Eapp Module 4

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English for Academic

and Professional



This instructional material was developed based from the Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELC) in English for Academic and Professional
Purposes in response to the new normal scheme in learning delivery of the
Department of Education. This module was collaboratively reviewed by educators
and program specialists in the Regional Office V. We encourage teachers and
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We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education Republic of the Philippines

Effective reading and writing involve critical analysis and a deeper
understanding of the topic. It is very crucial to know various techniques and styles in
developing reading and writing. In this module, you will able to learn how to identify
and write a thesis statement. You will learn how to unify ideas and control specific
details into a simpler and clearer statement. Also, you will able to identify the
supporting details from the essays/texts and write, respectively. Thus, knowing what
thesis statement is will enable you to write an essay/text effectively.


At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. State the thesis statement of an academic text.


Here are the terms you will come across as you go through this module.

Thesis statement is a single sentence, preferably a simple declarative sentence, that

expresses the basic idea around which the paper will develop.
(Webster University It states the purpose and main idea of your
essay to your audience.
The thesis statement declares the main purpose of the entire paper.
Claim is an assertion that supports a thesis.
Counterclaims are simply the arguments opponents make to refute your claims
Evidence is the information that supports a claim and persuades others to believe you.
Supporting details are pieces of information necessary to better understand the main
idea. They can be facts, reasons, testimonies, statistics, and
experiments that support the topic sentence.
Major Details directly support the topic sentence
Minor Details directly support the major details


Instructions: Each set contains one topic, one thesis statement, and two supporting
sentences. Label each item as T for the topic, TH for the thesis statement, and S for
supporting sentences. Write the answer in your activity notebook.

Set A.

A. People listen to audiobooks while doing other tasks, such as commuting or

B. Audiobooks are more convenient than printed books for several reasons

C. Listeners hear dramatization of a printed by actual author or an actor.

_D. Audiobooks.

Set B.

A. A radiologic technology degree allows a person to work in medical settings

where x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, sonograms and other diagnostic imaging is
B. There are many career opportunities for those in the medical sciences.

C. A person who obtains a degree in phlebotomy is able to work as a clinical

laboratory technician.
D. Medical science

Set C.

A. Study skills
B. Time management is essential when juggling deadlines and other
C. Notetaking provides a student with the opportunity to review information later.
D. Strong study skills are needed if you want to be successful in college.

Set D.

A. Shingles
B. People should be aware of the symptoms of shingles, a neurological disease.
C. Burning pain is one of the first symptoms of shingles

D. Painful skin rash and blisters often follow the burning pain.

Set E.

A. Dogs should be trained at an early age.

B. A puppy can be housebroken as soon as he or she is brought home.
C. Dogs
E. A puppy should be trained not to bite or “mouth” people, especially children.

What is a Thesis Statement?

● A controlling idea about the topic that the writer is attempting to prove. It is
usually found at the beginning of the text or at the end of it.
● The central idea of a multiple-paragraph composition. A one-sentence
summary that guides, controls, and unifies ideas when writing a paper. In
simple terms, all other ideas present in a text revolve around the thesis
● The thesis statement may be expressed or implied.

Why do we have to write a thesis statement?

We must write thesis statement:

● to test your ideas by narrowing them into a sentence or two

● to better organize and develop argument
● to provide the reader with “guide” to the argument

What are the characteristics of a good thesis statement?

● A good thesis statement takes a stand on the prompt.
● A good thesis statement is specific.
● A good thesis statement is unified and expresses one main idea.
● A good thesis statement does not simply state a fact but sets the stage for
analysis of a topic.

A thesis statement, unlike a usual topic or titles, uses a complete sentence. Consider the following

“Necessity of a college education” This is more of a title than a thesis statement

“College education is important” Although is a sentence, this statement is
“Getting a college degree is important This is an example of an accurately written
because it will equip a student to become a thesis statement; it has one subject and at
professional in his/her chosen field and it will least two arguments.
widen his/her perspective of the world”.

Generating a thesis statement can be done through various methods. Consider the following:
Topic: Jogging
Question: Why jogging is beneficial?
Thesis Statement: Jogging is beneficial because it positively affects physical well-being
and mental fitness.
As shown above, one strategy that you can use in writing a thesis statement is through
asking a question. After identifying the topic, ask questions that would answer multiple details.
The answer to this question is most likely your thesis statement.

Consider another example.

Topic: Tagaytay

Question: (1) Is Tagaytay City an enthralling city of the South

(2) Why is Tagaytay City considered an enthralling city of the South?

Thesis Statement: (1) Tagaytay City is an enthralling city of the South.

(2) Tagaytay City is an enthralling city of the South because of its beautiful landscape,
amazing people and sumptuous food.

The topic in the example above is “Tagaytay City.” The first question which was generated
may be answered by a thesis statement with implied or abstract details. The second question, on
the other hand, may be answered by a thesis statement with explicit and concrete details. Note
that both versions of the thesis statement are acceptable.

1. It should be written in a complete sentence with clearly stated subject.

2. It should not be too narrow nor too broad, and it should contain at least two details. If the
details you generate are already definite examples, then your thesis statement is too
specific. If you can only write general statements because there are too many details, then
it should be broad.
You can also try to list ideas to check the scope of your topic. If you cannot list at least two
details, it is too narrow; if you list too many information to be able to discuss it well, your
topic is too broad.

3. Avoid an awkward thesis statement which states the obvious. These statements usually
start with the phrase “I will tell you…” or “I will talk about…”

4. Enumerated details should have the same level of significance. If one of the details can
be classified under another detail, you cannot omit.

5. It should not state an absolute fact, because it will not present any central idea that can
developed further. It should have a point.


1. It should follow the basics already discussed in the thesis statement.
A. It must be written in a complete sentence and with a clear subject.
B. It should not be phrased awkwardly, and it should not state the obvious. An
awkward topic sentence is characterized by sentences that start with “I will tell
2. It should contain one detail which is related to one of the details in the thesis statement.

Sample Thesis Statement:

Rizal Park, which is in Manila, is a reminder of our nationalism and revolution.

3. It should vary structure across paragraphs. If the topic sentences are uniform
throughout your essay, they might seem monotonous to read. Varying the structure
will also enable you to stress important parts.
4. If the composition is just one paragraph, the topic sentence should be straightforward.

These details are pieces of information necessary to better understand the main idea.
They can be facts, reasons, testimonies, statistics, and experiments that support the topic
Major Details directly support the topic sentence
Minor Details directly support the major details
Sample Paragraph
Tagaytay is an enthralling city of the South because of its stunning landscape, hospitable
people, and delicious foods. The city has a magnificent scenery that never fails to capture the
awe of its visitors. One major tourist spot that exudes the beauty of Tagaytay is Taal Volcano, the
smallest volcano in the world. The lake which surrounds it is another attraction that cannot be
missed. The city is also characterized by the warmth of its people, the Caviteños. They bring them
their smiles as they welcome both local and foreign visitors. Aside from these, Tagaytay is also
known for its sumptuous native foods. Tourists who drop by the city make it a point to try
Tagaytay’s famous bulalo and other delicacies.


Practice Task 1

Now that you know how a thesis statement is made, you can prepare to begin
writing your own. To start, you need a topic that is neither too broad nor too narrow.

Suppose, for example, that a teacher asks you to write a paper on marriage. Such
a subject is too broad to cover an essay. What you need is to limit your subject. Narrowing
it down until you have a thesis that you can deal with specifically in about five hundred
words. In the box that follows are (1) Several general subjects, (2) a limited version of each
general subject, and (3) a thesis statement about each limited subject.

General Subject Limited Subject Thesis

Children Disciplining of children We have several effective ways of
disciplining our children.
Family Older sister My older sister helped me in
understanding the modules.
Smartphones mobile device Smartphones are useful in our studies.

Here is the list of ten general subjects. Write a thesis statement about each of the five
limited subjects.

1. Pets
2. Teenagers
3. Internet
4. Covid19
5. Work
6. College
7. Vacation
8. Money
9. Cooking
10. Shopping


HINT To create a thesis statement for a limited subject, ask yourself,
“What point do I want to make about (my limited subject)?”

Practice Task 2
A. Instructions: Write a thesis statement for each of the topic sentences. Write the
answer in your activity notebook.

1. Topic Sentences: Jogging prevents heart disease.

Jogging prevents some forms of cancer.
Jogging helps treat diabetes.
Thesis Statement

2. Topic Sentences: Automated election reduces costs.

It is faster.
Digital archiving of results is also achieved.
Thesis Statement:

3. Topic Sentences: Korean pop uses wide-ranging audio-visual elements.

It uses synchronized dance formation.
K-pop uses colorful fashion.

Thesis Statement:

B. Instructions: Write a topic sentence for each set of supporting details.

4. Supporting Details: Insert your ATM card.

Enter your personal identification number.
Enter the amount of money.
Get your cash and receipt.
Topic Sentence:

5. Supporting Details: Red stimulates appetite.

Yellow elicits the feeling of comfort when eating.
Green makes you feel that the food you eat is healthy and safe.
Gray decreases your appetite.
Topic Sentence:

6. Supporting Details: Malware makes the computer stable.
It can be used in hacking and stealing information.
Topic Sentence:

C. Instruction: Write three supporting details (major details) for each topic sentence.
1. Topic Sentence: Lack of sleep has negative effects on your appearance.

Supporting Detail

Supporting Detail 2:

Supporting Detail

Practice Task 3
Instructions: Read the text carefully and answer the questions that follow. Write
the answer in your activity notebook.
The Golden Age of Comics
(1) The period from the late 1930s to the middle 1940s is known as the golden age of comic
books. The modern comic book came in the early 1930s in the United States as a giveaway
premium to promote the sale of the whole range of household products such as cereal and
cleanser. The comic books, which are printed in bright colours to attract the attentions of potential
customers, proved so popular that some publishers decided to produce comic books that would
come out on a monthly basis and would sell for a dime each. Though comic strips had been
reproduced in publications prior to this time, the Famous Funnies comic book, which was started
in 1934, marked the first occasion that a serialized book of comics was attempted.
(2) Early comic books reprinted already existing comic strips and comics based on known
characters, however, publishers soon began introducing original characters developed specially
for comic books. Superman was introduced in Action Comics in 1938, and Batman was introduced
a year later. The tremendous success of these superhero comic books led to the development of
numerous comic books on a variety of topics, though superhero comic book predominated.
Astonishingly, by 1945, approximately 160 different comic books were being published in the
United States each month, and 90 percent of US children were said to read comic books on a
regular basis
Answer the following:
1. Identify the thesis statement of the selection.

2. How are the ideas arranged in the selection? Give at least 5 supporting details based on
the selection.

Instructions. Choose the best thesis statement for each essay prompt. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What are the benefits of participating in sports?

A. Some benefits of participating in sports include good health, working on a team, and a

B. Some benefits of participating in sports include having good health, the ability to work on a
team, and a competitive spirit.

C. Some benefits of participating in sports include having good healthy, the ability to working on
a team, and a competitive spirited.

2. Does technology help students learn more efficiently?

A. New technologies such as online search engines allow students to learn better, faster and more
in depth.

B. Students using new technologies such as online search engines means they learn best, fast and
most depth.

C. Having students use new technologies such as online search engines enable they to learn
better, faster and more in depth.

3. Which is better: classroom-based learning or online learning?

A. Some benefits of online learning are ease of scheduling, lower costs than classroom-based
learning, and flexible time for studying.

B. Compared to classroom based learning, online learning is easier to schedule, costs less, and has
more flexible studying options.

C. Some benefits of online learning are its scheduling, cost, and flexibility.

4. What are the advantages or disadvantages of online learning?

A. Some disadvantages of online learning are the lack of face-to-face classroom contact and the
jam-packed schedules of learners.

B. Some disadvantages of online learning are that face-to-face classroom contact is lacking and
the schedules of learners are jam-packed.

C. Some disadvantages of online learning are the lacking of face-to-face classroom contact and
the jam-packed scheduling of learners.

5. What is the ideal college class?

A. An ideal college class would be educational, be entertaining, and also be enlightening.

B. The ideal college class will be educating, entertainment, and enlightened.

C. The ideal college class is educational, entertaining, and enlightening.

Instructions: Read the following thesis statements. Identify each as weak or strong. For
those that are weak, list the reasons why. Then revise the weak statements so that they
conform to the requirements of a strong thesis. Write the answers in your notebook.

1. While cell phones provide freedom and mobility, they can also become a
leash,compelling users to answer them anywhere and at any time.
2. The government must expand its funding for COVID-19 pandemic.

3. In this essay, I will give you a lot of reasons why marijuana should not be
legalizedin the Philippines
4. Because many children’s toys have potential safety hazards that could lead to
injury,it is clear that not all children’s toys are safe.
5. My experience with young children has taught me that I want to be a
disciplinaryparent because I believe that a child without discipline can be a
parent’s worst nightmare.


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