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Back Role Family: Application Technology

Sub Family: Software Engineer


KPI Description & Target Weighting

Quality of Delivery Defect Density/Variance as per published PCB guidelines for the 25

Tickets Reopened < 10%

Bench Time Utilization:

Enhance skills/competencies through authorized trainings /

On Time Delivery Schedule Variance within the published PCB guidelines for the 25
defined technology

Analysis of issues and resolution of tickets as per defined SLAs

Compliance 100% Compliance to Engagement/Organizational/ Local and Group 10

Polices/ Standards /Processes/core values

Timesheet Compliance:
Customer Time Sheets : 100% by end of month
CG TimeCard : 100% by end of month

Self Development Training Hours >40 hrs (Mandatory 90% to be technical training) 20
excluding Fresher's training

No escalation received on Project acceptances, role and behavior

iDevelop assessment score: Secure highest score for the selected

skill profile for your grade
* iDevelop score will be considered for objective performance
differentiation between associates

Team Development

(Improvement &
Sales Support
Utilization Self Utilization (URVE) >75%
Contribution Margin
Late Timesheets Zero MTS
Collaboration and Description: 5
Communication Communication
- Demonstrate good communication skills.
- Demonstrate good communication skills in the technical discussions and through
email conversations with customer.

Team work
- Helpful and supportive attitude to other fellow team members for self strong
knowledge areas
- Working as team rather than individualistic approach
- Active participation in team building activities

Discipline and time management

- On time submission of all reports (like Timesheet, Travel reports, etc.)
- Attending meetings on time
- Regular updates to team/seniors

>No more than 2 instances of escalations from internal/external customers on any
written or verbal communication for non-responsiveness/missed responses
> First level response to field/support issues as per project/customer defined SLA
> No case of customer complaint either on technical or behavioral front.

>Zero complaints from peers regarding behavioral aspects.

>At least 3 instances of positive feedback from peer/seniors regarding help
provided in technical issue resolution
> Flexibility shown in working in different domains/skills offered by the manager to
ensure high utilization

> 100% compliance to timesheet submissions. .

> No more than 2 instance of meeting absence without prior intimation.
> No more than 5 instances of short notice/unplanned leaves ( other then
sick/emergency situation)

Software Description: 10
Development Contribution to Design - Ability to understand design and link it with
underlying module level requirement.

- On time Implementation of assigned module level requirement
- Following guideline and quality processes defined for project
- Improve self written code quality and Productivity over time

Review of code and artifacts produced by peers through formal/exploratory

code review

Unit Testing
- Writing test specification and identifying test cases
- Test Execution
- Generation of Test Reports

Bug fixing and support phase


Deliver at-least one technical session on understanding of feature design

under development at team level
> 100% Traceability to all the assigned module level requirement in
> Compliance to coding guideline , project specific checklist and not more
than X instances of deviation from coding guidelines during code review
Not more than 2 instances of schedule variance > 5% for assigned activities
in whole year.
Innovation 5

Suggestion/improvement plan to increase the effectiveness of existing project

processes and/or team's velocity/productivity through innovation, automation
At least 1 area in your project where you brought innovation and out of box
thinking in test framework, AUT, regression, sanity procedure through smart
scripting and improved productivity of whole team or at-least self assigned work by
10% from earlier baseline

Objective Type




Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable

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