13, A skydver is falling at her terminal sped. Right after she opens her parachute, which has a very large area, what isthe direction ofthe net force on her? 14 Raingrops can fll at diferent speeds; some fll quite quichly, thers quite slowly, Why might this be true? 15. An airplane moves through the air at a constant speed. The ‘engines’ thrust applies a fore inthe direction of motion, and this fore i equal in magnitude and oppesite in diretion to the drag fore. Reducing thst will cause the plane to fly at 2 slower—but stil constant—speed. Explain why this isso. 16. Isit possible for an object to travel in a faster than its terminal speed? IF not, why not? If so, explain how this might happen For Questions 17 through 20, determine the tension inthe rope atthe point indicated witha dot. + All objects are at rest. + The strings and pulleys are massless, and the pulleys are frictionless. eF 18, — FioURE 05.17 f) FiGURE 05.18 FIGURE 05.19 20. FIGURE 05.20 Scanned with CamScanner 154 ewarrenS Applying Newton's Laws 21, InFigureQS.21 block 2is 9 ry moving tothe ight. There iso friction between the 2 floor and block 2, but there i fection force terween blocks 1 and 2. FIGURE 05.21 In which direction is the ‘Kinetic friction force on block 1? On block 2? Explain. Multiple-Choice Questions 22. 1 The wood block in Figure Q5.22 is at rest on a wood ramp. In which direction isthe static friction force ‘on block 1? ‘A. Up the slope. st B. Down the s anes FIGURE 05.22 C. The friction force is zero. D. There's not enough information to tll. 23. 1A 20 kg ball is suspended by two light strings as shown in Figure Q5.23. What is the tension T in the angled string? A.9SN BOISN C.20N D.26N E.30N 24. | While standing in a low tunnel, you aise your arms and push against the ceiling with a force of 100 N. Your mass is 70 ke: ‘a, What force does the ceiling exert on you? FIGURE 05.23 A10N B. 100N c.60N D. 790N E. 980N 'b. What force does the floor exert on you? A. ION B. 100 Cc. 690N D. 790N E. 980N 25. |_A5.0kg dog sits on te floor of an elevator that is acelerating downward at 1.20 mis ‘2. What is the magnitude of the normal force of the elevator floor on the dog? AMN BAN C49N DSN EN b. Whats the magnitude ofthe force ofthe dog on the elevator floor? A42N BAN CSN DAN EN 26. 7. 28. 1 The two blocks 29, 30. 31 22 ides due easton horizontal fi ‘Ado kg puck sides rt has dea constant specd of 4.5 5. Then a force of msg GON, directed due north pplied for 1.5 s. Aferwant tte en rar component Fe Puy ey, ‘a, What is the no ‘A. 0.50m/5 B. 20ms a D. 40m/s E. 45 m/s tb What isthe speed of the puck? A.49 mis B. 5.4 m/s ng D. 75 m/s E. I m/s Fig has 0 mass of 60 kg. He is standing on a cae 1 ae Mpa is accelerating downward at 1.7 mi, Wha yg! Spproximate reading onthe scale? AON BAN CSN dD. gyy in Figure Q5.28 are at rest on friction, 1 freee What must be the mass of the right Block in oer. the two blocks remain stationary? AAgkg BGlkg — C.79hE p.oske © I2ke og rosa... 1A football player at practice pushes a 60 ke blocking se ‘eros the field ata constant speed. The coefficient of kins Fietion between the grass and the sled is 0.30. How moch fe snust he apply tothe sled? ASN B.6ON — C.180N__ D. 6OON 1 "Two fotbal players are pushing a 60 kg blocking sled acs, the fel ata constant speed of 2.0 ms. The coefficient of kine friction between the grass and the sled is 0.30. Once thy sup pushing, how far wil the sled side before coming to rest? A.020m B.068m C10m D.66m 1 Land Rover ads used to claim that their vehicles could clinb slope of 45°. For this to be posible, what must beth minimus coefficient static fection between the vehicle's tires andthe! aes BO? Gig B10 1A truck is traveling at 30 mvs on a slippery road. The der slams onthe brakes and the truck starts to skid. I the coeficist of kinetic friction between the tres andthe oad is 0.20, how ft will the truck skid before stopping? AB0m — B.300m = C. 450m _—_—D. 680m PROBLEMS Section §.1 Equilibrium 1.1 The three ropes in Figure PS.1 are tied to a small, very light ring. Two of the ropes are anchored to walls at right angles, and the third rope pulls as shown. What are 7, and 73, the magnitudes of the tension forces in the first two ropes? A The three ropes in Figure PS.2 are ied to a small, very light ring. Two ofthese ropes are anchored to walls at right angles with the tensions shown in the figure. What are the magnitude and direction of the tension 7; inthe third rope? Tien B FIGURE 5.1 Figune 5.2 Scanned with CamScanner 3. A 20 kg loudspeaker is suspended 2.0 m below the ceiin fac oe cen Soe 20 mo te ng by ee ee oe ee are ee sa Tas oo ee eee J peateinros ee es papel ates Sere et ene Sa pe semen, eae patella. Figure PS.5 shows how eee cages es ze ee eee ees poo tere Ror eee eee ees eee te eee seseee ew SO Ho ere Se Rege -\ 30"! 3 pope? FIGURE #5. FIURE Ps. ‘4. What was the tension in the cable when the craft was being sed to support the erate in Fig isthe largest mass the Opes 2M ae oe The line stretches and so has a lowered tothe seafloor? b. What was the tension inthe cable when the craft was being raised from the seafloor? 7.4 The two angled ropes are NY Uue P5.7. The tension in the ropes Sn canhave any value upto 1500. ‘When the tension exceeds this ‘value, he ropes will break. Wht bs support? 8.1 AGS kg students walking on a slackling, a length of webbing sureiched between two tees. sxieable sag, as shown in Fig- ure PS. At the point where his foottouches the ine, the rope applies tension force tion, as shown. What isthe tension inte line? FIGURE P5.8 atm) Section 5.2 Dynamics and ss Newton's Second Law 9.1 A force with x-component 107 F, acts on a 500 g object as it moves slong the xaxis. °* ‘The object’saccelertion graph 4 rr) a versus #) is shown in i a Figure P59. Draw a graph of | -os F, versus FIGURE P5.3 Problems 155 10. 1 The forces in Figure P10 are acting on 82.0 kg object. What Is ,, the x-component ofthe object's acceleration? FIGURE P8.10 FIGURE P5.11 11. 1 The forces in Figure P5.11 are acting on a 2.0 kg object. Find the values of a, and a,, the x- and y-components ofthe object's acceleration. 12. | Ahorizontal rope is ted to $0 kg box on frictionless ice. What isthe tension in the rope if a. The box is atest? b. The box moves ata steady 5.0 mvs? cc. The box has v, = 5.0 m/s and a, = 5.0 m/s? 13, HA crate pushed along the floor with velocity slides a distance after the pushing force is removed. ‘2 If the mass of the erate is doubled but the inital velocity is not changed, what distance does the crate slide before stop- ping? Explain. b. If the initial velocity of the erate is doubled to 27, but the mass is not changed, what distance does the crate slide before stopping? Explain. 14, 1 Ina head-on collision, a car stops in 0.10 s from a speed of 14 ns. The driver has a mass of 7 kg, ands, fortunately, tightly strapped ino his seat. What force is applied tothe driver by his seatbelt during tat fraction of a second? Section 6.3 Mass and Weight 15. | Amastronaut’s weight on earth is 800 N. What Mars, where g = 3.76 mis? 16.1 A woman has a mass of 55.0 kg, a. What is her weight on earth? 'b. What are her mass and her weight on the moon, where = 102 m/e? 17, A.75 kg passenger is seated in a cage in the Sling Shot, a camival ride. Giant bungee cords are stretched as the eage is pulled down, and then they rebound to launch the cage straight ‘up. After the rapid launch, the cords go slack and the cage moves under the influence of gravity alone. What isthe rider's apparent weight after the cords have gone slack and the cage is moving upward? 18.1 a, How much force does an 80 kg astronaut exert on his chair while sitting at rest on the launch pad? ’. How much force does the astronaut exert on his chair while accelerating straight up at 10 avs?? 19. 1 Ittakes the elevator ina skyscraper 40 s to reach its cruising speed of 10 mis. A 60 kg passenger gets aboard on the ground floor. What is the passenger's apparent weight a, Before the elevator starts moving? ’. While the elevator is speeding up? Aller the elevator reaches its cruising speed? weight on Scanned with CamScanner 156 2. 0 warren Applying Newton's Laws ‘re launched skyward with an acceleration of 4g, afer which they experience a period of free fall. What 8 60 kg rider's *ppareat weight 4. During the launch? Ding the period of ref? ' Zach, whose mass is 80 kg, | is in an elevator descending at 1m. The elevator takes 3.05 tobake toa stop atthe ist Noor. 4% What is Zach's apparent weight before the elevator sans braking? ». What braking? 4A kangaroo carries her 0.51 kg baby in her pouch a8 she bounds across the ground. As she pushes off the ground, she ccelerating upward at 30 m/s. What i the apparent weight of her baby a his instant? By what factor does ths exceed her baby’s actual weight? Zach's apparent weight while the elevator is 23.8 Figure P523 shows the *im INT velocity graph of «75 kg pas- Senger in an elevator. What is the passenger's apparent weight at = 1087 ALSO? Of —p— NH avon iaune ps.23 Section 64 Normal Forces 24.1 4, AO6Okg bullfrog is siting at rest on level log. How large 25, A 23 kg child goes down a stra is the normal force ofthe log on the frog? '. A second 0,60 kg bullfrog is ona log tilted 30" above hori- ‘zonal. How large isthe normal foree of the log on this frog? slide inclined 38° above horizontal. The child is acted on by his weight, the normal force from the slide, and kinetic friction 4. Draw a free-body diagram of the 1b. How large isthe normal force of the con the child? Section 6.8 Friction 26, 2, 2», 30. 1 Two workers are sliding a 300 kg erate acrons the floor. One worker pushes forward on the erate with a force of 340 N while the other pulls in the sane direction with a force of 350 N using 4 rope connected to the erate. Both forees are horizontal, and the ‘erate slides with a constant speed. What isthe crate's coefficient ‘of kinete fretion onthe Noor? 1A 4000 kg tuck is parked on a 7.0° slope. How big is the fic. tion force on the truck? NA 1000 kg ear traveling ata speed of 40 nv skids to a halt on wet concrete where py * 0.60, How long are the skid marks’? 1A stubborn 120 kg pig sts down and refuses o move, To drag the pig tthe barn, the exasperated farmer ties a rope around the ‘pig and pulls with his maximum force of 400 N. The evefficients ‘of friction between the pig and the ground are 4 = 0.80 and ‘v4 ® 0.80, Inthe farmer uble w move the pig? 111 is friction tut provides the force for w ear wo accelerate, 4 for high-performance ears the fuctor that limits acceleration inn't the engine; t's the dees, For typical rubber-on concrete friction, what isthe shortest time in which w eur eould accelerate from 0110 60 mph? ee. | 31.41 AOkgerateisplaced on viz conveyer ~ rials are such that 1, = 0-50 and jy = 0.30, Bea a freebouy diagram showing alle fa, pir ifthe conveyer bell Tun 3 constant apes 4, be Draw a ficetody diagram sowing all Ge fogs rate ifthe conveyer belt is speeding up Si ‘Wat isthe maximum acceleration the bel can the rate slipping? 4. Ifthe acceleration ofthe belt exceeds the value in parte, what isthe acceleration ofthe crue?" "ey 1 The rolling resistance for steel on steel is quite low. fen of rling isto typically = 002 6 180,000 kg locomotive is rolling at 10 ms (just oer * sn lve als. the engineer dsengages the engin a0! {ime wll it take the locomotive 10 C058 1080p? Hoy jet the locomotive move during this time? ’ 1 Whatis the minimum downward - force on the box in Figure P5.3 hat willeept fom slipping? The coe- ficients of static and kinetic fiction teween the box and the flor ae 035 and 025, respectively. tre vi, 2, 2 sy FIGURE Ps.a3 Section 56 Drag 54.1 Whi tedagfrce on a L-mwide, 1Amigh car encoys 4. 10mvs(=22 mph)? b. 30s (= 65 mphy? 35. Il AZ2-cmiameter bowling all has trina sped om ‘Whaat is the balls mass? 1 Running on a treadmill is slightly easier than running ousie because there is no drag force to work against. Suppose a 60 ky nny nercompetes a0 km rice in 18 minutes. Use the si estimate of Example 5.14 to determine the drag force on the runs Sy- Situations C, D, and E ‘does not depend on either velocity or less than the maximum static friction that is exerted in B. fy = O because no friction is needed to keep the object at rest. Stop to Think 5.6: D. The ball is shot down at 30m/s, so Voy = ~30 ns, This exceeds the terminal speed, so the upward drag force is greater than the downward weight force. Thus the ball slows down even though itis “falling.” It will slow until v, = ~15 mis, the terminal velocity, then maintain that velocity. ‘Stop (o Think 5.7: B. Foon = Fitong 304 Fronq= Fooar because these are action/reaction pais. Box Q is slowing down and therefore ‘must have a net force tothe let. So from Newton's second law we also know that Ftong > Feang ‘Stop to Think 5:8: Equal to, Each block is hanging in equilibrium, with no net force, so the upward tension force is mg. Scanned with CamScanner

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