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10/12/22, 6:07 PM TCPS 2: CORE-2022

TCPS 2: CORE-2022

Module A2 - Scope of TCPS 2

Activities that do not require REB review
Certain activities that use methods and techniques similar to those used in research do not require REB review
because they do not fit within the TCPS 2 definition of research. A key distinction is the intended purpose of the
activity. Research is designed to extend knowledge through a disciplined inquiry or systematic investigation,
whereas an activity that seeks, for example, to test the quality or efficacy of a service is designed with a different
purpose. Whereas research relies on voluntary participation, other activities that resemble research may be
mandated, for example by employers, by governments, or by school boards within the course of their normal
operations (Application of Article 2.5). Publication of results is not a distinguishing feature of research, as the
results of these other activities may also be published or disseminated in some way.

TCPS 2 sets out two categories of activity that do not require REB review:

Quality assurance/quality improvement/program evaluation/performance reviews (Article 2.5)

Creative practice activities (Article 2.6)

The first category includes, for example, public health surveillance (the systematic collection, analysis and
interpretation of health-related data for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice), a
governmental activity that does not constitute research for the purposes of the TCPS 2 (TCPS 2 Interpretations,
Scope, Question 11).

The second category includes, for example, an interactive art installation that would include the participation of
an audience. However, an interactive art installation that is being used as an intervention by a researcher may be
subject to REB review (see “Dual purpose” below).

Any ethics issues raised by these non-research activities may be addressed by professional or disciplinary
associations. Institutions may also establish specialized committees that assess quality assurance and quality
improvement activities conducted under their auspices.

The distinction between research, as defined in the TCPS 2, and other activities is not always clear. Some
questions to consider include:

Is the activity being mandated by an organization?

Is participation in the activity a condition of employment or training?
Are the results intended to advance the purposes of the mandating organization?
If so, are the results also intended for a research purpose?

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