Data Analyst Report

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GradRate,6yr =7.2681+0.1522(% White Enrl)+0.3071(% Asian Enrl )-0.0948(% Women Enrl )+0.001( FullTime

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.818401874
R Square 0.669781628
Adjusted R Square 0.66846689
Standard Error 12.31352296
Observations 1514

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 6 463457.4841 77242.91402 509.4411245 0
Residual 1507 228495.6314 151.6228477
Total 1513 691953.1156

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 7.268075231 2.12810346 3.41528284 0.000654081 3.093716454 11.44243401 3.093716454 11.44243401
Percent of total enrollment that are White 0.152245855 0.015673954 9.713302311 1.1259E-21 0.121500776 0.182990933 0.121500776 0.182990933
Percent of total enrollment that are Asian 0.307102624 0.076070996 4.037052763 5.68461E-05 0.157886368 0.456318879 0.157886368 0.456318879
Percent of total enrollment that are women -0.094773689 0.027308849 -3.470438786 0.000534267 -0.148341073 -0.041206306 -0.148341073 -0.041206306
Full-time undergraduate enrollment 0.000955041 6.84904E-05 13.94416275 1.17405E-41 0.000820695 0.001089388 0.000820695 0.001089388
Institution(d) * Tuition 0.001783157 0.000121238 14.70790587 7.37219E-46 0.001545344 0.00202097 0.001545344 0.00202097
Tuition and fees, 2013-14 0.001463997 3.47934E-05 42.07684015 1.5745E-256 0.001395748 0.001532245 0.001395748 0.001532245

Interpretation of Coefficients

1. As the percentage of total enrollment that are white increases by 1 percentage point, the rate of bachelor’s degree
graduation increases by 0.15221 percentage point, on average and all else constant.

2. As the percentage of total enrollment that are Asian increases by 1 percentage point, the rate of bachelor’s degree
graduation increases by 0.30711 percentage point, on average and all else constant.

3. As the percentage of total enrollment that are women increases by 1 percentage point, the rate of bachelor’s degree
graduation decreases by 0.09481 percentage point, on average and all else constant.

4. As the percentage of total enrollment that are Asian increases by 1 percentage point, the rate of bachelor’s degree
graduation increases by 0.30711 percentage points, on average and all else constant

5. As full-time undergraduate enrollment increases by 1 student, the rate of bachelor’s degree graduation increases by 0.00151
percentage points, on average and all else constant.

6. For a public school, as their tuition increases by $1, the rate of bachelor’s degree graduation increases by 0.00181 percentage
point more than a private school.

7. For a private school, as tuition increases by $1, the rate of bachelor’s degree graduation increases by 0.00151 percentage
points on average, and all else constant.

Interpretation of R2 and Standard Error

R2: We are 66.98% of the way toward perfectly predicting the bachelor’s graduation rate of an institution

SE= The equation will on average be off by an average of 12.31 percentage points.

How we found what to add to our regression equation

To start off we needed to find how the graduation rate was impacted in both private and public schools, to do this we created a
dummy variable. After doing that we looked around in the data for variables that we thought would be important in our data.
After numerous trials and errors, we found several variables that were significant in our regression. After finding this we then
ran a test with our dummy variable with our quantitative variables, we then ran a regression with our quantitative variables and
our dummy interaction variable, finally, we ran the test with all three variables and found that the regression with our
quantitative variables and our quantitative variable gave us the highest R2 and the lowest standard error without any of our
other variables being in-significant.

Relevance of Findings
Something that I found interesting from the data is that on average as tuition increases for both private and public schools,
public schools tend to have a higher rate of bachelor’s degree graduation as I would think that private universities would have a
higher rate of bachelor’s degree graduation due to most of them being prestigious in nature. Some variables that I was
surprised to not find significant were the percentage of total enrollment that is African American and the percentage of total
enrollment that are Hispanic as many people from these cultures are going to university at an increasing rate. Another variable
that was not significant but seems as if it should have been total enrollment as the number of people that are enrolled in your
colleges should definitely have an impact on the rate of bachelor’s degree graduation.

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