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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2012) 14, 785–793



2. Approach to diagnosis,
treatment and prognosis
Kelly Monaghan, Benjamin Nolan and Mary Labato

Prompt recognition – a priority Practical relevance: Feline acute

kidney injury (AKI) is a commonly
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a term used to describe the condition in recognized problem in small animal
which there is an abrupt reduction in renal function. This can occur practice that requires prompt
due to several causes, as discussed in Part 1 of this article. In all cases diagnosis and directed therapy. There
prompt recognition of AKI is important to maximize the chance of a are many treatment methods with which
favorable outcome. practitioners should be familiar, including medical
options, surgical interventions and
Diagnosis renal replacement therapy (dialysis). It is important
to know which option is most appropriate for
Diagnosis of AKI should focus on attempts to identify an underlying each cause and stage of AKI to deliver the most
cause and establish the severity of disease. effective therapy.
Clinical challenges: AKI can cause vague
History and physical examination clinical signs, but a vast array of life-threatening
A thorough history should be obtained from the owner regarding time sequelae. Rapid recognition of potential
course, previous therapies, medication history and potential exposure complications and knowledge of treatment options
to toxins. Physical examination may reveal various degrees of lethargy is imperative for successful management.
and depression depending on the severity of systemic illness. With Feline patients also require an understanding
severe disease, patients may have of their unique physiology as it relates to the
Patients with AKI may have oral ulceration and a ‘uremic breath’ therapeutic plan.
odor (ammonia-like smell). Melena Audience: This two-part review article is directed
pre-existing chronic kidney may be noted in patients with sec- at small animal practitioners as well as specialists.
disease as well. ondary gastrointestinal ulceration Part 2 discusses the diagnosis of AKI in cats using
and bleeding. Attention should be physical examination findings, clinicopathologic
paid to the size of the urinary bladder results and imaging modalities. The treatment of
to evaluate for obstruction as well as hint towards urine production. AKI and its sequelae is also reviewed, with
Kidneys are often palpably normal or enlarged, and may be painful. information on recent advances in this area.
A patient with a renal tumor or a ureteral obstruction may have asym- Evidence base: While there is very limited data
metry in renal size and shape. However, it should not be forgotten that comparing the outcomes of various treatment
patients with AKI may have pre-existing chronic kidney disease (CKD) options, there is literature addressing the use of
as well and this must be considered when evaluating physical exami- several medications, as well as renal replacement
nation findings, as well as laboratory and imaging results. therapy, in cats.

Kelly N Monaghan
Department of Medical Sciences,
University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Veterinary
Medicine, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Benjamin G Nolan Part 1 of this review article, discussing
DVM DACVIM (SAIM) PhD mechanisms underlying AKI in the cat,
Veterinary Specialty Center, Middleton, Wisconsin, USA as well as etiologies and treatments
Mary A Labato related to some specific causes of AKI,
DVM DACVIM (SAIM) appears on pages 775–784 of this
Department of Clinical Sciences, Tufts Cummings issue of J Feline Med Surg and at:
School of Veterinary Medicine, North Grafton, DOI: 10.1177/1098612X12464458
Massachusetts, USA
*Corresponding author.

DOI: 10.1177/1098612X12464460
R E V I E W / Feline AKI – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Clinicopathologic assessment
Complete blood count results are often non-
specific and may show an inflammatory or
stress leukogram. Non-regenerative anemia is
Figure 1 (a) Ureterolithiasis
more typical of CKD, but could be found in an resulting in dilation of the
AKI patient, particularly if acute gastric ulcer- ureter. (Ureter is between
calipers; arrow indicates
ation is present. Chemistry profile results may ureterolith.) (b) Short-axis
be within reference intervals and show a ris- view of the left kidney
showing severe
ing serum creatinine over serial monitoring or hydronephrosis secondary
may demonstrate varying degrees of azotemia to ureteral obstruction.
and hyperphosphatemia. Hyperkalemia is These ultrasound images are
from a 10-year-old castrated
common in patients with oliguria or anuria. male domestic shorthair cat
However, potassium may also be increased that presented for acute
severe exacerbation of CKD
with post-renal diseases (eg, urinary obstruc- resulting from a ureteral
tion or urinary tract rupture), so this finding obstruction. Traditional
medical management
is not specific to AKI. Alterations in other bio- was unable to resolve the
chemical values may occur, dependent on the a obstruction and a ureteral
stent was placed surgically
underlying etiology (see discussion on ethyl-
ene glycol [EG] in Part 1). Isosthenuria is the
most typical abnormality on urinalysis but
other findings may be useful in identifying an
underlying etiology, such as proteinuria,
glucosuria, hematuria, pyuria, bacteriuria,
crystalluria or casts.
Culture and sensitivity is recommended in
all patients with an unknown cause of AKI
prior to treatment with antibiotics. Unfortu-
nately, a negative culture does not necessarily
rule out pyelonephritis and it may be benefi-
cial to repeat the culture, consider pyelocente-
sis or continue antibiotic therapy if a positive
response is documented and pyelonephritis is
suspected clinically.
Additional clinicopathologic testing, such
as toxin/drug levels (eg, EG, non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], amino-
glycosides), may be considered on a case- kidney insufficiency, pyelonephritis or out-
by-case basis. Doppler blood pressure meas- flow obstruction.1 Antegrade pyelography or
urement and a fundic examination should be computed tomography may further delineate
performed in all patients with kidney disease the presence of a ureteral obstruction if not
given the high prevalence of hypertension in visible with ultrasonography, as is the case for
this patient population. Depending on the dried solidified blood calculi or blood clots.2
underlying cause and severity of disease,
patients with AKI may also suffer from Biopsy and GFR estimation
hypotension, which could exacerbate their Biopsy is not commonly employed in patients
kidney injury. with AKI but may have potential benefit in
determining the extent of insult, the prog-
Imaging nosis, and whether the disease is purely
Abdominal radiography and ultrasound acute in nature. It is likely required for
imaging may be helpful to further char- the diagnosis of neoplasia; however,
acterize the etiology of injury. Radi- in the case of renal lymphoma a
ography is useful for evaluation of Future diagnostics diagnosis is often possible through
There are numerous novel biomarkers of kidney
kidney size and shape, and may also injury currently under investigation in human fine needle aspiration alone.
be used to identify radiopaque stones medicine but limited study has been performed in vet- Additionally, estimations of
within the urinary tract. Abdominal erinary patients. One such biomarker is N-acetyl-β-D- glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
ultrasound can be used to evaluate glucosaminidase, which has thus far only been evalu- are rarely indicated in patients
ated in cats with CKD.3,4 The advantage of these
further for obstruction (particularly novel biomarkers is improved sensitivity and speci-
with AKI as GFR is difficult to
with non-radiopaque calculi), neopla- ficity for diagnosis of AKI as compared with determine in a patient that is not
sia or signs of pyelonephritis (Figure 1). serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen in a steady state, as is the case with
Mild renal pelvic dilation can be detected (BUN). Further research is needed to this condition. GFR reduction in these
assess the utility of these diagnos-
in dogs and cats with clinically normal kid- patients is implied by an elevation in
tics in cats with AKI.
ney function, but pelvic size will increase with creatinine and alterations in urine output.


R E V I E W / Feline AKI – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Treatment and monitoring

Fluid therapy is the cornerstone of treatment
Treatment of AKI should be initiated as soon
as possible and requires intensive patient
for AKI, but close monitoring is essential
monitoring. Any potentially nephrotoxic to prevent volume overload.
medications should be discontinued immedi-
ately. If the cause of AKI is known, specific
interventions should be started immediately
(eg, see Part 1 for discussion of treatments for
EG toxicity). in patients with AKI, as this may put the
patient at increased risk of morbidity associ-
Fluid therapy ated with fluid overload. Importantly,
Intravenous fluid therapy is the cornerstone the fluid plan should be tailored to the indi-
of treatment for AKI, but it also requires care- vidual patient’s maintenance needs and
ful monitoring to ensure appropriate use. continued losses, and not necessarily aim to
Most commonly, a replacement solution (eg, exceed that.
PlasmaLyte A, lactated Ringer’s solution, The duration of intravenous fluid therapy
Normosol-R) is chosen during initial manage- depends on the response of the patient.
ment. Normal saline 0.9% can be considered Ideally, the kidney values would normalize,
in cats with severe hyperkalemia; however, but it is not uncommon to see partial
caution should be exercised in using this improvement after several days of intra-
potentially acidifying solution in patients that venous fluids with a plateau in azotemia. In
are frequently acidemic. As most cats with general, the renal values are considered to
AKI also present with some degree of dehy- have reached a plateau when no further
dration, it is important to correct this to ensure change is noted over a 24 h period in a well-
adequate renal blood flow. hydrated patient. Although renal recovery
Generally, fluid volume deficit can be can take several months to reach its full
assessed by multiplying the cat’s weight in extent, once the plateau is identified this is
kilograms by the estimated percentage dehy- generally recognized as the point beyond
dration based on clinical assessment to obtain which additional fluid diuresis has diminish-
an estimated deficit volume in liters. The time ing returns. Patient status and tolerance of
over which this volume should be replaced tapering fluid therapy will help determine the
will vary depending on several factors such as next step.
cardiac status, the underlying disease process, Monitoring of fluid therapy should be
and whether the dehydration is acute or undertaken, both to ensure adequate volume
chronic, but in general ranges from 4–12 h. and to prevent overhydration (see box). Fluid
After this is completed, intravenous fluids overload is associated with increased morbid-
should be given to replace ongoing losses and ity and mortality in human AKI patients5 and
potentially stimulate diuresis. Controversy likely has similar impacts on veterinary
exists regarding the benefit of forced diuresis patients.

Monitoring of fluid therapy

There are several parameters used to help assess volume status, such as urine output, central
venous pressure (CVP), weight change, changes in packed cell volume (PCV) and total solids,
and presence of peripheral edema.

✜ Urine output Urine output is the most helpful <0 cmH2O is indicative of hypovolemia, whereas
of these tools in AKI patients as it allows tailoring a CVP >10 cmH2O is associated with volume
of fluid therapy based on urine production. Urine overload.
production can most easily be measured through ✜ Body weight Body weight should be monitored
sterile placement of a closed system urinary at least three times per day as a crude estimate
catheter, which is a relatively easy procedure of fluid gain or loss: 1 kg body weight is equal to
in both male and female cats with moderate 1 l of fluid.
sedation. Alternatively, diaper/incontinence pads ✜ Packed cell volume and total solids Changes in
or litter can be weighed before and after urination PCV and total solids are also crude measurements
to estimate total urine volume. of fluid balance, although it must be remembered
✜ Central venous pressure CVP is most helpful that these parameters are influenced by other
when assessed as a trend, but in general a CVP factors such as blood loss, proteinuria and effusion.6


R E V I E W / Feline AKI – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Electrolyte disturbances If the patient is hyperkalemic secondary to

Electrolyte disturbances are common in AKI. urethral or bilateral ureteral obstruction, this
The most frequently encountered and should be relieved as soon as possible. If the
clinically important are hyperphosphatemia patient does not produce adequate urine and
and hyperkalemia. hyperkalemia is refractory to treatment, dialy-
sis should be considered.
Hyperphosphatemia is a result of decreased Acid–base disturbances
renal excretion and treatment consists of intra- Metabolic acidosis is common in patients with
venous fluid therapy and administration of AKI due to a decreased ability to reabsorb and
enteral phosphate binders to reduce intestinal recycle bicarbonate and reduced excretion of
absorption of dietary phosphorus if the hydrogen ions by the renal tubules. Other
patient is eating. The terms contributors to acidosis include lactic acid
production due to decreased perfusion;
Hyperkalemia oliguria and decreased elimination of phosphate, resulting
Hyperkalemia is a result of metabolic acidosis anuria are only in decreased urinary excretion of acid; and EG
shifting potassium into the extracellular metabolites, if present.
space, as well as decreased urinary excretion applicable to a Treatment with sodium bicarbonate can be
in patients with oliguria or anuria. Myocardial considered if the patient’s pH is <7.1 or
cells and other muscle tissue are the most well-hydrated TCO2 is <12 mEq/l despite improved perfu-
clinically affected by hyperkalemia. Elevated patient that is sion through fluid administration. However,
potassium results in an alteration in resting in most cases this is not necessary as diuresis
membrane potential and deactivation of the appropriately often helps address acidosis. Sodium bicar-
sodium–potassium channels, with a resultant bonate administration is associated with
prolongation of the action potential and volume several potential complications, including
inability of myocardial cells to repolarize.7 resuscitated. iatrogenic alkalosis, paradoxical central nerv-
Consequently, there is a loss of cellular ous system (CNS) acidosis, hypokalemia and
excitability. This can result in bradycardia, hypernatremia, and so this is an infrequently
loss of P waves, a prolonged QRS complex, a used therapy.
peaked and narrowed T wave, a shortened QT
interval, sinoventricular rhythm, ventricular Oliguria or anuria
flutter or fibrillation, and asystole.7 Clinical Oliguria is defined as urine production
severity is not at all predictable based on the <1 ml/kg/h in a well-hydrated, normo-
degree of potassium elevation, so treatment tensive, euvolemic patient receiving intra-
considerations should be based on electrocar- venous fluid therapy. Anuria implies zero
diographic (ECG) findings.7 urine production. Relative oliguria is another
Treatment for hyperkalemia is aimed at term that is frequently used to describe a
cardioprotection and reduction of serum potas- patient that produces 1–2 ml/kg/h of urine
sium levels. Calcium gluconate can be given despite infusion of higher volumes of intra-
intravenously to antagonize the membrane venous fluids. These terms are only applicable
effects of hyperkalemia by decreasing the mem- to a well-hydrated patient that is appropriate-
brane threshold potential. This will immediate- ly volume resuscitated, and treatment inter-
ly improve ECG changes, but the duration of ventions to convert to a non-oliguric state
effect is only about 20–30 mins. Calcium should should only be attempted in such patients.
be given over several minutes, with careful
monitoring of the electrocardiogram during
administration. Caution is required when Medications for hyperkalemia
administering calcium to patients with altered
kidney function and hyperphosphatemia due Regular insulin and dextrose
to the risk of soft tissue mineralization. Calcium gluconate ✜ In a patient without diabetes,
Reduction of serum potassium can be ✜ 0.5–1 ml/kg IV, given slowly to 0.25–0.5 g/kg dextrose IV will
achieved through a variety of means including effect, with ECG monitoring induce endogenous insulin release
administration of insulin, dextrose, sodium ✜ For more severe hyperkalemia, or

taline (a β2 agonist) stimulate movement of

bicarbonate or terbutaline. Insulin and terbu- if patient is diabetic, give 0.5 U/kg
Sodium bicarbonate
✜ The dose of sodium
regular insulin IV, followed by
potassium from the extracellular to the intra- 1–2 g dextrose/U insulin IV bolus
bicarbonate is based on the
cellular compartment by activation of Na+/K+- and 1–2 g dextrose/U insulin in IV
base deficit, or an empirical
ATPase membrane pumps. Dextrose works in fluids for the next 4–6 h
dosage of 1–2 mEq/kg IV
a similar way in that it induces release of
over 10–20 mins can be used
insulin. Bicarbonate alkalinizes the blood, Terbutaline
causing exchange of extracellular potassium ✜ 0.01 mg/kg SC or IM
ions for intracellular hydrogen ions.


R E V I E W / Feline AKI – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

If oliguria or anuria persist despite correc-

tion of dehydration, hypovolemia and
Medications for oliguria/anuria
hypotension, there are various medications
such as diuretics and dopaminergic agonists
✜ 1–2 mg/kg IV bolus
that are used in patients with AKI to attempt
✜ 0.25–1 mg/kg/h IV as a CRI
conversion to a non-oliguric state. There is
currently no evidence that these medications
improve outcome in human or veterinary AKI Mannitol
patients, but it is thought that if a patient is ✜ 0.5–1 g/kg IV bolus
able to respond to these medical interven- ✜ 1–2 mg/kg/min IV as a CRI
tions, their kidney injury is likely less severe
and, as such, they tend to have a better prog- Fenoldopam
nosis. If these therapies are unsuccessful, renal ✜ 0.1–1 µg/kg/min IV as a CRI
replacement therapy (RRT) is the only viable
treatment option.

Treatments to consider
✜ Furosemide Furosemide is a loop ✜ Fenoldopam Fenoldopam is a specific D1
diuretic that exerts its effect through agonist that is used to treat emergency
inhibition of the renal Na+-K+-2Cl– hypertension in people and has gained
cotransporter found on the luminal popularity for use in oliguric or anuric AKI
membrane of the thick ascending limb Failure to respond due to its actions that induce systemic
Cats that remain oliguric/anuric after
of the loop of Henle. Inhibition of this no more than 6–12 h of medical inter- vasodilation, and promote natriuresis and
cotransporter results in increased renal vention should be considered as diuresis. It has been demonstrated to exhibit a
excretion of water, sodium, chloride, failing to respond. RRT (dialysis) 300-fold greater affinity for the feline D1
potassium and calcium. It is one of the first- is the only therapeutic option receptor compared with dopamine.11 A study in

at 0.5 µg/kg/min documented an increase in

for these patients.
line treatments used by many to attempt healthy cats using a 2 h infusion of fenoldopam
to induce diuresis in AKI patients. While
conversion to a non-oliguric state using urine output, sodium excretion, fractional
furosemide has benefits in regard to ease of excretion of sodium and creatinine clearance
management, its use has not been shown to within 6 h that lasted for at least 24 h.12 While
improve renal recovery or mortality in human further research is needed to evaluate the use of
medicine.8 In one study in healthy cats, fenoldopam in cats with AKI, this preliminary

range is 0.1–1 µg/kg/min as a constant rate

furosemide combined with dopamine did data holds promise. The recommended dosage
increase urine output but had no effect on renal
blood flow or GFR.9 If furosemide treatment is infusion.

Dopamine – the case against

elected, it is prudent to start with a bolus of 1–2
mg/kg IV and, if an effect is seen, instigate a

agonistic effect on dopaminergic receptors, β-

continuous rate infusion at 0.25–1 mg/kg/h. Dopamine is a catecholamine that exerts an
✜ Mannitol Mannitol is an osmotic diuretic
that promotes natriuresis and has been shown Dopamine is adrenergic receptors and α-adrenergic recep-

dopamine (0.5–5 µg/kg/min) has historically

to increase renal blood flow in healthy cats.9 tors in a dose-dependent fashion. Low dose
It also increases tubular flow and is thought to no longer
be beneficial in flushing tubular obstructions recommended been recommended as a treatment for dogs
caused by casts and cellular debris. Additionally, and people with oliguric or anuric AKI due
mannitol has free radical scavenging properties for treatment to its supposed effect on only D1 and D2
and is thought to reduce cellular swelling. receptors. However, its use has become
Despite these potential benefits, however, no of oliguric or increasingly controversial due to a lack of
studies have been performed in cats with AKI to anuric AKI. proven benefit and possible deleterious
determine whether there is truly a positive effect effects. It has not been shown to positively
on outcome. Furthermore, mannitol can have Fenoldopam influence morbidity, need for dialysis or mor-
deleterious effects by contributing to volume tality in human patients.13 Additionally, in
overload and exacerbating intracellular
may be a more critically ill patients dopamine’s dose-depend-
dehydration. If mannitol is given, an initial effective ent response may be less predictable and
bolus dose of 0.5–1 g/kg is recommended. If tachyarrhythmias, vasoconstriction or hyper-
urine production improves with this, a alternative. tension could result.13 It is no longer recom-
continuous rate infusion can be started at 1–2 mended for human AKI.
mg/kg/min. Doses exceeding 2–4 g/kg/day Cats were previously believed to lack renal
should be avoided as this may contribute to dopamine receptors, but it is now known that
AKI.10 If urine production is not achieved with they possess a putative renal D1 receptor in
initial dosing, further administration should not reduced quantities compared with dogs and
be performed. people.11 This may explain their lack of


R E V I E W / Feline AKI – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

channel blocker, is considered the first-line

treatment for hypertension in cats.17 However,
response to dopamine infusion with regard to

caution should be exercised when decreasing

urine output, sodium excretion, heart rate,

the blood pressure so as not to induce

mean arterial blood pressure and creatinine

hypotension and compromise renal perfusion.

clearance.14 Given the lack of beneficial effect

The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme

seen in feline patients, the potential for side

inhibitors such as enalapril or benazepril is

effects and the changing recommendations

not recommended in critically ill AKI patients

in human AKI, dopamine cannot be recom-

due to their negative effect on GFR; these

mended for feline oliguric or anuric AKI.

agents should be reserved for stable patients

Systemic hypertension is a commonly recog- after recovery from AKI.

nized sequela in dogs with AKI, affecting

37–87% of this population.15,16 The prevalence
of hypertension in cats with AKI has not been
Gastrointestinal sequelae

investigated to date but it is likely that this is

Vomiting and anorexia are common complica-

an under-recognized condition that requires

tions associated with uremia due to AKI in

recognition and intervention. Blood pressure

cats and are frequently the reason for presen-

should be evaluated in these patients both at

tation. The cause of these sequelae is multifac-

presentation and throughout their hospital-

torial. Uremic toxins stimulate peripheral and

ization (Figure 2). It is imperative that proper-

central receptors that trigger nausea, which
Blood pressure
ly trained personnel utilize a standardized
can be treated by a variety of antiemetic

technique to ensure accurate assessment. A

should be medications (metoclopramide, dolasetron,

patient may present with a normal blood

ondansetron, maropitant). The kidneys are
evaluated in
pressure which subsequently increases to a
important for elimination of gastrin, a stimu-

hypertensive range (>150/95 mmHg) with

lator of gastric acid secretion; hypergastrin-
AKI patients
fluid resuscitation. Additionally, a fundic
emia can cause gastric inflammation and

examination should be performed in all

at presentation ulceration is common in these patients.18

patients to evaluate for the presence of target

As such, treatment with medications to
and throughout
organ damage of hypertension (eg, retinal
inhibit gastric acid production may be benefi-

hemorrhage or detachment) (Figure 3).

their cial. These medications include histamine-2

Amlodipine, a dihydropyridine calcium

antagonists (famotidine, ranitidine) and pro-
hospitalization. ton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, pantopra-
zole). If uremic complications secondary to
AKI persist, malnutrition is another potential
problem and supplemental nutrition may be
required either through placement of a feed-
ing tube or via total parenteral nutrition. It is
imperative that the fluid volume adminis-
tered through parenteral or enteral feeding is
taken into consideration with regard to vol-
ume status and risk of fluid overload, particu-
larly in oliguric or anuric patients.

Renal replacement therapy

RRT is indicated for cats with AKI that are
oliguric or anuric despite appropriate medical
therapy, those with refractory hyperkalemia
Figure 2 Doppler blood pressure monitoring in a cat. Here or acid–base disturbances, patients experienc-
the cuff was measured and placed just above the right tarsus,
with the transducer positioned over the dorsal pedal artery ing volume overload, or for removal of certain
dialyzable toxins (eg, EG). These therapies
essentially allow stabilization of the patient
while awaiting renal recovery; or, in the
case of toxin removal, they may prevent
development of disease by removal of a harm-
ful substance.
There are three different types of RRT —
peritoneal dialysis (PD), intermittent
hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal
replacement therapy (CRRT) (see box on page
791). The latter two modalities are only avail-
able at a limited number of veterinary facilities
Figure 3 Hypertensive retinopathy (a) (see Supplementary data) and require exten-
and retinal hemorrhage (b) seen on fundic b
examination secondary to hypertension sively trained personnel and a dedicated team.


R E V I E W / Feline AKI – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Renal replacement therapies

Dialytic therapies employ a semipermeable membrane, dialysate solutions, and the principles of diffusion, convection
and adsorption to remove unwanted solutes (eg, BUN, creatinine), correct acid–base imbalances, remove excess fluid and
correct electrolyte disorders.

Peritoneal dialysis
PD can be performed at many 24 h referral facilities without ded-
icated equipment although it is labor-intensive and necessitates
experience and an advanced understanding of the technique.
PD requires placement of a peritoneal catheter attached to a
closed collection system to allow infusion of dialysate, which is
allowed to dwell for a specified amount of time in the peritoneal
space, and is then removed (Figure 4). In this case, the peri-
toneum acts as the semipermeable membrane. The technique
has been utilized in several cats and outcomes have been retro-
spectively reported with regard to survival and complications.
The most recent such study reported 22 cats with AKI that were
treated with PD. Overall survival in this group was 45%,
although the median survival time of those cats was 774 days.19
Still, PD is considered an effective option for treatment of refrac-
tory AKI when other RRT modalities are unavailable.
Figure 4 A 6-year-old castrated male domestic longhair cat being
treated with peritoneal dialysis for an oliguric acute exacerbation of
Intermittent hemodialysis chronic kidney disease secondary to severe pyelonephritis
IHD employs an extracorporeal filter to remove solutes and
excess fluid, and to balance acid–base and electrolyte distur-
bances (Figure 5). It is generally performed for about 4–8 h per
day, several times per week up to once daily as dictated by
patient needs. This modality is effective for rapid removal of tox-
ins as well as treatment of refractory AKI. It can also be used for
long-term therapy if the patient fails to recover kidney function
or needs more time to do so.

Continuous renal replacement therapy

CRRT functions similarly to IHD but in a slower fashion that is
thought to better approximate natural kidney function (Figure 6).
It is administered for 24 h per day and is potentially more suit-
able for hemodynamically unstable patients that may not toler-
ate the rapid fluid and electrolyte shifts associated with IHD.
However, this remains a controversial topic in the human litera- Figure 5 A 14-year-old castrated male Siamese cat receiving
intermittent hemodialysis using a Fresenius 2008H hemodialysis
ture. In many facilities, hybrid therapies using daily, extended machine after experiencing an acute exacerbation of chronic kidney
intermittent therapies may be employed during the initial treat- disease and subsequent volume overload. The cause of AKI was
undetermined in this patient
ment of critical patients as an alternative to CRRT.
There is still much debate among human physicians as to
which therapy is better and, to date, there is no definitive bene-
fit to treatment with CRRT versus IHD. However, there is a bias
toward use of CRRT for more critically ill patient populations. In
veterinary medicine, the data is even more limited and there are
no prospective studies on the use of any of these treatments
and certainly no studies comparing therapies.

Indications for renal replacement therapy

✜ AKI refractory to medical management
✜ Oliguria or anuria
✜ Life-threatening electrolyte imbalances
✜ Life-threatening acid–base disturbances
✜ Exposure to dialyzable toxins such as EG Figure 6 A 6-year-old castrated male domestic shorthair cat with lily-
✜ Fluid overload induced nephrotoxic anuric AKI receiving continuous renal replacement

therapy using Gambro’s Prismaflex system
Stabilization prior to renal transplantation


R E V I E W / Feline AKI – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

Summary of treatment considerations for AKI
The prognosis for cats with AKI is guarded to
✜ Discontinue nephrotoxic medications and begin specific therapy poor overall and there is a reported mortality
for known etiology (eg, antibiotics, fomepizole, relief of obstruction) of 47–64% if all causes of AKI are consid-
✜ Correct dehydration and induce diuresis ered.20,21 Factors associated with decreased
survival include elevated serum potassium,
low serum albumin, low serum bicarbonate
Is the patient producing an appropriate amount of urine? and decreased urine production. The severity
of increase in the initial BUN and creatinine
values is not prognostic.20,21 However, consis-
Yes No tently decreased BUN and creatinine within
3 days has been associated with a lower case
fatality rate.21
✜ Continue intravenous fluids and ✜ Diuretics (furosemide, The prognosis is considerably worse for
etiology-specific therapy until renal mannitol) oliguric or anuric patients as compared with
values plateau ✜ Fenoldopam non-oliguric cats and dialysis is required for
✜ Address sequelae of AKI ✜ RRT treatment if they do not respond to initial
– Electrolyte abnormalities medical management.20 Reported survival for
– Acid–base disturbances cats receiving RRT is 44–60%.19,22,23 However,
– Hypertension it is important to keep in mind that the cats
– Gastrointestinal complications that received dialysis would likely die with-
✜ If azotemia, electrolyte abnormalities out that therapy. Despite appropriate therapy,
or acid–base disturbances are residual kidney disease or incomplete recov-
refractory to therapy, consider RRT ery is common and affects about 50% of
patients that survive an acute event.20

✜ The diagnostic approach to patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) includes a thorough
history, physical examination, complete blood count, chemistry profile, urinalysis, urine
culture, blood pressure measurement and imaging.
✜ Abdominal ultrasonography yields the most information regarding kidney architecture,
but abdominal radiographs can be useful for evaluating kidney size and investigating for
✜ Intravenous fluids are the cornerstone of therapy for AKI. However, close monitoring of
hydration status is essential to ensure that a patient is receiving enough fluids to induce
diuresis, but not so much that volume overload ensues. Parameters that are useful for
evaluating hydration status include urine output, jugular venous distension/pulsation,
body weight, central venous pressure, respiratory rate and effort, and packed cell volume
and total solids.
✜ Electrolyte and acid–base abnormalities are common in patients with AKI and should be
addressed. This is primarily achieved with intravenous fluid therapy, but more directed
treatments may be necessary with severe derangements such as hyperkalemia.
✜ Urine production needs to be closely monitored in patients with AKI. If there is any
concern about low urine output a urinary catheter should be placed to quantify
production. Identification of oliguria or anuria in the face of adequate hydration is an
emergency situation and carries a guarded prognosis. If medical treatments are not
successful in stimulating urine production, renal replacement therapy (RRT) is required.
✜ RRT is available at only a limited number of referral institutions but is the best option
when certain complications of AKI develop. It can take the form of peritoneal dialysis,
intermittent hemodialysis or continuous renal replacement therapy.
✜ The prognosis for cats with AKI is guarded, but may depend on the exact cause.
Cats with oliguria or anuria have a worse prognosis than those with normal
or increased urine production.


R E V I E W / Feline AKI – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

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