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Lengua Extranjera

Who was the first president of Bolivia?

Let’s look at the pictures.

A natural archaeological museum under the open sky 33

Alcaya is a community located 10 km southwest of Salinas de Garci-Mendoza, between the
Thunupa salt flat and the Coipasa salt flat; it was inhabited by descendants of the Chullpa
civilization, the oldest Andean civilization.
Alcaya was a stone city that served as a cemetery, where loved ones were buried with
their typical clothing made of colorful aguayos, textiles that were made from vicuña wool,
utensils made of “queñuales”, combs, pots, spoons or ceramic.
Nowadays there are still a large number of chullpares, well-preserved mummies, ceramics
and some handcra�s exposed in the open air.

Let’s answer true or false about the reading.

Were the chullpas culture the oldest civilization? ___________________ T F

Textiles were made from sheep wool. ____________________________ T F
Loved ones were buried in chullpares. ___________________________ T F
Alcaya was a wooden city. _____________________________________ T F

1. Verb to be (was - were)

Let’s look the Today Yesterday

differences between Present Past
present and What month is it now? What month was las month?
past (Veamos las It’s ______________. It was ______________ .
diferencias. Is it cold today? Was it cold yesterday?
_______ , it is / _______ , it isn’t. _______ , it was / _______ , it wasn’t.
Where are you now? Where were you yesterday?
I’m in/at _________________________ . I was in/at _________________________ .
What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?
It’s _____________________ . It was _____________________ .
Where are your friends now? Where were your friends yesterday?
They’re in/at __________________________ . They were in/at __________________________ .

Educación Secundaria Comunitaria Productiva

Ministerio de Educación

Simple present verb to be Simple past verb to be

Remember that the verb to be has two meanings in Spanish In the past of verb to be we use two forms: was, were.
ser, estar. Was is used with I, he, she, it
In present we write the verb to be as “am”, “is”, “are”. Were is used with we, you, they
I am = Yo soy, estoy I was = Yo era, estaba

He was = Él era, estaba

He is = Él es, está
She was = Ella era, estaba
She is = Ella es, esta
It was = Él/la era, estaba (used with objects and animals)
It is = Él/la es, está (used with objects and animals)
We are = Nosotros somos, estamos We were = Nosotros éramos, estábamos
You are = Tú eres, estás / ustedes son, están You were = Tú eras, estabas / ustedes eran, estaban
They are = Ellos/ellas son, están They were = Ellos/ellas eran, estaban
Let’s complete the chart of the past simple of to be.

Positive Negative
Let’s translate these sentences
I was wasn’t Ellos eran buenos amigos.
You were weren’t …………………………………………………………………………………………....……..
Elsa estaba en clases.
We were Yo no estaba en casa.
They ……………………………………………………………………………………………….....
Mis hermanas no estaban en el parque.
Contractions ……………………………………………………………………………………………....…..
Was not = wasn’t Diego estaba con la motocicleta.
Were not = weren’t
Milton y Silvia estaban en clases.
34 S + was/were + c
Yesterday was Sunday
Negative Complete the spaces with: was, were, wasn’t or weren’t and
practice the conversation.
S + was/were + not + c
Anahí: __were__ you at Boris party?
My friend wasn’t here Yesterday.
………………………………………………………………………. Jhon: Yes, I _________. But Mario _________ (not) there.
Interrogative Anahí: _________ Belen and Elmer at the party too?
Was/were + s + c + ? Jhon: Yes, they _________.
Were you happy? Anahí: What about Diego and Milton?
………………………………………………………………………. Jhon: No, they _________. They _________ in the soccer match.
Question word
Anahí: Oh! I _________ on a trip. I couldn’t go.
Qw + was/were + s + c + ?
Jhon: Don’t worry.
Where were your pencils?
2. Was - were born We use was born or
were born to talk about Who was the first
someone’s date or place president of Bolivia?
Let’s answer the questions. of birth. The translation in
When ____was____ your mother born? Spanish is like the verb nací,
naciste, nacimos, nació o
When _______________ your parents born? nacieron.
My father ____________ born in 1963,
and my mother _________ born in 1965. The first president of
Bolivia was .……………………
I _________ born in 2006. ………………………………….…
Where _________ you born? …………………………..………..
I _________ born in Oruro.

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3. Biography about famous people

Great talents! Let’s read and underline the verb to be in present or in past.

Is the author of several

Luisa Gabriela Molina Terrazas was born on August 25, 1955, in Uyuni, Bolivia. She was a singer,
dancer and theater actress and founded one of the first female musical groups “Grupo Feminino
Bolivia”. She is the author of several songs, among them “You will remember me” and “Cañita
cañaveral”. She died on May,30 in 2021.

Gil Imana Garrón was born in Chuquisaca, Bolivia in 1933. He was a Bolivian painter and
muralist. He was the first Latin American painter who had an individual exhibition at the
Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, in Russia in 1971. Gil Imana has made more than 80
individual exhibitions and 200 collective exhibitions. In 2014, he received the “Cóndor de Los
Andes”. He died on January 28, 2021.

4. National and international famous people

Who were they? Let’s match the pictures and complete the information with the year of birth.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ana María Romero de Campero was born in Nilo Rixio Soruco Arancibia was born in Tarija
5 _______ in La Paz, Bolivia. She was a journalist, on July 6 in _______, he was a Bolivian poetry,
writer, activist, Bolivia's first Ombudsman, and singer, composer and union politician. 35
president of the Bolivian Senate.
Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, was born in
Fausto Aoiz Vilaseca was born in Potosí, Bolivia Poland in_______, was physicist and chemist.
in_______. He was a sculptor and poet. He also She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, she
participated in the construction of the Warisata was the first person to receive two Nobel prizes in
school-ayllu. different specialties: Physics and Chemistry.
Sigmund Freud was born in _______ in London, Domitila Barrios de Chungara was born in
he was a neurologist, considered the father Llallagua, Potosí - Bolivia in _______, she was an
of psychoanalysis and one of the greatest important Bolivian leader, known for her peaceful
intellectual figures of the 20th century. struggle against the dictatorships.

5. Oral picture description about my lifetime

Tell us about you.

When were you born?

I was born in …………………………………………………….............. What were the main values from

Where were you born? our ancient cultures?
...…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………
How old were you when you could walk?
How old were you when you could talk? .............................................................................................

…………………………………………………………………………………..... How were ancient cultures in your region?

How old were you when you could read? They were ……………………………………………………….................
…………………………………………………………………………………..... .............................................................................................

Educación Secundaria Comunitaria Productiva

Ministerio de Educación

Make a report about a Bolivian culture, using was and were to describe the main characteristics.

My last birthday

What did you do on your last birthday?

Let’s draw or paste a picture of your last birthday.



Check yes If you did one of those things on your last birthday and no if you didn’t.
My last birthday checklist!
On my last birthday Yes No
I sleep until late.
I relaxed and enjoyed a delicious breakfast.
I had lunch with my family.
I walk in a park.
I went out with friends.
My friends or family sang me the “Happy birthday song”.
I read a book or magazine.
I danced.
I ate cake.
I asked for birthday wishes.

I ____________ you dancing in a crowded room

You look so happy when I’m not with you
But then you ____________ me, ____________ you by surprise
A single teardrop falling from your eye
Let’s complete the blank spaces in the chart. I don’t know why I run away
I’ll make you cry when I run away
Spanish Present Past
You could’ve asked me why I ____________ your heart
Ver See Saw You could’ve told me that you fell apart
Atrapar Catch But you ____________ past me like I wasn’t there
And just ____________ like you didn’t care
Romper Break (Chorus)
Take me back cause I want to stay
Caminar Walked
Save your tears for another day (x3)
Pretender Pretend So, I ____________ you think that I would always stay
I ____________ some things that I should never say
No me importa I don’t care
Yeah, I ____________ your heart like someone did to mine
Make And now you won’t love me for a second time
Decir Say Girl, take me back cause I want to stay
Save your tears for another
Let’s listen and complete the song using I realize that I’m much too late
the past form of the verbs on the chart. And you deserve someone be�er
Save your tears for another day (ooh, yeah) (x2)
Save your tears Save your tears for another day, ooh, girl (ah)
By the weekend I said save your tears for another day (ah)
Save your tears for another day (ah) (x2)

Educación Secundaria Comunitaria Productiva


1. Simple past conjugation: affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms


S + v (past) + c

Carmen studied English last week. Did not = didn’t

S + did + not + v (present) + c

Ramiro didn’t lose his notebook last Monday. Noticiencia
In negative, and
……………………………………..............………………………………………. interrogative
sentences we use
Interrogative the verb in present In English there are two
and the auxiliary types of verbs:
Did + s + v (present) + c + ? did
Did Marcelo buy a motorbike last month? • Regular
……………………………………..............………………………………………. • Irregular

Question word

Qw + did + s + v (present) + c + ?
Where did Noemí go yesterday?
Dato curioso
Let’s write the past
a. Regular verbs form of these regular
Rules Spanish Present Past Call: ____Called______

We add ed at the end of almost

Caminar Walk Walked Carry: _____________ 37
all the regular verbs.
Visitar Visit Visited Agree: _____________

Bailar Dance Danced Want: _____________

Verbs ending with e just add a d.
Gustar Like Liked Love: ______________

Cry: _______________
Jugar Play Played
Verbs ending with vowel + y we
add ed at the end. Stay: ______________
Disfrutar Enjoy Enjoyed
Listen: _____________
Estudiar Study Studied
Verbs ending with consonant + y
drop the y and add ied at the end. Watch: _____________
Tratar Try Tried
Ask: _______________
Verbs with one syllable ending in
Planear Plan Planned
consonant + vowel + consonant,
double the last consonant and
Parar Stop Stopped
add ed.

b. Irregular verbs

But irregular verbs have no rule, they change the spelling of the word, these verbs have to be learn by heard. (Los
verbos irregulares no tienen reglas para el pasado, ellos cambian la escritura de la palabra, estos verbos tienen que
ser aprendidos de memoria)

Educación Secundaria Comunitaria Productiva

Ministerio de Educación

Irregular verbs list


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2. Past time expressions

Five minutes Hace 5 minutos

Let’s translate these sentences into English
An hour Hace una hora
Nosotros fuimos a la escuela ayer por la mañana.

A long time Hace mucho tiempo
Many years Ago Hace muchos años Mi mamá no viajó a Oruro la semana pasada.
Ten years Hace 10 años …………………………………………………………………………………...........
Six months Hace seis meses ¿Jherson y Alexander tocaron en la banda hace una hora?
Three days Hace tres días ………………………………………………………………………………..............
Yo visité a mi �o el mes pasado.
night Anoche ………………………………………………………………………………..............
Ella compró un libro ayer por la tarde.
Monday El pasado lunes
week La semana pasada
month El mes pasado
Last Let’s practice this conversation
January El pasado enero Nicole: I went shopping yesterday.
Christmas La navidad pasada Ramiro: Great! Where did you go?
summer El verano pasado Nicole: I went to the central market.
Ramiro: Oh! What did you buy?
year El año pasado
Nicole: I needed some notebooks and markers.
Ramiro: Did you find good markers?
morning Ayer por la mañana
Nicole: Yes I did. I found color changing markers. They were
Yesterday a�ernoon Ayer por la tarde only 15 bs!
evening Ayer por la noche Ramiro: Awesome! Let me see.

3. Talking about an event in the past 39

The Chaco War was a military conflict that took place between 1932 and 1935
and that confronted the nations of Paraguay and Bolivia to control the Chaco
Boreal area.
This war is considered by historians as the most important in the South American
history of the 20th century, since it lasted three years and caused around 100,000
deaths, in addition to serious economic problems in both countries.
The conflict ended with the signing of a peace treaty, which in 1938 established a
se�ng of limits that favored Paraguay, which was awarded 75% of the disputed
territory and Bolivia 25%, but also got a port on the Paraguay River.
On April 27, 2009, the 1938 treaty was ratified by the presidents of Bolivia and

Let’s answer these questions about the reading.

Why did historians consider the Chaco War as the most important in the South American History of the 20th century?
When did the conflict end?
When did the war start?
How many people died on this war?
What happened in 2009?

Educación Secundaria Comunitaria Productiva

Ministerio de Educación

Check the things on the list that you did yesterday.

got up early

brushed my teeth What did you do yesterday?

had breakfast in bed
got ready for school ........................................................................................................................................
listened to the teacher Was your day productive?
had lunch
did my homework ........................................................................................................................................
cleaned my bedroom Did you have enough time to complete the list?
helped with housework
studied ........................................................................................................................................

Let’s make memories!

What year was your best birthday ever? What did you do on that day? Why was it the best one?
Make a chart with drawings, pictures or photographs and let us know. What happened that day?


Let’s read!
Urmiri is located in Pazña, Poopó in the department of Oruro. It is known for its hot
springs and buildings from the colonial era that are still preserved.
The historic town of Urmiri was created on October 16 in 1903. But, its colonial church,
which stands out among the houses, dates from 1798 and is one of its relics.
The hot springs in the town of Urmiri have healing properties for different
diseases, you can find swimming pools, family and individual pools. In addition,
accommodation and food are provided on site.

What are the places you would recommend all tourists should visit where you live?

Toro Toro National Park is located to the north of Potosí, in

the province Charcas, though it is more easily accessible from
Cochabamba city. It is an authentic paradise for the lovers of
geology and paleontology since tracks of large reptiles can be
1. National and foreign touristic places found here.
The “Mitad del Mundo” is located in Quito Ecuador, It’s an
Let’s match the pictures with their descriptions. amazing place where main a�raction is the monument to
the Middle of the World, whose purpose is to highlight the
exact location of the equator, from which the country takes
its name.
The Houses of Parliament and Elizabeth Tower, commonly
1 2 called Big Ben, is one of London’s most iconic landmarks
and must-see a�ractions. Big Ben is the name given to the
massive bell inside the clock tower, which weighs more than
13 tons (13,760 kg).
Bolivia’s Uyuni Salt Flats is considered one of the most
extreme and remarkable place in all of South America, an on
3 4 Earth. With more than 4,050 square miles of the Altiplano, it
is the world’s largest salt flat.

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2. Shops and souvenirs

Let’s complete the blank spaces with the name of a


• I can buy flowers in a _________________________
Jewellery sports shop florist’s café • You can buy fresh vegetables in a ________________
• You can buy a sandwich in a ____________________
• You can buy a teddy bear in a ___________________
• You can buy apps for your cell phone in a
bakery chemist’s greengrocer’s candy shop _______________________
• You can buy some bread in a ____________________
• You can buy asprins in a _______________________

e-shop supermarkert restaurant candy shop • You can buy chocolates and bubble gum in a
• You can buy a soccer ball in a ___________________

bookshop toy shop restaurant shoe shop market

Let’s read and practice this dialogue.

Álvaro: I want to go to the souvenir stand before we go, please.

Carmen: What would you like to buy?
Álvaro: I would like to buy some jewelry or some accessories, I always buy something
for my family.
Carmen: What are their favorite souvenirs?
Álvaro: My li�le sister likes wallets or typical bags, my mother prefers ornaments, and
my father likes typical food.
Carmen: Souvenirs are expensive in some places, but we can shop around for be�er
Álvaro: Let’s go, please.

3. Comparisons (as…as) + noun adjectives

Let’s compare those two mountains using as + adjective + as.

4. Rules of comparatives

Sajama Huayna Potosí

Use these adjectives
Elevation: 6542 m.s.n.m. Elevation: 6088 m.s.n.m.
to compare.
Temperature: 10°C Temperature: 12°C
• High
Lowest temperature: -30° C Lowest temperature: -20° C
• Cold
Highest temperature: 22° C Highest temperature: 25° C
• Rainy
Weather: Cold most of the Weather: Rainy most of the
• Majestic
year, rains in summer. year.

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