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Task 1. Listen to Jenny’s letter and fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box as in
the example:
A letter to a friend

sitting doing asking learning shining looking

Dear Harry,

Hi! It's now 4 o'clock in the afternoon and I'm 0) __sitting ___ in the living room writing
this letter. It's a lovely day outside. The weather is great. The sun’s 1) _________________
and the birds are singing. My dog, Paddles, is sitting beside me and 2) __________________
at me with her big brown eyes. The eyes are 3) ________________________ me for some
food. But I'm not giving her anything because she's getting fat.I'm 4)_____________________
Spanish now at evening college. My Spanish is improving slowly. I like my teacher. She's 5)
__________________an excellent job. I'm really enjoying my class.
I hope you are well and happy and that your family is also well. Please write to me soon.

Bye for now,




Task 2. Read the text about four learners’ daily routine.

What do they do after school?

My name is Max. After school, I help my mum and dad. Then I go to the
park. There I meet my friends and we play different games. When I come
home I usually play chess.

I am Julia. After school, I like drawing and painting pictures. Then I write
stories. I put the stories and pictures on my bedroom wall.

I am Luke. After school, I do my homework. Then I listen to my CDs and

when I have some spare time I sing songs. In the evenings I prefer reading.
My name is Sara. I go swimming every Monday. I play tennis with my
friends every Tuesday. Every Thursday I skate in the park with my sister.

Read the text again and identify who does each activity. Write the learners’ names next to
the phrases. The first task is done for you as an example.

Example: go to the park - Max

1. enjoy Art ________
2. do sport activities ________
3. like music ________
4. keen on reading ________
5. spend time with friends ________


Task 3. Describe their appearance.

For example: This is Jasmine. She is tall and thin. She has brown eyes. Her hair colour is black.



Task 4. Choose one topic.

1. Tell about the landmark or country (bring a photo).

2. Tell about your collection (bring one thing from the collection).

Total marks 20

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