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Curse of Strahd


Version 0.3
This page is reserved for the index. In the mean- Due to professional courtesy, as well as not to
time, we want to explain some design choices and even allow the potential for any current or
rules. future confusion about officiality or anything of
the like: This is a fan-developed work and we are
1. Most of the rules in this book are taken from the latest not charging or receiving any money for it.
game, so players who own the latest D&D adventure
system boxes, such as Dungeon of the Mad Mage, will be
familiar with what's written under the sections: The
This is a passion project for the Castle Ravenloft
Spell Deck, Conditions, Town Actions, and the Level Up Board Game and an appreciation to the
system. developers of the game that put a big effort into
delivering the D&D Adventure System and
2. There is a section on Page 4 of the Adventure Book Wizards of the Coast LLC.
explaining how to set the encounter deck for Exterior
and Dungeon locations.
© 1993-2022 Wizards of the Coast LLC
3. In the next release, we will focus on creating more
Giovanni Martínez @Castagnopolis
content than components, like the map of Barovia with
Ricardo Pacheco @NocturnalPulse
the traveling options system, the party campaign log,
towns with markets, more adventures, and missing André Grégio @AbedGregio
explanations based on your comments, among other

Please, understand that this has been a huge effort on

our part, but there is more to come, and hopefully, more ORIGINAL GAME CREDITS
people will help.
Design and Development Bill Slavicsek, Mike Mearls, Peter Lee
Additional Design Rob Heinsoo
Editing Cal Moore
D&D Senior Art Director Jon Schindehette
Art Director Mari Kolkowsky
Cover Illustration Jesper Ejsing
Graphic Designer Keven Smith
Interior Illustrations Andrew Hou, Warren Mahy,
Wayne Reynolds
Dungeon Tiles Jason A. Engle
Prepress Manager
Imaging Technician Sven Bolen
Production Manager Raini Applin Rosta

Inspired by the original ®

Roleplaying Game adventure by Tracy and Laura Hickman.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, WIZARDS OF THE COAST, Castle Ravenloft, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Wizards characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are
property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or
unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events included herein is purely coincidental. Printed in
CHINA. ©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC.

300-20779000-001 EN 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Printing: August 2010 ISBN 978-0-7869-5557-2

Visit our website at
The Dungeons & Dragons® Castle Ravenloft: Curse of
Strahd module is a cooperative campaign game. You and
your fellow Heroes form an adventuring party, working
as a team to succeed in the adventures that unfold in the
mesmerizing and captivating land of Barovia and get rid
of the evil that haunts the land once and for all.

For most of the adventures, you win together or lose

together. Play across a semi-open world campaign or, as
with previous Adventure System games, you can still feel
free to play any one of these adventures as a stand-alone

To play this module you need only the Castle Ravenloft
Board Game and the custom content created for it.

Rules have been updated using The Dungeon of the Mad

Mage rulebook and new rules have been created to fit
the new campaign setting. It is important to clarify that
the new rules are just minor modifications to the way
players experience the adventures in Campaign Play and
don’t change the core rules of the game, maintaining its

For players that own other D&D Adventure System

Board Games, feel free to add all the extra content you
want to make your game experience more interesting.

Dungeon Tiles: Castle Ravenloft does not contain

exterior tiles and many adventures will take place
outside of the dungeons, but that should be no impedi-
ment to enjoy it.

Like playing D&D, a little bit of imagination is all you

need to bring the landscape of Barovia to life and enjoy
this Module, and the adventures will take care of build-
ing the mood for the players with its narrative and

When instructed, remove or add the needed tiles,

monsters, and encounter cards from the respective
decks to create the adventure.

tions, and if no permanent death is stated, be defeated.
All these possible outcomes and their penalties are
described below.
In Curse of Strahd, Heroes can pursue a non-linear
adventure by visiting areas at their own risk, allowing If Heroes escape from an adventure or do not satisfy the
them to choose new quests, perform Town Actions, and victory conditions, they have failed. The party is forced
help the locals to increase their reputation, and unlock to return to their nearest Safe Location (if possible), they
new adventures and secrets. will lose half of the experience gained from the Experi-
ence Pile, and each hero must discard 1 Treasure Card if
The term Safe Location is used in the campaign to possible. But you're still alive to fight another day!
indicate an area, town, or settlement where Heroes can
rest between adventures and perform Town Actions. Death

Unlike the base game, in the Curse of Strahd campaign,

Campaign Play & The Advanced Deck if any Hero has 0 Hit Points remaining at the start of his
or her turn and there are no Healing Surges remaining,
Curse of Strahd is intended to be played as a campaign, that Hero dies, but the remaining party members may
but you can always play any adventure as a one-shot. still continue and try to finish the adventure.

To support campaign play, you should separate your If no permanent death is indicated in the adventure (see
decks into two types: The Starting Deck (cards with a page 3 of the adventure book), and the whole Party is
white set icon at the bottom) and The Advanced Deck defeated do the following:
(cards with a yellow set icon at the bottom).
All Heroes return to the nearest Safe Location and are
Follow the instructions in the Victory and Defeat section immediately resurrected.
of the adventure. After reading the corresponding entry,
make changes to the decks, which introduce more The Party loses all the experience points gained in the
complex effects and more difficult challenges. last adventure.

Each resurrected Hero must discard all but 1 of its

Victory Treasure cards to the Treasure deck.

Unlike the base game, Heroes will not heal, nor The Party gains 1 Healing Surge token.
recover Healing Surges after finishing an adventure.
If possible, they can return to the nearest Safe Location If, on the other hand, one or more Heroes died, but the
to heal and prepare for their next adventure, or keep surviving Heroes finished the adventure, they can
pushing their luck if the adventure allows it. resurrect the fallen Heroes in a Safe Location later.

Experience Points: After each adventure, all remain- Each resurrected Hero must discard all its Treasure
ing experience points are converted to GP (gold pieces) cards but 1 to the Treasure deck.
at the rate of 100GP for each experience point in the
Experience Pile, which are then distributed among the If the party is unable to resurrect a fallen Hero, either
Heroes as they see fit. Write it in your campaign log. because they lack gold pieces or have no other means,
that player may select a new Hero to join the campaign,
starting from level 1.

In Curse of Strahd, defeat has many faces. Heroes can

escape from an adventure through a specific location
(such as the starting tile), fail to meet the victory condi-

Reputation ALLY LEVEL

Adventuring and helping the locals will increase your There are three types of Allies in the game.
Allies that do not show a level on their card. These
Each time you earn a Reputation Point, write it down on Allies cannot be leveled up and usually represent minor
your Campaign Log under the reputation field. characters in the campaign.

Earning the trust of the distrustful Barovian and Vistani Level 1 Allies, with a double-sided card showing the
will allow you to access more town services and unlock level 2 version of the Ally on the other side. Such as
new quests. Ismark and Ireena, Barovians willing to help the Heroes
against Count Strahd's forces. These allies can level up as
When you find a town service or an adventure, with a a Town Action by paying 1000GP.
reputation value next to its name, you can only access
that service or adventure if you meet the listed require- Level 4 Allies. These powerful allies are already at the
ment value. maximum level, have their own set of Power Cards, and
cannot level up as a Town action.
< Image with an example here will be provided in the
next release. >

Allies will help the Heroes on their journey. Some of
them will appear in adventures, hired in towns or other
specific areas.

When you take one or more Allies on an adventure,

assign them to different Heroes if possible. Allies will
activate at the end of that hero's Hero Phase, but what
they do is up to the party as a whole.

If an Ally kills a Monster, don’t draw a Treasure card.

If an Ally gains a treasure due to a card or ability, such

as Van Richten's “Speak with Death”, the Active Player
decides who gets the treasure.

When an Ally is reduced to 0 Hit Points, keep the

Ally’s figure on the tile. Knock the figure on its side (or
flip its token) to show that the Ally is at 0 Hit Points.

In between adventures you may decide to let an Ally

go, and continue adventuring without him or her.

Some Allies like Ezmerelda, Van Richten, or Jander are

more powerful than the normal ones and have their own
array of Utility and Daily Power cards.

Before starting an adventure, the party must choose

what Power Cards an Ally will bring to the adventure.

Choose 2 Utility and 1 Daily Power for each Ally with

Power cards before starting the adventure.

Playing a single shoot adventure

DAY AND NIGHT CYCLE When playing a single adventure, place the Time
Tracker next to the board so it's easy to reach. Then, roll
As Heroes venture out into the wild, they will be affected a die and place the Sun Token on the corresponding
by the day and night cycles of the day. space.

The day and night Cycle only affects Adventures in This will dictate at what time of the day the Heroes
Exterior Locations and depends on whether it is day or arrived at their location.
night. Each time you draw a card from the Exterior
Encounter card, you will have to resolve the effect
described on the cards you draw, which can vary if its Campaign mode
daytime or nightime
When playing in campaign mode, the first adventure
A full day is divided into six stages between day and "Welcome to my domain", will tell you to place the Sun
night. Token in a specific position of the Time Tracker at the
beginning of the game.

Daytime: After that, do not move the Sun Token or roll on the
Time Track unless instructed to do so. This can happen
by traveling, revealing an Encounter Card, or a specific
Noon Afternoon
adventure rule.

Nighttime: When you stop playing, write down the current time in
the campaign log for the next time you resume play.
Dusk Night Midnight

1. Players decide to play a single

adventure whose location is
"Exterior". They roll the dice 2. Later in the adventure, one of the
obtaining a 9, so the adventure begins players draws the "A quiet place" card
in the afternoon. which its Daytime effect instructs the
player to move the Time tracker 1

3. The active player has to move the

Sun Token 1 place to Dusk. During
Night, some card effects are more
dangerous, so the active player may
decide to use experience points in the
Experience Pile to cancel the
encounter card.

We will add the Barovia Map, Adventures selection

system, and map encounters in the next updates.

We are working on it to make it as simple as possi-

ble for players :)

The Spell deck represents the various
spells cast by Treasures, Monsters, and Traps.

Spells can be cast by Heroes and Monsters

and the Spell cards indicate how a Spell works
depending on the caster. If a Hero is not casting
the Spell, then by default it is a Monster casting
the Spell.


When you reveal a Monster with the "Spellcasting

ability" or a "Casts" instruction in its Tactics, do the

Shuffle the Spell deck, and draw cards until you find one
of the Spells named in the Monster caster card. Then,
the Monster caster casts this spell.

After drawing a Spell card, if a Monster Caster doesn't

have a valid target within range, discard that card and
keep drawing from the Spell deck until you find another
spell that matches the caster's tactics criteria.

When you have a doubt regarding a spell, follow this

rule :

If a Monster Caster doesn't have a valid target within

range, keep drawing spell cards from the Spell deck
until you find another spell in the caster’s list that
matches the caster's tactics.

If a Monster Caster has revealed a protection or effect

Spell that it still active on itself, like Mirror Image, keep
drawing spell cards until you find another spell in the
caster’s list that matches the caster's tactics.

Otherwise, the Monster Caster fails and does nothing.

Once a Spell is cast, return the Spell card to the Spell

deck and shuffle it.

This section updates conditions to the leatest release of
the D&D Adventure System Board Games.

Castle Ravenloft rulebook, page 8.

A spider’s web wraps around a Hero, making it difficult

for the Hero to get away. A massive net falls from the
ceiling and entangles the Hero in ropes. These attacks
and others like them cause a Hero to be Slowed.

If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to

become Slowed, put a Slowed marker on your Hero
Card. You can have only one Slowed marker on your
Hero Card at a time.

If your Hero is Slowed, its Speed is reduced to 2.

At the end of your Hero Phase, discard the Slowed


Castle Ravenloft rulebook, page 8.

A ghoul’s paralyzing claws infects a Hero with a deadly

toxin that stops him or her from moving. A magical trap
-1 blasts an area with ice, freezing a Hero in place. These
attacks and other like them cause a Hero to be
-2 Immobilized.

If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to

become Immobilized, put an Immobilized marker on
your Hero Card. You can have only one Immobilized
marker on your Hero Card at a time.

If your Hero is Immobilized, his or her Speed is

reduced to 0—that Hero can’t move!

At the end of your Hero Phase, discard the Immobi-

lized marker.

Wrath of Ashardalon rulebook, page 8.

The blabber of a gibbering mouther makes it impossible

to concentrate. The spores of an Underdark fungus cloud
the mind. These attacks and other like them cause a
Hero to be Dazed.

8 7
If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to If your Hero gains Disadvantage
become Dazed, put a Dazed marker on your Hero Card. while having Advantage, discard both markers.
You can have only one Dazed marker on your Hero
Card at a time.
If your Hero is Dazed, instead of your normal Hero Dungeon of the Mad Mage rulebook, page 8.
Phase, you may perform only one of the following
actions: Move or Attack. An enemy knows where to strike. A curse cast by an
enemy debilitates you. These effects and others like
At the end of your Hero Phase, discard the Dazed them cause a Hero to gain Disadvantage.
If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to gain
If a power or another effect allows you to remove the Disadvantage, put a Disadvantage marker on your Hero
condition during your Hero Phase, you immediately card. You can have only one Disadvantage marker on
regain your full allotment of actions and your Hero card at a time.
can perform them that turn.
While your Hero has Disadvantage, the next time he
or she makes an Attack, roll the die twice and use the
CONDITION: POISONED lower result. Then discard the Disadvantage marker.
Wrath of Ashardalon rulebook, page 8.
If your Hero gains Advantage while having Disadvan-
A snake’s bite injects foul venom into a wound. Toxic tage, discard both markers.
gas seeps from the magma lakes below the dungeon
floor. These attacks and other like them cause a Hero Monsters can also gain Advantage and Disadvantage.
to be Poisoned. This works exactly the same for them as it does for a
If your Hero becomes Poisoned, put a Poisoned
marker on your Hero Card. You can have only one
Poisoned marker on your Hero Card at a time. CONDITION: STUNNED
The Temple of Elemental Evil rulebook, pages 8 and 9 (Adapted for Heroes).
If your Hero is Poisoned, he or she takes 1 damage at
the beginning of your Hero Phase. Take this damage A mighty blow from Alaeros’s axe knocks a cultist prone.
before using any Treasure Cards and before checking to Magic vines erupt from Talon’s arrow and wrap around a
see if you must spend a Healing Surge. hobgoblin’s feet. These attacks and others like them
cause a Monster to gain the Stunned condition.
At the end of your Hero Phase, roll the die. If your
result is 10 or higher, discard the Poisoned marker. If an attack or other effect causes a Hero or a
Monster to become Stunned, put a Stunned marker on
that Hero’s card or that Monster’s figure.
Dungeon of the Mad Mage rulebook, page 8. While a Hero is Stunned, he or she loses their next
Hero Phase. Discard the Stunned marker at the end of
The presence of a champion uplifts your spirits. Patience his or her Hero phase.
in battle exposes your opponent’s weaknesses. These
effects and others like them cause a Hero to gain While a Monster is Stunned, it skips its next
Advantage. activation and does nothing. After the Monster skips its
activation, discard the Stunned marker.
If an attack or other effect causes your Hero to gain
Advantage, put an Advantage marker on your Hero card.
You can have only one Advantage marker on your Hero
card at a time.

While your Hero has Advantage, the next time he or

she makes an Attack, roll the die twice and use the
higher result. Then, discard the Advantage marker.

Dungeon of the Mad Mage rulebook, page 9.

A swipe from a Shadow drains your strength. A bite from

a Stirge makes you light-headed. These effects and
others cause a Hero or Monster to gain the Weakened

If an attack or other effect causes a Hero or Monster

to become Weakened, put a Weakened marker on that
Hero’s card or that Monster’s figure.

Weakened is a form of damage and therefore reduces

your Hit Points. This damage, however, cannot be
healed in the normal way of regaining Hit Points:
the only way to remove Weakened markers is through
an effect that removes conditions or the spending of a
Healing Surge.

When a Hero spends a Healing Surge, ALL

Weakened markers are removed first, then the Hero
regains Hit Points equal to his or her Surge Value.

Safe Locations allow Heroes to perform Town Actions
and Services. Each player can take any number of Town
Actions to prepare for the next adventure.

Some of the typical actions are listed below, but your

reputation and success can unlock new ones, which are
outlined in each location or adventure.


However, in between adventures you may change your

Hero’s selected powers. You are still bound by the
selection requirements on the Hero card.

2. BUY ITEMS AND TOWN SERVICES When you level up to the 3rd level,
take the 3rd-level card and add it to your Hero’s card.
Locations with a Marketplace allow Heroes to buy and Your Hero’s Hit Points and Surge Value increases, and
sell Items. To sell items, use the information below. To you gain a new Utility power. In addition, you get to
buy Items, fill the Marketplace with four cards drawn choose an Expert power, your Critical Hit improves
from the Treasure deck. (letting you flip up a used Utility Power), and you gain 1
Legendary Action point.
You may buy any Item Treasure cards drawn for the buy
price listed on the card (or the price table for Castle When you level up to the 4th level, flip over the
Ravenloft Items). Any unbought Item cards and any 3rd-level card to the 4th-level side. Your Hero’s Hit
non-Item cards drawn go back into the Treasure deck. Points, Armor Class, and Surge Value increase. It also
allows you to choose a new Daily and Expert power, your
Some locations in the adventure book allow Heroes to Critical Hit improves (now dealing a +2 damage and
pay for healing, buy Healing Surge tokens, resurrect a letting you flip up a used Utility or Daily Power), and you
dead hero, and recruit Allies, among others services gain a second Legendary Action point.
described on that location page.


You may sell any Item Treasure cards your Hero has
gained as long as you are at a Marketplace or a Trading
Post. Sold Treasure cards go back into the Treasure deck
and the Hero gains the value listed on the card (or the
price table for Castle Ravenloft Items) in gold pieces.


You can barter with other players, exchanging Item

Treasure cards for other Treasure cards or GP (gold
pieces). Alternatively, you may give another player an
Item Treasure card or gold pieces without receiving
anything in return. You can only trade items and
GP with Heroes that are participating in the adventure.


Heroes can level up in towns or in a specific location if a

card or adventure allows it. The cost for leveling up is
shown in the table below.

2 2000 gp

3 3000 gp

4 4000 gp

When going from 1st level to 2nd level, flip your

1st-level Hero card over to the 2nd-level side. Leveling
up to 2nd level increases your Hero’s Hit Points, Armor
Class, and Surge Value. It also allows you to choose a
new Daily power.

Any Hero may spend Legendary Action Points to have
access to a specific action benefit.

6. LEGENDARY ACTIONS The available Legendary actions include:

A Legendary Action is considered a free action that your Reroll: This action can be used to reroll any die rolled
Hero can take using its Legendary Action points. during your Hero Phase.

At levels 3 and 4, your Hero will get a Legendary Action +2 Attack: This action can be used after you roll a die
Point (LAP), which can be used to perform a Legendary in an Attack to modify the roll upward by 2.
Action by paying its cost in LAP, as stated in the Legend-
ary Actions table below. Move at your speed: This action can be used to move
at your speed at any moment of your Hero’s Phase.
Legendary Action Points can only be used once per
adventure and can only be recovered by resting once Use a Treasure Card Item: This action can be used
you are in a Safe Location or between adventures, if you to use a Treasure Card item at any moment of your
are not playing the campaign mode. Hero’s Phase.

Example: It’s the beginning of the Villain Phase and Runaway: This action can be used to move at your
Thorgrim, the 3rd level Cleric, is on the same tile as a speed at the beginning of the Villain’s Phase.
Banshee and about to get hit by her horrifying wail.
Attack with an At-Will Power: This action can be
He has only 2 HP remaining and there are no more used to attack only with an At-will Power at any moment
Healing Surges left. So, Thorgrim decides to use his LAP of your Hero’s Phase.
and pay for the "Runaway" Legendary Action, allowing
him to move at his speed before any dice have been Regain 2 HP: This action can be used to regain 2 Hit
rolled, even if it is not his Hero Phase. This Legendary Points at any moment of your Hero’s Phase.
Action allows him to place himself two tiles away from
the Banshee, forcing her to change her target. +1 Damage: This action can be used after you hit with
an attack to deal +1 damage.
Now Thorgrim has no more Legendary Action Points left
to spend until the party returns to a Safe Location where Recharge: This action can be used to flip up any
he can rest. face-down Power or Treasure card, enabling another use
of that card.

LEGENDARY ACTION COST Riposte: If an adjacent Monster misses an attack

Reroll 1 against you during the Villain's Phase, you can riposte
immediately by attacking that Monster. This is
+2 Attack 1 considered as a free attack action.
Move at your speed 1
Use a Treasure Card Item 1 DESIGN NOTES:
Legendary Actions are a way to deal with the latest
Runaway 1 Dungeon of the Mad Mage advancement tokens (page
Attack with an At-Will Power 1 14 of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage rulebook) without
having to resort to creating more printable components.
Regain 2Hp 2
+1 Damage 2 It was the last rule we created in our attempt to fit the
latest content into Castle Ravenloft, and the idea behind
Recharge 2 it is to give players a small edge in the adventure without
Riposte 2 breaking the game.

OPTIONAL RULES Each Hero can only make
one attack of opportunity and
Use one or more of these rules if the game is too easy for only using an At-Will Power. After a Hero
you or you want a more interesting game experience. made an attack of opportunity, place a used attack of
opportunity marker on its Hero card. As long as there is
an used attack of opportunity marker on its card, that
CARRYING CAPACITY Hero can not perform another attack of opportunity.
Remove the marker at the end of that Hero’s next Phase.
Heroes are limited by their carrying capacity, which
means that a Hero can carry as many Item Treasure A Monster can also make one attack of opportunity,
cards as 1 plus the Hero’s current level. but they can not decide when to use it. As a rule, if a
Hero provokes an attack of opportunity, the Monster
In this way, a 2nd level Hero can carry 3 items (1 plus 2 creature will immediately make an attack of opportunity
items because of its current level, which is 2). with its adjacent or within 1 tile attack, depending on
the Monster's instructions. Then, place a used attack of
This rule offers a more strategic approach to opportunity marker on its Monster card.
decision-making when it comes to what to keep and
what to discard for your Hero. As long as there is an attack of opportunity marker on its
card, that Monster cannot perform another attack of
If a Hero already has the maximum amount of permitted opportunity. Remove the marker after its next activation.
items and draws or gains a new item, he or she may give
it to another Hero on the same tile, or discard an existing Example: Alisa, who is in the threatened area (adjacent
item to add the new one to their equipment. to) of a Kobold Skirmisher, decides to move to the
adjacent tile to help Arjhan, who is about the get killed.
Her action triggers an attack of opportunity.
The Kobold Skirmisher immediatly attacks Alisa with its
Aside from the penalties described on page 4, If a Hero spear, but fails. Now, the player who controls the Kobold
or the entire Party is defeated and no permanent death Skirmisher places a used attack of opportunity token on
is stated on the adventure, each resurrected Hero loses its card. Thus, the Kobold Skirmisher can't make another
1 level if possible (a hero can never drop below level 1). attacks of opportunity until the token is removed at the
end of its next activation.


Sometimes an adjacent Hero or Monster lets its guard

down. In this case, adjacent Enemies may take advan-
tage of its lapse in defense to attack it for free.

These free attacks are called attacks of opportunity.

Each Hero or Monster can make only 1 attack of
opportunity per Hero or Villain Phase.

Threatened Squares

A Hero or Monster threatens all its adjacent squares

(including diagonally), and can make an adjacent attack,
even when it is not its phase.

Provoking an Attack of Opportunity

A Hero or Monster provokes attacks of opportunity if

they move out of a threatened square, for example, to
attack another creature or to escape.


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