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Passage 2019, 7(3), 72-83

A Transitivity Analysis of Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s Promotional

Captions on Instagram

Putri Rizki Lestari, Eri Kurniawan*, Ruswan Dallyono*

English Language and Literature
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study aims to discover the lexico-grammatical features and social
function of Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s, promotional captions on
Instagram. There were some frameworks used to guide this research,
such as Gerot and Wignell’s explanations about the lexico-grammatical
features and social function of descriptive, procedure, and recount text
(1995), and Halliday’s transitivity analysis (2014). The qualitative
method was used to conduct this research. The results show that
promotional captions could consist of descriptive, procedure, and
recount texts with different lexico-grammatical features and social
function for each text type. Relational Processes dominate descriptive
texts, while Material Processes appear frequently in procedure texts. In
terms of recount texts, Ria Ricis’ recount texts are dominated by
Material Processes while Atta Halilintar’s recount texts contain
Material Processes, Mental Processes, and Behavioral Processes. The
social function of promotional caption is to sell products and services
online. However, each text type has different social function. In
promotional captions, procedure texts are used to give the readers
instruction on how to buy or get more information about the products.
Meanwhile, recount texts are used to tell the readers about the Ria Ricis
and Atta Halilintar’s past experiences which are related to the products.
Lastly, descriptive texts are used to give details about the products.

Keywords: caption, Instagram, lexicogrammar, promotion, social function

Putri Rizki Lestari1, Eri Kurniawan1, Ruswan Dallyono1
A Transitivity Analysis of Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s Promotional Captions on Instagram

INTRODUCTION usually have more than 10,000

Instagram is considered to be one of followers. They provide unique
the most popular social media. It is contents for the followers and actively
used as a medium for sharing share posts on their Instagram
moments through photographs and accounts. According to De Veirman,
words. As De Veirman, Cauberghe, Cauberghe, and Hudders (2017) the
and Hudders (2017) stated, the feature term “social media influencer” refers
of Instagram enables the users to to the one who builds a sizeable social
share photographs and videos. To network with the followers. It means
write something that describes the that their followers trust them and
photographs or the moments, what they post and write on social
Instagram provides a space called media.
‘caption’ feature. In addition, this
social media is known to have a huge
number of active users. According to
Statista (2019) the number of RESEARCH METHOD
Instagram active users in June 2013 This research aims to discover the
was 90 millions and increased in June lexico-grammatical features and
2018, when Instagram reached 1 social functions of Atta Halilintar and
billion active users. In other words, in Ria Ricis’ promotional captions on
the last five years Instagram has Instagram. The research method
successfully gained an additional 910 which was used to conduct this
millions users. From 1 billion research was qualitative. Qualitative
Instagram active users, 6.2% of them was used because this research
or 62 million active users come from analyzed qualitative privative
Indonesia. documents, guided by some
Among those 62 millions frameworks. Halliday’s transitivity
Indonesian Instagram users, there are analysis (2014) was used to analyze
some people who have influence over the lexico-grammatical features of
their followers. They are called social each text type found in Atta Halilintar
media influencers, the people who and Ria Ricis’ promotional captions.

Passage 2019, 7(3), 72-83

This research involved detailed The Lexico-Grammatical Features

analysis lexico-grammatical features of Procedure Text in Promotional
and social functions of the Captions
promotional captions. The data of this This sub-section provides the lexico-
research was textual, since it was grammatical features of procedure
taken from written promotional texts in Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s
captions that belong to qualitative promotional caption.
privative documents. Table 1.1 Lexico-grammatical
As stated in the research features of Ria Ricis’ procedure
design, this research examined how text
two participants, Atta Halilintar and
Caption Lexico-Grammatica
Ria Ricis, wrote promotional captions
Kemarin ricis ketemu topi Actor: Ricis, kalian
on Instagram. There were fifty
unik ini di tokopedia lucu Material Processes: kete
random promotional captions taken
banget kan yaa? Cocok cek, klik
from Atta Halilintar’s Instagram
banget buat dipake di Goal: topi unik, barang
account while other fifty promotional
panasnya jakarta ini, rekomendasi Ricis yang
captions were taken from Ria Ricis’
kalau kalian cari barang aku, link
Instagram account. The length of
unik yang sama kayak Carrier: Implied topi unik
promotional captions in both Atta
gini atau rekomendasi To be: -
Halilintar and Ria Ricis’ Instagram
ricis yang lain, langsung Attribute: lucu banget, co
accounts were short. Meanwhile, this
cek profile aku di app Circ. Time: Kemarin
research was intended to find the
tokopedia atau langsung Circ. Place: di Tokoped
patterns of promotional captions.
aja klik link di bio aku! Jakarta ini, di Tokopedia, d
Thus, small amounts of data might not
Circ. Manner: langsung
be enough. However, if the amount of
data is more than 100, it might reach
Ria Ricis’ promotional
data saturation point. Therefore, 50
caption in Table 1.1 consists of
promotional captions were taken from
Material Processes and Relational
each Instagram account.
Attributive Processes. The Material
Processes are used to retell her past

Putri Rizki Lestari1, Eri Kurniawan1, Ruswan Dallyono1
A Transitivity Analysis of Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s Promotional Captions on Instagram

events, stating the goal, and giving ta dengan cek search,

instructions to the readers. profil @Tokopedia a follow
Meanwhile, the Relational Attributive ku. Goal:
Processes are used to describe topi Mulai dari Sepatu, barang,
unik that Ria Ricis found in Perlengkapan Vlog, postingan
Tokopedia. Moreover, it has aksesoris setiap hari, aku, apa
circumstances of place, dll bisa kalian temuin aja, Racun
circumstances of time, and dengan klik link di Ala Atta,
circumstances of manner. bio aku. profil
Table 1.2 The Lexico-grammatical Yuk langsung search Tokopedia
features of Atta Halilintar’s dan follow “Atta aku,
procedure text Halilintar” di app Sepatu,
tokopedia atau cek Perlengkap
Caption Lexico-
bio link aku sekarang. an Vlog,
setiap hari,
Guys!! Pasti kalian Actor:
suka pada bingung kalian, aku
kan barang yang aku Material
rekomendasiin tuh Processes:
bio link
belinya dimana? Atau suka,
kalian pernah sampe rekomenda
Sayer: aku
bingung cek siin,
postingan aku satu- belinya,
satu buat tau apa aja sampe,
kasih tau
yang aku suka pakai? cek, buat
Ini aku kasih tau tau, suka,
kalian sebenarnya pakai, bisa
bisa temuin,
temuin #RacunAlaAt klik,

Passage 2019, 7(3), 72-83

Circ. The Lexico-Grammatical Features of

Place: di Recount Text in Promotional Caption

app This sub-section provides the

Tokopedia, lexico-grammatical features of

bio aku recount texts in Ria Ricis and Atta

Prepositio Halilintar’s promotional captions. Ria

n: pada, Ricis uses the recount text to tell the

yang readers about her experience when

Pronoun: she checked her own book in Lippo

di mana Mall Karawaci. Meanwhile, Atta

Adverb: Halilintar uses the caption to tell his

pernah, past events.

sebenarnya Table 1.3. Lexico-grammatical

Adjective: features of Ria Ricis’ recount text

Caption Lexico-
Atta Halilintar’s promotional
caption in Table 1.2 contains Material
Lagi main ke Actor: Ricis,
Processes and Verbal Process.
Lippo Mall kita,
Material Processes dominate the
Karawaci nih unmentioned
promotional caption, while Verbal
ngecek buku kalian
Process is only used for stating the
Ricis. Material
goal. “Aku kasih tau kalian…” The
Alhamdulillaaah Processes:
clauses that belong to Material
h rameeee. main, ngecek,
Processes have entities (kalian and
Ayooo kita main habis, lanjut,
implied you) that physically do
ke gramedia. sampai,
something to other entities (barang,
Udah mau abis kehabisan, bisa
postingan, link in his Instagram
dan skrg ricis lg pesen
biodata and Atta Halilintar’s
lanjut buku
Tokopedia account).

Putri Rizki Lestari1, Eri Kurniawan1, Ruswan Dallyono1
A Transitivity Analysis of Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s Promotional Captions on Instagram

Jangan sampai Goal: buku Table 1.4 Lexico-grammatical

kehabisan. Bs Ricis, buku features of Atta Halilintar’s
pesen onlinen keduanya recount text
juga di Circ. Place: ke
Caption Lexico-
+628571699001 Lippo Mall
2 atau Karawaci, ke
al Features
di @ricisstyle Gramedia, di
2018 Adalah Tahun Token:
Terbaik Aku! Di 2018
2 atau
2015/2016 remaja Relational
di @ricisstyle
tanggung yg punya Identifying
Circ. Time:
duit Ratusan ribu Process:
aja di ATM karna adalah
Adverbs: lagi,
ada ujian yg Value:
udah mau,
menimpa aku... tapi tahun terbaik
Aku selalu ga aku
Adjective: rame
pernah nyerah sejak Carrier:
kecil dan selalu remaja
Ria Ricis’ promotional
punya Mimpi tanggung
caption in Table 1.3 is dominated by
Besar! Relational
Material Processes. They are used to
Tidak menyangka Attributive
tell her past events, for example:
di 2018 yg tadi nya Process:
“Lagi main ke Lippo Mall Karawaci
hanya dibayangan punya
nih ngecek buku Ricis.” Furthermore,
pas tidur di karpet Attribute:
the Material Processes are used to
ruang tengah karna duit ratusan
give the readers instructions. “Bs
gapunya kamar. ribu, mimpi
pesen onlinen juga di
Bisa tinggal besar,
+6285716990012 atau
ditempat nyaman keluarga
di @ricisstyle.”
bisa beli seauatu yg terbesar,
tidak masuk di nalar kamar
ku. Bisa

Passage 2019, 7(3), 72-83

menghidupi banyak Actor: menyangka,

keluarga bisa buka ujian, aku melihat
banyak lapangan Material Phenomeno
kerja yg terus Processes: n: banyak
bertambah Dan bisa menimpa, orang
melihat banyak beli. tuangin Circ. Place:
orng senyum dan Goal: aku, di ATM, di
punya Keluarga sesuatu yang bayangan, di
Terbesar di ASIA tidak masuk karpet,
TENGGARA. di nalarku, di ruang
Segitu dulu @ahhapubli tengah, di
ceritanya nanti aku shing tempat
bakal tuangin Behaver: nyaman, di
di @ahhapublishin aku Asia
g 2019! Behavioral Tenggara
Processes: Circ. Time:
nyerah, sejak kecil,
tidur, 2015/2016,
tinggal, 2018, nanti,
menghidupi, 2019
buka, Preposition
senyum : karena,
Range: yang, tapi
banyak Adverbs:
keluarga, selalu, tidak,
lapangan pernah,
kerja tadinya,
Senser: hanya, bakal
Implied I
Mental Atta Halilintar’s promotional
Processes: caption in Table 1.4 has Relational

Putri Rizki Lestari1, Eri Kurniawan1, Ruswan Dallyono1
A Transitivity Analysis of Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s Promotional Captions on Instagram

Identifying Processes, Relational Body serum Token: Body

Attributive Processes, Material terbaik favorit aku serum
Processes, Mental Processes, and ya SYB sparkling Value:
Behavioral Processes. To open the body serum. Body terbaik
caption, Atta uses Relational serum pemutih Carrier:
Identifying Process. He identifies instan yg cocok body serum
2018 as his best year. However, Atta banget untuk terbaik favorit
uses various Processes to retell his hangout atau aku, body
past events. Relational Attributive pemotretan. serum
Processes are used to tell what he has Sparkling body pemutih
now and what he had then. serum ini ada instan,
Meanwhile, the rest of the story is glitternya jadi sparkling
described using Material Processes, bikin kulitmu body serum
Mental Processes, and Behavioral terlihat natural ini
Processes. glowing.Yg Relational
The Lexico-Grammatical Features penasaran, yuk Attributive
of Descriptive Text in Promotional visit IG nya Processes:
Caption di @sybofficial.id ada, terlihat
This sub-section provides the ya Attribute:
lexico-grammatical features of SYB
descriptive text in Ria Ricis’ sparkling
promotional caption. It is used to body serum,
describe SYB Body Serum. cocok banget,
Table 1.5 Lexico-grammatical glitternya,
features of Ria Ricis’ descriptive natural
text glowing
Actor: yang
Caption Lexico-
l Features
bikin, visit

Passage 2019, 7(3), 72-83

Goal: (1995) believed that procedure text

kulitmu, ig contains temporal conjunction.
nya Conversely, most procedure texts that
Circ. Place: appeared in Atta Hallintar and Ria
di Ricis’ promotional captions did not
@sybofficial. contain temporal conjunction. It was
id because most of the procedure texts
Adverb: buat, only had one instruction. There were
yang some procedure texts that had more
Nouns: than one instruction, but the
hangout, instructions usually acted as optional
pemotretan instructions, for example: “Yuk
langsung search dan follow “Atta
Table 1.5 shows Ria Ricis’ Halilintar” di app tokopedia atau cek
promotional caption which is used to bio link aku sekarang.” Material
promote SYB Sparkling Body Serum. Processes dominate Ria Ricis’ and
It consists of Relational Identifying Atta Halilintar’s procedure texts.
Process, Relational Attributive The recount texts in their
Processes, and Material Processes. promotional caption only contained
The Relational Processes are used to one event or orientation only. Thus,
identify and describe the product. there was nothing that needed to be
Meanwhile, the Material Processes written in sequence. Even though
are used to tell product benefits and to there were some recount texts that
give instructions to the readers, for contained more than one event, the
example: “Yg penasaran, yuk visit IG sentences moved without the help of
nya di @sybofficial.id ya.” temporal conjunction. As an example,
The lexico-grammatical even though Ria Ricis retells her past
features of each text type that appears events in sequence, they are not
in Atta Halilintar and Ria Ricis’ marked by temporal conjunction.
promotional captions were covert. As “Hari ini bahagia melayani semua
an example, Gerot and Wignell sahabat dari Surabaya

Putri Rizki Lestari1, Eri Kurniawan1, Ruswan Dallyono1
A Transitivity Analysis of Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s Promotional Captions on Instagram

jajan @surabayapatata dan ludesss! promotional captions were informal

Antrian gak berhenti. Semua pengen and friendlier. As an example, to offer
nyicip cake kekinian.” Material the product, printed promotional texts
Processes dominate Ria Ricis’ contain the following clause:
recount texts. However, Mental “Dengan ini kami menyampaikan
Processes and Behavioral Processes penawaran” (Kristina, Hashima, and
also appear in Atta Halilintar’s Hariharan, 2017, p. 428). However,
recount texts. promotional captions contain
The descriptive texts that friendlier and more informal
appear in promotional captions sentence, such as: “Panda egg?
consisted of product details, positive Patpat zoo? Siapa mauu.”
evaluations, and benefits of the Promotional captions were made by
products. This required the texts to be social media influencers and distance
filled by adjectives that describe the should be cut in order to make the
writer’s personal opinions. Relational followers feel closer to them.
Processes dominate descriptive texts
in both Atta Halilintar and Ria Ricis’ CONCLUSION
promotional captions. Various lexico- In conclusion, the social function of
grammatical features are possible to promotional caption is to promote
occur, as stated by Bhatia (2005): “… products and services and to make
It can boast of some of the most varied people interested in buying those
and innovative uses of lexico- products and services. Atta Halilintar
grammatical and discoursal forms” and Ria Ricis’ promotional captions
(p. 2). contain descriptive, procedure, and
In addition, the word-choice recount texts. In promotional captions,
in printed promotional texts were procedure texts are used to give the
different from the word choice in readers instruction on how to buy or get

promotional captions. The word- more information about the products.

Meanwhile, recount texts are used to tell
choice of printed promotional texts
the readers about the Ria Ricis and Atta
were more polite and formal.
Halilintar’s past experiences which are
Conversely, the word-choice of

Passage 2019, 7(3), 72-83

related to the products. Lastly, The length of these

descriptive texts are used to give details promotional captions are short
about the products. In terms of lexico- because they appear on Instagram, a
grammatical features, Relational multimodal medium. The readers’
Processes dominate descriptive texts, attention might be split between
while Material Processes dominate pictures and texts if the texts were too
procedure texts. Mental Processes and long and were not interested enough
Behavioral Proccesses appear for the readers. Moreover, digital
frequently in Atta Halilintar’s recount genre allows the readers read non-
text. Meanwhile, Ria Ricis’ recount linearly. If they were uninterested to
texts are dominated by Material the texts, they could choose to leave
Processes. the page.
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A Transitivity Analysis of Ria Ricis and Atta Halilintar’s Promotional Captions on Instagram

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