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Job#1: Determination of moisture content of soil in laboratory.

To learn Traditional and prompt procedure of determining the moisture content of soil in the laboratory.

Significance of the Test:

Determination of moisture content of soil is very important to know the different properties and to use practically as a
load bearing element. Moisture content is important for compaction and it also effects permeability. Increase in M.C
may cause decrease in permeability. Properties of soil may vary greatly with the moisture content and its load bearing
capacity may also vary with moisture content. And there are many problems related to settlement etc. are related to it.

Here we ae going to perform this experiment by 2 methods one is traditional method and other is a quick method.
1. By oven dry method
2. By speedy moisture meter test

Speedy moisture meter as described by its name is a fast or speedy method for the determination of moisture content.
And oven dry method is a slow method. So depending upon the need and Time available and other different conditions
we can use any one the method.

Related theory:
Moisture content: (w)
It is defined as the ratio of the weight of water in a given volume of soil to the weight of the solid particles in that same
We can say that it is the ratio of weight of water / moisture present in the soil to the dry weight of soil (soil solid).

Weight of water or moisture

M.C=Weight of dry soil or weight of soil solid x100

M.C= 𝑊𝑠 x100

Here Ww is the weight of water and Ws is the weight of soil solid.

Moisture can be represented by M.C/W/𝜃. And it is usually represented in percentage.

Variation of moisture content:

Moisture content varies from Dry to saturated state.

Saturated: When voids are completely filled with Water.

Dry: When voids are completely filled with air.

As we know that the soils have different structures and there are always voids in them. And the solid particles are
known as spoil solids.
Phase Diagrams of soil mass.

In case of air its weight can be ignored Wa≈0.

Total weight = Wt =Ww+Ws

The soil sample usually used for testing Represents the whole Bulk in that area so it can be regarded as Representative.

Oven Dry Method

ASTM D2216-66
i- Containers (Tin or Aluminum) Preferably with lids
ii- Weighing Balance having sensitivity of 0.01 gram
iii- Oven with accurate temperature control (110 ± 5 ⁰C)[230± 9 ⁰F]

Figure 1. Electric Oven

Sample specifications:

Maximum size of soil Recommended Minimum Balance Accuracy

particles(95-100% passes mass of soil sample
the given sieve)
No. 40 [425𝜇m] 10-200[grams] 0.01[grams]
No. 4[4.75mm] 300-500 0.1
[12.5mm]0.5” 300-1000 0.1
[50mm]2” 1500-3000 1.0

1. We should take the samples from different depths. But in our experiment as we are just learning how to
perform test so we did not care for this.
2. We have to mark the container if it is not already marked. And then we have to note the number of our
container so that it may not mix with other samples or containers.
3. We have first to check for the requirements of the sample.
4. We have to weigh the sample on a particular weighing balance having sufficient least count.
5. After that we have to place the sample in the oven.
6. We have to maintain a temperature of (110 ± 5 ⁰C)[230± 9 ⁰F] for 24 hours.
7. Then again we have to weight our sample to get died weight of weight of soil solid.
8. Then we have to perform necessary calculations to Get moisture content.


W1=Weight of empty container
W2=Weight of empty container + wet soil
W3=Weight of container + Dry soil
Ww=Weight of water = W2-W3
Ws=Weight of soil solids=Ws=W3-W1
M.C= 𝑊𝑠 ∗100
M.C=𝑊3−𝑊1 ∗100

1. If gypsum is present in the soil the sample should not be subjected to temperature beyond 80℃.Because
beyond this temperature gypsum will lose it water of crystallization and this will affect the true result of
moisture content. Instead of going beyond 80℃ we should heat for more time so that our sample get dried.
2. For large samples it is preferable to use containers having large surface are so that maximum sample comes
in direct contact with the heating effect of the oven and get dried easily and properly.
3. Since some dried samples may absorb moisture from the wet samples so wet and dried samples should be
placed separately. And dried samples should be removed from the given before placing wet samples in the
Speedy Moisture Meter
ASTM D4944
1. Speedy moisture meter (Calcium carbide pressure moisture tester).
2. Two 1.25 in (3.175cm) steel balls.
3. Cleaning Brush and Cloth
4. Scoop for measuring calcium carbide Reagent.
5. Calcium carbide reagent.

Related Theory:
Chemical Reaction:
In this apparatus the main reaction or process which is taking place is that the moisture present in
the soil reacts with calcium carbide.
And the output of reaction is acetylene gas(C2H2) and quick lime (CaO).
CaC2 + H2O→ CaO + C2H2

Acetylene gas is trapped within the container and it develops pressure. The dial gauge at the bottom
of the speedy moisture meter is calibrated in such a way that it directly gives the moisture content
in percentage by wet weight of soil.

As moisture Content is expressed by %age of dry weight of soil so it needs to be corrected.
W = moisture Content in percentage.
Wsp=Moisture content as obtained by speedy moisture meter expressed as decimal fraction.

Sample specifications:
26 grams of soil sample is required
24 grams (Approximately Three scoops) of calcium carbide

It can be used to find moisture content up to 20% in a soil. If moisture content exceeds that, we
will make the following adjustment.
We have to half the mass of soil sample, i.e., instead of 26g of soil we will take 13g of soil. The
mass of calcium carbide will remain the same i.e. 24 grams. And at the end we will multiply the
reading with two.
1. Weigh 26 grams of soil sample and place it in the cap of the tester.
2. Weigh 24 grams approximately 3 scoops of the calcium carbide and place it along with
two solid steel balls in the large chamber of the tester.
3. We also have to check the zero error of the dial.
4. Make sure that the soil and the calcium carbide are not coming in contact until they are
completely sealed.
5. For this we have to maintain a horizontal position initially.
6. After sealing it properly we have to hold it vertically.
7. We also have to check the zero error of the dial.
8. The instrument should be shaken with a rotating motion.
9. After that when we see that the needle is approximately stops moving then note that
reading of the dial
10. Apply zero error correct if any.
11. Apply a correction to change M.C to %age from dry soil.

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