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ME C 443 Quality Control,

Assurance and Reliability

BITS Pilani Dr. Sachin Waigaonkar
K K Birla Goa Campus
Ex. 2

• The breaking strength of a cable is known to be normally

distributed with a mean of 4000 kg and a standard
deviation of 25 kg. The manufacturer prefers that at least
95% of its product meet a strength requirement of 4050
kg. Is this requirement being met? If not, by changing the
process parameter, what should the process mean target
value be?

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus
Sampling Distributions and Central
Limit Theorm
• An estimator, or statistic (which is a characteristic of a sample), is
used to make inferences as to the corresponding parameter.
• For example, an estimator of sample mean is used to draw
conclusions on the population mean.
• Similarly, a sample variance is an estimator of the
population variance.
• Suppose that we have a population with mean μ and standard
deviation σ. If random sample of size n are selected from this
population, the following holds if the sample size is large:
• 1. The sampling distribution of the sample mean will be
approximately normal.
• 2. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean
will be equal to the population mean, μ.
• 3. The standard deviation of the sample mean is given by
known as Standard error
BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus
Sampling Distributions

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

Example: Sample Distribution

• The binding strength of a synthetic material used to

make carpets is known to have a mean of 50 kg and a
standard deviation of 10 kg. If a sample of size 40 is
randomly selected, what is the probability that the
sample mean will be less than 52.5 kg?

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus
Confidence Interval Estimation

Case 1: Variance is Known

• Suppose that we want to estimate the mean μ of a product
when the population variance is known.
• A random sample of size n is chosen, and the sample mean X
is calculated.
• Using central limit theorem, we know that the sampling
distribution of the point estimator is approximately normal
with mean μ and variance
• A 100(1 - α)% two-sided confidence interval for μ is given by:
• The value of the standard normal variate such that the
right tail area of the standardized normal distribution is α/2.

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus


• The output voltage of a power source is known to have a

standard deviation of 10 V. Fifty readings are randomly
selected, yielding an average of 118 V. Find a 95%
confidence interval for the population mean voltage.

BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus

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